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Jews created christianity

Screenshot 1christianity stepping stones

The Judeo Matrix EXPOSED!


The bible is a fraud. Jews created christianity. Its all evil. All christians are evil servanrs of jewry.


Like most Christians you are ignorant of your own white, pre-Christian ancestral gifts to humanity. Long before Jew religion was foisted upon the European continent, rich philosophy and logic had been developed by Greek and Roman philosophers.The early Euro philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, inspired later European philosophers to add to the wealth of positive and wise advice on how to live a moral and fulfilled life based on logic, a system of discovering what is true and what is false.
The system is still known today as the Trivium and Quadrivium or "classical education". I'm sure you've heard that phrase before. During the Dark Ages this system of learning was reserved for "the elite". The Trivium as a teaching method has been removed from tax-payer public schools beginning in the 1920's, shortly after the private central bank known as the Federal Reserve was est. in 1913, along with income tax on your labor.
Still, it took a while to deliberately dumb-down schools. If you compare public school books from past American eras, to today, you will be astonished at how dumbed-down curriculums have become. Consequently, increasing numbers of parents are choosing to home school. I am not sure, but I think Catholic parochial schools still use the Trivium and Quadrivium. Along with enforced discipline, this is why they are popular with parents.
The Trivium lays the foundation for learning by emphasizing three skills—grammar, dialectic (logic), and rhetoric. After the student has grasped the trivium, the quadrivium, consisting of arithmetic, astronomy, music, and geometry is introduced. If only the basic fallacies of logic would be taught in public schools, this would help enormously in teaching people how to genuinely restore basic common sense into our populace.
So you see Angel, Christianity actually did retard European Gentiles, by imposing illiteracy rules upon commoners for at least 900 years, just as it was designed to do. I'm sorry you can't see this as fact. Jew Religions did not establish morality. It existed long before the Hebrew religions came to exist.
One reason many people are fat, Angel, is because of mind control programming & advertising via TV. You are aware that Jews control most of the advertising people watch on TV, correct?


I wouldn't worry about that too much. My best guess is that Zionists and Christian Zionists will be rounded up and killed for all the stuff going on now as well as centuries of hatred that Christians have accumulated. All Christians will be tagged as the same and suffer the same fate. Jesus will return at the exact time when not one more person in the entire world can be saved. Part of what that likely means is Christians will be whipped out (though most Christians that think they're saved, aren't - just look at the Christian Zionists. Calling for all Gazans to be whipped out).


Rabbis explain the death to america destroy edom agenda

Rabbis explain they created christianity and islam to enslave the goyim


Jews Created Christianity - Yes, Created Catholicism - NO! They despise Catholicism. Learn the difference and SEE again. Most know not of what they speak. Most believe a lie. 99.9% of people do not know what original Catholicism is and if they learned they would run to it. Original does not look anything like today's Novus Ordo - so don't even try that.


Age of Irony

i don't debate logical disconnect . The ancient Jews wrote the Bible look at all their lies ....Jewish Rabbis telling the truth on YouTube videos ???

Which is it are they liars or truth tellers ??? All you do is discredit Jews but then you use the people that you discredit as reliable evidence to push your theory ?

GTFOOH with the logical disconnect. I'll put in simple terms you can understand

You can't use liars and deceivers as credible witness to your theory Its no different than building your house on beach sand You Adam sycophants can't have both If they are credible in your Rabbi videos then why aren't they credible in the BIBLE ??

You are making them credible in what they are saying in fringe rabbi vids but discrediting the ancient Jews in their texts

Do you not see the logical disconnect??

I'm not even a Abrahamist but your line of reasoning is flawed

That being said its an interesting theory that Adam presents but ill leave it at that An interesting theory


Even trad Catholics have a built in weakness for jewdism. Their religion is based on the assertion that jews were the original chosen people of God. That is why throughout history Christians never declared open war on the jew like he did the muslim for example.
Why modus vivendi the jew but crusade the mulsim? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
jews think Jesus was a heretic worthy of death, whilst muslim consider him a prophet of God



I dispise all Abrahamic death Cults. I am an Aryan. Not a Gentile, not an infidel. Not a Heretic but defiant to the psychotic misanthropes of the Abrahamics.


The whole confusion we face today is explained by the simple fact that the Romans did not accept Christianity and go against the jews...

They accepted Judaism, Christianity was only a branch of Judaism at the time and this was chosen for the Gentiles...

GENTILES which is a Latin word for non Roman. ie, Not of the Gens, Gentilus, a non patrition, NOT Hebrew...

So the Roman "Leadership" became jewish whilst their Plebs (farmed human cattle) became non chosen Noahide compliant slaves who Police themselves, ie Christians. This is the dichotomy hidden by the others we all know. Investigate the roman "sack" of Jerusalem, was it really a sack? Why do the Soldiers on carrying off the loot on the famous arches look like Hebrews with Hebrew headbands not Romans?The most famous jew having the same family name as the then Emperor...

