This is Europa
Published on Aug 17, 2013
Anti-Whites up all night, justifying White GeNOcide. Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.
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The journey of the Europeans from taming the wild forest and ice continent, to their magnificent culture and world conquest. The strength of Europe has always been in the courage and innovation of its people.

I’m Australian, of Irish, English and Scottish stock. If I have to, I’ll return to the ancestral home to help restore the balance. I am Australian, but I am European first and always will feel like Europe is my home.
Build white community, encourage as many white people as you can to move into the same neighborhoods, towns, and states.
Europa is my land, my home, my birthplace, my right. No one shall take this from me.
Now is the time for White People to rise up and fight for our right to exist. If not, we will cease to exist as a People! Fight fire with fire!
Restore honor, bring glory back to europe. we have been at war with the zionists for hundreds of years now, it is not over yet! In spirit our ancestors are with us.
As a person of anglo descent living in South America, I can't wait to go to the USA or an european country to have a big european family and fight this replacement taking place.
The white Marxist is the most dangerous enemy of Europe
I'm Brazillian and white, and 98% of all crimes commited in my country are made by blacks. That's why i'm coming to the US, more safety, more prosperity and opportunity. ???? And by the way, my grandparents were portuguese and their grandparents where britains.