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Who Killed General Patton?

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Did Jews Kill General Patton?, History Articles

Did Jews Kill General Patton?

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By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2011

Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
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GENERAL GEORGE PATTON’S MURDER on 21 December 1945 is one of the most concealed events in military history.

Although Patton’s military file at the National Archives in St Louis has over 1300 pages of documents, only a handful of pages are devoted to the car crash. Strangely, the 5 on-the-scene military reports of the incident disappeared shortly after archived. Why?

Patton’s end began on 9 December 1945 when after setting out on a pheasant hunting trip near Mannheim, Germany, a two-ton US Army truck collided into his Cadillac staff car.

Patton suffered neck injuries either from a bullet or less likely from impact but was not seriously hurt. Yet his driver, Horace Woodring and his chief of staff, General Hap Gay, walked away with barely a scratch.

On the way to the hospital, Patton’s rescue vehicle was struck again by another two-ton Army truck. This time he was injured more severely, but still clung to his life.

Neither of the truck drivers were arrested nor had their names disclosed although Patton’s driver stated that the first truck was waiting for them on the side of the road as they’d started up from a railroad track stop.

It was later reported by former intelligence agent Ladislas Farago, that the driver of the first truck, Robert L Thompson, (who was whisked away to London before he could be questioned), was not authorized to drive the vehicle and had two mysterious passengers with him “in violation of rules.”

Ladislas also pointed out that although the crash occurred on a remote road on a quiet, no-work Sunday morning, a large crowd of mostly military personnel quickly descended on the scene.

Once at the hospital, Patton was able to contact his wife in America urging her to remove him from the hospital because, “They’re going to kill me here.” And that they did.

On 21 December 1945, Patton was pronounced dead due to an “embolism,” that is, a bubble of blood which is fatal when it reaches a vital organ. It can be introduced into the bloodstream with a syringe by anyone with brief medical training.

Not only did the US army make no investigation into the “accident” - but no questions were raised about his “embolism.” The remains of this American hero were never brought to the United States and no autopsy was ever performed.


WHEN PATTON ASSUMED COMMAND of occupied Germany in October 1945, he came to a new understanding of the European conflagration.

The war hero expressed grave misgivings regarding the harsh treatment of Germans by the Allies and urged creating a strong Germany to counter the advance of Soviet Russia into Eastern Europe.

The more Patton saw of the Soviets, the stronger his conviction grew that the right course of action was to stifle communism while the opportunity was ripe.

But Patton was thwarted by Roosevelt’s Jewish advisers, Henry Morgenthau and Bernard Baruch, who pursued a post-war bond with Jewish-Soviets.

The conflict between Jewry and Patton grew when he refused to remove German civilians from their homes so as to house “Displaced Persons.” Most of these were Jews who were never “displaced” but rather had swarmed into Germany from Poland and Russia.

Patton’s diary entry for 17 September 1945 reads:

“The virus started by Morgenthau and Baruch against all Germans is semitic revenge. Now I’m being ordered to remove German civilians from their homes for the purpose of housing Displaced Persons.

It appears that this order is to punish the German race and not individual Germans. It’s against my Anglo-Saxon conscience to remove a person from his house without due process of the law.

Those issuing these orders believe that the Displaced Person is a human being, which he is not. This applies particularly to the Jews, who are lost to all decency, relieving themselves on the floors, showing themselves to be lower than animals.” View Entire Story Here.

When Patton later linked Communists with Jews, his fate was sealed. The Jewish-owned press in America began a smear campaign describing Patton as “soft on Nazis.”

General Patton had always carried with him a special notebook. It disappeared from his pocket upon his arrival at the hospital after the collisions.

“I have a little black book in my pocket,” Patton once said, “and when I get back home I’m going to blow the hell out of everything.” But Jewry made sure Patton would never see America again.


IN HIS BOOK, “Target Patton,” author Robert Wilcox describes his interviews with WWII sharpshooter, Douglas Bazata, a Lebanese Jew, who died in 1999.

Based on these interviews, (Bazata, with declining health, was tormented by qualms of conscience), Wilcox details how the marksman staged the car crash by getting a troop truck to plough into Patton’s Cadillac.

He then arranged for the General to be shot with a low-velocity projectile which entered Patton’s neck while his fellow passengers escaped without a scratch. (The impact theory is less likely since the vehicles were advancing at only 20 miles per hour, both being hardly damaged.)

Bazata said that the order “to silence Patton” was given by the head of the OSS, (forerunner to the CIA), General “Wild Bill” Donovan, who was pursuing close ties with Communist intelligence officers.

Donovan told Bazata, “We’ve got a terrible situation with this great patriot, he’s out of control and we must save him from himself and from ruining everything the allies have done.”

The marksman gave similar testimony to a group of 450 ex-members of the OSS at the Hilton Hotel in Washington on 25 September 1979.

Bazata said, “Many high-ranking military persons hated Patton. I know who killed him because I was hired to set up the accident by General William Donovan for $10,000. But since Patton didn’t die in the accident, he was kept in isolation in the hospital where he was killed with an injection.”

