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Australian Constitution & High Treason. 3.

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 I have never given anyone permission to curtail my freedom of speech.

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Do Australians have a right to freedom of speech?


I have never given anyone permission to curtail my freedom of speech. Megalomaniac governments can inflict violence upon me for speaking but my right to speak is innate.. It exists regardless of some statute bullshit that some stranger writes. A far greater crime than speaking is the countless acts of intimidation and violence that the corporate "government" perpetrates continuously.
The law in Australia doesn't provide for free speech, but it can and does restrict what the people who created it are allowed to say, hear, read, think and do (No different to Pol Pot or Kim jong un really?). Australians fought and died defending this country from fascism, communism and currently religious fanaticism. They stopped and are still trying to stop any attempts at controlling our rights and freedom including we are allowed to say and think. So I also get "offended" when I hear people so blithely sacrificing what few rights we have left as if it's nothing, and not being able to do a thing about it, except at election time. Unfortunately, the big three all support replacing what little Australian culture there is with multiculturalism (or a type of Disneyland multiculturalism with all the costumes and none of the bad bits like ethnic and religious violence that these same people supposedly escaped from and left behind to start a new life in Australia. If I want to see another culture I can visit unless it's unsafe and they might kill me in the name of their religion because of what I look like (i.e. white Australian male, an endangered minority like the rhino in a world context). My right to swing a fist ends where the other persons nose begins. It shouldn't extend to someone being arrested and imprisoned just because they've hurt someone else's feelings by what they say, if they genuinely believe it). It's called being an adult. Otherwise both parties end up being offended, and then who is right? Is it fair one side should be legally gagged and intimidated for having genuine concerns about an issue. This is unjust and quite reasonably causes resentment and frustration and if not addressed goes underground and festers, which is literally just hiding the problem. So yeah let's have free speech, We deserve it.



Constitutional law protection
The Australian Constitution does not explicitly protect freedom of expression. However, the High Court has held that an implied freedom of political communication exists as an indispensible part of the system of representative and responsible government created by the Constitution.May 1, 2013

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We have taken the following article from CIRNow .

Know Your Constitution

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The old Australian Constitution. What will the new one look like? 

The 1901 Constitution establishes the framework of the main political institutions – legislature, executive and judicature – the relationships between them, and the powers of the Federal Parliament in relation to the States.

Technically, it is an act of the British Parliament passed in 1900. The Australia Act in 1986 was designed to sever colonial rule over Australia by Great Britain. However, as this Act was never ratified by the people voting in a referendum, as is required to amend the Constitution, all Acts and Laws since then are technically illegal.

We can interpret the constitution:

  • Literally – Some sections must be followed exactly as stated.
  • Conventionally – or through constitutional conventions that put power into the hands of elected politicians to act…ideally, they should act as true representatives of the people, but we have seen the political parties usurp that role instead, and ignore Constitutional law.

The Australian Constitution is an Act of the British Parliament. The Australian Constitution actually starts at Section 9 and is called, “An Act to Constitute the Commonwealth of Australia”.

The first 8 sections were designed to establish that the six British colonies in Australia agreed to unite in a federal commonwealth. The new system of government that the constitution laid out was not imposed on the Australian people by the British Parliament.

However, even though the Australia Act was passed by Parliament, it was never ratified by a referendum of the people. In effect, the Australia Act sought to change the status of our nation without a Constitutional amendment.So where does this leave us legally?

Know Your Rights Under the Law

The answer is confusing. According to a high court of Australia ruling in Sue V Hill 1999 HCA 30 ruled, “At the very least, the Commonwealth of Australia was transformed into a sovereign, independent nation with the enactment of the Australia acts. The consequence of that transformation is that the United Kingdom is now a foreign power for the purposes of s44 (i) of the constitution”.

Despite this, Australian governments refer to the “Queen of Australia”. Yet we do not have a Queen. So, who is she?

We urge every Australian to read and think about the questions raised in this page:

The following is a simple explanation of the structure of our Constitution:

(Thanks to for the following)

Chapter 1 – The Parliament

This chapter establishes the Commonwealth Parliament as the Legislative Branch of government.

