U.S. foreign aid and the Israeli nuclear weapons program - Grant F. Smith Washington Report on Middle East Affairs Published on Mar 24, 2019 In 1969, the Department of Defense, intelligence community and Department of State recommended President Richard Nixon uphold the Treaty on…
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Fighting Against Globalist
Philistines—The Jews’ Ancient Enemies—Were Europeans, DNA Confirms THE NEW OBSERVER Philistines—The Jews’ Ancient Enemies—Were Europeans, DNA C onfirms TNO Staff — July 29, 2019 The Philistine people—who gave their name to the land called Palestine—and who were the ancient Jews’ greatest enemy, as recorded in…
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Culture & Heritage
The Turks Enter Anatolia (1016-1071) Kazybek Konlimkos 4 months ago Motherland of the Oghuz Turks is Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. They are Nomads from Central Asia. Taha K. 6 months ago "These populations are long haired, good archers, very skilled in carving ram and horse…
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Culture & Heritage
Kabbalah, Chabad, & Noahide Laws EXPOSED!!! Trump is Jewish Zionist Nationalist. Trump is Israel first and United States second. What Are The Noahide Laws? Nathan67 Point 3: Capital punishment for jews and non-Jews who violate serious laws were only permitted when the holy temple…
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Religions & Faiths
WhiteDate.NET Contact us Print this post Liv Heide 324 words WhiteDate.NET is a new dating site for Caucasian singles, whose purpose is to stop the demographic decline of people of European descent. In Western societies that include people of…
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AntiWhites up all night altCensored This is Europa Published on Aug 17, 2013 Anti-Whites up all night, justifying White GeNOcide. Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white. Useful links: http://www.whitakeronline.org/blog http://whiterabbitradio.net/ http://whitegenocideproject.com/ Like us on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/thisiseuropa Music by Valkyrie in the Sky http://www.enwhiterabbit.com/…
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Culture & Heritage
How to obtain a second passport. Flag Theory: How You Can Escape Globalism By Using The Elite’s Loopholes For Yourself Katie Ananina and Jessica Hodlr from planbpassport.com join Harrison Smith on the American Journal to discuss sovereignty and how to obtain a second passport. Harshit Tiwari…
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The United States President Ronald J Trump and family gives good example of what White European Caucasians look like. Some of Trump family members are of the Christian faith and some are of the Jewish faith. The Donald Trump video every Jew MUST watch…
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Culture & Heritage
Sex Slaves - Japanese Military Mistreatment of Dutch Women Prisoners The Japanese military routinely abused civilian women across the Occupied Territories of Asia. Hundreds of thousands of local women were also forced to become 'Comfort Women', or forced prostitutes. Among this number were several hundred white Dutch…
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Fighting Against Genocide
The mystery of Azores In the Atlantic Ocean there lays a group of nine spectator Islands (all volcanic in origin) called the Azores which resembles many of the descriptions of a lost island in the Atlantic. Many people are not unaware of archaeologists currently studying over…
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Culture & Heritage
He had seventy son of his own, for he had many wives.Judges 8:30 When you watch documentaries or films about people or tribes that live in certain areas or lived in the past, it is promoted that those men usually only had one wife.…
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Culture & Heritage
Another Migrant Terror Attack At Christmas Market In Germany - FF Ep287 https://i.imgur.com/FoEoUE5.jpeg
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Culture & Heritage
How Rome Conquered Greece - Roman History DOCUMENTARY The Perfectly Preserved Roman Boat Hidden Near The Rhine | Time Team | Odyssey Upon marching on Rome, Caesar took with him one out of his nine Legions: the 13th. This is the full history of that…
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Culture & Heritage
Who are the Tatars? Europe's Oldest Remaining Islamic Community Just who are the Tatars? The Tatars are arguably Europe's oldest remaining Islamic community, stretching back many hundreds (possibly over a thousand) years and today number in the tens of millions. Scattered over many parts of Eastern Europe,…
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Culture & Heritage