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Many Sea People came from Europe Update 2.

      Many Sea People came from Europe. The Sea Peoples & The Late Bronze Age Collapse // Ancient History Documentary (1200-1150 BC)     The majority of White Europeans all over the world do not know that the nine tribes the Egyptians called the Sea Peoples came…

Cultural History for Kids

This section is a fun section just for kids!  It's designed to help kids learn about their history in an enjoyable manner.  What you teach children in those early learning years, stays with them for life.  Kids, Hieroglyphics and Runic/Viking Alphabet Hieroglyphics is an ancient Egyptian form…

Kalash the White Tribe Update 5.

Who are the Kalash People in Pakistan? | Travel Documentary       Kalashi Representative Explaining Hidden Facts || Kalash Valley Festival Date | Pakistan Tourism   An Uncertain Future for the Kalash People of Pakistan (2003)  Pakistan - Kalash of Cultures (2003) - In a remote…

The Banning Confederate Battle Flag of the Southern States In The United States

There is growing pressure within the United States by Globalist who want New World Order (Anti-Semitic Zionist and gentile traitors) to ban the Confederate Battle Flag, (picture below,) and the Confederate National Flag (on the right).  Globalist has a huge influence in the media and in the…

Queen of Sheba & King Solomon

Yemen: Land of the legendary Queen of Sheba, who met King Solomon in Jerusalem  With film shot during Wendell Phillips’ 1950 expedition and footage of the collection housed in the museum in Sana’a, this documentary is a fascinating insight into a long-gone civilization and a queen who…