  • Part 1 establishes its legislative power in Australia and provides for a Governor-General, representing the Queen, with power to summon Parliament.
  • Part 2 provides for the composition and election of the Senate, and the filling of Senate vacancies. It details quorums, voting arrangements and the procedure for election of a President of the Senate.
  • Part 3 provides for the composition and election of the House of Representatives and the filling of House vacancies. It details quorums, voting arrangements and the procedure for election of a Speaker of the House of Representatives.
  • Part 4 deals with matters applicable to both houses of Parliament, particularly the qualification of members and the privileges of the Parliament.
  • Part 5 deals with the powers of the Parliament and provides a list of 40 paragraphs of specific powers. This part also deals with the joint powers of the houses and the means of resolving disagreements between the houses.

Chapter 2 – The Executive Government


This chapter deals with the Executive Government, the branch of government which carries out and enforces the laws. It provides for the exercise of executive power by the Governor-General advised by an Executive Council. Section 64 stipulates that Ministers are to be Members of Parliament, the only section of the Constitution that refers to the system of Responsible Government.

Chapter 3 – The Judicature

This chapter provides for the establishment of the Judicature, the branch of government dealing with the courts of law. Section 71 provides that the judicial power of the Commonwealth is vested in the High Court of Australia and other federal courts established by the Parliament. Other sections deal with the appointment, tenure and removal from office of judges of the High Court and other courts. Section 76 gives power to the Parliament to determine the jurisdiction of the High Court.

Chapter 4 – Finance and Trade

This chapter deals with finance and trade. One of the most important sections is Section 83 which provides that no money is to be drawn from the Treasury except under an appropriation by law. Other sections deal with customs duties, requiring that they be uniform throughout the Commonwealth. Section 92 requires that trade and commerce among the states shall be absolutely free – in other words, no state may impose a tax or customs duty on goods being imported from another state.

Section 96 empowers the Commonwealth Parliament to grant financial assistance to the States.

Section 105A, inserted by referendum in 1929, deals with the taking over by the Commonwealth of States’ debts.

Chapter 5 – The States

This chapter deals with the States, providing for the continuance of their constitutions, parliamentary powers and laws.

Section 109 provides for Commonwealth law to prevail over State law, but only in those cases where State law is inconsistent with Commonwealth law.

Other sections prohibit the States from coining money, raising armed forces or discriminating against the residents of other States. This section also requires that the Commonwealth is to protect the states against invasion or domestic violence.

Chapter 6 – New States

This chapter deals with the procedures for the establishment of new States and provides for the surrender of territories to the Commonwealth by States.

Chapter 7 – Miscellaneous

This Miscellaneous chapter has two sections, one dealing with the establishment of the seat of government, the other providing for the appointment of deputies of the Governor-General.

Section 127, dealing with the counting of Aborigines in censuses, was deleted by referendum in 1967. Despite this, we see Aboriginal activists demanding recognition. Apparently, they don’t understand Section 127 that already does this.

Chapter 8 – Alteration of the Constitution

This chapters deals with Alteration of the Constitution. It provides that proposals for constitutional alteration be initiated by the Parliament and approved in a referendum by a majority of voters Australia-wide and a majority of voters in a majority of States.


The Schedule attached to the Constitution contains the oath or affirmation to be taken by Members of Parliament before they take their seats.

Note that there is no mention of a Prime Minister or the powers that should limit one. There is no mention of political parties or how they might be empowered to govern.

The Constitution only lays out the structure of a government, but leaves the actual arrangements for setting up a government open. As a result, the political parties have designed a system that empowers them to act over us, to pass laws without our permission, to tax us without out consent. It’s no wonder our political system is in such a mess!


Section 128;  This Constitution shall not be altered except in the following manner:

By the People.

Australian Constitution Section 128 “Our Constitution may be altered only with the APPROVAL OF THE PEOPLE at a Referendum.

