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  What did the British loot from the Old Summer Palace in Beijing? In 1860 the 'British' troops in China were under the control of the Globalist liberal gentiles and Jews run the East India Company. The Company caused so much trouble for the British Government that…
      President Lukashenko: Excuse me, I´m not an anti-Semite, but...              
    Two Steps From Hell - Victory ( Vietnam war edition) We are better off sacrificing everything than losing our country and becoming slaves to the Globalist (Most White people today are globalist slaves, and have lost their countries, United States, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Britain,…
tinyurldotcomslashv38vc2jt Iran Fake opposition.the Saborjhian family changed its name to Ahmadinejad.About name Sabourjhian information can not be seen in wikipedia in Farsi, just in English, French and German. This is important because Saborjhian is a Jewish family name. [show more]   Pre-Islamic history of the Middle East Imam…
Volvo just EXPOSED the great Electric Vehicle Scam, THIS IS BAD | Redacted w Clayton Morris       Bill Gates Says Math Is 'White Supremacy'     Patton Bill fuck you piece of shit Zionist fucken insect cunt pedo   OverThrowTheLeft I say Bill Gates is…