5 Censored Books Tell a History the Establishment Wants Hidden We have all been subject to altered history as we progressed through our educational years, not to mention the continual conditioning through the Establishment controlled media. We have sourced books and other materials that reveal different…
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Legal & Politics
It's almost like the UK is no longer a democratic country. The Truth About Broken Britain A jar of pickles 4 months ago (edited) "I will never understand why the British Government blatantly turns a blind eye to known terrorists that want to destroy your country.…
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Politics & Legal
Kill Whitey Movies Incite Racism & Real Murders The following article was written and published in May, 1979 by a Newspaper called Thunderbolt. The organization that produced this publication does not exist today. They called themselves racist, used derogatory words like nigger and wore Nazi…
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BREAKING: President Trump Orders Elon Musk's DOGE To Attack The Globalist Mother Ship — Trump Has Directed DOGE Auditors To Investigate The Private Run For-Profit Federal Reserv Diversity means replacing natives, Whites, Blacks, Asians etc. Blackrock Wants Your Money! Their CRAZY Retirement…
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