The Constitution of Australia is the supreme law under which the Australian Commonwealth Government operates.  The Constitution consists of several documents and the most important one is the "Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia."  The Constitution was approved in referendums held over 1898 to 1900 by the people of the Australian colonies and the approved draft was enacted as a section of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (Imp), an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.  The Commission of Assent was signed by Queen Victoria on 9 July 1900, upon which the Constitution became law.  The Constitution came into force on 1 January 1901.  Even though the Constitution was originally given legal force by an Act of the United Kingdom parliament, the Australia Acts removed the power of the United Kingdom parliament to change the Constitution and only the Australian people can amend it (by referendum).

Other pieces of legislation have constitutional significance for Australia.  These are the Statute of Westminster, as adopted by the Commonwealth in the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 and the Australia Act 1986, which was passed in equivalent forms by the Parliaments of every Australian state, the United Kingdom, and the Australian Federal Parliament.  Together, these Acts had the effect of severing all constitutional links between Australia and the United Kingdom.  Even though the same person, Queen Elizabeth II, is the monarch of both countries she acts in a distinct capacity as monarch of each.

Under Australia's common law system, the High Court of Australia and the Federal Court of Australia have the authority to interpret constitutional provisions. Their decisions determine the interpretation and application of the constitution.  [Ref: Wikipedia]

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Sir David Smith explains how most Australians don't know Australia has a written Constitution and the Constitution is an inbuilt safeguard that ensures any government that seeks to change the Australian Constitution, must first get the approval of the Australian Public as outlined in Section 128 of the Australian Constitution.

Australia has a Constitution which gives Australian people the right to vote on major changes to Australia through Referendums (More on this further below).

Section 128:  Australian Constitution Section 128 “Our Constitution may be altered only with the APPROVAL OF THE PEOPLE at a Referendum.”

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We acknowledge Mike Holt of CIRNow (formerly Restore Australia), for allowing us permission to use his article below on Section 128 of the Australian Constitution:

- Beginning Quote -

This is Section 128 of the 1901 Constitution that we want to change so that We the People have the power to achieve the Australia we want.

The change we are advocating is to amend Section 128 of the current Constitution by adding a paragraph to allow Citizens (as well as the Parliament), the right to initiate referenda to change the Constitution. At present, only our elected representatives in the House can initiate referendums. Then they allow the people to vote on them.

Ever since the constitution came into being in 1901 there have been 45 referendums, yet only 8 have been approved by the people.

The change to Section 128 of the Constitution we are advocating would then be as shown below with the changes in bold type.

Note: 1% of eligible voters equates to about 140,000 signatures.


Section 128;  This Constitution shall not be altered except in the following manner:

By the People.

Any elector or group of electors vote for the election of the House of Representatives may initiate a proposal to change this Constitution by submitting a Petition to the Governor General.  The Petition shall include the proposed alteration of this Constitution.  On receipt of such a Petition signed by not less than one per cent of the electors qualified to vote for the election of the House of Representatives, and verified by the Electoral Commissioner, the Governor-General shall within three months submit the proposal to referendum.

By the Parliament.

A proposed law by the Parliament for the alteration thereof must be passed by an absolute majority of each House of the Parliament, and not less than two nor more than six months after its passage through both Houses.  The proposed law shall be submitted in each State and Territory to the electors qualified to vote for the election of members of the House of Representatives.

Also, if either House passes any such proposed law by an absolute majority, and the other House rejects or fails to pass it, or passes it with any amendment to which the first-mentioned House will not agree.  Then if after an interval of three months the first-mentioned House in the same or the next session again passes the proposed law by an absolute majority with or without any amendment which has been made or agreed to by the other House, and such other House rejects or fails to pass it or passes it with any amendment to which the first-mentioned House will not agree.  The Governor-General may submit the proposed law as last proposed by the first-mentioned House, and either with or without any amendments subsequently agreed to by both Houses, to the electors in each State and Territory qualified to vote for the election of the House of Representatives.

When a proposed law is submitted to the electors the vote shall be taken in such manner as the Parliament prescribes. But until the qualification of electors of members of the House of Representatives becomes uniform throughout the Commonwealth, only one-half the electors voting for and against the proposed law shall be counted in any State in which adult suffrage prevails.

And if in a majority of the States a majority of the electors voting approve the proposed law, and if a majority of all the electors voting also approve the proposed law, it shall be presented to the Governor-General for the Queen’s assent.

