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The Rise Of The Lakota Nation | Nations At War | Timeline Kelton Oliver The British and later US governments were in a difficult position. It's likely that in many cases the treaties were negotiated in good faith but the reality was that it was simply impossible…
Published in Culture & Heritage
  European Holocaust During World War II Millions of non Jews died in the holocaust, but the world only hears about the inflated number of Jews who perished at the hands of Hitler. 'At least five million of the six million were total goyim killed,' ultra-Orthodox rabbi…
 False Jews use Jews All content in this website is the copyright material.   Visitors are welcome to share any articles, but we ask that you acknowledge us as the source. As there are good blacks, bad blacks there are also good whites, bad whites, bad Jews…
Published in Slider
  The untold history of Winston Churchill and the British Empire | Tariq Ali | The Big Picture S4E9  Winston Churchill is one of the most biographed figures in modern history, held up as an orator and wartime strategist that turned the tide against Hitler and Nazi…
Published in Hot Stories 2
Women are important to the future. Men are defenders, but without the women and the future that they provide - what is there to protect?  The following videos giving a voice to women who are fighting against the regressive Globalist Establishment. How Real Is Fake News? |…
Published in Organizations
  The White Genocide Project, a civil rights movement, are campaigning against the genocide of European Caucasians worldwide.  They need your support helping them by sending information or photo's of discrimination so they can inform the public, and promote their website.  white-genocide  The third world migrants who…
Published in Organizations