Join Henrik and Lana for a laid back stream about the the summer solstice, myth, megaliths, calendars, cosmic catastrophe in the ancient world and more.
Earth's Ice Age cycle happens every 120,000 years. 7,000 years ago, the Earth was the closest it will ever be to the Sun. For the past 7,000 years the Earth, with every yearly orbit, has been slowly moving further away from the Sun. This will continue to happen for another 53,000 years when the Earth will begin to move closer to the Sun. Next year, the Earth will be further from the Sun than it is this year. The true trend of the Earth is for Global Cooling not Global Heating.
Beautiful White European women of the Bronze Age Europe.
Graham Hancock a journalist and author who for over 30 years has explored the controversial possibility that there existed a lost civilization during the last Ice Age, and that it was destroyed in a global cataclysm some 12,000 years ago. He is the presenter of the Netflix documentary series "Ancient Apocalypse", the 2nd season of which has just been released.
Are these some of the earliest weapons in human history? History Hit’s Tristan Hughes speaks to Dr Annemieke Milks, Researcher at the University of Reading, about the significance of the Schöningen spears. These wooden spears prove that early humans, including Neanderthals, were hunting and interacting in complex social groups 300,000 years ago.
The Schöningen spears are a set of ten wooden weapons from the Palaeolithic Age, excavated between 1994 and 1999 from the 'Spear Horizon' in the open-cast lignite mine in Schöningen, Germany. The spears are the oldest hunting weapons ever discovered and were found together with animal bones and stone and bone tools, providing proof early human ancestors were much closer to modern humans in both complex social structure and technical ability than previously thought.
Dr Milks shows Tristan how these spears were built and the range of possibilities for how they were used. Wooden spears survived as a technology for hundreds of thousands of years, suggesting they were used effectively by hunters throughout human history.
Credit for the spear replicas: Owen O’Donnell
Credit for the stone tool replicas: John Lord
Credit for the early human skull replicas: Bone Clones
That was so interesting I’m amazed those spears were 400 thousand years old and found in Europe.
Above: European Neanderthals made stone Levallois spear points.
The Ocean is often dubbed and considered the final frontier here on Earth, but many forgot that we still also have the Permafrost. Deep within the Permafrost's icy depths lies secrets that have been hidden for sometimes tens of thousands of years, and in recent times some of the craziest of these secrets have made their way to the surface, shocking even the most experienced scientist.
White Europeans family and women is making ivory beads.
In this video we take a look at neanderthal origins, their art, tool technology and their eventual extinction. How they interacted with other human species and their environment.
Social media has been going crazy about the recent papers and assessments that group of researchers have done about glue made from Neanderthals 120,000-40,000 years ago. However their assessments were a bit wrong, despite it being the oldest complex glue ever recovered on a Neanderthal stone tool. Here is my assessment based on experience and the recreation of the stone tool!
These myths can be a little hard to consume for some, but they are the truth. Clovis people did not use jigs, bird points are not for hunting small birds and women/children most definitely could produce stone tools for everyday use.
recently re-discovered this, and felt like sharing it again. This may be the earliest work of art ever found* that represents a human/primate figure. I learned of this a few years back from The Goddess Timeline. It is a female figure carved in all probability by pre-human (homo erectus) people. The Acheulian Goddess was carved by a nomadic hominid tribe who predated even the Neanderthal era, and has been recently carbon dated as camping at Berekhat Ram (in the modern-day Golan Heights region of Israel) between 232,000 and 800,000 years ago!
The Berekhat Ram Figurine (The Acheulian Goddess) is a 35mm high fragment of volcanic rock (basaltic tuff) that was found between two layers of volcanic flow in the Levantine area of southern Syria. It is thought to be between 233,000 and 800,000 years old, dating from the Acheulian paleolithic era, and has been attributed to either Archaic Homo Sapiens or to Homo Erectus. The artisan is believed to have taken a small stone with existing feminine features, and used a flint tool to incise grooves delineating the head and arms, thus creating the oldest known human image. From scoria stone they carved the astounding figurine which, according to the Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society, "...might be considered the earliest manifestation of a work of art."
It is remarkable to note the similarities between the Willendorf and the far, far older Acheulian. Both figures are distinctly female, great breasted with featureless head and discrete limbs. Using flint tools, the maker of the Acheulian intentionally adapted an existing small stone which already had breast-like Mother Goddess features " adding incised grooves delineating the head and arms." Like Willendorf the Acheulian appears to have a groove suggestive of the sacred vulva.
Over a thousand miles and an amazing quarter-million years separate this piece from the famous Willendorf Goddess find in Austria. Until the past few decades, the Willendorf, carved of bone circa 32,000 years ago, was held to be the earliest human crafted work of art and veneration.
In trying to find links to this for this article, I can't help but laugh at the "patriachal paradigm predjudice" which is that these "venus" figures are somehow extremely ancient forms of pornography. As if the image of life nurturing breasts, and vulva from which the miracle of birth ensues, could only symbolize male sexual pleasure. It took a brilliant women archeologist, Marija Gimbutas, to look at the ubiquitious forms, previously called "fetish objects" and realize that they did not represent the Paleolithic notion of a playboy centerfold, but rather, they were sacred talismens representing the Prime Deity, the body of the Goddess from which life issues and, as in cave arts, to which life returns as well. They were probably carried for protection, fertility, and other spiritual reasons. An example of this extraordinary inability to see the obvious, not to mention an amazing dismissal of the abilities and needs of the female side of humanity going back half a million years............may be found in the article I quote from below, describing one of the "Earliest Representations of the Female Body"*** in which a (male) archeologist notes that the form is "sexually aggressive" and must have "been carved by a man to represent his girlfriend". Amazing assumptions!***
Anatomically modern humans overlapped and mated with Neandertals such that non-African humans inherit ~1 to 3% of their genomes from Neandertal ancestors. We identified Neandertal lineages that persist in the DNA of modern humans, in whole-genome sequences from 379 Europeanand 286 East Asian individuals, recovering more than 15 gigabases of introgressed sequence that spans ~20% of theNeandertal genome (false discovery rate = 5%). Analyses of surviving archaic lineages suggest that there were fitness costs to hybridization, admixture occurred both before and after divergence of non-African modern humans, and Neandertals were a source of adaptive variation for loci involved in skin phenotypes. Our results provide a new avenue for paleogenomics studies, allowing substantial amounts of population-level DNA sequence information to be obtained from extinct groups, even in the absence of fossilized remains.
Europeans looked down on Neanderthals—until they ...
Once upon a time, scientists were convinced that Aboriginal Australians were further down the evolutionary ladder from other humans, perhaps closer to Neanderthals. In 2010 it turned out that Europeansare actually likely to have the most drops of Neanderthal blood, metaphorically speaking. In January 2014 an international team of leading archaeologists, geneticists, and anthropologists confirmed that humans outside Africa had bred with Neanderthals. Those of European and Asian ancestry have a very small but tangible presence of this now-extinct human in our lineage, up to around 4 percent of our DNA. People in Asia and Australia also bear traces of another known archaic human, the Denisovans. There is likely to have been breeding with other kinds of human as well. Neanderthals and Denisovans, too, mated with each other. Many in the deep past, it seems, were pretty indiscriminate in their sexual partnerships.
Wolpoff has always been sensitive to the controversy he helped to stoke. He faced down plenty of criticism when he and Thorne published their work. “We were the enemy,” he recalls. “If we were right, there couldn’t be a single recent origin for humans. . . . They said, you’re talking about the evolution of human races in separate places independently of each other.”
And their theory remains unproven. Academics in the West and in Africa today generally accept that humans became modern in Africa and then adapted to the environments where they happened to move to fairly recently in evolutionary time—these are only superficial adaptations, such as skin color. But not everyone everywhere agrees. In China, there’s a common belief among both the public and leading academics that Chinese ancestry goes back considerably further than the migration out of Africa. One of Wolpoff’s collaborators, Wu Xinzhi, a paleontologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has argued that fossil evidence supports the notion that Homo sapiens evolved separately in China from earlier human species who were living there more than a million years ago, despite data showing that modern Chinese populations carry about as much of a genetic contribution from modern humans who left Africa as other non-African populations do.
“There are many people who are not happy with the idea of African origin,” I’m told by Eleanor Scerri, an archaeologist based at the University of Oxford who researches human origins. “They have co-opted multiregionalism to make a claim that this is a simplistic idea, that races are real, and that people who have come from a particular area have always been there.”She tells me that this thinking appears to beprevalent not only in China but also in Russia.“There is no acceptance that they were ever African.”
Three hundred kilometers north of the Polar Circle, on the Lofoten Island of Vestvågøya, a farmer discovered the remains of the largest Viking Era longhouse ever uncovered. Archaeologists later uncovered remains of boathouses used by Viking Era chieftans to build the boats that would take them all across Europe to sell their fish.
Abandoned around around 950 AD, today the reconstructed longhouse (the chieftain’s house) measures 83 meters (272 ft) long and 9.5 meters (31 ft) wide. Inside, the Lofotr Viking Museum hosts nightly Viking feasts and demonstrations of tools of the era: the vertical loom, a bowl lathe, a shaving horse for basket weaving and basic tools for natural tanning of leather.
The boathouses and Viking ships of the era have been reconstructed in accordance of the technology of the time: the iron nails that allowed for the building of “way bigger ships”. This allowed for a more flexible ship that would twist and turn in big waves and allowed for long distance travel (even to the Americas) reaching speeds of 20 knots with good weather using woolen sails and open hulls.
The Lofoten Islands were rich in marine life and during the winter months they caught abundant amounts of cod which they then dried naturally. Despite being located at he 68th parallel north, the same parallel as central Greenland or northern Alaska, thanks to the Gulf Stream, the climate here is much milder.
With winter temperatures averaging around 0˚C and a near constant wind, these are ideal conditions for air drying fish without the need to smoke or salt it. This stockfish was then loaded onto ships and sailed to the rest of Europe.
Its a shame that like many of the nomadic cultures they barely wrote about their own histories, its lucky for us that they were close to the Greeks who loved writing things down.
The Scythian tribe like Sacae & Massagetae that migrated to India have descendants in JAT tribe of Northern India & Pakistan. They still specialize in Agriculture & Animal husbandry and never give up the virtue of warrior as an example they are just 2% of Indian population but have largest number in Indian Army and have their own regiment in Army named after them as JAT Regiment.
Before the Mongols, Turks, and Huns, the Scythians ruled the steppes.
Thank you for mentioning the archeological evidence of Scythian women's participation in warfare, as I feel it is often overlooked. To anyone wanting to know more, I recommend Adrienne Mayor's book The Amazons.
Hey there everyone ! In my province Ardabil theres a subdivided part named Meshkin shahr in which these famous burial grounds and the sythian treasures used to be frequent to find ! Its trully amazing to see all these 4000 years old artifacts of intelligent people that used to thrive on the same lands that now we inhabit . The thing is untill recently genocial acts on persian regions are so little that certainly high percentage of those chad nomadic genes are still to be found in nearby cacuses region . Those slavs were soon to eradicate them in the western side of tge caspian sea i bet ...
I'm glad you guys touched on language! Yep, the last modern remnant of the Scythian language(s) is indeed the modern Ossetian language of the Caucasus. It is spoken in the Russian republic of North Ossetia-Alania, and just over the Caucasus crest to the south in the breakaway South Ossetia region of Georgia. A related linguistic relic is the minority Yaghnobi language of parts of modern Tajikistan. It is the last surviving form of the ancient and medieval Bactrian and Sogdian languages, including the language of the Khwarazmian Empire.
FYI: the museums in Odesa, Sevastopol, and Simpheropol (but especially the former) have outstanding collections of Scythian gold objects much of it derived from kurgan burials. The materials in Odesa are in fact dazzling.
An interesting detail about the Scythians that wasn't mentioned is that they might be the source of Greek myths about the Amazons. Modern archaeological excavations of Scythian burial mounds have found large numbers of women that were buried with weapons like the men, and in their bones evidence of war wounds & long lives spent in the saddle.
Again a golden documentary by the best channel on YouTube. Many Turks believe Scythians are among their ancestors. These exciting videos will open everyone's eyes and hopefully drive people to make much more research. Thank you very much guys!!
"Scythian" is a term used to denote a diverse but culturally related group of nomads who occupied a large swathe of grassland, or steppes, that stretched from north of the Black Sea all the way to China. Sometimes also known as Saka or Scyths, the name "Scythian" was coined by the ancient Greeks.
"Scythian culture flourished on the steppes from about 800 B.C. to about A.D. 300," Adrienne Mayor, a folklorist and historian at Stanford University and the author of "The Amazons: Lives and Legends of Warrior Women across the Ancient World" (Princeton University Press, 2014), told Live Science.
The Scythians were known to many ancient civilizations, she said, including the ancient Greeks, Persians, Romans and Chinese, and they perfected the art of archery on horseback — even without the use of stirrups or saddles. They had a reputation for ferocity in battle and were masters of hit-and-run battle tactics.
The origins of the Scythians and their empire
There is much debate about the origins of the Scythians. According to the fifth-century B.C. Greek historian Herodotus, the Scythians originally inhabited Asia but were pushed west by a hostile tribe. They eventually reached the Black Sea region and the eastern outskirts of Europe, where they, in turn, pushed out the existing inhabitants. By contrast, the Greek writer Diodorus Siculus, writing in the first century B.C., claimed that the Scythians moved north into the steppe region from the south, possibly from the modern area of Armenia or even farther south along the western border with India.
In a different and far more fanciful origin story, Herodotus tells how the Scythians were the descendants of the mighty hero Heracles and a creature who was half woman and half snake. In this story, Heracles encountered the creature while traveling in the lands east of Greece. After stealing Heracles' horses, the creature demanded that if he wanted them back, he would have to stay and mate with her. The union produced three sons, one of whom was named Scythes, who became the ancestor of the Scythian nobility.
Modern historians, however, have used archaeological and genetic evidence to reconstruct the Scythians' origins.
"It appears that what we call Scythian culture emerged more than 2,500 years ago, as a combination of Siberian, East Asian, and Yamnaya Eurasian groups," Mayor told Live Science. "Just as the region of ancient Scythia had many different languages, great ethnic diversity is also found in Scythian ancestry, especially in the maternal line. All the studies so far confirm that Scythians were not a single homogeneous group."
Although genetic studies are revealing a great deal about the makeup of the diverse peoples of the lands once known as Scythia, the full story is not yet known and still debated, Mayor noted.
Social organization and burials
The open grassland of the steppes — an environment of vast plains and low, rolling hills — was beneficial to pastoralism, and for millennia human populations in this landscape tended large herds of livestock. The Scythians were no exception. They tended herds of cattle and horses, according to Herodotus, and most people roamed the steppes rather than settling down in permanent habitations. According to World History Encyclopedia, the Scythians moved about the landscape in wagons driven by oxen. Some of these wagons were large and elaborate, with multiple rooms. When multiple wagons traveled together, the conglomeration resembled a city or large settlement.
The Scythians were organized into tribes that were not united politically but shared a common language, culture, style of dress and art style. During certain periods, such as times of war or the celebration of ritual undertakings, different tribes came together to form larger political units or confederations. It is unclear whether Scythian society had sharp social divisions, such as hereditary elites, but in many respects they appear to have been relatively egalitarian, Mayor said — especially with regard to gender roles.
The historical and archaeological record indicates that Scythian women enjoyed considerable autonomy and privilege that would not be rivaled until modern times, according to World History Encyclopedia. For example, many Scythian women served alongside men as mounted horse archers (more on this below) and could hold leadership roles in Scythian society. Moreover, numerous Scythian burials show that women were often interred with as much elaborate offerings as men. In 2019, for instance, a burial containing four women was found that contained offerings typically reserved for men, including weapons and gold, the Smithsonian Magazine reported.
A fragment of Scythian-crafted gold found in what is now Kyiv, Ukraine. (Image credit: Andreas Wolochow via Shutterstock)
Herodotus mentioned the existence of Scythian "kings," using the term "Royal Scythians" to designate this group. He indicated that they were a separate tribe and lived in what is now the southern part of Ukraine, immediately north of the ancient Greek towns that clustered around the Black Sea. Herodotus indicated that they wielded considerable political and military power, and that they were a hereditary elite, but it is unclear what their relation was to the other Scythian tribes.
When a Royal Scythian died, a large grave consisting of a "great four-cornered pit in the ground" was prepared, and the individual's body was placed inside, according to Herodotus. The individual was buried with his "concubines, his cupbearer, his cook, his groom, his squire, and his messenger, besides horses, and first-fruits of all else, and golden cups," Herodotus wrote (translated from ancient Greek.) The king's retainers then covered the grave with dirt and erected a mound, vying "zealously with one another to make this as great as may be."