No alteration diminishing the proportionate representation of any State in either House of the Parliament, or the minimum number of representatives of a State in the House of Representatives, or increasing, diminishing, or otherwise altering the limits of the State, or in any manner affecting the provisions of the Constitution in relation thereto, shall become law unless the majority of the electors voting in that State approve the proposed law.

In this section, Territory means any territory referred to in section one hundred and twenty-two of this Constitution in respect of which there is in force a law allowing its representation in the House of Representatives.

- End Quote -


The unfortunate fact is that due to lack of education on this topic in schools (equates to dumbing down of the population - treason again?), few Australians know much about their constitution and do not know they have no Bill of Rights, which means Australians really have no rights.  Over the many years Australians have been building the nation, fighting in wars, there has been no organizational legal entity built to represent them and right for Bill of Rights..    

The Australian government has been making major changes to the governance of the country for many years without telling the people the real facts.  They violates the Australian nation by destroying the manufacturing and reducing the number of farmers. For instance, some controversial examples which SHOULD have been decided by peoples referendums.

  1. The government Abolition of the White Australia Policy.
  2. The government should have given Self-determination to the Aboriginal People.
  3. The destruction of the manufacturing industry due to the Lima Agreement
  4. Signing up for Agenda 21, now updated to Agenda 2030
  5. Race Relations Act
  6. Carbon Tax
    A carbon pricing scheme in Australia, commonly dubbed as a "carbon tax" was introduced by the Gillard Labor Government in 2011 and operated until it was repealed on 17 July 2014, and backdated to 1 July 2014.  The Emission Reduction Fund was subsequently set up by the Abbott government in December 2014.
  7. Coal Seam Gas As outlined by Dr. Alex St John in his article The coal Seam Gas Debate, Coal seam gas (CSG), is a polarising issue in some communities.  Proponents argue that CSG is a vital energy resource necessary for continued gas supplies. Opponents claim that CSG could have serious environmental and social impacts.
  8. Same-Sex Marriage

One excuse given for not having referendums is that it is "too expensive."  We believe that if election voting was held via the Internet, referendums could be included at the same time.  Alternatively, in the absence of online elections, papers could be included on referendums on election days or even separately at a set time every few years.   Australians should ask themselves;  "Do they really have a government that represents them?"  From our observations, we would say "No!"  The three major political parties - Australian Labor Party (Fabian leaders), Liberal National Party and the Greens (Marxists), are under one single party because all three parties want to completely destroy manufacturing, farming and natural resources used by its people.  The Australian people must realize that they have to set up and unite all organizations to represent themselves and start campaigning against the oligarchies which run the country.  There are several groups/political parties, for example, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party, CIR Now, Australian Sovereignty Party etc.



We recommend that Australians and people worldwide campaign for a Canon Direct Democracy system to be introduced in Australia and move to abolish the political parties sometime in the future.  While some control may be gained by utilizing Section 128 of the Constitution, nothing major can happen without a direct democracy.


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Australian Constitution [video 1/4]

Australian constitution [Video 2/4]

Australian constitution [video 3/4]

Australian constitution [video 4/4]


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Labor's Evil Plan for Australia - Agenda 21 Genocide Plan

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Australian Politician tells Truth & Exposes Agenda 21, Club of Rome

Ann Bressington Exposes Agenda 21, Club of Rome, Sustainable Development, at the Lord Monckton Launch 2 Feb 2013 at the Adelaide Convention Centre. Please Share this Video with your Family, Friends and Workmates and bring pressure to bear on your local Members of Parliament.