General Bill Donovan is alleged to have been a crypto Jew, as his mother, Anna Letitia Donovan, was likely a Jewess. Her name, “Anna Letitia,” is typically Jewish but uncommon as an Irish name.

Donovan’s rise as a Wall Street lawyer, his intimacy with FDR’s Jewish inner circle, and his role as adjunct to Jewish Judge Samuel Rosenman at the Nuremberg trials, strengthens the premise of Donovan’s Jewish identity, or at least, his Jewish sympathies.

And those “sympathies” felled a great American hero through the intrigues of the dark forces of international Jewry now pervasive in our post WWII world.


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Who Rules Russia: known politics, businessmen, journalists, actors of Russia

Let's see who rules modern Russia?
In this thread I suggest to post info about the most known politics, businessmen, journalists and actors of Russia. The emphasis should be to the ethnic origin of these people.
Educational thread for English-speaking visitors. Post materials in English (translate using, if no other choice).
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see also, the complementary thread: Putin, United Russia, etc - corrupt, criminal, anti-white regime - Stormfront (if this one is "who they are", that one is more about "what they do").
Also: putinism - Stormfront - Threads Tagged with putinism
Discussion regarding this topic and non-essential info has been moved/split out to a separate thread - Re: Who Rules Russia: known politics, businessmen, journalists, actors of Russia; follow there for seeing and/or contributing to discussion/chatter; any future chit chat here will be moved to that thread anyway, for brevity.
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-Forum moderator--------Table of Contens
(last name first)Oligarchs / Tycoons
Abramovich, Roman[...]probably one of the most famous "Russian" oligarhes in the world. Jew Roman Abramovich is one of the richest (or probably the richest) thieves and criminals in Russia, close friend of Yeltsin and protector/curator of Putin[...]Duma member [...]
President Vladimir Putin changed the law to abolish elections for regional governors, and on 21 October 2005 Abramovich was reappointed governor for another term." [...]Alekperov, Vagitan oligarch of mixed Azerbaijani (a Turkic Muslim ethnicity) - Slavic ancestry[...] eighth richest person in Russia with a net worth of $13.9B; President, and main stakeholder of the leading Russian oil company LUKOIL.
Aven, PyotrJewish oligarch banker (Alfa Bank, Alfa Group), controls Russia's largest private bank. $5.4B as of 2013. Connected to Putin and key Putin's administration officials since early 1990s
.Deripaska, OlegJew [...] member of the Board of Directors and CEO of United Company RUSAL, the largest aluminium company in the world and a President of Enplus Group[...] Vladimir Putin with Oleg Deripaska, said to be the richest man in Russia and a member of the Kremlin elite. $8.5B as of 2013. A known buddy of Nathaniel Rotschild. Deripaska is often described as "100% Putin loyalist", "Kremlin-friendly", "closely connected to the Kremlin" and even "the oligarch closest to Putin".
Fedun, Leonidancestry unclear (though sometimes believed to be a Jew). Billionaire ($7.1 B), owns one of the most popular football clubs in Russia. Anti-White. Likes Jews, finances campaigns and drives against "xenophobia" and "anti-semitism" in sports (among football fans).
Fridman, Mikhail MaratovichJew [...] Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Alfa Group Consortium, which is now one of the Russia's largest privately owned investment groups. In 2011, Forbes assessed his wealth as $15.1 billion, making him the 7th richest man in Russia [...]On excellent terms with Kremlin, member of Putin's Public Chamber; [...]one of the founders of the Russian Jewish Congress[...]large contribution to the work of the European Jewish Fund [...] developing European Jewry and promoting tolerance
Gutseriev, Mikhail Safarbekovich Ingush (* non-Slav, Muslim Caucasus ethnicity) entrepreneur and businessman. [...]. His family clan is the richest in Russia in 2013 and recent years. […] after successful deals with Putin's clans, all criminal cases were terminated and his family business is booming.
Kantor, Vyacheslav MosheJewish "chemicals tycoon" ($2.4B as of 2013), heads Acron, one of Russia's (and the world's) biggest fertilizer producers. Known as "Putin's ally and associate" with "close links to the Kremlin"; he is the current president of the European Jewish Congress and ex-president of Russian Jewish Congress, recognized as "one of the '50 Most Influential Jews in the World'" and a big time champion of anti-White thought-policing, repression and indoctrination, in Russia and worldwide.
Kerimov, Suleyman Abusaidovichan ethnic Lezgin born in Dagestan - a non-Slavic, traditionally Muslim Caucasus peoples, similar to Chechens [...] a secretive Kremlin-connected Russian tycoon. [...]Kerimov sometimes appears to be an extension of the Kremlin, the bankers say [...] the things [he does] seem to be in tandem with the government,” said Chris Barter, former co-chief executive of Goldman Sachs’ Moscow office [...] Suspiciously (*for a non-Jew) well-connected to the American/global juden-bankster oligopoly circles
