The anti-Semitic Zionists and Globalists who control our media are allowing people to promote ideas which are creating a false world view of history. This rewriting of history is also known as revisionism. Revisionism occurs because of poorly constructed research which is released to create political pressure…
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Culture & Heritage
MONDAY FULL SHOW 3/3/25 — Trump’s Approval Rating Surges To An All-Time Hi Harvard Economist Reveals Shocking SECRET About Trade War with China Trump’s AI Stargate, Warp Speed 2.0, Smart Walls & 15 Minute Cities Trump’s new era is off to a wild…
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Hot Stories 2
Kill Whitey Movies Incite Racism & Real Murders The following article was written and published in May, 1979 by a Newspaper called Thunderbolt. The organization that produced this publication does not exist today. They called themselves racist, used derogatory words like nigger and wore Nazi…
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Hot Stories 2
BREAKING: President Trump Orders Elon Musk's DOGE To Attack The Globalist Mother Ship — Trump Has Directed DOGE Auditors To Investigate The Private Run For-Profit Federal Reserv Diversity means replacing natives, Whites, Blacks, Asians etc. Blackrock Wants Your Money! Their CRAZY Retirement…
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Hot Stories 2
A growing number of people have realised that laws have been made to control citizens by governments who hypocritically break those laws themselves. So there is a need to create an Anti- Defamation Council to represent our rights and work towards changing the system. The current system…
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Politics & Legal
Here is a list of interesting articles we have uncovered in the last week that we wished to share with the community. Muslim ‘refugees’ refuse boxes of aid because it has the Xtian Red Cross on itSurely these famine stricken and impoverished immigrants from Syria really refusing…
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News Archives
"Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries, asylum from persecution."Article 14 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights If you flood a country which has indigenous people with a different people, you are committing genocide by default. In 1954 the UK signed…
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Constitutions and Laws
Muslims Invade Europe European governments are actively destroying the White Europeans with third world immigrants. Alex Jones break down what is behind Erdogan's latest call to invade Europe. Learn The Truth Behind Erdogan's Call…
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Fighting Against Genocide
Globalist media promoting mix relationship with advertisements White People Against Interracial Relationships There are many people asking the question why are we going multiracial and who is behind it? This question we can answer. There is a group of Globalist eugenicist bankers who took control…
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Inspiring Change
VIDEO: Trump Judge Brags That He Doesn't Need Juries to Convict Americans New York City Judge Arthur Engoron recently bragged about discarding Trump's constitutional right to a jury in his unjust trial for fraud. Who is Arthur Engoron? Judge weighing future of Donald Trump empire is…
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Constitutions and Laws
"Twice before in history, at Tours and then at the Gates of Vienna, European civilization was almost lost to the forces of Islam. We are at a third great inflection point. Switzerland may be playing the role of Charles Martel. Stay tuned." Chilling quote from American Thinker…
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Fighting Against Genocide
The 3rd Jewish Temple Prophecy (mirror)
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Religions & Faiths
Sumerian Kingdom @tarekchelmeran1439 (edited) Being an Iraqi whois late dad was from Nineveh in northern Iraq, I remember how keen my dad was on visiting museums he could all around the world and taking video footage of their collections of Iraqi artifacts and archeological findings. This…
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EU Pressure PUSHES Hungary to Join BRICS… What the Hell Is Happening? Disclaimer: This article was originally written and published on the Nationalist Asatru News on March 19, 2014. Many people say the twelve stars on the European flag represent the 12 Jewish tribes. From the…
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Bill Trotskyites who fled to America from Russia is Jewish Trotskyite Communist Globalist who promotes white replacement with non whites. Alex Jones Exposes Bill Kristol's Trotskyite History / Why He Wants Open Borders And Hates Tucker Carlson Alex Jones gives a short history lesson on the Trotskyites…
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