Archaeologists have excavated some of these high-status tombs, which are called kurgans. One of these, found in southern Siberia, dates from 2,800 years ago and was wider than the length of a football field, Live Science previously reported. It contained the burial of a man and woman and was filled with gold jewelry, weapons, richly decorated cups (some with traces of drugs like opium) and other grave goods.
Scythian clothes, tattoos and artwork
Several classical writers mention the Scythians' distinctive dress, describing the men as wearing peaked caps, colorful tunics and, most characteristically, long trousers that reached down to the ankles. The Scythians were fond of elaborate designs, intricate embroidery and bold colors. Men and women wore boots that were, like the Scythian attire in general, colorful and emblazoned with many designs and patterns. One of these, a woman's boot, was found in the Altai Mountains in central Asia and dates to around 2,300 years ago, ZME Science reported.
The Scythians were famous for their practice of tattooing. Designs of real and mythical animals, many rendered in highly stylized patterns, were especially prominent on arms and legs. According to The Siberian Times, the mummy of a young woman, dubbed the Ukok Princess, was found in 1993; she displayed a series of elaborate tattoos, including depictions of a deer, a panther and a griffon. Other tattooed mummies have been found throughout the ancient Scythian region.
Many ancient accounts mention the Scythians' love of gold artwork and jewelry. Numerous pieces of Scythian art — including pendants, clasps, brooches, necklaces, combs and choker-like necklaces known as gorgets — have been found in kurgans. Like Scythian tattooing, these pieces are distinctive for their intricate designs and stylized ornamentation. There is evidence that Greek merchants may have been responsible for creating some of these gold pieces and that a lively trade existed between the Greeks and Scythians, according to Realm of History, with several pieces imported from the Greek mainland. Like Scythian tattoos, these works of art often depict animals.
The 2,400-year-old mummy of Princess Ukok, or Princess of the Altai, was found in 1993 in a kurgan in the Altai Republic of Russia. The "Ice Maiden" has elaborate tattoos and is a rare example of a single woman given a full ceremonial wooden chamber-tomb in the fifth century B.C., accompanied by six horses. (Image credit: CPA Media Pte Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo)
Scythian religion
According to World History Encyclopedia, the Scythian religion was an amalgam between Greek religion, which the Scythians may have adopted as a result of contact with far-flung Greek colonists, and older shamanistic elements, such as animal worship. Scholars are still largely in the dark about the specifics of Scythian religion, though the little that is known comes primarily from Herodotus. He claimed that the Scythians, like many ancient peoples, were polytheistic — that is, they worshipped a plethora of deities. Herodotus mentioned eight gods as constituting the Scythian pantheon, all of whom had Greek counterparts. This included the two main gods, Tabitha, who was a goddess of fire and the hearth and most closely associated with the Greek deity Hestia, and Papaeus, the god of the sky who resembled the Greek god Zeus. The other Scythian deities included Goetosyrus (Apollo), Argimpasa (Aphrodite), Api (Mother-Earth), and three additional gods whom Herodotus does not name but associated, respectively, with Ares, Hercules and Poseidon.
One of the most revered deities in the Scythian pantheon was Ares, the Greek god of war. "It is their practice to make images and altars and shrines for Ares, but for no other god," Herodotus wrote. The Scythians frequently sacrificed animals to the gods, such as sheep, goats and cattle, typically using a garrote (iron collar or cord) to strangle the beasts. To Ares, however, Scythians sacrificed both animals and humans. In Book IV, Herodotus described how prisoners of war were occasionally sacrificed to Ares; this occurred at a shrine that had a built-in sword, the symbol of Ares. During human sacrifices, prisoners were reportedly killed with this weapon. "They pour wine on the men's heads and cut their throats over a vessel; then they carry the blood up onto the pile of sticks and pour it on the [sword]," Herodotus wrote.
The older elements of Scythian religion are demonstrated through the propitiation of animals and shamanism. Herodotus described a class of shamans among the Scythians, using the term "diviners." He described them as hereditary and having the power to tell the future — a gift given to them by their Aphrodite-like goddess, Argimpasa. However, if a prediction didn't come to fruition, the diviner could be put to death, usually by burning. These diviners also had the ability to effect cures using herbs and various medicinal plants.
Scythian warriors and weapons
Herodotus wrote of the Scythians' military prowess, describing this aspect of their lives in great detail and categorizing them as "invincible and unassailable." Scythian warriors could achieve high status through skill in battle. "[A Scythian warrior] carried to his king the heads of all whom he has slain in battle, for he receives his share of the booty if he brings a head, but nototherwise," Herodotus wrote (translated from ancient Greek).
The Scythians were especially renowned for their skill as mounted archers.
"Scythian male and female mounted archers were admired and feared by Greeks, Romans, Persians, and the Chinese, whose Great Wall was built to defend against them," Mayor said.
The Scythians' primary weapon was the composite bow, which was made of wood, horn and sinew. It was a remarkably durable and accurate weapon. Scythian warriors also carried an array of other weapons, such as axes, swords, spears and maces. Their military skill was recognized by the many civilizations around them, and Scythian warriors frequently served as mercenaries in foreign armies, such as with the Persian empire and the forces of the Greco-Persian king Mithridates VI.
Scythian women and the myth of the Amazons
The Scythians have often been associated with the legend of the Amazons — fierce women warriors who figure prominently in ancient Greek mythology. Diodorus Siculus was one of the ancient writers who asserted the prominent martial role of Scythian women. "For among these peoples the women train for war just as do the men and in acts of manly valor are in no wise inferior to the men. Consequently, distinguished women have been the authors of many great deeds," he wrote (translated from ancient Greek).
Mayor has explored the connection between the myth and reality of these stalwart women warriors.
"Greek writers such as Herodotus, Plato, Strabo and Pausanias all linked the Amazons of myth to the real, flesh-and-blood women among the warlike Scythian nomads of the steppes," she said. "Now, thanks to recent and spectacular archaeological discoveries of more than 300 ancient women, some with combat injuries, buried with their weapons and horses across ancient Scythia, we know that Greek literature and art about Amazons were strongly influenced by the lives of steppe nomad mounted archers.
A battle between the Amazons and the Greeks depicted on a Roman period sarcophagus dating to the early third century A.D. (Image credit: PHAS/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
The twilight of the Scythian world
Herodotus described a great war between the Scythians and the Persians, under Darius I of the Achaemenid dynasty. It began in 513 B.C. when Darius invaded Scythian lands, intent on subjugating the people living there and bringing them under the Persian yoke. But the campaign proved disastrous; harried by Scythian cavalry, tired by long marches and the unrelenting vastness of the lands they were trying to conquer, the Persian army ultimately turned back. This defeat enabled the Scythians to expand their influence by moving westward into northern Greece and Thrace.
But the Scythians were not so lucky several centuries later. Their power ebbed as they suffered a series of military defeats, first at the hands of Philip II of Macedon (the father of Alexander the Great) in 339 B.C. and then by the Sarmatians, a people culturally and linguistically related to the Scythians, in a prolonged conflict that lasted from the fourth century B.C. to the second century A.D., according to Britannica. They also suffered a major military defeat during the second century B.C., when Mithridates VI, the king of Pontus, in northern Anatolia, decisively defeated Scythian forces and incorporated Scythian warriors into his own army.
A severe blow to Scythian society and political hegemony came during the fourth century A.D., when the Scythians were devastated by the Huns, mounted nomadic warriors from Eurasia who, under their ruler Attila, invaded Europe in the fifth century A.D. According to World History Encyclopedia, the Scythians may have been assimilated by the Goths at this time. Some scholars believe that the Ossetians, who occupy parts of southern Russia and the Caucasus Mountain region, may derive their ancestry from the Scythians.
Mayor, however, cautioned that tales of a culture's ultimate demise can be misleading.
"Although the ancient Scythian culture as the ancient Greeks, Romans and Persians knew them faded with upheavals in the Middle Ages, extinction or integration with other tribes, and the rise of Islam — and despite the modern history of continual conquests, displacements, oppression, and other turbulent events — Scythian traditions never really disappeared," she said. "Scythian customs and expertise in mounted archery continued with the Parthians, the Mongols, and others, and Scythian riding and archery skills and egalitarian values persist in some nomadic and semi-nomadic groups living in Central Asia today."
Additional resources
Watch a video about the Scythians by historian Barry Cunliffe, author of "The Scythians: Nomad Warriors of the Steppe."
Curator Luc Amkreutz guides you through the exhibition ‘Doggerland – Lost World in the North Sea' at the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (Leiden, the Netherlands). He takes you on a trip through time of a million years and shows you the highlights of this exhibition
. The Doggerland exhibition presents a lost prehistoric world in the North Sea: Doggerland. You will learn about the prehistoric inhabitants of this special region, and how they survived in a landscape and climate that was constantly changing.
"Black cat superstition in Western culture dates back to Ancient Greece. According to Greek mythology, Zeus’s wife Hera once transformed her servant, Galinthias, into a black cat as punishment for impeding the birth of Hercules. Galinthias went on to become an assistant to Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft, and black cats have had unique meanings in various cultures ever since.". As a Greek you owe that poor cat reparations for centuries of mistrust of black cats. I think it wants a new home and some Fanct Feast in reparations.
Four years in the making, this two-part television series follows the world’s largest Maritime Archaeological Expedition in exploring how the Black Sea formed after the last ice age. Could it have been the origin of Noah’s flood?
Led by charismatic chief scientist Jon Adams, the team send space aged remote survey vehicles 2 kilometres underwater to scan the seabed. In seeking geological clues, they quickly make remarkable finds: over 70 shipwrecks almost perfectly preserved in the chilly, oxygen-depleted water of this near landlocked sea. The films reveal extraordinary ships from the Ottoman, Byzantine, Roman and Greek civilisations.
They include discoveries that are unique worldwide: the most perfectly preserved Roman vessel ever and the only preserved Greek warship known. The series witnesses the highs and lows of the handpicked international team of world-class scientists, on their remarkable journey into the past. Their adventures at sea include extreme dives to depths of 100m, tense recovery operations struggling to salvage amphora from Roman ships and costly equipment failures that threaten their entire operation.
Discover the past on History Hit with ad-free exclusive podcasts and documentaries released weekly presented by world renowned historians Dan Snow, Suzannah Lipscomb, Matt Lewis and more.
If it was a slow fill over thousands of years, you would have evidence of the lake shore beach the entire way to the modern shore not just 56km off the modern shore, unless there was a catastrophic flood from the Mediterranean, or global flood.
We are going to take a look at the oldest Mammoth Bone shelter, created around 44,000 by Neanderthals. This would be the oldest use of mammoth bones as building material, and this would mean that Neanderthals were the very first to create these and not Homo sapiens, us modern humans. As the oldest mammoth bone shelters discovered by archaeologists that were created by Homo sapiens date to 25,000 years ago.
Hey there, a tiny additional piece of information: Neanderthals never developed bows and arrows, their tool kits indicate that they created many cutting and working tools, but not small arrow heads. They instead exclusively used thrusting or throwing spears and not bows and arrows, or even atlatls and darts.
It's interesting. In junior college, we were introduced to Neanderthal as H. sapiens neanderthalensis. Later, as I worked on my degree, the academic fashion shifted to insisting that Neanderthal was its own species. And it did seem to be a mainly a matter of academic fashion rather than a matter of sound biological reasoning. Then it was discovered that our own ancestors had apparently partied with Neanderthals, at least so says the DNA. Which arguably suggests that the original designation as a subspecies still makes sense. So, now, we see that in the very same region where circular mammoth bone structures are known from the Upper Paleolithic, presumably H.s.s. sites, we now see earlier Terminal Middle Paleolithic Neanderthals using the same tactic for constructing whatever they were constructing. AND in this same general region (Western Asia and Eastern Europe) Homo sapiens, Neanderthal, and Denisovans also shared DNA. My personal feeling is that there should be no surprise. Neanderthals were people, with the ability to plan and create, just as their surviving descendants (we) have.
Neanderthal napping process graphics showing top right hand corner.
I think that like most of our pre sedentary ancestors, they used what they had to hand to build what they needed. Bones got recycled, hides became dwelling covers as well as clothing, blankets, etc. The Neanderthal were really good at this, as were other upright walking beings defined as homo whatever. I'm quite proud to acknowledge them as my distant ancestors, along with everyone else that walked the road to get to me.
Am I surprised that Neanderthal did this? Not at all. I think we sell them short.
Your point about the location of the site is significant. But maybe not be correct. The adjacent river and forest may not have been there 44,000 years ago, as they are today. One spin off from our fascination with climate today is a better understanding of climate in the past. With the glaciation still in effect 44,000 years ago forests were scarce as was wood in general. Some speculate that this is why bone was used in this way. I’m not up on the details of that river in Moldova at the site, but I’d wager it was neither as broad or as deep as today. It might not even be in the same place. That said something made the site attractive for long term habitation. If nothing else I was a good hunting ground. Nobody is going to pack large bones any distance just to make a camp.
As to selective hunting. All modern hunters do it. In some cases by law. And all native hunting cultures studied first hand do it by preference. So why not Neanderthal, who arguably were master hunters. The apex predators of their time.
Put aside your preconception of gender. When I used to hunt I’d seek a two year old doe. Not a scrawny little yearling buck. Not a mature old 3+ die, or a tough old buck. The older animals get a bit gamy tasting, especially when breeding. The young ones are simply small. But the 2-3 year old doe is always tender. If I as a hobby hunter can discern that surely the master hunters of the past could.
Once a hide dries, it becomes very hard and stiff. So all they needed was a frame to drape it over. A wooly mammoth hide harvested in the winter would have had really good insulating properties, assuming they shed in the summer like other mammals. They probably laid the hide over a frame, let it freeze to get stiff, then let it dry over time. Additional hides stacked on top would have made a very warm shelter. Large bones may have been preferred so the hides could be tied down and prevent the wind from blowing them away.
Very interesting video. Given the relative paucity of caves in Europe habitable by humans (and free of bears and other potential renters) it makes sense to see that Neanderthals used the material at hand to make their own simple shelters (or were they homes?). As for your video on Neanderthals, we are patient subscribers who prefer quality over speed. Do it right rather than do it now.
What was our planet like 500,000 years ago? What sorts of animals were around? What was the climate and geography like? And which human species were alive?
Women in Nagaoka, Japan celebrate the Hodare Festival by riding a large wooden phallus, which is believed to bring fertility and marital bliss. Participants of the festival were seen praying to and touching the phallic symbol, seeking prosperity in their marriages.
We’re still figuring out the details, but most scientists agree that it took thousands of years of interactions to develop our deep bond with dogs. When did they first become domesticated? Where did this happen? And what did the process look like, in terms of genetics and anatomy?
Wealthy Ancient Romans used to construct entire mausoleums for their deceased pets, complete with funerary statues, tombstones, and epigraphs. One well preserved tomb at Herculaneum reads: “I am in tears, while carrying you to your last resting place as much as I rejoiced when bringing you home in my own hands fifteen years ago."Another such inscription reads: “My eyes were wet with tears, our little dog, when I carried you (to the grave)... So, Patricus, never again shall you give me a thousand kisses. Never again will you be contentedly in my lap. In sadness have I buried you, as you deserve, In a resting place of marble, I have placed you for all time by the side of my shade. In your qualities, sagacious you were, like a human being. Ah! What a loved companion we have lost”If that doesn’t tear your heart apart, I don’t know what will.Humans and dogs have a relationship unlike any other two animals. We were made for each other to be best friends. Quite literally in the case of the dog lol
Wealthy Ancient Romans used to construct entire mausoleums for their deceased pets, complete with funerary statues, tombstones, and epigraphs. One well preserved tomb at Herculaneum reads: “I am in tears, while carrying you to your last resting place as much as I rejoiced when bringing you home in my own hands fifteen years ago.
"Another such inscription reads: “My eyes were wet with tears, our little dog, when I carried you (to the grave)... So, Patricus, never again shall you give me a thousand kisses. Never again will you be contentedly in my lap. In sadness have I buried you, as you deserve, In a resting place of marble, I have placed you for all time by the side of my shade. In your qualities, sagacious you were, like a human being. Ah! What a loved companion we have lost”
If that doesn’t tear your heart apart, I don’t know what will.
