The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) is a Jewish Zionist globalist run organization. ADL Declares Victory as They Officially Take Control of Facebook Thought Policing - FULL SHOW 7/7/20 Alice14 Alex Jones, thank you for exposing and opposing the ADL (Anti-Defamation League). The ADL…
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Fighting Against Globalist
Jew Exposes ADL’s Lie That ‘White Supremacists’ Are A Serious Threat To Jews The Anti-Defamation League is intentionally misleading the public by creating a false impression that so-called “White supremacists” are far more of a danger to Jews than Muslim or Leftist extremists: Jewish Professor Exposes…
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Politics & Legal
The beautiful Wonder Woman has an important message for the world Chromatura Stop your genocidal ethnic cleansing of Palestine, stop subverting and extorting our governments, stop defiling the world with your pornography and deviant gender ideology, stop the debt slavery of almost every gentile family and…
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As Fracking Is Set To Be Reintroduced In The UK - Here Is David Icke Talking In 2018 Home Store FAQ Contact Us Minister Louis Farrakhan’s Letter To ADL’s Abraham Foxman August 8, 2012 NOI Research News 9 The Nation of Islam has…
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