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The True Cost Of Wind Power

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The True Cost of Wind | Ryan M. Yonk

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Applauded by many governments around the world as one of the cleanest initiatives for the generation of energy, the wind industry is also one of the most expensive and heavily subsidized, compared with other power generation alternatives. Ryan M. Yonk, Research Fellow at the Independent Institute, presents interesting and little-known facts, which demystify wind power's efficiency, cost, and benefits for the environment.


00:00 Opening

00:10 History of Energy Policy 00:40 The True Cost of Wind

03:45 Federal Policies on Energy Subsidies

10:05 Federal Wind-Related Initiatives

12:05 Production Tax Credit

15:53 Cost of the Wind after Federal Policies

17:25 State Policies: Renewable Portfolio Standards

22:26 Total Costs

24:58 Social and Environmental Costs

27:38 Policy Implications

29:35 Closing


Prezi presentation

The True Cost of Energy: Wind | Read the full report here:

About Ryan M. Yonk:

Ryan M. Yonk is Research Fellow at the Independent Institute, Research Director for the Center for Public Lands and Rural Economics in the Department of Economics at Utah State University, and Assistant Professor of Political Science at Southern Utah University. He received his PhD in political science from Georgia State University.

More information about Ryan M. Yonk

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There is another cost being silently recognised in Germany relating to the effect of cutting down millions of acres of trees necessary to improve the efficiency of wind farms across the countryside. The side effect, apart from destroying the oxygen producing trees that are also important habitats for fauna, is that there is a profound effect on rainfall, which is directly connected to terpenes and transpiration. Take away the trees and you take away the rain... amongst many other things. The stupidity is simply immeasurable.

Where I live in Hawaii about 20 wind turbines were erected on the side of West Maui Mountain. I thought that I would see a decrease in my electric bill. But I was wrong. What we get is an electric bill with a wind surcharge added to it causing my electric bill to rise.

Great presentation. It confirms what I thought about wind. It is expensive, and that cost is understated. Also of course it is a great bird killer, approximately 300,000 birds per year in the U.S. The costs are not all seen in the utility bill but a lot is. Much of the bill is lets face it in our deficit. The wind is reliable I suppose, the fact is though, wind machines in best case scenarios only run 40% of the time at high cost.

Socialism is coming though the backdoor of renewable Energy. Their lobbyists fight against the research on nuclear fusion and the media is in their pockets.

PTC'S, production tax credits, in other words subsidies from taxpayers are paying thru the nose to the tune of 10 yrs of subsidies, because these turbines can't pay their way without us. For every megawatt they produce they have to have coal or gas standby electricity. Most inefficient way known to man to produce electricity.
  We get a lot of confusion in the UK, because just about all the info comes from America where gas and coal are subsidised. So we get lots of people, when subsidies to renewables are brought up, insisting that fossil fuels are also subsidised, when in fact they are not. The UK has no subsidies on coal, gas, or oil and the government have stated that many times, but threy refuse to believe it because everything they have heard or read comes from the USA. In fact coal and gas have a 15% carbon tax plus a 5% sales tax. Gas and diesel have a 15% carbon tax, plus a fuel tax, and plus a 20% sales tax, in total making them around 3 times the cost in the USA. That is why we all drive small cars.


Read 8452 times Last modified on Monday, 15 November 2021 20:28