Humans and dogs have a relationship unlike any other two animals. We were made for each other to be best friends. Quite literally in the case of the dog lol
If anyone hasn't seen it, there is a documentary by a fantastic Scottish naturalist called Gordon Buchanan who lived for three months on an island where there are wild Arctic Wolves. He would allow some interaction and once he learned not to fear for his safety (completely natural although wolf attacks on humans are extremely rare) he allowed one to approach him, who sniffed around, looked at him and was just curious. He says at that moment "I think I can see, how this fearsome predator, eventually became, man's best friend". These wolves were wild, and the interactions over those three months on this island is probably extremely similar to how it first happened between wolves and humans when they met, and instantly knew they shared "something" in common and would soon work, live, love and die together for thousands of years until this very day. Dogs keep us safe, they keep our pets safe and our homes safe, they work for us, fetch things, save our lives and live with us. Dogs are amazing... even though I own a cat (which works better for my circumstances in life).
The way those "idols" were arrayed on their platform, they definitely look like game pieces. 3 groups of six, 3 groups of 3, all with an equal amount of similarly shaped pieces per like-numbered group, and a single group with 8. Fascinating look and leaves a strong impression of a chess-like game.
Hello Dan! Greetings from Sibiu (Romania)! Tărtăria-Gura Luncii, Alba county ( the infamous incised clay tablets, with symbols, were discovered here in 1961-the autumn campaign, by prof. Nicolae Vlassa-long story...), is indeed a complex prehistoric archaeological site (in recent studies there were identified elements of fortifications-ditches and palisade postholes-Luca 2016, „Tărtăria Rediviva”). Now, I'm studying for a master's degree at „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu (Department of History and Heritage Studies). The main subject of my Bachelor Thesis was about lithic industry (polished/ground and knapped stone tools) from Tărtăria. In 2021 and 2022 (summer campaigns), I have taken part in archaeological excavations here and I can assure all of you that, Vinča female clay figurines, are very THICC ;)!!! I'm pleased to see, that there is interest for the complex Neo-Eneolithic cultures in this part of Europe! Your high-quality documentaries contributed a lot to my passion for prehistory, so keep up the good work.
Harald Haarmann (world's leading expert on scripts and languages) states that the Danube script is the oldest known writing in the world. Much older than Mesopotamian writing. The Danube culture was an egalitarian civilization which existed 8000 years ago in Eastern Europe (Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia .....) and is indeed the cradle of civilization, not the Middle East.
Several fascinating ancient artifacts offer excellent evidence our ancestors were familiar with the wheel and produced small objects similar to our modern cars
. However, there are also a number of very interesting artifacts showing very curious car-like models. One of them was discovered by curator of the National Museum in Hungary F. Romer. It is a car-like object with a primitive deity depicted on it.
Many car-like ancient objects can also be traced to the Danube Valley civilization, a mysterious European culture, which left a legacy in form of valuable artifacts covered with an unknown, never successfully deciphered script. These artifacts have been excavated from sites in south-east Europe. The culture that flourished from about 6000 BC to 3000 BC, was named Vinca-Tordos Culture of Serbia and western Romania and derived its name from the village of Vinca located on the banks of Danube river, only 14 km downstream from Belgrade. Near the village of Dupljaja in the vicinity of Bela Crkva, Serbia 95 km from Belgrade and 35 km from Vršac, there are remains of a prehistoric settlement originating from the Middle Bronze Age. At this place archaeologists discovered two carts made of terracotta. Sitting inside the carts are bird-shaped humanoids. The artifacts are kept at the National Museum in Belgrade. It is clear that our ancestors were much more advanced than it is commonly believed.
Researchers on Wednesday said they found the earliest known chemical evidence of cheese-making, based on the analysis of milk-fat residues in pottery dating back about 7,200 years. Not only did cheese provide a key source of nutrition for prehistoric Europeans, it also allowed them a way to store milk long-term.
This video is a special Epilogue to Chapter 2 of our series. It covers the origins of Rome, from a small Latin settlement, to the Roman Kingdom under its Seven Legendary Kings. It then goes through the early Roman Republic until the Sack of Rome and its rebirth in the early 300s BCE.
The Roman Kingdom (also referred to as the Roman monarchy, or the regal period of ancient Rome) was the earliest period of Roman history when the city and its territory were ruled by kings. According to oral accounts, the Roman Kingdom began with the city's founding c. 753 BC, with settlements around the Palatine Hill along the river Tiber in central Italy, and ended with the overthrow of the kings and the establishment of the Republic c. 509 BC.
The Roman Republic was a state of the classical Roman civilization, run through public representation of the Roman people. Beginning with the overthrow of the Roman Kingdom (traditionally dated to 509 BC) and ending in 27 BC with the establishment of the Roman Empire, Rome's control rapidly expanded during this period—from the city's immediate surroundings to hegemony over the entire Mediterranean world.
Roman society under the Republic was primarily a cultural mix of Latin and Etruscan societies, as well as of Sabine, Oscan, and Greek cultural elements, which is especially visible in the Roman Pantheon. Its political organization developed, at around the same time as direct democracy in Ancient Greece, with collective and annual magistracies, overseen by a senate The top magistrates were the two consuls, who had an extensive range of executive, legislative, judicial, military, and religious powers. Even though a small number of powerful families (called gentes) monopolised the main magistracies, the Roman Republic is generally considered one of the earliest examples of representative democracy. Roman institutions underwent considerable changes throughout the Republic to adapt to the difficulties it faced, such as the creation of promagistracies to rule its conquered provinces, or the composition of the senate.
Unlike the Pax Romana of the Roman Empire, the Republic was in a state of quasi-perpetual war throughout its existence. Its first enemies were its Latin and Etruscan neighbours as well as the Gauls, who even sacked the city in 387 BC. The Republic nonetheless demonstrated extreme resilience and always managed to overcome its losses, however catastrophic.
Little is certain about the kingdom's history as no records and few inscriptions from the time of the kings survive. The accounts of this period written during the Republic and the Empire are thought largely to be based on oral tradition.
"The story of the founding of Rome it’s a tale that was often told by the Romans as the earliest history of their ancient city. As the legend goes… Rome was founded on April 21, 753 BC by twin brothers, Romulus and Remus. According to tradition, the boys were the sons of Rhea Silvia, a daughter of King Numitor of Alba Longa, who was impregnated by the god of war, Mars…"
Comment: Some light skin Neanderthal evolves in to White Europeans.
Billions of people today have Neanderthal DNA; which means that" they are us". They were absorbed into the population and were just another people group. In fact, their facial structures are very similar to White Europeans.
I actually have 60% more Neanderthal DNA than the average person at a 2% while the rest is Homosapian. This ought to be interesting while that may explain why I actually once had a beard that looked like a Neanderthal´s beard.
While I personally have a very standard human skull, there's a lot of people in the Netherlands who have many of the typical Neanderthal characteristics. Like an elongated skull, a very blocky build, big ridge, deep eyes. If I were to guess a lot of Northern Europeans are a lot more Neanderthal than we realize. To say we are only 2% Neanderthal and 98% may be true for all of Europe. But if you would narrow it down to certain people I bet you could easily find numbers as high as 10% or even 20%. And I've even seen a person who wouldn't surprise me if he was more Neanderthal than Sapien. He's a sheep herder, probably because he doesn't like society so much.
White people (White Europeans) during the Ice Age in Europe.
Europeans (Whites) were not black in the past. In spite of all this cheddar man crap, ancient European (Whites) people would look much like today. DNA shows ancient Egyptians are about the same as today. Same with a lot of people in the British Isles and Europe.
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The following information is to give evidence that the White European Caucasians (White People) who live in the British Isles across to Russia today including the rest of Europe are indigenous to those regions and they have been there for thousands of years.
It is important to note that some White Jews may view themselves differently than whites. However, for centuries, Jews considered themselves to be white, which is equivalent to being European. In light of the historical persecution faced by both Jews and whites, it is crucial to avoid division and recognize that White Jews and whites share a common ancestry and European heritage.
This article aims to remind White Jews that Israel is their religious homeland and Europe is their racial homeland, and that they are indigenous to Europe along with other whites, forming a brotherhood and sisterhood. It is crucial to acknowledge the rich history of White Jews, including their Ice Age ancestry, before their conversion to Judaism.
Our ancient European Caucasian ancestors(white & white Jews ) were transient beings who migrated cross the lands that make up Europe and the British Isles and they are viewed by historians and the scientific community as one people. It matters not what your religion or passport says; Christianity, Judaism, Scandinavia, Russia, France – none of these religions or nationalities existed in the original settlements of human beings in Europe.
White people (White Europeans) who live in the United States, Canada, South America, Israel, Australia, and South Africa are indigenous to Europe and should have the right of return to live in their ancient homeland.
Israeli Professor Shlomo Sand is challenging notions of a Jewish people quoted in his new book, "those who claim to be all of the Jewish people cannot claim a blood connection with the original Jewish inhabitants of the holy land, but converts along the way."
"The modern Hebrew language being a European hybrid......also is known to have copied Arabic words and Arabic roots to make up new "Hebrew" neologisms and calques."
There is scholarly view that goes beyond what even the famous linguist Ghil'ad Zuckerman States that:
"modern Hebrew" is simply a form of Yiddish (Yiddish be an Indo-European Language) with some new made-up "Hebrew" neologism (often from Arabic) sprinkled in."
The majority of Jews did not come from Israel. They are European Caucasians with the majority from Europe, and some came from the Middle East or the Khazar tribes in Khazaria area in Southern Russia. Many Jews have blue eyes and blonde hair, who's origins originated in Europe.
It is estimated that the majority of Jews in western countries are actually white Europeans and many have blue eyes, blonde hair and European facial features which only originated from cold climates. Regardless of this most Jews are indoctrinated from birth into believing that they are a distinct race separate from their European brothers and sisters. It is a belief that was started by the Globalist and anti-Semitic Zionists, ie. that they are different to all others and while there is a classical "Jewish" look held by some Jews due to the strong breeding within only Jewish families, most people of Jewish descent look no different to Europeans. The Japanese are the same race as Chinese and were indoctrinated from birth and during the Second World War, that they were different from the Chinese. This attitude resulted in the systemic killing and eradication of many innocent Chinese civilians and we need to ensure that this attitude of difference is stopped as it is now in the process of destroying Europe and the Europeans.
Many white Europeans have been converted to the Jewish faith over the centuries and it is worth remembering that during the time of the ice age there were no Jews anywhere on earth. The Jewish belief and faith has simply been invented over the centuries and used as a kind of class warfare against other groups to gain money and power by a small group.
Clearly these Israelis from European backgrounds are not Semites. It's written all over their faces.
"It appears that the majority of the European converts to Judaism during the early years of the Diaspora were women. That helps explain why the Ashkenazim can trace their female lineage to southern and western Europe."
Picture on the right was painted in Lascaux cave in Southern France over 15,000 years ago by Ice Age white Europeans (White people). The Lascaux complex contains some of the most remarkable Palaeolithic cave paintings in the world. One of our organization's goals is to unite European Caucasians worldwide by teaching them about our ancestors before the advent of today's major religions – Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
Today, White people are scattered all over the world and many no longer identify themselves with their homeland Europe, which must change. We must begin to truly think of the nations of Europe as sacred ground; it is the land and the blood of our ancestors going back thousands of years, many of whom fought to keep it safe for us, their descendants. We need to do our part now in order to pass it on, intact to our future generations.
White people should be proud of their ancestors who have done many wondrous things including those who painted in caves and on cliffs in Europe.
The photo of the skull (pictured left) was taken at the British Museum, London, and is the oldest of human fossils found outside Africa from Georgia in Southern Russia, Eastern Europe as being 1.8 million years old. People have been living in the regions we call Europe and the Middle East along with Central Asia for longer than many people realize.
If you walked behind the owner of this skull when he was alive and he was dressed in a modern outfit, you would think that he was just another human being until you looked at his face. Then you would notice that he was slightly different, based on the brow ridge and facial features.
It is worth remembering that the average height of Homo erectus was 6 ft., they did not walk like monkeys. They walked around like human beings do today. Homo erectus based on recent research lived between 1.8 million years – 100,000 years ago.
European researchers stand by their study that the earliest humans evolved in Europe and not in Africa. But local scientists dispute the claims saying no reliable evidence has been provided to support that view.
After they found those teeth in Germany that are several million years older than anything from be Africa I don't see how any scientist that is unbiased can say all human ancestors started in Africa. People need to keep an open mind instead of pushing an agenda.
@SABC - I have a question. Why is it that when interracial couples mix together this happens?
White Caucasian + Asian = Caucasian looking child,
Black + White Caucasian = Black child,
Asian + Black = Asian looking child,
Native American + Native American = Asian looking child,
Native American + Black = Asian looking child with dark complexions.
I'm curious why because I've observed this a lot and have personal experience with it. I'm thinking that maybe there are two places of origin, even more and that all humans developed around about the same time but in different locations? I mean could this theory even be a possibility? Could this be the reason why there is no missing link yet! since there would have have to be multiple missing links right?
Question, If the footprints are 6mill years old and they were found in Crete. Does this mean that the Origin of mankind was NOT in Africa 200.000 years ago??
I thought two experts who studied primate footprints claimed that these weren't footprints at all, and definitely not belonging to hominids even through the small possibility that they were footprints?
They were pre-humans walking on their toes....probably wading. In chest deep water. Scientists should always get seasoned trackers to read footprints. i have studied photos of all these prints...and one or two of them are fully human-shaped (Gierlinski et al 2018).
If you even suggest that humanities story is more complicated than the Afro-hominid migration out of Africa, you’re labeled a pseudo scientist or worse some kind of racist.
Dogma has no place in science, sadly it's very prevalent even now. Leave dogma to religion, science is where the old should be replaced by the new as evidence, understanding and knowledge increases. The whole 'out of africa' thing is a good working hypothesis based on what evidence there was, but it should never be carved in stone when we are constantly finding new evidence, which apparently is very Inconvenient to the dogmatic.It should not matter whether this new evidence supports one hypothesis or another, science doesn't care about your politics, agendas or biases, sadly the so-called scientific community is full of all three. If your hypothesis isn't supported by the evidence, it's probably wrong.
Colin Barras wrote in in New Scientist: “The association of fossil remains with stone tools at the new site is important, says Eudald Carbonell at the Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona, Spain, who led the research team. “We have human remains, stone tools and bones with cut marks,” he says. “It’s all very consistent with occupation here 1.1 million years ago.” Carbonell says the fragmentary remains have been tentatively assigned to the species Homo antecessor, also known from 800,000 year-old remains at Gran Dolina in Spain and Ceprano in Italy. “Our hypothesis is that antecessor is derived from Homo georgicus, found at Dmanisi, Georgia, in 1.8 million year-old deposits,” he says. Chris Stringer, a palaeoanthropologist at the Natural History Museum in London, UK,, who was not involved with the study, is more cautious. “Even if antecessor is a valid species, we don’t know where it originated,” he says. \*\
We present a detailed morphological comparative study of the hominin mandible ATE9-1 recovered in 2007 from the SimadelElefantecavesiteinSierradeAtapuerca, Burgos, northernSpain. Paleomagnetic analyses, biostratigraphical studies, and quantitative data obtained through nuclide cosmogenic methods, place this specimen in the Early Pleistocene (1.2-1.3 Ma). This finding, together with ...
The Petralona Human Skull That Challenges the 'Out of Africa' Theory
The skull (pictured right), discovered in Northern Greece has the potential to change what we know
about human evolution. This skull, known as the Petralona Skull was found in 1959 embedded in a wall and was given to the University of Thessaloniki from the Petralona community with the conditions that after examination it would be put on public display by the museum with information about the skull that was discovered.
The ‘Petralona man’, as it has since been called, was found to be 700,000 years old, making it the oldest human Europeoid (presenting European traits), of that age ever discovered in Europe. The academic responsible for researching the cave and skull, Dr. Poulianos, argues that this hominid evolved separately in Europe and was not an ancestor of a species that came out of Africa.
Independent researchers tried to dismiss these findings, arguing that the skull was only 50,000 years old and was indeed an ancestor that came from Africa. Then only a decade later in 1971, research from the US was published backing up the findings that the skull was indeed 700,000 years old. This case was made on the analysis of the cave’s stratigraphy and the sediment in which the skull was embedded. Further research in the cave discovered isolated teeth and two pre-human skeletons dating back 800,000 years, as well as other fossils of various species.
Today, most academics who have analyzed the Petralona remains say that the cranium belongs to an archaic hominid distinguished from Homo erectus, and from both the classic Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans, but showing characteristics of all those species and presenting strong European traits. A skull dating back 700,000 years ago which is either Homo sapien or part Homo sapien is in direct conflict with the 'Out of Africa' theory of human evolution. Dr. Poulianos’ findings contradicted conventional views regarding human evolution, as a result his research was suppressed. He and his team have been denied further access to the cave to complete their research and study, and the whereabouts of the skull is now unknown.