Josephus Flavious just happened to be adopted by the Emperor after he lead the Jewish rebellion lol.Even the US voting public who think they live in a direction should be able to see that they are playing a role in a stage play and the only fuckers playing make believe in war are the kikes, so you are kiking yourselves...

The 2 sides of the 1 coin and it is a Roman Shekel


These shit rabbis always talk about how great it was for paganism to be replaced with their so called morals, but reality was they were brutal and exterminated all other people that supposedly had different views. In the old testament they killed whole settlements, pregnant women and children. No other expressions of god allowed. They were only "moral" with their own community and kind. That's easy but if someone challenges or brings a different view, they you exterminate them. And also, they were not much different than other pagans, and they did all kinds of vile things then killed an innocent sheep or lamb and everything was good. Idiocy.

They always claim monotheism but when you start to argue with Christians why there are 3 heads, they will say god is everywhere and can even manifest himself in human form. That's what pagans said too and they saw god in nature and animals, but that was blasphemy worthy of death. The whole thing is a mind fuck for the simpleminded. No wonder Christians, Jews & Muslims really can't stand each other. It's not about finding god, it's about your group being the only one that supposedly knows god.

They find no value, use or can learn from other people such as native Americans and how they kept nature so pristine for 1000's of years. After only a few generations of Christianity & Judaism in North America cities look like demonic wastelands devoid of contact with nature, but full of greed, division, and people acting crazy.
Then look at their modern morals, greed, money, influence. Hollywood, their leaders when elected in US government and the devious ways they operate in the background to sabotage opponents and different values. They don't integrate with anyone or ever will. The offshoot of their garbage, Christianity, did the same thing and burned and destroyed other knowledge, experiences or spiritual beliefs.

Christianity & Judaism's best teachings are how the world is expendable and how god will obliterate it and almost everyone in it but only save them. Judaism doesn't even accept outsiders who want to be saved. God has already cast you out according to them and you can't be saved, they are the chosen ones.


The diabolical plan to kill all Europeans and replace them with third world slaves:


Screenshot 3hrachel

  • Brother Nathanael March 2, 2021 @ 1:37 pm


    The Meaning Of Rachel Levine

    It’s scary.

    That a pervert, Rachel Levine, an obese man dressed in drag, should be appointed as Secretary of Health.

    How did it happen?

    Levine is a Jew and that’s our clue.

    For at bottom of America’s plunge into Godless atheism with its consequent perversity, flushes forth the sewerage of the Jew whose role in the medical realm is huge.

    We’re being ‘Rachel Levined.’ [Clip]

    [”Your gender identity is how you feel inside, whether that’s male or female. We’ll talk about some other issues about that in a couple of minutes. Uhm, and, and they’re very different terms. So, you might be male-identified at birth, but your gender identity is female, so you’d be a transgendered girl or woman. Or you might be female-identifed at birth, and, but identify as male, and you might be a transgender boy or man.”]

    These are Jewish word tricks to emasculate what Western Civilization has granted for centuries as God’s creational design.

    And Levine has a devilish scheme to ruin the lives of every teen. [Clip]

    [”So the protocol was developed in the Netherlands has two phases. The first phase is at a young adolescent age is to give what is called a pubertal blocker. To give a medicine to block the progression of puberty so you don’t go through the wrong puberty. And then to continue some counseling. And then somewhere between 14 and 16 years of age to start slowly cross-gender hormones.”]

    “Wrong puberty?”

    God created the “right” puberty for teens.

    What God has joined together let no man put asunder. [Clip]

    [”Uhhm, so it’s, it’s two, two phases. Ummm, and then, uhhm, there are follow-up protocols. Most surgical treatment would be done uhm, at around 18. There are some procedures that might be done, uhm earlier than 18. Uhm, and there are some exceptions. Now this is a great protocol if you’re seeing patients in the cornfields of Hershey.”]

    “Great protocol?”

    It’s deadly and dangerous.

    And this freak is going to give out health advice from DC?

    I mean, surgical treatment sounds nice enough, but when used for sex-reassignments it’s nasty, risky, and brutal stuff.

    “Vaginoplasty” is the surgical procedure used to form a “neo-vagina” in a male.

    The testicles are removed and the penis is inverted and connected to a vaginal-created vault in the lower pelvic tissue.

    This surgically-created hole is then shaped by forming the tissue into a “neo-vagina.”

    The danger of this procedure—which Rachel Levine promotes—is that it can cause a blockage of feces and urine due to the hole created between the rectum and the “neo-vagina.”

    “Phalloplasty” is the surgical procedure used to form a “neo-penis” in a female.

    The ovaries and fallopian tubes are first removed and the urethra is lengthened.

    A “neo-penis” is then formed by grafting flesh and fat from the abdomen, and attaching it to the urethra.

    A scrotum is made using grafted vulva tissue combined with silicone testicular implants.

    The danger of this highly invasive, multi-tissue and organ sex-change procedure—which Rachel Levine promotes—is that it can cause excessive bleeding from the removal of the uterus, and can cause infection leading to death by using lacerated tissue from the removed vagina.