sovereign sun

This sums up how the Australian government are conducting criminal activities against Australians and forfeiting any rights they have as a government of the Australian people
Australia was sold out in 1975 the lima agreement was signed to reduce employment and manufacturing by 30% these sectors are now 90% obsolete and its not stopping this was in exchange for third world immigrants so they could use larger offshore slavery operations the government is acting illegally and is guilty of high treason there closing shop on Australians while they rob our resources and drive the people into unpaid labour which they invest hundreds of millions into of tax payers dollars for there corporate offshore handlers gov runs nothing there just in the way of progress.
Metal Mack
Global warming is a big gag! They control the weather, through HAARP. In the United States, they dumped Chemtrails on us daily. They put the Neurotoxin Fluoride in our water supply. They have ruined the food that God created, replacing it with GMO'S. They give deadly vaccines to newborn babies and cause autism, because a popular of critical thinking citizens are harder to manage than people who have mental health disorder's. In America, they've built FEMA death camp's along with 70,000 guillotines and plastic coffins, that can fit up to 5 people. This year they are going to roll out the 5G internet. This means major radiation. The Vatican is always involved. People in their 60's and early 70's are coming down with Alzheimer's. This is a slow kill biological warfare on the citizens of the United States. I believe it's going on everywhere. Please read the Georgia Guidestones. This is Eugenics. President Trump wants to build a wall, just like Hitler. It's not to keep people out. It's to keep us in. The people who the Elite deem worthy to live, will be slaves. The have been using the TV to program people, without their knowledge. Of course this isn't the only thing they use. They also spy on everyday average citizens. I don't just mean, a few people, who are breaking the law, I mean everyone, unless you're in a Luciferin Secret society, like most members of the government. This is purely satanic! It's all in the Bible. This is why they've been taking God out of everything and erecting Baphomet statues and the Georgia Guidestones. These are the 10 satanic Commandments. The first one says, keep the population at or below 500 million people, in perpetual balance with nature. The only protection we have is Jesus Christ.
truth seeker
Global communism based on environment that is what agenda 21 is. If you think communism died with the fall of the USSR, think again. Agenda 21 is the communists long term goal and was planned at the start of the twentieth century. Now it is being rolled out.
writeract2 La Principessa Anne
"90% of Australia's agriculture & manufacturing just gone".

The effects of the ALP/LNP Lima Declaration 1975:  manufacturing was gone


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Anonymous - Australia Getting Ready for The United Nations Take Over

Wayne Glew - The Constitution and your Rights


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This is a much watch 4 part series from Australia. Agenda 21 is the driver for the NWO and sustainability. The goal......end of property rights and with it the end of all rights..for without the right to property you are property. It is time for all in the West regardless of country to rise up and put a stop to the takeover of our rights and countries. Freedom or's up to us to take back what is ours.

End of Property Rights in Australia and the rest of the Free World pt1

End of Property Rights in Australia and the rest of the Free World pt2

End of Property Rights in Australia and the rest of the Free World pt3




The Election Story Which Woke Australians to Their Common Law Rights and Responsibilities


 A Muddy Pond called Australia (The Election Story Which Woke Australians to Their Common Law Rights and Responsibilities)

A Muddy Pond called Australia (an update on the above video)


Elijah's Challenge

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Brian William Shaw on the Australian Constitution

ELIJAHS CHALLENGE Brian William Shaw is a man that is fighting for every ones freedom in the Australian courts, a real HERO for all Australians to look upon, stand up Australia or live on your knees as a Coward, its time to make a choice tyranny or freedom.

Australian Political Treason 1/14
Australian Political Treason 2/14
Australian Political Treason 3/14

Australian Political Treason 4/14
Australian Political Treason 5/14
Australian Political Treason 6/14
Australian Political Treason 7/14
Australian Political Treason 8/14
Australian Political Treason 9/14
Australian Political Treason 10/14
Australian Political Treason 11/14
Australian Political Treason 12/14
Australian Political Treason 13/14
Australian Political Treason 14/14


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Ann Bressington 29th June 2014, Australian Ex-Politician Whistleblower exposes Agenda 21


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Law Professor on Australia's Demise by UN-led Corruption

 GIVE US BACK OUR COUNTRY' PROFESSOR DAVID FLINT AM COPIED direct from the Youtube channel to aid exposure of this excellent address Published on Mar 3, 2014 Professor David Flint presented an eye opening slide show and speech on the workings of the Australian Government, Electoral practices,The Australian Constitution, Agenda 21, and other topics during a FLAG Australia meeting organised and titled A Night for "We the People" Feb 2014.