It is interesting to note that there has been completely separate research completed and published in the last 5 years which also shows evidence that Homo erectus was found in Eurasia as far back as 1.8 million years ago. The discovery of the Dmanisi Skull 5 (pictured left) has certainly caused a lot of discussion in the paleontological world with new theories being that Homo erectus possibly evolved in Eurasia, and then migrated into Africa considering the dates.
During the cold stages, the sea levels would be much lower than today, by up to 120 metres. Today, we can see the remains of the cold stages through fossilised tree trunks, submerged in today's seawater but visible at extremely low tides. During the lower sea levels animals and man could walk freely towards Europe. Amazing remains of Ice Age beasts were unearthed from Kents Cavern during the Victorian period.
As the planet's temperature rose, the ice sheets melted and the sea levels began to rise once again, closing off the established links to Europe. Plant life would flourish and warm weather animals began to appear, in Joint Mitnor Cave just 20 miles from Kents Cavern. Remains of straight tusked elephants, bison and even hippopotamus were found.
Hippos & mammoths in Worcestershire?
30th October 2018
The Ice Age was not always cold: hippos once wallowed in Worcestershire’s warm pools. Over the last 2.5 million years – a period we call ‘The Ice Age’ and known geologically as the Quaternary – the climate fluctuated between icy glacials and warmer interglacials. As temperatures rose species were able to expand into new areas, before being pushed back further south as the climate turned icy.
During warm interglacials, herds of horses, bison and aurochs would have roamed the open grasslands of Britain. Beavers and dolphins swam in our rivers; at the height of the Hoxnian Interglacial (around 400,000 years ago) oak forests were home to deer and macaque monkeys. The gentler climate meant that early humans gradually returned to Britain and the stone tools that they left behind have been found at places like Swanscombe in Kent and Boxgrove in West Sussex.
Lions, bears, wolves and these early humans would have hunted large animals like rhinoceros and the straight tusked elephant. Straight tusked elephants are now extinct but they were once the largest Ice Age animal of all, twice as large as elephants today and even bigger than a mammoth. They could grow to four metres in height and ten tonnes in weight and their straight tusks could grow to over three metres in length.
Around 130,000 – 115,000 years ago, a particularly warm interglacial allowed tropical species to live in Britain. Hippopotamus bones have been found in Worcestershire at Eckington, Bengeworth and Stourbridge. Spotted hyenas, lions and narrow-nosed rhinoceros are also known to have lived in Britain during this time.
"Researchers estimate the prints are between 800,000 and 1 million years old".
View of footprint surface looking north. Credit: Simon Parfitt Citizens of Britain can now trace their origins several large steps backward in time. Archaeologists recently discovered the oldest set of human footprints outside of Africa along the eastern coast of Britain. Rough seas last summer in the village of Happisburgh, Norfolk, washed away portions of the shore revealing a set of about 50 footprints. Researchers estimate the prints are between 800,000 and 1 million years old.
Footprints' History
Due to the various sizes of footprints, researchers believe a mixed group of at least five adults and juveniles were walking along mudflats of what was then the Thames River estuary. Based on the size of the prints, researchers believe the group was related to Homo antecessor, or “Pioneer Man,” which died off some 800,000 years ago. The group was likely scouting the area for food, and could have been related.
Researchers found 50 footprints from a group of five adults and juveniles. Prior to the Norfolk find, the oldest human remains found in Britain were a set of tools dating back 700,000 years. Older human evidence tends to be found in southern Europe where researchers, for example, have unearthed 780,000-year-old skull fragments in southern Spain. The Norfolk find sheds new light on the tenacity and adaptability of northern Europe's earliest human ancestors, Chris Stringer, an archaeologist with the project, told the Associated Press:
"This makes us rethink our feelings about the capacity of these early people, that they were coping with conditions somewhat colder than the present day,” he said. "Maybe they had cultural adaptations to the cold we hadn't even thought were possible 900,000 years ago. Did they wear clothing? Did they make shelters, windbreaks and so on? Could they have the use of fire that far back?"
A Rare Find
The discovery is significant to our understanding of human origins, but it’s also incredibly lucky. Finding preserved footsteps is difficult, given the punishing forces of erosion along seacoasts. Previously, the record for the oldest set of footprints in Britain was 7,500 years old, which pales in comparison to the Norfolk find. The Norfolk team called the Happisburgh prints a “one in a million” find. Fortunately, archaeologists captured plenty of photographic evidence to study Britain’s oldest footprints in May 2013, because what the sea gives it also takes away. Most of the ancient footprints have already disappeared due to erosion. However, researchers are optimistic that the same forces could someday unveil new evidence, as well.
By measuring the footprints, the team were able to estimate the height and weight of the individuals who made them. It appears a small group of adults and children, between 90 and 170 centimetres tall, left the trails as they walked along the mudflats of a river estuary.
Using pollen in sediment layers, the scientists dated the footprints to between 850,000 and 950,000 years ago. This age means the footprints may have been left by Homo antecessor, an early human species known to be present in Europe at that time.
In 1962, a 366 cm × 427 cm × 30 cm (12 ft × 14 ft × 1 ft) circle made with volcanic rocks was discovered in Olduvai Gorge. At 61–76 cm (2–2.5 ft) intervals, rocks were piled up to 15–23 cm (6–9 in) high. British palaeoanthropologist Mary Leakey suggested the rock piles were used to support poles stuck into the ground, possibly to support a windbreak or a rough hut. Some modern day nomadic tribes build similar low-lying rock walls to build temporary shelters upon, bending upright branches as poles and using grasses or animal hide as a screen.[99] Dating to 1.75 Mya, it is the oldest claimed evidence of architecture.[100]
In Europe, evidence of constructed dwelling structures dating to or following the Holstein Interglacial (which began 424 kya) has been claimed in Bilzingsleben, Germany; Terra Amata, France; and Fermanville and Saint-Germain-des-Vaux in Normandy. The oldest evidence of a dwelling (and a campfire) in Europe comes from Přezletice, Czech Republic, 700 kya during the Cromerian Interglacial. This dwelling's base measured about 3 m × 4 m (9.8 ft × 13.1 ft) on the exterior and 3 m × 2 m (9.8 ft × 6.6 ft) on the interior, and is considered to have been a firm surface hut, probably with a vaulted roof made of thick branches or thin poles, supported by a foundation of big rocks and earth, and likely functioned as a winter base camp.[101]
The area was already known for the finds of numerous Palaeolithic-era handaxes—mostly Acheulean and Clactonian artifacts, some as much as 400,000 years old—when in 1935/1936 work at Barnfield Pit uncovered two fossilised skull fragments. These fragments came to be known as the remains of Swanscombe Man but were later found to have belonged to a young woman.[7] The Swanscombe skull has been identified as early Neanderthal[8] or pre-Neanderthal,[9] dating to the Hoxnian Interglacial around 400,000 years ago.[6]
It is actually believed some parts of the skull belonging to the face may still be missing.
They say if you don't know where you've come from, you don't know where you're going.
Thankfully for the residents of Swanscombe and Kent they don't have far to travel to piece together a vital piece of early human history.
The Swanscombe Skull site as it was prior to the introduction of the heritage park.
It's hard to imagine now but homes along the Thames Estuary were once on land which hyenas, cave lions and huge mammoth-sized elephants freely roamed.
They were joined by perhaps the town's oldest resident – a 400,000 year old ancestor to the Neanderthal species – known as the Swanscombe woman.
Swanscombe is one of only two sites in Britain where actual human remains of this very early period have been found.
Between 1997 and 2004 a series of archaeological excavations were carried out in the Ebbsfleet Valley in advance of High Speed 1's passage into Kent .
They were led by Dr Francis Wenban-Smith, a research professor of archaeology at the University of Southampton, working in partnership with Oxford Archaeology who commissioned the dig, near the Swanscombe Skull site.
Together they safely removed a 400,000-year-old elephant tusk from a building site near Swan Valley Community School on Southfleet Road, now Ebbsfleet Academy.
The mammoth find was one-and-a-half metres long and belonged to an extinct species of straight tusked elephants, capable of resting their chins on the back of their African Savannah equivalents today.
The marshy valley teems with life. Herds of deer, aurochs, and a troop of macaque monkeys jostle for space as they wait their turn to drink from a sluggish, spring-fed stream. On the far bank a rhinoceros laps steadily at the water, its horned head obscured by thick reed-beds carpeting the valley floor in verdant green. Encroaching forest has been trampled down by heavy hooves to form a clearing, while nearby vegetation has been stripped almost bare by voracious grazing. On a low chalk cliff overlooking the valley, a huge male lion lazes watchfully near the carcass of a day-old kill. And towering over everything is a majestic, solitary bull elephant, ambling down the valley side towards the water’s edge.
Without warning, a pack of strongly built men burst from their hiding place in the undergrowth. Brandishing sturdy wooden spears and uttering harsh hunting cries, they close in on the startled elephant. It is a well-practised ambush. The men have been hiding patiently for many hours at a favoured hunting site. They approach cautiously at first, snapping like wolves at the elephant’s flanks, wary of tusks that slice through the air like scythes. Some of the group fling their spears at close range, while the more experienced hunters aim for the elephant’s eyes in the hope of blinding the enraged animal.
More than twice the height of a man, the lumbering beast cannot turn quickly enough to protect itself from every direction. The hunters dart close to fling their spears with terrific force, before leaping clear, and the elephant gradually weakens, succumbing to the deadly hail of spears. As the mighty beast collapses onto a patch of sun-baked clay beside the mire, its blood is oozing from numerous puncture wounds. The hunters close in for the kill.
As their initial excitement subsides, one of the men searches the ground for suitable flint nodules, which are plentiful along the stream bank. Using another flint as a hammerstone, the hunter squats beside the elephant and, with a few deft strikes, splits the nodule into a handful of razor-sharp blades and scrapers. Before long the whole group, brandishing similar tools, is butchering the carcass, expertly stripping away the most prized cuts. Several of the hunters slice at the fatty foot-pads, another smashes the skull open with a rock to scoop out the brain. Working together, two others lever the jaw off with a branch and start cutting at the elephant’s tongue. When they are done, only the hide, bones, and tusks are left to mark where the beast fell. The death of this elephant means life for their tribe. Almost everything they need to survive can be won from its bloody carcass.
Astonishing recent finds include eight complete wooden spears from a 300,000-year-old wild-horse hunting camp at Schöningen in Germany. These well-preserved wooden artefacts exhibit a high level of craftsmanship. At Lehringen, another German site, a spear was found apparently embedded in a straight-tusked elephant’s ribcage. The Southfleet Road evidence is less explicit, but a wooden spearpoint has been found in the Thames Estuary at Clacton-on-Sea, indicating that early hominins with comparable capabilities were active in southern Britain around 400,000 years ago.
Since Ice ages took up most of the timeline of human evolution, and sea levels were about 200 feet lower, most the history of man is beneath the waves. If we could just have a look of that part of evolution... The first Asian, first Australian and the first American trekked along coasts which are under water today. This video makes you realise that complete landscapes were there were is now ocean. Fascinating what traces of human development one could find there .
Tony Robinson reveals astonishing new evidence that shows how, 8000 years ago, a huge tsunami swamped the east coast of Britain and killed thousands of Stone Age white Europeans. Before the tsunami Stone Age people could travel over the land bridge (Doggerland) between Great Britain and continental Europe and the tsunami and melting ice made Britain an island.
This is amazing!!! I was wondering what that might be about till I get speechless when it was affirmed: "We don't know yet", "nothing like that in the country" and "the most ancient boat-building site yet on Earth"!!!!!! I DO LOVE IT. Thanks for the video!!!!!
The age of the spears, originally assessed as being between 380,000 and 400,000 years old,[5][6][7][8] was estimated from their stratigraphic position, "sandwiched between deposits of the Elsterian and Saalian glaciations, and situated within a well-studied sedimentary sequence."[9] However, more recently, thermoluminescence dating of heated flints in a deposit beneath that which contained the spears date the spears to between 337,000 and 300,000 years old, placing them at the end of the interglacial Marine Isotope Stage 9.[10][11] The Schöningen spears thus postdate the earlier fragmented Clacton spear point, attributed to Marine Isotope Stage 11,[12][13] but remain the oldest complete wooden weapons.
To date, hominin remains have not been discovered from the Schöningen Pleistocene deposits, and therefore the species that crafted and used the wooden weapons and other tools at Schöningen remains uncertain. The most likely candidates are Homo heidelbergensis. or early Neanderthals.[14][15] The spears provide clear evidence of the importance of wood as a material for Palaeolithic tools, and also further support the practice of hunting by Middle Pleistocene humans.
The Schöningen spears are a set of ten wooden weapons from the Palaeolithic Age that were excavated between 1994 and 1999 from the 'Spear Horizon' in the open-castlignite mine in Schöningen, Helmstedt district, Germany. They were found together with animal bones and stone and bone tools.[1][2][3][4] The excavations took place under the management of Hartmut Thieme of the Lower Saxony State Service for Cultural Heritage (NLD).
Shaft section
Description and function
A spear in situ
Most of the spears were made using trunks of slow-growing spruce trees, except for spear IV, which is made from pine. The complete spears vary in length from 1.84 to 2.53 m (6.04 to 8.30 ft), with diameters ranging from 29 to 47 mm (1.14 to 1.85 in).[26] The wooden finds were exposed to sedimentary pressure, and there are varying degrees of deformation.
The spears were debarked and have evidence of working traces at both ends, demonstrating that they were shaped to be double pointed.[27] One exception is Spear VI, which does not appear to taper at the back. The points of the spears made use of the bases of trees, which is harder wood, while the soft inner pith is offset from the tip.[28] These features suggest an awareness of the properties of wood, and the design in such a way as to maximise the hardness of wood.
Like today’s tournament javelins, the greatest diameter and therefore likely the centre of gravity is located in the front third of the shaft of at least some of the spears.[29] In addition, most of the spears, with the exception of Spear VI, taper at both the front and the back, which may assist flight aerodynamics. This led many to suggest that they may have been designed as thrown spears, similar to a modern javelin.
Experimental research using experienced athletes to throw replicas of Spear II show that the spears are capable of being thrown at distances of at leat 15–20 m, and are similar in weight and balance to javelins.[30][31][32] However, Spear VI, which does not taper at the back and also has a natural kink, is interpreted as a thrusting spear,[33] and replicas of Spear II have also been experimentally tested as thrusting spears.[34] Ethnographically, wooden spears were used as both thrusting and throwing spears.[35] Together the evidence suggests that the Schöningen spears most likely had multiple uses including for self-defence against dangerous predators such as saber-toothed cats, with whom the humans shared the landscape.[36]
Other discoveries
In addition to the spears and double-pointed sticks, a charred wooden stick made of spruce and measuring 87.7 by 3.6 cm was also found at Schöningen 13 II-4, and is interpreted as a possible skewer.[37] Hundreds of additional wooden fragments from the site are the subject of ongoing research by a multidisciplinary team.
Also among the finds are the so-called 'clamp shafts', excavated from locality Schöningen 12b, a site that formed earlier than Schöningen 13 II-4. These tools were made from the extremely hard wooden branch-bases of the European silver fir. They are noticeably worked and may have been used as handles for stone tools.[38]
As of 2015, around 1500 stone tools and over 12,000 animal bones were found.[39] The stone tools comprise denticulates, some bifacially worked tools, retouched flakes and scrapers, but there are no handaxes or handaxe thinning flakes.[40] As such the stone tools are interpreted as late Lower Palaeolithic in nature. The majority of animal bones with signs of butchery belong to an extinct species of horse (Equus mosbachensis). Also present are red deer and large bovids.[41][42] Marks on the bones suggest that the humans had first access to the carcasses, and that carnivores such as wolves and sabre-tooth cats accessed the bones later. Marks from stone tools suggest that humans worked together to butcher their prey.[43] Bone tools have also been discovered in the 'Spear Horizon', and are suggested to have been used for knapping flint and for breaking open other bones for marrow.[44]
Thanks to excellent preservation conditions, there are many finds of small animals, among them small mammals, fish, mollusks and insects. Together with the carpological remains, they enable a detailed reconstruction of the climate and the environment, and show that the site of 13 II formed towards the end of the interglacial.[45]
Long before Homo sapiens populated the earth, the Neanderthals lived in Eurasia.
Now, paleoanthropologists in England and France are using new archeological methods to shed light on some previously unexplained Neanderthal mysteries.