    Transgenderism is a growing money-making scheme that joins Big Pharma with the Medical Profession—both Jewish dominated—emboldening teens to mutilate their otherwise healthy bodies which God gifted to them.

    The devil’s brood, you see, has been promoting sexual aberrations for decades.

    Top donors and promoters include:

    Jennifer Pritzker, another male ‘Freak Show’ Jew, like Levine.

    George Soros, the devil’s all time favorite Jew.

    Paul Singer, hedge fund Jew who screws the goys, and unscrews little boys, who with his money turns them into little girls.

    And, the Central Conference of American Rabbis, a consortium of Christ-hating rabbis that funds and files amicus briefs to US courts in support of sexual deviancy.

    Twisting and contorting all that is natural and serviceable is the job of the devil’s brood, Jews, turning it into something artificial and ugly.

    The meme is Rachel Levine. [Clip]

    [”Child abuse is on the rise, we know that. With all of these terrible stressors that are burdening our children, it’s more important than ever to focus on children’s health and behavioral health needs. Doctor Levine, given your depth and experience in adressing quality mental health services, can we be assured that these issues will be priority for you if you’re confirmed to this position at HHS?”]

    What the hell is this?

    A miserable hack asking a sick sexual deviant—who should be locked in a psychiatric ward—if he’ll prioritize children’s behavioral health needs?

    It’s like asking a fox if he’ll prioritize the lives of the residents of the neighborhood chicken coop.

    The Republic is dead.

    Levine embalms the corpse. [Clip]

    [”Well, Senator, thank you very much for this question and I would like to thank you so much, you and very staff, for all of your work on these very important issues. Uhm, I am a pediatrician in my original field and I, I, still have a love for children and adolescence and I will do everything possible to work ah, ah, for the betterment of children and adolescents in our country.”]

    Like cutting off their balls and taking a scalpel to their vaginas.

    Genital mutilation by any other name “abuses” the same. [Clip]

    [”Genital mutilation is considered particularly egregious because as the WHO notes, it is nearly always carried out on minors and as a violation on the rights of children. Most genital mutilation is not typically performed by force, but as WHO notes, that by social convention, social norm, the social pressure to conform, to do what others do and had been doing, as well as the need to be accepted socially, and the fear of being rejected by the community. American culture is now normalizing the idea that minors can be given hormones to prevent their biological development of their secondary sexual characteristics. Dr Levine, you have supported both allowing minors being given hormone blockers to prevent them from going through puberty, as well as surgical destruction of a minor’s genitalia. Like surgical mutilation, hormonal interruption of puberty can permanently alter and prevent secondary sexual characteristics. The American College of Pediatricians reports that 80-95% of pre-pubertal children with gender dysphoria will experience resolution by late adolescence if not exposed to medical intervention and social affirmation. Dr. Levine, do you believe that minors are capable of making such a life-changing decision as changing one’s sex?”

    “Well, Senator, thank you for your interest in this question. Uhm, transgender medicine is a very complex and nuanced field uhm, with robust research and uhm, standards of care that have been developed. And if I am fortunate enough to be confirmed as the Assistant Secretary of Health, I would look forward to working with you and your office, and coming to your office, and coming to your office and discussing the particulars of the standards of care for transgender medicine.”

    “The specific question was about minors. Let’s be a little more specific since you evaded the question. Do you support the government intervening to override the parents’ consent to give a child puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and/or amputation surgery of breasts and genitalia? You have said that you are willing to accelerate the protocols for street kids. I’m alarmed that poor kids with no parents, who are homeless and distraught, you would just go through this and allow that to happen to a minor.

    “What I’m alarmed at is that you’re not willing to say absolutely minors shouldn’t be making decisions to amputate their breasts or to amputate their genitalia. For most of our history, we believe that minors don’t have full rights and that parents need to be involved, so I’m alarmed that you won’t say with certainty that minors should not have the ability to make the decision to take hormones that will affect them for the rest of their life. Will you make a more firm decision on whether minors should be involved in these decisions?”

    “Senator, transgender medicine is a very complex and nuanced field. Ah, and if confirmed to the position of Assistant Secretary of Health, I would certainly be pleased to come to your office and talk with you and your staff about the standards of care and the complexity of this field.”
    “Let it go into the record that the witness refused to answer the question.”]

    The Jew refuses.

    The question falls directly into healthcare policy and Levine’s own ‘expertise,’ but the freak won’t speak.

    The Jew sees himself as a ’social pioneer,’ a ‘national hero,’ but when laid under scrutiny—which is taboo to do with Jews—he’s exposed as a rogue.

    The meaning of Rachel Levine—in all his depravity, disguise, and masquerade—is the unveiling of America’s decay.

    It’s an open casket, the corpse is laid for all to survey.

    Let the funeral begin, and let regions secede without delay.

    Secession, my friends, is the only way.

  • Brother Nathanael March 2, 2021 @ 1:39 pm


Read 2861 times Last modified on Wednesday, 07 August 2024 12:05