Referendum or Plebiscite


Bob Brown committing Treason
Bob Brown was the former leader of the Greens which is a Left-Wing Marxist party in Australia. 
There are people who would say Bob Brown committed treason with his illegal plebiscite bill which removes the right to a referendum under the rules of the Constitution of Australia and replaces it with a republic.  It is totally illegal to attempt to remove your rights, liberties, and freedoms to potentially paving the way for a United Nations (UN) communist dictatorship.  The difference between a plebiscite and a referendum is that a plebiscite is a glorified opinion poll.  In a referendum, the details are on the table BEFORE and not AFTER you vote.  Brown's Republic Bill did not attempt to determine what model should be adopted or what powers the Head of State should hold, or operational and governance issues.

Kim Beazley is a former Australian diplomat and politician who was the Deputy Prime Minister of Australia from 1995 to 1996.  In answering a question from Senator Button in 1990 in the Australian Federal Parliament, he said:

"The United Nations has given Federal Government a Mandate of ownership for housing, farms, property and business to Government Control, once the Republic has been proclaimed."

Referendum or Plebiscite (taken from Australian Political Treason 4/14)

"A plebiscite is the process of referring a political question to the general electorate.  Voters are asked to answer yes or no to a written question.  A plebiscite is different to a referendum because the results are not legally binding.

This more modern use of the plebiscite arose out of the French Revolution and the French Republic's policy of holding popular votes on......."

Governments can hold advisory referendums to test whether people either support or oppose a Republic.  Clause 6 of Brown's Bill provided that the process for holding the plebiscite would be followed by a second plebiscite by amending/modifying the Application of Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984.  The word "plebiscite" does not appear in "Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984."  Plebiscites have no basis in Australian Constitutional law.  Discussion details will only be held after such a vote of support by the elector. 

Here is the 1999 Bill for a republic that failed.  In this article entitled "Tracking the push for an Australian republic," author Brenton Holmes writes on the issue:  "Some argued that plebiscites were a very expensive opinion poll, others that they facilitated early and informed engagement with the issue. Many submissions argued in favour of a ‘threshold question’ to gauge support for a republic. Others proposed a second plebiscite question with a choice of models, and these questions might be held either concurrently or separately. There was also the question of whether the plebiscite(s) should be held in conjunction with elections; whether the plebiscite vote should be compulsory; and whether the vote should use a preferential or ‘first past the post’ ballot."




Constitution Forbids anyone who bears allegiance to a foreign nation from sitting in Parliament.


Section 44 of the Constitution forbids anyone who bears allegiance to a foreign nation from sitting in Parliament, otherwise, it is considered treason.  We believe that any political parties or politicians who seek to destroy the country through third world immigration, the destruction of manufacturing, industry, and farming etc have COMMITTED TREASON under Section 44 of the Constitution.

What is Section 44?

Section 44 of the Constitution sets out restrictions on who can be a candidate for Federal parliament.  In full it reads:

44. Any person who -

     (i.)   Is under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power:  or

     (ii.)  Is attainted of treason, or has been convicted and is under sentence, or subject to be sentenced, for any offense punishable under the law of the Commonwealth or of a State by imprisonment for one year or longer:  or

     (iii.)  Is an undischarged bankrupt or insolvent:  or

     (iv.)  Holds any office of profit under the Crown, or any pension payable during the pleasure of the Crown out of any of the revenues of the Commonwealth:  or

    (v.)  Has any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in any agreement with the Public Service of the Commonwealth otherwise than as a member and in common with the other members of an incorporated company consisting of more than twenty-five persons:  shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives.

But sub-section iv. does not apply to the office of any of the Queen's Ministers of State for the Commonwealth, or of any of the Queen's Ministers for a State, or to the receipt of pay, half pay, or a pension, by any person as an officer or member of the Queen's navy or army, or to the receipt of pay as an officer or member of the naval or military forces of the Commonwealth by any person whose services are not wholly employed by the Commonwealth.  [Ref:  Section 44 of the Constitution E-Brief: Online Only issued March 2004; Ian Holland]

Electoral Backgrounder:  Parliamentary report on Section 44 of the Constitution


 Australian people should prevail when it comes to major changes.


The Election Story Which Woke Australians to Their Common Law Rights and Responsibilities
As highlighted by the speaker in the above video, the will of the Australian people should prevail when it comes to major changes, i.e. referenda.

