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  The Uyghur people live largely in the Chinese Autonomous Community of Xinjiang.   Who are the Uyghurs | History of China's Unwanted Muslims (552-1884)  The Uyghurs are an ethnic group that mainly reside in Xinjiang province in China. They’re currently in the media spotlight due to…
Published in Culture & Heritage
87. Origins of the Jews of Poland and Eastern Europe (Jewish History Lab) A brief overview of the migration of Jews to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the medieval period.   Showed 80% of Ashkenazi Jews’ maternal line comes from Europe. Where are Ashkenazi Jews from? 430 views…
Published in Culture & Heritage
Thousands of Covid -19 vaccine injured. 1000 COVID Stories l Tens of thousands of COVID-19 vaccine injured fight censorship to bring their stories to the public Tens of thousands of COVID-19 vaccine injured fight censorship to bring their stories to the public 08/05/2021 / By News Editors…
Published in Organizations
Stirling Engines - the power of the future?How To Make a Simple Steam Engine From Tin Can - DIY DIY with Ben Published on Nov 20, 2018     Simple Steam Engine - In this video, we will show you how to make a simple steam engine…
Published in Uniting our Community
.Painting painted during the last Ice Age  by white Europeans in Europe. This is one of the most studied and argued about paintings in Lascaux cave in France ,Europe. It is in what is known as the Well, or the Shaft, and is reached by climbing down…
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Cyprus Crisis 1974 - COLD WAR DOCUMENTARY LordAnestis   (edited) And all this while Greece and Turkey were in NATO. Well done NATO well done... Syrischer Ball BTW For those wondering why NATO did nothing, it is because that Makarios III was very close to the Soviet…
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Basque Origins | DNA, Language, and History  
Published in Culture & Heritage
  Ghost Warriors: The German Tribes That Hunted Romans | Ancient Black Ops | Odyssey The deadly work of top ancient assassins. The elite Harii tribe of Germania were trained to fight only at night and inflicted the Roman Army's worst-ever defeat. @reeseni7620 I love learning about…
Published in Culture & Heritage