White European Scythian tribes lived in Europe, Russian and Siberian.
NOVA: Ice Mummies: Siberian Ice Maiden (1998-TV)
The mummy of a 2400-year-old woman found on the Steppes of Siberia reveals a legendary warrior culture Ice Mummies: Siberian Ice Maiden: PBS Airdate: November 24, 1998 / "Tonight on NOVA, sacrificial horses guard her tomb. Gold and silk adorn her body. For 24 centuries, she was frozen in time. Was she a priestess? A warrior chief? NOVA unearths the secrets of "The Siberian Ice Maiden"." TRANSCRIPT: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/transcr...
Clearly from the skull shape, height and long blonde hair, we can tell these mummies are not like the ‘Asian’ nomads we know today. But much more like the Yanmaya of which a part had traveled into Europe, now being a majority of the blood for native Europeans. As well ad the fact that contemporary Scythian depictions show people that look exactly like Germanic peoples. Both in clothing, hairstyle and facial features. I wrote this halfway through the documentary and is confirmed at 49:00

Lorie Paix