"......... The people of six colonies, voting as provincial citizens, subsequently ratified the Constitution.  On the other hand, there is, in part, a recognition of the national principle by the Constitution being founded on the will of the people, and not on the mandate of the provincial legislatures"

"..........Whilst, therefore, in this Constitution some executive power are, in technical phraseology, and in accordance with venerable customs, vested in the Governor-General, and others in the Governor-General in Council, they are all substantially in pari materia, on the same footing, and, in the ultimate resort, can only be exercised according to the will of the people."

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)


The Federal Reserve Bank in Australia is not a private company.  The bank is wholly owned by the Australian Government, although it is not a governmental department.  The RBA states on its FAQ section: 

The Reserve Bank is not a commercial bank and so does not provide banking facilities to the general public. It does, however, provide banking services to government, commercial bank and other clients.

The Reserve Bank Board has up to nine members. Three of these are ex officio: the Reserve Bank Governor (Chairman), the Deputy Governor (Deputy Chairman) and the Secretary to the Treasury. The Governor and Deputy Governor are appointed by the Treasurer for terms of up to seven years. The other six (non-executive) members are appointed for terms of up to five years. Board members are appointed by the Treasurer and there is no limit on the number of terms they may serve.

The people who govern the RBA would no doubt be connected to and influenced by the global elite bankers.

Who REALLY owns the Reserve Bank of Australia?

The bank gets rich off us.  Doesn't that mean that the people who own the bank get rich off us?  Who owns the banks?  Don't "we" own the banks?"

Reserve Bank of Australia - Archives

Commonwealth Documents Available Here



If you need to refer to any Commonwealth document this website is the place to go.


Want to know how the Commonwealth of Australia Act 1901 came about? Do you need a copy of the original Constitution? Need to know what the White Australia Policy was about?

You will find it all here….

Commonwealth Documents:

Click here to visit the Documenting Democracy website.

The picture above shows the men who helped Found the Commonwealth of Australia Act 1901.




 Most Australians grow up thinking we have a right to “free speech”. But is this really true?

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How is it Treason?

Note: This document is published under the Crimes Act Section 24f & 15f

The Criminals
"In 1973 EG Whitlam, the Prime Minister of Australia at this time, an individual with one vote (equally as all Australians) and without the authority of the Queen or the People began the gradual process of changing our constitutional government into a totally new corporate government. One unknown to the contract holders, the Commonwealth of Australia and the constitutional Monarch Queen Elizabeth 2nd, Defender of the Faith."

How & When did the Government Commit Treason?



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Queen Elizabeth II is still the Australian Queen

She’s Not Right Mate

"It is well past time we Australians sorted out who we are. Are we an independent sovereign nation, or are we a colony? Who is legally sovereign the Queen of the United Kingdom, or the Queen of Australia, or the Australian people? Are we then legally a member of the United Nations?"



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Truth Is Treason In An Empire Of Lies



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That is the United Nations UNESCO Agenda to oversee the programming of our schools.

Here is the 2016 UNESCO plan from the Australian Government website. As you can see it is committed to increasing UNESCO’s role in our education system.

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incorporated in Australia and you can see the people who made it happen. Top of the List was our Governor General—Quentin Bryce and check it out…Michael Kirby was also a Patron—who was a High Court Judge.


TREASON—Hawke, Keating, Rudd, Gillard, and Turnbull



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Treaties Australia has been signed up to




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What is the Lima Agreement?



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Who or What is the Crown?



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Corporate Government ABN Numbers




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 White European Racial Pride.   What Race Are You ?

White European Racial Pride. What Race Are You ?

 Alternative News Sites

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White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

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White Guilt Exposed

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White Organization: Bloc & Generation Ide…

Genocide Whites & all Races

White Indigenous Rights

Promoting Large Families

Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)


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 White Organizations: European Community Based Organizations

White Organizations: European Community Based Organizations

Citizens Initizens Referendums ( CIR ) in Switzerland

Citizens Initiative Referendas ( CIR ) in Switzerland


Read 42101 times Last modified on Tuesday, 23 November 2021 23:22

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