In an age clouded by the mists of time, the first early humans colonized the Eurasian continent. They settled on land that had only recently been covered by glaciers. This species, called Neanderthals, died out about 30,000 years ago -- but at one time, they formed the largest group in an area that stretched from northern France to the Belgian coast and from the Channel Islands to southern England.
During the last Ice Age, the North Sea was frozen over -- and the English Channel was a small river that could easily be crossed on foot. The Neanderthals lived in close harmony with their perpetually changing environment. They had everything they needed to survive: the meat of prey animals, edible wild plants, water and wood for cooking and heating. How did these early humans develop over almost 300,000 years? What were their lives like before they became extinct?
Our documentary is based on the latest research. We investigate various populations of Neanderthals, and visit archaeological sites in northern France, southern England, and on the island of Jersey.
Renowned researchers such as the British paleoanthropologist Chris Stringer and his French colleague Ludovic Slimak describe how the Neanderthals lived, and discuss their cognitive abilities. Was this species capable of structured thinking? Did they have cultures, languages, and societies? How intelligent were they, and what sort of adaptive strategies kept them alive for 300,000 years? How similar were they to modern-day humans?
My Ancestors on my Father's side, were from England. My DNA results showed I have a good amount of Neanderthals I my blood. Iva always wanted to learn more about them. I thank you so much for sharing this important History with us. I'm thrilled to learn about my Ancestors, finally. My Father's side had similar Characteristics that you mentioned, with the height nose etc. I share some as well. Please share more info if you can. I loved this. Thank you!!!
A team of scientists has created what it believes is the first really accurate reconstruction of Neanderthal man, from a skeleton that was discovered in France over a century ago.
In 1909, excavations at La Ferrassie cave in the Dordogne unearthed the remains of a group of Neanderthals. One of the skeletons in that group was that of an adult male, given the name La Ferrassie 1.
These remains have helped scientists create a detailed reconstruction of our closest prehistoric relative for a new BBC series, Prehistoric Autopsy.
Neanderthals are not entirely gone. Their DNA lives on within us, but more in some people than others. People of European ancestry are much more likely to have inherited a bundle of Neanderthal variants in their genome as compared to those of Asian or African descent.
Contemporary Europeans have as many as three times more Neanderthal variants in genes involved in lipid catabolism than Asians and Africans.
Although Neanderthals are extinct, fragments of their genomes persist in modern humans. These shared regions are unevenly distributed across the genome and some regions are particularly enriched with Neanderthal variants. An international team of researchers led by Philipp Khaitovich of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and the CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology in Shanghai, China, show that DNA sequences shared between modern humans and Neanderthals are specifically enriched in genes involved in the metabolic breakdown of lipids. This sharing of genes is seen mainly in contemporary humans of European descent and may have given a selective advantage to the individuals with the Neanderthal variants.
The researchers analyzed the distribution of Neanderthal variants in the genomes of eleven contemporary human populations of African, Asian and European descent. They found that genes involved in the lipid synthesis contained a particularly high number of Neanderthal variants in contemporary humans of European origin, but not in Asians and Africans.
175,000 year old evidence that the first inhabitants of Europe were highly underestimated. The best forensic artists reconstruct their faces from the actual skulls with staggering result. Our cousins were beautiful. If you do not have any African genes, science says you are related to these folks from the beginning.
Some Neanderthal females and males wouldn't look out of place in most parts of the western world. This assumes early 21st Century clothing and hairstyles, of course.
2 pictures on right taken from the video above " 175,000 Year old evidence that the first inhabitants of Europe were highly underestimated. The best forensic artist reconstruct their faces from the actual skulls with staggering result. .The most deeply rooted Morphological comparison between Neanderthals and modern Europeans immediately reveals striking similarities in unique physical traits not found among Africans."
...Genes for skin colour and hair colour are obvious early targets for scientists engaged in these efforts. Pale skin - along with red or brown hair - appears to be the product of lower levels of sunlight present in areas further from the equator such as Europe.
...In Neanderthals, there was probably the whole range of hair colour we see today in modern European populations, from dark to blond right through to red. Dr Carles Lalueza-Fox
Did the Neanderthal DNA give European blue eyes?
"DNA from our shorter, stockier cousins may be influencing skin tone, ease of tanning, hair color and sleeping patterns of those of present-day Europeans, according to a study from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology published Thursday in the American Journal of Human Genetics."
DNA taken from Neanderthals show they had the same colouring as modern Europeans and Middle Eastern people. Some Neanderthals had light hair, eyes and skin, while others had olive skin and dark hair, eyes:
Neanderthals had different hair, eye and skin colour just like modern White Europeans. DNA taken from two female Neanderthals showed they had brown eyes but also carried genes for blue eyes:
"The new study, to be published in the American Journal of Human Biology later this spring, looks at the genomes of three female Neandertals from Croatia. Their DNA was the basis of the first effort to compile a complete Neandertal genetic sequence, which was published in 2010.
The researchers focused their attention on 40 well-studied stretches of genetic material that help determine pigmentation in living people. A particular form of the gene known as TPCN2, for example, bestows brown hair in modern humans; any other form means hair that's another color.
One complication is that traits such as hair color are controlled by multiple genes. To determine the cumulative impact of multiple genes on one trait, the authors assumed they could simply add together the impact of individual genes. The female Neandertal known as Vi33.26, for example, had seven genes for brown eyes, one for "not-brown" eyes, three for blue eyes, and four for "not-blue eyes." By the researchers' reckoning, that means a six-gene balance in favor of brown and a negative balance for blue, so Vi33.26's eyes were probably brown. According to this method, all three Neandertals had a dark complexion and brown eyes, and although one was red-haired, two sported brown locks.
Study author Tábita Hünemeier of Brazil's Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul says she's not surprised by the results. "There was a large population of Neandertals in Europe," she says. "It's impossible that an entire population has red hair or blue eyes."
"Other archaeological evidence unearthed at Neanderthal sites provides reason to believe that Neanderthals did in fact have a diverse diet. Microfossils found in Neanderthal teeth and food remains left behind at cooking sites indicate that they may have eaten wild peas, acorns, pistachios, grass seeds, wild olives, pine nuts and date palms depending on what was locally available."
I am clearly descendant of Neanderthal. Don't know how far back and what other ancestors were but I have a triangular face, stocky built, bump in the back of my head and I can tolerate cold climate. On top of that the outline of the hand left by Neanderthal matches my hand. In short, I am a white European descended from people that lived there for hundreds of thousands years.
Neanderthals vs Cro-Magnon (Modern European Caucasians )
The Neanderthals first appeared in Europe about 700,000 years ago and died out some 28,000 years ago. Some DNA testing on Neanderthal bones has revealed they were light-skinned as European Caucasians are today and some had red hair. They had a brow ridge and were shorter than the Ice Age Europeans. The Neanderthal skull image (below), displays the brow ridge. The drawing of the Neanderthal man (pictured right), demonstrates their features are not too dissimilar to Europeans today.
The globalist promote that the first Ice Age White European Caucasians are believed to have moved into Europe approximately 40,000 years ago. The question is; where did the Caucasoids people from Europe and the Middle East come from? Their skeletons have not been found in Africa so it is believed by many, the Caucasoids originated somewhere in the Caucasus region of Southern Russia and developed from Neanderthals.
The skeletons of Europeans and many people who live in the Middle East are the same and some people in the Middle East have European features and some have the Middle Eastern looks, and both groups are called Caucasoids. These Caucasoids migrated into Europe and the Middle East who replaced the Neanderthals.
When Modern Caucasoids migrated into the Middle East and Europe certain changes occurred within both these groups. Those who moved into Europe had brown eyes and over time many developed blonde hair and blue or green eyes, while many of those who went into the Middle East have predominantly kept their darker hair and brown eyes.
When discussing why Neanderthals became extinct and Modern Caucasoids survived, it has been estimated there has been no more than 50,000 Neanderthals living in Europe and one predominant theory was that physical conflicts resulted in the demise of Neanderthals. They had a lower birth rate and could not compete against European Caucasians therefore, over time they disappeared. Article in Nature recently published research on archaeological cave settlements which were found in Western Galilee, Israel, demonstrating both groups of modern humans and Neanderthals lived at the same time just a short distance from each other with peaceful interaction being demonstrated.
Scientists in Western Galilee, Israel, unearthed skull remains of both modern man and Neanderthals who lived in the same area about 55,000 years ago. New theories have shown the Neanderthals were not as resourceful as mankind today.
The map on the right shows Europe during the Ice age approximately 10,000 years ago showing a very different world than to what it is today.
During the Ice Age in Europe, Eurasia and the Middle East there was no Christianity; no Islam; no Jewish religion; no Talmud; no Hindu religion. Over a period of time religions have been created by man who adapted their ancient family custom beliefs and has taken over and claimed by the modern religions of today. Many people today have become religious fanatics resulting in millions of people being killed causing much suffering. We the People should learn our family history, customs and beliefs which were practiced before modern religion took over.
During the Ice Age, Europeans lived in small family groups often wandering over large areas they controlled and expanding their numbers from small groups into tribal groups leading into nations.
For Neanderthals to kill their prey, they had to be very close to an animal to spear it and many were injured due to their hunting methods. For example; some Neanderthal skeletons revealed broken bones which had healed. The average Neanderthal probably lived no more than 30 years. Around the end of the Ice Age, there was great fluctuation in the climate with periods of heavy snow and warming. During this time many animals became extinct.
During this period, some inland Neanderthals appeared to have starved with evidence showing that they practiced cannibalism to survive. Remember that historically, people have resorted to cannibalism in extreme cases such as plane crashes. Neanderthals living along coastal areas survived without the same hardships due to fishing. This is particularly the case with the Neanderthals who lived around the Rock of Gibraltar, Southern Spain, where there are many caves. Some of these caves today are filled with water, however, during the Neanderthal period, the ocean was about 300 feet lower than it is today. The Neanderthals who lived there survived by eating seafood and did not practice cannibalism. DNA testing today shows that Neanderthal men bred with women from other Neanderthal groups, but due to the fact that their population was reduced in inland areas, subsequently the shortage of women led to inbreeding amongst themselves. Neanderthals lived in small groups and due to their harsh lifestyle, very few Neanderthal children reached adulthood with all these factors leading to their gradual decline.
They just can't have lived primarily in caves. There just aren't that many caves. How would the population of one cave make it hundreds of miles to the next viable cave, not to mention finding it. Nor do caves offer obvious protections superior to those of primitive man-made dwellings like yurts and teepees. What caves do, is help preserve the bones, so that we can find them. The bones that are not in caves or mashes or mud pits would have rotted away. Of the probably tiny percentage of Neanderthals who actually did happen to live in caves, those are the ones whose bones we find(Hominids don't tend to live in mud pits or marshes.)
"La Cotte de St Brelade is a Paleolithic site of early habitation in Saint Brélade, Jersey. Cotte means "cave" in Jèrriais. The cave is also known as Lé Creux ès Fées (The Fairies' Cave).[1][2]
Neanderthals lived there at various times between around 250,000 years ago and after 48,000 years ago—making it the earliest known occupation of the Channel Islands by a hominin species, and also possibly one of the last Neanderthal sites in northwestern Europe. It is the only site in the British Isles to have produced late Neanderthal fossils.[3][4]
At that time, with sea levels slightly below those at present, Jersey was part of Normandy, a peninsula jutting out from the coast, and La Cotte would have been a prominent landmark on the dry plain that linked Jersey to the French mainland. It was not until after the last Ice age that the sea eroded the coastline, separating first Guernsey, then Jersey and finally the Écréhous from the mainland."Wikipedia.
Other areas used mostly wood if trees were available, and places that had caves were the last to build houses, they had little dwellings for hunters when they went out on hunting trips before houses were made too, also there were houses found in the czech republic area that date to around 30,000 bc, so different areas start building houses at different times-
Excellent demonstration and the success was fast . Good quality pyrite is hard to find and the sparks are difficult to see unless in low light . The Old Ones must have considered viable pyrite like gold . Congrats for living where Daldinia is . Thanks again for another great video and all the best .
"From drinking mom’s milk to nursing a winter illness, the new study reveals some surprising details about our ancient cousins."
What's more, the researchers used oxygen isotopes to determine that one Neanderthal youngster was born in the spring. After nursing for 2.5 years, the hominin was weaned from its mother's milk in the fall.
IT LOOKS like Neanderthals may have beaten modern humans to the seas. Growing evidence suggests our extinct cousins criss-crossed the Mediterranean in boats from 100,000 years ago – though not everyone is convinced they weren’t just good swimmers.
Neanderthals lived around the Mediterranean from 300,000 years ago. Their distinctive “Mousterian” stone tools are found on the Greek mainland and, intriguingly, have also been found on the Greek islands of Lefkada, Kefalonia and Zakynthos.
In this video, Dr. James Dilley explores the Mousterian (Mode 3) style of flintknapping known as “prepared core technology” or the “Levallois technique”. The Levallois technique requires a high level of skill and cognition to plan several steps ahead during the flintknapping process (Schlanger 1996) as the shape and preparation of the core determines the shape of the flakes that are removed. By creating a prepared core, successfully removed flakes are detached which have a size and shape determined to some extent by the maker. This allows a flintknapper to detach large flakes with razor sharp edges that would make suitable cutting tools, or triangular flakes suitable for spear points.
I started studying American Lithics in 1993 and have found Lavallios points and a Lavallios Prepared Core. Our Lithics are coming across the Atlantic Ocean from Iberia and North Africa. We do not have Asian lithics.
Join experimental archaeologist, Dr. James Dilley, for #KnapTime where he will be explaining and demonstrating the prehistoric technique of flintknapping. This week we'll be taking a trip back to the beginning of the human timeline, exploring the Palaeolithic period and its most iconic tool - the handaxe.
Before you join in and have a go at flintknapping yourself, be sure to watch the all important Flintknapping Health & Safety video:
“It’s really well understood that bacteria are swapped between people when they kiss,” says Weyrich. It’s possible that humans and Neanderthals kissed during sex 110,000 years ago, which could explain why the descendants of those interbreeding events – including both the El Sidrón Neanderthals and modern humans – ended up with similar forms of M. oralis bacteria in their mouths."
In 1996 archaeologists led by dr. Ivan Turk found the femur of a young cave bear with four holes in the palaeolithic Divje babe site. The age of the find was estimated at more than 45.000 years, which means that it is originated from Neanderthal times. Archeologists tried first to answer the following questions: is the find the work of human hands and can we assume that it is a flute? Videofilm shows the path that led archeologists to find answers to these questions.
Ljuben Dimkaroski performs on the worlds oldest instrument replika in front of Divje babe cave. / Ljuben Dimkaroski igra na repliko najstarejšega znanega glasbila pred jamo Divje babe.
"Short film, full title is Playing the Neanderthal flute of Divje babe, is authored by Sašo Niskač, music is performed by Ljuben Dimkaroski, scientific adviser is Dr. Ivan Turk, archaeologist. Extraordinary find from 1995 in Divje babe cave site, western Slovenia, it is most comprehensively described in the paper at, was met with great enthousiasm on one side and with great scepticism on the other side of the scientific audience, for details see Only in 2009 the dilemma if the holes in the bone were accidental or purpose-made, was finally resolved."
60,000 year old flute. There is no way a carnivore made those holes by chance. If it is true that Neanderthal had music and art we have to reevaluate everything we think we know about our mysterious cousins.
I agree. I don't think Neanderthals were dumb, and I also feel that they had cultures, languages, and even spirituality, if some of their alleged burial rituals are anything to go by. I believe they were, in essence, just as 'human' and I am.
Edited. The Bear " jawbone's nerve canal is a natural whistle pipe. Jawbones from Potočka Zijalka cave, Mokriška Jama (Mokrica cave) and Betalov Spodmol cave, with snapped off crown outgrowths (and such is the case with the majority of the finds) and with one hole or more (or indeed even without) could all serve as musical instruments. If the crown outgrowth is snapped off, it is easier to get to the natural, sharp jaw flute mouthpiece (a sharp opening into the nerve canal). When the prehistoric hunter sipped the nutritious marrow out of the canal, the jawbone would have become audible as a result. Thus a spontaneous discovery could have led to the deliberate use and making of these prehistoric instruments, which closely linked man with the bear in rituals of worship -- at the time of the Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons (White Europeans), the bear was the most venerated being. The jawbones, or supposed musical instruments, from Potočka Zijalka do indeed date back to the Cro-Magnon period (30,000 to 35,000 years before the present), while the jawbone with one hole from Betalov Spodmol dates back to Neanderthal times (40,000 years ago) and therefore to the same period of time as the now already famous flute from Divje Babe. Many of the finds from Potočka Zijalka were unfortunately destroyed during the bombing of Celje during World War II. It is quite likely that these bear jawbones, which are above all a Slovenian peculiarity, are of the same age (certainly at least the one from Betalov Spodmol) and equally important musical instruments as the flute from Divje Babe, which is today considered among the oldest in the country and indeed the world. All of them are probably the work of human hands.
