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Anti Semitism Is The Code Word For Jews To Hide Behind For Their Crimes Against Humanity       Greatest researcher on the earth .. Eustace Mullins NAZI = NATIONAL SOCIALIST ZIONIST …] Rebel Rabbis: Anti-Zionist Jews Against Israel —
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United Nations Racism Act White, black and Asian people who fight for their country are called racists, but the people who promote the multicultural society are the real racists. They hate white people so much that they want to flood their countries with non white people. This…
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    Home Listen Live Videos Shop About Dr. Duke Contact Dr Duke Help Dr. Duke’s Work Politics Radio Show The Latest from Dr. David Duke Home Politics Tulsi Gabbard Exposes the Warmonger elite Jewish NeoCon Cabal & anti-White Racism! Tulsi Gabbard Exposes the Warmonger elite Jewish…
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  Hias-Herew Immigration Assistance Society is Jewish run and promoting non White immigration into White, Asian, Black countries..   Michael Yon's Explosive Reaction to Ben Shapiro’s Alleged Funding of the Border Invasion Fourteen88 Of course. Shapiro is a jew, and jews are behind the invasion of white…
Published in Organizations
The anti-Semitic, Zionists and Globalists who control our media and governments are promoting bigotry and racism which has effectively resulted in conflict between the different racial groups and they are very careful to keep the crime rates of non-Europeans hidden from Europeans.  This is mainly so that…
Published in Legal & Politics
    War Crimes In Gaza I Al Jazeera    Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit exposes Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip through the medium of photos and videos posted online by Israeli soldiers themselves during the year-long conflict. The I-Unit has built up a database of…
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A poll recently taken by Northern German broadcaster NDR Fernsehen, a regional television channel, discovered that 63% of Germans have little or no confidence in the Ukraine reporting by German media.  Of this 63 %, the majority believe the reporting is most likely one-sided and not objective. …
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