In short, jawbones are instruments if they have holes in them and even if they do not, as even an empty mandibular canal can sound a few tones."
Using a relatively new dating technique, archaeologists determined that paintings found in three caves in Spain were created by Neanderthals more than 64,000 years ago — about 20,000 years before some scientists believe white Europeans arrived in Europe.
Truly a monster of a bear, especially for it being primarily vegetarian. Cave lion bones are found in cave bear dens. Would almost certainly be a death sentence for any predator to walk into a cave and the bear wasn’t fully hibernating
Neanderthals were a hominin species closely related to modern humans that appeared around 400,000 years ago and relied on their superior physical strength as they hunted in the forested areas of Eurasia.
When a Canadian family noticed a group of bears on their property, the father attempted to scare them off by firing a warning shot into the air. Unfortunately, this provoked the mother bear, who charged. Amazingly, the man was able to fire off his last shot, momentarily knocking the beast off her feet and giving him enough time to make it back to safety. He later tracked the bear family, and believes while the mama bear is sore, she's okay.
We’re literally witnessing a man that was feet away from being mauled and ripped apart alive by a Grizzly. Dude literally saw death in the face. Was saved by his shotgun
Never try to intimidate a Momma bear with Cubs. That's when they are most willing to attack and defend. I know a woman who was killed walking her dog because she encountered a Momma bear with cubs and the dog starting barking and being aggressive and the momma bear went after the dog and killed it and turned on the woman and mauled her to death in a matter of just a few minutes.
Throughout the first half of the 20th century, Neandertals were thought to have been…primitive. Unintelligent, hunched-over cavemen, for lack of a better word. But the discoveries made in that Iraqi cave provided some of the earliest clues that Neanderthals actually behaved -- and likely thought and felt -- a lot like we do.
Love these videos. Was able to trace my fathers lineage all the way back to Neanderthal (bad joints, osteoarthritis/arthritis, degenerative diseases are common on my dads side as well)
Maybe the tribes of Neanderthals looking after these old boys thought that they had earned a more comfortable life. They had done so much and endured so much for the tribe that they wanted to look after them and keep them around, even crippled and old, because of the knowledge and experience they had.
This is incredible. I remember when I first heard of evidence of Neanderthal burial rites, and how shocking that was, but as the evidence grows it seems shocking that we doubted.
This really shouldn't be that surprising - all Great Apes care for each other and many other animals do the same.There's no reason to imagine that Neanderthals didn't share the full gamut of human emotions including love, empathy and respect for each other.The Old Man of La Chappelle (Dave?) and Shanidar One presumably lived with their extended families, and particularly with the latter his injuries might have occurred during a hunt as a youth - either an interaction with a large animal or a fall from height, and in that case he'd have sacrificed his mobility for the group.When I see how similar we are to Chimps, Benobos, Gorillas and Orang Utan I can only imagine that Neanderthals were almost exactly like us in every regard.
If the Neaderthals were similar to us, the length of pregnancy and helplessness of the newborns would have made essential the need for community caring.
Shanidar Cave (Kurdish: Zewî Çemî Şaneder ,ئەشکەوتی شانەدەر,[1][2]Arabic: كَهَف شانِدَر[3]) is an archaeological site located on Bradost Mountain in the Erbil Governorate of Kurdistan Region in northern Iraq.[4] Anthropologist Ralph Solecki led a crew from Columbia University to explore the site beginning in 1951. With the accompaniment of Kurdish workers, the group excavated the Shanidar Cave and found the remains of eight adult and two infant Neanderthals, dating from around 65,000–35,000 years ago.[5][4] These individuals were uncovered amongst a Mousterian layer accompanied by various stone tools and animal remains. The cave also contains two later proto-Neolithic cemeteries, one of which dates back about 10,600 years and contains 35 individuals, and is considered by Solecki to belong to the Natufian culture.[6]
The skeleton of Shanidar 4, an adult male aged 30–45 years, was discovered by Solecki in 1960,[21] positioned on his left side in a partial fetal position.
For many years, Shanidar 4 was thought to provide strong evidence for a Neanderthal burial ritual. Routine soil samples from around the body, gathered for pollen analysis in an attempt to reconstruct the palaeoclimate and vegetational history of the site, were analysed eight years after its discovery. In two of the soil samples in particular, whole clumps of pollen were discovered by Arlette Leroi-Gourhan in addition to the usual pollen found throughout the site, suggesting that entire flowering plants (or at least heads of plants) had been part of the grave deposit.[22] Furthermore, a study of the particular flower types suggested that the flowers may have been chosen for their specific medicinal properties. Yarrow, cornflower, bachelor's button, St Barnaby's thistle, ragwort, grape hyacinth, horsetail and hollyhock were represented in the pollen samples, all of which have been traditionally used, as diuretics, stimulants, and astringents and anti-inflammatories.[23] This led to the idea that the man could possibly have had shamanic powers, perhaps acting as medicine man to the Shanidar Neanderthals.[24][21]
Remains thought to be more than 45,000 years old have been used to reconstruct a complete set of DNA – known as a genome – of an early modern human.
The genetic information comes from a skull unearthed at a site near Prague in the Czech Republic. It was named Zlatý kůň, ‘golden horse’ in Czech, and is believed to be the oldest reconstructed modern human genome to date.
The findings, published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution, suggest the woman had 3 per cent Neanderthal ancestry and lived nearer the time when Neanderthals were interbreeding with modern humans.
Kostenki 14. Image from the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography.
Groundbreaking genetic analysis of a 37,000-year-old human bone from Russia has revealed that modern Europeans have remained genetically identical from that time onward—and that there are increasing numbers of holes in the “out-of-Africa” theory of human development.
"A 210,000-year-old skull has been identified as the earliest modern human remains found outside Africa, putting the clock back on mankind's arrival in Europe by more than 150,000 years, researchers said Wednesday." Quote from Stormfront
In 1978, in a cave called Apidima at the southern end of Greece, a group of anthropologists found a pair of human-like skulls. One had a face, but was badly distorted; the other was just the left half of a braincase. {snip}
The one with the face, known as Apidima 2, is a 170,000-year-old Neanderthal—no surprises there. But the other, Apidima 1, was one of us—a 210,000-year-old modern human. And if the team is right about that, the partial skull is the oldest specimen of Homo sapiens outside Africa, handily beating the previous record holder, a jawbone from Israel’s Misliya Cave that’s about 180,000 years old. “I couldn’t believe it at first,” Harvati says, “but all the analyses we conducted gave the same result.”
Until now, most researchers have focused on the more complete (but less interesting) of the two skulls. “Apidima 1 has just been ignored,” says Harvati. But its antiquity matters for three reasons. First, it pushes back the known presence of modern humans outside Africa by some 30,000 years. Second, it’s considerably older than all other Homo sapiens fossils from Europe, all of which are 40,000 years old or younger. Third, it’s older than the Neanderthal skull next to it.
Collectively, these traits mess up the standard story of Neanderthal and modern-human evolution. According to that narrative, Neanderthals slowly evolved in Europe, largely isolated from other kinds of hominins. When modern humans expanded out of Africa, their movements into Europe might have been stalled by the presence of the already successful Neanderthals. That explains why Homo sapiens stuck to a more southerly route into Asia, and why they left no European fossils until about 40,000 years ago. “The idea of Europe as ‘fortress Neanderthal’ has been gaining ground,” says Rebecca Wragg Sykes, an archaeologist from the University of Bordeaux, but identifying a 210,000-year-old Homo sapiens skull from Europe “really undermines that.”
“It suggests that early Homo sapiens groups got farther than we may have previously thought, occasionally occupying territories that later became that of Neanderthals,” adds Shara Bailey, an anthropologist at NYU. {snip}
The identity of Apidima 1 could also cast doubt on other archaeological finds from Europe, such as stone tools with no accompanying fossils. Researchers had long assumed that within a certain time window, “any archaeology was all the work of Neanderthals,” says Wragg Sykes. But if modern humans also occupied this “safe range,” which species actually created those artifacts?
How much information can scientists really glean from just the back of the skull, and just the left half at that? Actually, quite a lot, Harvati says: That region is very informative when telling different hominins apart. Apidima 1 lacks several traits that are distinctively Neanderthal, while its rounded shape “is considered to be a uniquely modern human feature that evolved relatively late,” Harvati says.
But “it doesn’t look like classic Homo sapiens,” says Wragg Sykes, who wonders whether it represents a group of humans that had been interbreeding with Neanderthals or other ancient hominins. “Obviously everyone is going to want to see DNA out of that skull,” she adds.
The Apidima skulls also suggest that the accepted story of Europe, in which modern humans eventually replaced the long-dominant Neanderthals, is too simple. Instead, Harvati thinks that modern humans were already in Greece about 200,000 years ago; they were then replaced by Neanderthals, who were themselves replaced by humans about 40,000 years ago. A similar cycle of competition, where Neanderthals and humans repeatedly replaced each other, seems to have happened in the Levant, the Middle Eastern region that includes Israel and Syria. {snip}
Greece is a good place to start. “It’s at the crossroads of three major continents, and it’s a refuge where animals and humans could survive at the height of the ice ages,” Harvati says. “You’d predict population dispersals and range contractions in these areas, the possibility for contact [between different groups], and a more diverse human-fossil record than you’d find in distant parts of Europe. There aren’t many fossils in the region, but it hasn’t been much of a research priority.”
First religion - they worship Life and Mother of Life *First abstract idea - Lion Man, representing Natural Law of Life *First social idea - Egalitarianism (almost unrealistic today).
The video reveals the lifestyles of Ice Age hunters, how they started fire, type of hunting weapons they used and goes into some detail how the women contributed to their lifestyle and diet.
Europeans, Middle East Caucasoids, and Asians have Neanderthals DNA.
Genetic studies have indicated that non-Africans, (i.e. today’s Europeans and Asians), have between 1% – 4% of the genes from Neanderthals. The theory is that we obtained these genes from interracial relations with Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon (European Caucasians). This might be true in some cases however, there are some researchers who believe that a group of Neanderthals directly developed into Cro-Magnon man possibly in Eurasia. This means that Europeans and the rest of the Neanderthal population existed simultaneously for a very long time till the Neanderthals eventually died out and were replaced by Cro-Magnon man as the dominant hominid in Europe and the Middle East.
For more information, have a read of David Duke's article discussing new research completed in 2012.
Ice Age White European houses and Culture
Many people believe that early Europeans lived in caves, but evidence shows that this was not always true because there are not many caves people can live in. Archaeological sites show that our European Ice Age ancestors made teepee type shelters.
Imagine how much more ingenuity White European ancestors had to have before the advent of iron axes, scissors, and metal knives and moving to another campsites. This film was so fascinating.
In the far north of Siberia on the Yamal Peninsular a remote group of nomadic reindeer herders still live in tents whose design may date back thousands of years. The precursor to the modern tipi (tepee), the choom is made of fir poles and has covers of reindeer (caribou) hide. They move every few days throughout the winter so that the herd can gain access to the hidden fields of lichen that lie beneath the snow
What a barren landscape, nothing but snow and unforgivable cold. The women are amazing , so strong and resourceful. They can do anything. Also thank you very much for the person who filmed it in that brutal weather.
25,000-Year-Old Building Made of 60 Mammoths | Science ...
Mar 16, 2020 — A Mysterious 25,000-Year-Old Structure Built of the Bones of 60 ... A jaw-dropping example of Ice Age architecture has been unearthed on Russia's forest steppe: a huge, ... Location of the mammoth bone structure found in modern-day ... them to be dwellings or “mammoth houses” that helped their builders .
Back in 2014, researchers discovered a ‘mammoth house’ – a large circular structure that was built around 25,000 years ago, using the bones of 60 woolly mammoths. In this Ancient Architects video, I take a look at the discovery.
Excavations at the site began in 2015 and took three years to complete and have only just been published in the journal Antiquity and the findings are hugely important for our understanding of ancient humans.
The site of the large mammoth house also contains smaller buildings that were discovered back in the 1960s and 70s. It is located 310 miles south of Moscow and is now home to a museum.
The mammoth bone structures are not unique, examples are found right across Eastern Europe but until now, the oldest one was dated at 22,000 years old. Therefore the new discovery in Russia’s is the oldest example.
Experts have always said that these structures were built by roaming hunter-gatherers of the Palaeolithic, for refuge to survive the harsh winters of the ice age.
But the mammoth house found in Russia measures 30 feet by 30 feet. It is made from hundreds of mammoth bones and it would have taken considerable time and effort to make. For so-called hunter-gatherers, who roamed and didn’t spend a long time in one location, why would they go to so much trouble?
Why looking so hard to explain what they have found? For whoever have lived close to a nomadic culture, you come to understand a few things... a wooden frame would have indicated a temporary structure to fit their nomadic lifestyle... so a bone structure is definitively a permanent encampment. Another fact often overlooked by archaeologist (specially when dealing with the north american tribes) is that a lost of those group were migrating following a repeating pattern or circuit... after a while, caches of food first, then certain structures (camp or cabin) were built to give the tribes an immediate shelter when arriving. The only rule was that you have to replace everything you have consumed so that the next group can use it too. After a while, those caches/camp became the part of a network of relay for the migrating groups. In regard of this particular one, I wont be surprise if they discover the site was use to process the mastodon meat and furs. Thus this camp would have been in use for 2-3 months then abandoned until the next migration.
"The last ice age swept northern Europe between 75,000 and 18,000 years ago, but it reached its most bone-chilling temperatures during a period lasting from about 23,000 to 18,000 years ago, when the circle at Kostenki 11 was built.
During this time, the summers were short and cool, while the winters were long and cold, reaching temperatures as low as minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 20 degrees Celsius). These freezing temperatures prompted many human groups to head south, where prey and other resources were more abundant. Eventually, the community that built this bone circle left, too, even though there was a river nearby that could have provided them with fresh water, Pryor said."
Pre Indo-European peoples of Europe From the Neanderthals and Cromagnon/Aurignacian modern humans in the upper paleolithic to the Minoan earliest .
What could be the oldest lifelike drawings of human faces have been uncovered in a cave in southern France. La Marche: (Magdalenian Cave Art). The cave .
Human figures, sculpted and engraved, found at Mas d'Azil - La Grotte du Mas d'Azil (Magdalenian, 16 000 - 15 000 BP) Disc showing a man and the paw of a
This carving shows a woman holding a cattle horn and appears to be using it as a drinking item, similar to what the Vikings did. The horn could have been use as a trumpet with a hole at the pointed end.
Traditional culture is so powerful and vitally important, it represents the the ancestors who have put in place for us the seen and the unseen power to guide us.This was beautiful to see but I wish the majority of the people would not have worn European clothing for such a spiritual occassion.
If you look at the picture below, you will notice the women's clothing. It appears to show little function, with it simply appearing as a presentation piece. My guess the clothing is a decorative piece for dance. Similar to the young women in African tribes, especially the Zulus. They celebrated not being with a man in the form of a virgin dance. Some of the dances that Europeans celebrate today are presumably descendants of virgin dances practiced during the ice age.
White female in Europe during the Ice Age showing dance outfits.
Depictions of humans in Europe from 15,000 42,000 years before presen
(INTERNATIONAL TRANSLATIONS HERE: https://ultimatefashionhistorytransla...) In this first Ultimate Fashion History video, we're practically riding on dinosaurs (*joke) as we travel back to Prehistoric times, looking at clothing in the Neolithic and Paleolithic Eras, we'll speculate on The Birth of Style with those groovy Gravettians, and ultimately, we'll meet Otzi the Iceman.
White Europeans made Clothing from animal skins and we can learn from other races
Learn about traditional Inuit culture from this fascinating series. This series documents cultural practices, skills, and values in Nunavut in northern Canada. Each episode focuses on a different topic, and does a good job of celebrating the skills and resourcefulness of the Inuit.
A woman is a wife, mother, home maker, dress maker, food maker ,shoe maker, house builder....and what not? She is all in all! The epitome of "Shakti" or The Energy! ?
Spearthrower made of antler showing a young ibex (or possibly a chamois) with an emerging turd on which two birds are perched, found around 1940 in the cave of Le Mas d'Azil, Ariege. This was one of the first examples of mass produced art. Fragments of up to ten examples of this design have been found, which means that scores or hundreds must have been manufactured originally. The joke must have been very popular amongst the people of the time! The ibex figure alone is about 7 cm long, and dates to about 16 000 BP. The entire propulseur is 29.5 cm in length. The engraved line along the body of the animal possibly represents a change in the colour of the coat. Although most authorities give the interpretation of a turd with birds above, Bandi (1988) proposes that the 'sausage' coming out of the back of the ibex/chamois is the sac of an infant, and the animal is giving birth. The reasons given are that animals never look back to see their own excrement, but usually do so when giving birth. In addition, the author says that the object is too thick to be excrement, it is much more likely to be the sac of an infant. Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014 Source: Facsimile, Musée d'Archeologie Nationale et Domaine, St-Germain-en-Laye
The atlatl, or spear-thrower, was a revolutionary invention.
White people were less robust and muscular than Neanderthals, but they compensated for their physical disadvantage by harnessing technology. In the series "Out of the Cradle," NHK tracks the evolutionary journey of prehistoric primates over the course of 7 million years as they grew into the dominant species on Earth. This series uses CGI technology from the world’s foremost video game creators to tell the story of human ancestors with extraordinarily lifelike visuals.
Around 45,000 years ago Neanderthals and modern humans coexisted in mainland Europe. However, over the course of the next 5,000 years the human population increased dramatically, allowing them to occupy new territories, while Neanderthals gradually died out
Exactly why this was the case has long eluded archaeologists, but now, an international team of researchers may have found the answer – modern humans developed projectile weapons such as spears and spear-throwers and bows and arrows to enable them to hunt more successfully than Neanderthals.
As a result, modern humans had ready access to food and were able to thrive while Neanderthals struggled to find sustenance and eventually went extinct.
The team found evidence of projectile weapons dating back 40,000 to 45,000 years, more than 20,000 earlier than any similar weapons found previously, in the Grotta del Cavallo, a limestone cave found in Southern Italy known to have been used by early modern humans during the Paleolithic era.
An international team of researchers have found a cache of immaculately preserved bone arrowheads in the cave of Fa-Hien Lena, deep in the heart of Sri Lanka’s rainforests. The find is evidence of the earliest use of bows and arrows anywhere outside of Africa, they say.
The Holmegaard bows are a series of self bows found in the bogs of Northern Europe dating from the Mesolithic period.[1] They are named after the Holmegaard area of Denmark in which the first and oldest specimens were found, and are the oldest bows discovered anywhere in the world.
67" 2" wide at bending limbs, hard maple bow. Pulls well over 65lbs. at 28" draw. In this video it is an unfinished self bow needing tiller adjustments and finish work. There are many variations to this design of bow. It is extremely versitile, fast, and was mass produced in its time. This design is one of my personal favorites in bow making.
Occoquan Paleotehnics demonstrates replica of paleolithic hunting weapon
The Mammoth Ivory Boomerang
Our first project in throwing technology here was replicating this famous archaeological find from 23,000 years ago, in what is now Poland. The original was made in ivory, and is thought to be a throwing stick for hunting.
Although called a boomerang, it would never have returned in flight and was designed to go in a straight path toward target, with enough ballistic power to cripple even large game animals. Please check out our video here of the testing of our replicas.
A functional replica of the 23,000 year old mammoth ivory boomerang found in Oblazowa Cave, Poland. The original artifact belonged to the Pavlov Culture in paleolithic Europe. It measured 70cm long(around 27.5 inches) and 6cm width. The thickness was 1.5 cm.
Whites in Europe made rock weirs to obtain fish, we can learn from Tuktu people in North America.
Just unbelievable. These films were financed by Henry Ford. So they wouldn't be lost in time. I think they were filmed about 70 to 80 years ago. There are at least 15 or more they are all great. Thanks Henry ford.
I grew up in the far northern Arctic Alaska, I was born 1954 and grew conscious of those around me at about 3. My grand parents wore exactly as you see the Natchelik wearing, but for us younger one already western shirts, pants, and for some that could afford parkas. My mother made me water proof mukluks, and fur parkas made from caribou skin. I believe we were the last generation to witness the fishing style of Canadian Natchilik. We are closely related the Natcheliq, my grandmother Ahqnagituak was from the area.
What I find fascinating is the sharing of knowledge and skills from generation to generation, from community to community. There's a move to preserve this knowledge through bush craft. I wonder how much has been lost to time and so-called technology.
The detachable spear tip is a smart design. If the spear tip were just carved into the big piece of the spear, if the spear was one piece, after the tip pierces the fish and the one big piece floats to the top of the water, the fish would be able to more easily wiggle off the tip because of the stability of the long piece of wood floating in the water giving the fish something to have leverage against. But when the tip detaches from the big part of the spear and is in the fish underwater, as the fish wiggles to try to get free, the tip and sinew cord moves much more freely underwater with the fish's movements, giving the fish little resistance to wiggle away from. It's like a little Taoist Sun Tzu style yielding strategy mixed in: Let the spear tip move with the fish's struggling so the struggling is relatively made to be less movement.
Although maybe it wouldn't matter if the spear was one big piece, because it looks like the fish are speared through pretty far. Is the detachable tip just so that if the tip breaks he doesn't have to make a whole new spear? Did I overthink it? He's just trying to save time making spears and I'm sitting here plotting how the fish will have no chance of escape? Or maybe the tip is for both reasons. Conveniently time-saving and providing more opportunity for the fish to help make the children happy.
That spear setup system if very clever, the string is attached to the spear tip, probably a piece of bone with a lot of time spent carving the point and barbs. This would be very light and compact while travelling and then any old stick could be used when you arrive at the destination.....This kind of thing is the biggest reason I still watch old doco's like this.
Btw, I STILL don't get how they were able to keep their caches from the bears. Bears are stronger than any humans obviously, and they have an unmerciful sense of smell.So what's to stop a bear easily smelling the fish, then just as easily flinging those stones and snow and ice aside to get at them??? It just doesn't make sense to me.
Join James as he takes you back to The Solutrean (22,000 - 18,000BP), a sub period of the Upper Palaeolithic in Europe. This relatively short period in the European Palaeolithic saw the production of some of the finest stone tools in the entire Palaeolithic. The tools produced were spearheads, flaked on both sides to a leaf shape. Watch Dr. Dilley as he demonstrates the prehistoric technique of flintknapping as he recreates a Solutrean Spearhead.
"The evidence for the Solutrean theory is based on some similarities between the flaking of Solutrean points and Clovis points." No that is simply not true at all James. That hypothesis includes geographical or climate studies, pre-clovis technology and much much more.And there were not just "some similarities" in the technologyThe objects were so similar that discussion became about parallel evolution of the stonework possibly being the case.I love your channel mate but that is rather disrespectful of Stanfords work.It seems to be the trend to rag on him and he cannot defend himself anymore.Stanford spent decades in Alaska trying to prove the Bering land bridge theory and found nothing.He readily admitted there were multiple migrations happening and seafaring was the likely way this happened.As we now know boating was indeed underestimated hugely anywhere on earth.Stanford also mentioned the cave art of the Solutreans in Europe.Seals being hunted with spears. Halibut and obviously oceanic prey items.So there is no doubt at all the Solutreans went way out in the oceans.The fact Siberian ingress was proven by DNA in Anzick does not exclude other people arriving in America at all. It rather proves what Stanford said.The Solutrean hypothesis is the best evidenced of any by far.How many Polynesian or Siberian artifacts were found in America compared to that?
I have not rejected the Solutrean hypothesis. Ancient man did amazing things, and the Clovis people weren’t related to modern American Indians. They completely disappeared (archeologically) right before the immigration of those Siberians, who settled the Americas.
Join James as he takes you back to The Solutrean (22,000 - 18,000BP), a sub period of the Upper Palaeolithic in Europe. This relatively short period in the European Palaeolithic saw the production of some of the finest stone tools in the entire Palaeolithic. The tools produced were spearheads, flaked on both sides to a leaf shape. Watch Dr. Dilley as he demonstrates the prehistoric technique of flintknapping as he recreates a Solutrean Spearhead.
Ice Age White Europeans set foot on North America
SOLUTREANS of EUROPE Settled America First
SOLUTREANS of EUROPE Settled America - Native Legends Describe Race of White Giants of Pre-Flood Stone Age. ~~ Links: 1) 2) Dr. Dennis J. Stanford speaks at the Emerson Center Stanford is director of the Smithsonian's Paleoindian/Paleoecology Program and Head of the Division of Archaeology. Stanford and Smithsonian.
STONE AGE EUROPEANS were the first to set foot on North America, beating American Indians by some 10,000 years, new archaeological evidence suggest
Lecture by Dr. Dennis Stanford, Head of the Archaeology Division, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution at the 2008 Nobel conference at Gustavus Adolphus College.
Ice Age White Europeans came to American from Europe along the ice sheets and over time, interbred with the people who crossed the land bridge. That might explain why many Native Americans have European facial features.
"Did you know that a sea-faring American tribe explored the shores of North America 7000 years ago? Or that these ancient Americans rivaled their European counterparts in navigational skills several millennia before the Vikings? Robert Sepehr is an author, producer and anthropologist"
While its fearsome ancestor, the wolf, was created by natural selection-it is man that created the dog. This film explores the greatest inter-speciesfriendship on Earth over the course of 40,000 years.
At least five different types of dog with distinct genetic ancestries existed in Europe around 11,000 years ago when humans were still hunter-gatherers, scientists have found.
The analysis is based on DNA sequenced from 27 ancient canine specimens from across Europe, the Near East and Siberia. Researchers say the findings, published in the journal Science, could shed light on the “inextricable bond between dogs and humans”.
Remains from the Zhokhov island in the East Siberian Arctic show trained sled dogs existed almost 10,000 years ago.
The genome of the Zhokhov dog is directly related to the iconic modern-day Siberian Husky, the Alaskan Malamute and Greenlandic sledge dog. Picture: Guide to Greenland
The training of these dogs happened thousands of years earlier than had been appreciated, according to new research published in Science on Friday.
DNA from dog bones from Zhokhov Island indicates that domesticated sled dogs were used by man in the Siberian Arctic at least 9,500 years ago, some 6,500 to 7,500 years earlier than many scientists had believed.
The genome of the Zhokhov dog is directly related to the iconic modern-day Siberian Husky, the Alaskan Malamute and Greenlandic sledge dog, but can also be traced back to Siberian wolves from 33,000 years ago.
I really enjoyed this video. The dogs are in doggie heaven working together, they love working. Nice also to see the hunters working together with the native people for a common goal. I assume you dispatched the hogs with a strike to the heart? Many thanks for this video!
Husband: "Honey, do you want to go tent camping in the middle of lion country?"Wife: "Sure babe, that sounds fun. Should we bring the hunting rifles?"Husband: "Nah. We don't need them. We will be perfectly safe from the lion's razor sharp claws in our paper-thin nylon tents. I will just use my big manly shout to scare them away if they try to get in the tents. Then, I will pop my head out of the tent to make sure they are gone...they wouldn't dare bite my face off, for I am the real KING OF THE JUNGLE!"
How Doggerland Sank Beneath The Waves (500,000-4000 BC) // Prehistoric Europe Documentary
White people unite around shared beliefs, forming the basis for early religion.
In the picture above, you can spot the man on the slight left from the middle, he appears to be dressed up in bison skin and horns. The man appears to be acting as the animal in a dance ceremony. I believe our ancestors would dress up as their prey to get close enough to hunt them easier.
Pre Indo-European peoples of Europe From Cromagnon/Aurignacian modern humans in the upper paleolithic to the Minoan earliest . What could be the oldest lifelike drawings of human faces have been uncovered in a cave in southern France. La Marche: (Magdalenian Cave Art). The cave .
Cave Paintings and Art.
We've included some wonderful images of various cave painters and paintings and art found within Europe.
Europeans have lived in Europe for thousands of years and about 32,000 years ago painted at Chauvet Cave in France, Europe.
Many people believe that early Europeans lived in caves, but evidence shows that this was not always true because there are not many caves people can live in. Archaeological sites show that our European Ice Age ancestors made teepee type shelters.
If you had mixed the ocher with animal fat, it would have acted like paint, and you could spread it much easier on the rock face. You can make finer lines or as wide as you want. The fat seeps into the rock and carries the color much better than dry powdered ocher. Ancient peoples did mix ocher/charcoal with fats to use as paint.
as an artist myself and a huge archeology and history enthusiast, i would probably cry visiting those caves and seeing those paintings. These ancient, beautiful art already send shivers down my spine just from watching this video.
A facinating post thank you.I amazed and in awe of cave artists. I'm widely considered one of the foremost artists in my field today (with two websites) and yet when I see the achievements of 'cave artists' I am humbled by their skill knowing I could not do under their conditions what they did.I sincerely salute their achievements
Interesting are also the more modern studies to Cave Painting. Some, were the light had reached them, even had been used as an astronomical calendar To certain times of years the light spot drops exactly on the same significant picture or drawing detail. So Caveman could follow the exact season changes.2:02 I seriously like your maped overview about cave findings. It is worthwile to stop the the clip exactliy on this point and give this card for a moment it deserves. Guess East Europe is a bit underrepresented due to the political surcumstances of the COLD WAR age. Not to many studies went back and forth through the Iron Curtain. For example studies to the Bernstein trade routes were comming in fashion just after the Politcal Cnditions had changed because now the inter scientific exchange became much more room.
The skills of the paleo artists in caves is just AMAZING.. some is SO realistic and evocative.. it’s stunning in its own right.. but when you factor in it’s FORTY THOUSAND YEARS OLD ??? just WOW.. so so so amazing.. ???I love that they keep finding MORE!! It’s FANTASTIC ??
Ancient stencils of hands with "mutilated" fingers may actually show a type of sign language used for hunting or silent rituals.
Carving of European bison
The Venus statute above represents women of all shapes and sizes; we think these represent female fertility.
From Lascaux to Chauvet in Europe to Australia, in this video discuss the many illustrations of now extinct prehistoric animals and how they can be significant to palaeontologists. Additionally, artwork created by our long dead ancestors can actually tell us a lot about prehistory we wouldn't know otherwise from cultural norms to religious beliefs. So I've taken the time to examine what prehistoric art can tell us. We will talk about everything from Irish Elk in Europe to Marsupial Lions in Australia.
Personally, I think the most fascinating image is that last image outlining a human hand. If that is truly thousands or tens of thousands of years old, than isn't it amazing that we still do the same thing today? Children playing or in school paint their hands and create a hand print, a way to say "this hand print is mine, I was here", and in a way it's a relate-able message from a person whose lifestyle might not have been like ours, but who thought, felt, and imagined just like any other human. There's something incredible in that, that thousands of years ago another human sat in a cave, and wanted to say "I was here". It's a message that we shouldn't ever lose. When I saw the image, I turned and put my hand up to the wall, and tried to make the same shape, and that's something just about everyone can do. It's simply amazing.
"The sculptures are a unique wonder of the Art world. Two foot long, eighteen inches high, three to four inches thick, modelled in clay, the surface given a wet finish to make them smooth. The finger strokes of the artist can be seen running down the length of the animals. The mane and beard are etched with a tool, but the marking along the jawbones are done by the artist’s fingernail. The horns are rougher and not water treated. The clay has cracks running across the bodies, indicating that the sculptures have dried out, although the clay we were sitting on is still quite pliable". CAVE ART: BISON OF TUC D'AUDOUBERT
In Northern Spain is the El Castillo Cave has many Ice Ages painting and it cannot be ruled out that some earliest paintings were created by Neanderthals, which were estimated to live in the Cantabrian regions until at least 42,000 to 36,000 years B.P. The El Castillo Cave has Ice Age paintings that look like boats with sails.
Werner Herzog takes us on an incredible 3-D journey into the Chauvet caves in Southern France. Enormous chambers with some of the oldest prehistoric art known to man.
Werner Herzog gains exclusive access to film inside the Chauvet caves of Southern France and captures the oldest known pictorial creations of humanity. For full Everest and other mountaineering.
2018 Hallam L. Movius, Jr. Lecture and Reception Randall White, Professor, Department of Anthropology, New York University
The earliest evidence of artwork made by modern humans, Aurignacian art, was created more than 35,000 years ago and has been found in French, German, and Romanian archaeological sites. Randall White will discuss the rich corpus of Aurignacian painting, engraving, bas-relief sculpture, musical instruments, and personal ornamentation that was studied before World War I in southwest France, along with recent discoveries from classic Aurignacian sites.
"Some of the world's oldest cave paintings have revealed how ancient people had relatively advanced knowledge of astronomy. Animal symbols represent star constellations in the night sky, are used to mark dates and events such as comet strikes, analysis from the University of Edinburgh suggests."
An exploration of the revolutionary period of prehistory which began when humans abandoned the nomadic hunting and gathering existence they had known for millennia to take up a completely new way of life. The decisive move to farming and herding the nation of permanent settlements, and the discovery of metals setting the stage, for the arrival of the world's first civilization.
Very interesting information, it shows how many cultures were fairly open about the importance of Fertility and not ashamed to exert it. Though I find a lot of art works containing the 'Dong', I can't understand the censorship and taboo put on these items, why do they alwayshave to hide them away in secret ? many collectors are serious and forced into the closet with labels of obscenity. As a wood carver I'd love to make some examples of these objects and alas it becomes difficult to advertise. Perhaps the more religious, liberals should be less judging. As T. Rex once said, 'Bang a Gong, Get in on'.
One observation I remember reading which I found interesting was that Ancient Greece, though its art was focused around the male form, also was specifically, simultaneously not 'Phallocentric' like some other cultures. Like the Egyptian statues you show which have the common magical association with the erection (probably as a kind of magic charm associated with childbirth), in Greece the 'dong' is depicted as unimposing, with the figures more graceful, dynamic, instead of being jagged and linear. It seems like different figures associated with sex/gender may have been used as charms, maybe idols imbued with powers, talismans, and often probably represented the type of culture, how they survived- which 'force' they became more dependent on, how it conflicted and crossed over into other areas. Erich Neumann's 'Origins of Consciousness' is still one of the best on this, I think, because he goes into the different core images, along with Eliades older work.
Sad to say that Anthropology started to take a dive after a certain point, especially in the 2000s, and a lot of that great work became co-opted and weaponized for military purposes (as detailed in David H Prices 'Cold War Anthropology')
Ancient humans were just as "cultured" as we are today! While the Kanamara Matsuri in Kawasaki is arguably the most publicized phallus festival, outside of Japan, several rural communities throughout the country still hold a phallus procession when they celebrate the honensai - the harvest festival.My parents once told me that a few towns have been parading a phallus carving around, each year, for well over two thousand years.Usually, a seasoned log is carved into the required shape, with work starting a couple months before the day of the procession.
A wood phallus statue may be ritually burned in a bonfire at the end of the festival, but there exist examples which are erected in a shrine to keep it safe from the weather. The oldest, giant phallus carving that I know of is something like 300 years old and is kept in Aichi Prefecture.
This is a story about the oldest dong I have ever seen. While I was assigned to Udorn RTAFB. I was on my way home. We had a layover in Bangkok Thailand. While there, I visited the Wat Po, the temple the Reclining Buddha. On the temple grounds, they had a a statue of a dong that was over six feet tall. It was called the God Priapus. Women in Thailand would come and pray to it in hopes that they would get pregnant. They would also leave gifts for it. I don't know how long it had been there. This temple is the home of the largest Buddha in the world, the Reclining Buddha, over 90 feet long.
In Pompei I only saw one Phallus in a wall but it was like every building had a Phallus in a wall painting, of course in the brothel there were in every painting just about. Very amusing video Kayleigh.
"First Musical Instruments (40,000 BCE) Mammoth ivory and bird bone flutes The discovery suggests the musical tradition was well established in Europe over 40,000 years ago. This mammoth ivory and bird bone flutes are oldest musical instruments ever found. "
Isturitz, Oxocelhaya and Erberua Caves, in Europe where many prehistoric flutes were found
If you look to the right you can make out two women or one man and women crawling through what appears a small tunnel, they both appear naked, and the last one appears to be wearing a foot, neck, and wrist bracelet.
There are a number of interesting representations of humans and anthropomorphic figures represented in the artefacts found in the cave. Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014 Source: Display, Grottes d'Isturitz et Oxocelhaya
This is a superbly realised sketch of a chamois head. Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014 Source: Facsimile, display, Grottes d'Isturitz et Oxocelhaya
Magdelanian (left): Spear tip with a double bevel. (right): Spear tip with a forked base. Photo: Don Hitchcock 2018 Source: Original, Musée d'Archeologie Nationale et Domaine, St-Germain-en-Laye
Magdelanian Needle polisher from la grotte d'Isturitz. Dimensions: length 97 mm, width 59 mm, thickness 42 mm. Catalog: MAN77155E1 Photo: Don Hitchcock 2018 Source: Original, Musée d'Archeologie Nationale et Domaine, St-Germain-en-Laye Text:
(Left): Eyed needle.
(Right) Spear tip with a single bevel, grooved and engraved. This spear tip is of the Lussac-Angles type. These are from the Middle Magdalenian, and are rather short and wide to lanceolate, on a single bevel, sharp at the distal end, with a long unstriated bevel, always on the upper side, and a groove frequently on the underside. Photo: Don Hitchcock 2015 Source: Original, Musée d'Archeologie Nationale et Domaine, St-Germain-en-Laye
This phallus from Isturitz has very little documentation, and is mentioned only briefly in scholarly works. Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014 Source: Display, Grottes d'Isturitz et Oxocelhaya
If you look for the 4th ivory task to the left, you will notice familiar symbols: The swastika is an ancient symbol of good fortune.
Magdelanian Baguettes demi-rondes from Isturitz. Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014 Source: Facsimile, display, Grottes d'Isturitz et Oxocelhaya
Salmon dishes were a firm favourite on the lower Amur River, while meat was on menu upstream.
Reconstruction of Osipovka Culture vessel (right) and pot shards found at Gasya and Khummi (left). Pictures: Vitaly Medvedev, Oksana Yanshina
Ancient potteries started to appear in the Amur region in the Russian Far East between roughly 16,000 and 12,000 years ago, as the Ice Age slightly eased.
But what was cooking?
A new international study asks not only why the pots evolved at this time - but examines the type of food they served.
It turns out some ancient Siberian hunter-gatherers survived the Ice Age by inventing pottery which helped them to maintain a fish diet.
Others used their new pots to cook meat.
I even think that they came up with the idea of permanent dwellings. One of the earliest permanent dwelling appears in the Osipovka culture as they allowed to stay at the same place during the winter season, having stored big amount of fish.
‘They had no need to relocate together with migrating animals, as did hunters. Their dwellings were dug into the ground. They dug a round holes, put the pillars and covered them with roof of birch bark, turf.
‘It is great that the resent research from our international team confirmed our suggestions and helped us to get closer to understanding of this unique and amazing culture.'
The Swastika is viewed mostly as a symbol of evil nowadays, but the real origins of this symbols is anything but, it has a history of over 12,000 years and appears in cultures from around the world.
Ice Age White Europeans craved the Swastika on mammoth tusk dated 12, 00 years ago. The ancient European Celtic, Germanic, Scythian, Tocharian, Thracian all used it as "Good tidings." The Swastika is found in India, China, and the northern Americans used it. It would be impossible that people over the world would have the same symbol if not introduced.
Rock Paintings in Spain
The stone age Europeans who lived in Spain left many rock paintings of themselves depicting hunting, honey collecting and other activities, women with long hair, fully covered with skirts down to just above their knees, men in real trousers, or sometimes naked. The paintings show that they used bow and arrows and sometimes wore headdresses that may have contained feathers.
This artwork is also referred to as Levantine art. These sites are now classified as World Heritage Sites by Unesco.Rock art shown here have been found at over 700 sites. The paintings feature Europeans and the animals they hunted were in the Eastern part of Spain. These date to the Upper Palaeolithic or, more likely, the Mesolithic periods of the Stone Age.
This artwork spans a large period of time and reflects much cultural change in the area. It shows beautiful images of hunter-gatherer economic systems which over time incorporated the beginnings of settlement showing the use of domesticated cattle and dogs.
In this episode I am quickly leaving North Cape as bad weather is coming this way! It's a fantastic ride back south and this time I stop at Alta to admire thousands of years old rock art. I end my ride in Trømso, a city in Northern Norway with a beautiful setting.
Loving your videos and glad you took the path to Norway but i doub't this rock art could be 7000 years old because all of Norway would have still been under ice 7000 years ago.
Can't see northern lights without dark sky... Midnightsun during summertime, 4 months with 24h daylight makes it impossible to see the aurora borealies - even though it is still there. September we get some darkness in the evenings where you can see some, but best time for northern lights is in february- march. 2022 has a lot of solar activity, so will be a good year for northern lights
Hallo Noraly. You talked about seeing the northern light, and I can tell that I often have seen it in the winter of 1980/81 when I worked 150 km north of Trondheim in Norway. At best, you must be away from city light, street light, and car light, and of course there must be clear open sky without too many clouds. At first when you see it, it may look like the light from a powerful moving searchlight hitting some clouds (but there are no clouds) very high up and far away, and the colours are mostly green, but can change into blue, white, or maybe even red. It is not steady - the northern light is always moving and changing. But there is a problem - clear weather this time of the year, is normally combined with cold weather, and that is not what I want for a biker like you. Promise me to beware of cold weather. Safe riding - regards Jens from Denmark.
There is also carvings in Nämforsen close to Sollefteå and Tanum north west of Gothenburg in Sweden. Many spectacular carving of ships. The climate in Scandinavia is quite warm considering it's the same latitude as in Anchorage in Alaska, much due to the Golf Stream .
Blue skies.Topography that made the kaiser's head spin. And an ambassador that would make old queen wilhelmina glow with pride :) From patagonia to the north cape, and everywhere in between , WE are all the same ! Though the 'media' would have you believe that thoseunfortunates with white skin and blond hair, are 'genetically' 'supremacist/racist'.. Just one criticism. That scenery was dying to be viewed from the air ;)
The petroglyphs are carved in pale rock (reported sandstone in "The World Heritage Rock Art in Alta," but possibly dolomite or volcanic tuff) over which a glacier previously traversed and later melted. The glacier left behind a smooth surface of glacial polish (ideal for rock carvings), glacial striations (linear groves in the rock surface which point in the direction the glacier moved most recently before melting), concave-shaped chatter marks (from cobbles at the base of the glacier which were pressed down against and gouged the rock face), and long, smooth scours. Classic glacial geology!
"Researchers were undoubtedly smiling over a 14,000-years-old tooth that revealed the oldest known dentistry techniques, dating back to the Late Upper Paleolithic (between 50,000 and 10,000 years ago)."
In 2008–2010, some experiments, testing possibilities of (re)constructing twined clothing, were held. They were based on a find from the middle–late Neolithic settlement of Šventoji 2B (Lithuania), dated back to ~4000–2900 BC. The found two specimens were made of lime bast. They were compared with other extant European twines of similar or close periods. Three pieces of rectangular shape were produced, in order to test some technical and functional questions. In 2012, it was decided to come back to one of the objects, which had inspired some construction and wearing possibilities of the (re)constructed twined clothing.
It was an engraving on the aurochs bone, depicting five anthropomorphic figures, which was found in Ryemarksgård settlement (Denmark) and dated back to ~8000 BC. A set of photos, testing various variations of wearing the three pieces of clothing, was taken. There were tested more than 25 wearing possibilities, both male and female. Then it was tried to find out poses and actual pieces of clothing, which would best match the depicted figures. According to the congruous silhouette and constructional lines of the clothing, it was presumed, that most of the figures wore a rectangular long cloth (“a cloak”), just in 3-4 different ways. Some of the figures possibly wore a shorter rectangular cloth (“a skirt”) underneath. Repeating parallel lines of the depicted clothing clearly indicate twining, and actual qualities of the (re)constructed twines do confirm the indication. Thus, it is highly possible, that twined clothing was produced and worn by some Mesolithic communities, i.e. much earlier than the dates of the extant finds had allowed presuming.
Stone age finds are incredibly rare in Britain. As such, this neolithic site buried under a holiday resort is hugely exciting for the time team. Join Tony and the gang as they uncover some of their oldest ever finds.
Dr. James Dilley explores one of the first types of hafted axe in Britain: The Tranchet Axe. Dating to the Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age), these axes are unlike later examples, but what is a tranchet? Why did people make axes like this? And how do you make one? We look at the meaning behind the word “Tranchet” and some of the possible origins. As well as making a couple of examples, he also tests a Tranchet axe in some tree felling.
As you may know, things are moving quickly with regards to Turkish archaeology, and the one project that really stands out is Taş Tepeler, an upland area in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey, near the city of Şanlıurfa.
Taş Tepeler means ‘Stone Hills’ and it consists of a number of Pre-Pottery Neolithic sites, including Gobekli Tepe, Sefer Tepe, Harbetsuvan Tepesi, and the incredible Karahan Tepe.
Karahan Tepe is dated to between 11,400 and 10,200 years ago and in this video I’ll be showing you the latest update on the site – all the new finds and all the news from the latest excavations as I have attempted ti transcribe and translate the words of site lead archaeologist, Professor Necmi Karul.
Karul recently took part in a 4-and-a-half-hour presentation on the Arkeolojihaber YouTube channel, where a number of archaeologists discussed the latest findings and most recent work at 7 of the 12 Tas Tepeler sites. What I'm presenting in this video comes directly from this presentation.
Arkeolojihaber was founded in 2009 by a team of dedicated archaeologists who wished to convey the latest archaeological news from Turkey in a socially responsible way. Follow their social media and subscribe to their YouTube channel by following the links below:
Video info: On our fourth stop on our tour of the historical and archaeological sites of Turkey we visit the ancient ruins of the oldest temple in the world. Today known as Gobekli Tepe, the "Potbelly Hill" has been the site of one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of the past century. Yielding the remains of an ancient ceremonial center that dates back a shocking 11,500 years. These ruins are home to elaborate carvings, massive stone constructions and other artifacts that shed light on the lives of ancient people. Join me as we attempt to piece together one of the best known but least understood sites in our ancient past.
I am so happy that people are exploring Turkey and sharing it. I lived there from 1998-2002 and I was obsessed with all things ancient. At the time my local professor didn't even know that Chatal Hoyuk was being excavated after the Mallard debacle! We went to Chatal Hoyuk for a visit and it was not much more than a tent and small museum (in the middle of winter). We knew in our hearts there was so much more. I would love to go back and visit :-)
The World’s First Temple, Gobeklitepe … a pre-historic site, about 15 km away from the city of Sanliurfa, Southeastern Turkiye. What makes Gobeklitepe unique in its class is the date it was built, which is roughly twelve thousand years ago, circa 10,000 BC.
Stonehenge on the Salisbury Plains east of London, England is a prehistoric Megalithic structure; it simply means it is a structure made of large stones. If you're standing at Stonehenge you'll see some mounds only a short distance away which are possibly where high ranking people were buried.
"Eminent archaeologist Mike Parker Pearson gives the Council for British Archaeology's 37th annual Beatrice de Cardi lecture on the Stonehenge landscape."
A short drive from Stonehenge you'll come across West Kenneth long barrow, situated near Avebury, Wiltshire which has chambers which served as tombs and is the largest of its kind in England. Some of these tombs seem to have been used by the same family for several hundreds of years. What is striking about it is that it was built about 400 years prior to Stonehenge using stone blocks slabs which formed the ceiling. It once again demonstrates the ingenuity of early man.
Silbury Hill
Silbury Hill, shows an amazing ability for the immense technical skill of European people's ancestors, even in prehistoric times. The builders must have been able to call on a large and organised labour force and to exercise broad ranging control across the southern area of Britain. Constructed approximately 4750 years ago, it is estimated to have taken 18 million man hours to build.
In this episode my Honda CB500x "Ronin" and I are riding from Denmark into Sweden. We explore the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen on the way and also admire the mystical rocks at Ales Stenar, Sweden's own Stonehenge...
Otzi -Iceman lived at the beginning of the Bronze Age.
The Iceman is older than the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge. He lived during the Copper Age, a period of the late Neolithic. He was still using stone tools but owned an innovative and very valuable copper axe. The skill of extracting and processing metal had recently arrived in Europe from Anatolia in Turkey. The advent of copper marked the beginning of the Bronze Age.
Anatolia, also known as Asia Minor, Asian Turkey, the Anatolian peninsula, or the Anatolian plateau, is the westernmost protrusion of Asia, which makes up the majority of modern-day Turkey. Wikipedia
At the time of Ice Man some Whites lived in villages in lakes.
An interesting an often overlooked subject which concerns the local communities living in the regions surrounding the Alps in the time at which the "Ice Man" lived.
Archaeologists say they have uncovered Britain's "Pompeii" after discovering the "best-preserved European Bronze Age dwellings ever found" in the country.