Khan, German[...] a leading member of the Russian Jewish Congress [...] an active supporter of Jewish initiatives in Russia and Europe [...] large contribution to the work of the European Jewish Fund [...] aimed at developing European Jewry and promoting tolerance [...] On excellent terms with Kremlin. [...] Net Worth $10.5 B As of March 2013.
Mamut, AlexanderJewish oligarch and mafiozi, he has connections in the top levels of government: First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia in Putin's and Medvedev's cabinets, Igor Shuvalov, is an ex employee of Mamut's and they are strongly connected as associates. "He remains very close to the Kremlin and he is understood to be close to Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin". $2.3 B As of March 2013 (official and publicly known wealth).
Mikhelson, LeonidPart-Jewish although he doesn't publicly admit or identify with it. He controls Novatek - one of the most important natural gas companies in RF. $15.4 B As of March 2013. Deals and partnership with Kremlin-controlled Gazprom is a source of much of his fortune.
Prokhorov, Mikhail Dmitrievitch multibillionaire ($13B as of 2013) of Jewish-Russian-Osetian origin, jew by mother's side [...] politician, and owner of the American basketball team the Brooklyn Nets, and different nickel and gold producing factories in Russia. He is well known for his contempt towards workers and awful working conditions in his factories. On decent terms with Kremlin.
Rottenberg, Arkadiy (and his brother Boris)Jewish billionaire ($3.3B as of 2013, and $1.4B for Boris Rotenberg) and one of the richest men in Russia, personal friend of Putin, his former judo training partner. The huge capital he earned through personal acquaintance with V. Putin, last years he got practically unrestricted flow of budget money.
Shvidler, EugeneAnother Jewish billionaire ($1.3B as of 2013), natural resources tycoon, friend and partner of Abramovich. Together with Abramovich holds stakes in Evraz group - one of the biggest natural resource companies in Russia.
Usmanov, AlisherMuslim Asian (Uzbek) - the richest man of Russia and the United Kingdom. $17.6B as of 2013. [...]For his economic crimes he was even arrest and imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Today he gets awards of Putin [...] has "close links to the Kremlin" [...] married Jewish Irina Viner, a top rhythmic gymnastics coach, in 1992. She is considered to be close to Putin, having introduced him to his current partner, one of her former gymnasts, Alina Kabaeva
Vekselberg, ViktorJew [...] the richest man of Russia 2012. $15.1B As of 2013. This oligarh of mixed Jewish-Ukrainian origin is the owner of numerous oil and metallurgy plants of Russia [...]On good terms with Kremlin [...]
Lesser caliber non-Slavic (Jewish etc) tycoons and Putin's pals benefitting from state contractsZiyad Manasir , Iskander Mahmudo , Muslim Ziyaudin Magomedov, Aras Agalarov, Armenian Vazgen Gevorkyan
"State corporation oligarchs"
People entrusted with running huge multi-billion dollar state corporations and monopolies, they are somewhere in between an "oligarch" and administration official, and easily a match in influence to a Minister or Deputy Minister.
Chubais, Anatoly[...]Jew by mother's side[...] was an influential member of Boris Yeltsin's administration, insider of oligarchic mafia circles of 90s [...] receives awards from Putin and Medvedev, as well as control of multi-billion dollar state corporations - RAO UES and RUSNANO.
Kirienko, SergeyJew by father's side. A prominent liberal and supporter of Putin, was Prime Minister in Yeltsin's time. In Putin's Russia he heads Rosatom - a huge state corporation controlling the whole nuclear complex of RF - weaponry, R&D and power utilities - described as "state within a state, a powerful and secretive dominion with an almost limitless access to government funds and no accountability to either the state or the public.
"Officials / Kremlin administration under Putin and Medvedev
Dvorkovich, ArkadyJew; married to a non-Slav as well – wife is an ethnic Dagestani) […]an economist, was the Assistant to the President (* i.e. Putin) of the Russian Federation since 13 May 2008 til May 2012. In May 21, 2012 he was appointed as Deputy Prime Minister in Dmitry Medvedev's Cabinet
Fradkov, Mikhail Yefimovichfamily of Jewish origin on his father's side […] Russian politician and statesman who was the Prime Minister of Russia (* appointed by Putin) from March 2004 to September 2007. Fradkov has been the head of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service since 2007
Kalanda, Vladimirunknown asian/eurasian origin - obvious in looks, born in neighboring with China region. One of senior Putin's officials: Office of the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Migration Service, Federal Service of the Russian Federation for control of drug trafficking. His wife is the Vice President of Rosneft, Russia's leading extraction and refinement company and largest publicly traded oil company, owned by the Government of Russia.
Kalina, Isaak Josephovich[..]jew, [...] From 2010 till now - Head of Education Department of Moscow government. [...] In 2009-2012 - Deputy Chairman of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation to counter attempts to falsify history to the detriment of Russia.[...]
Kogan (Cohen), VladimirJewish banker, former co-owner of Industry and Construction Bank of St. Petersburg, a statesman. A close friend of Vladimir Putin from Putin's St. Petersburg days, also known as "Putin's banker". Director of the Department of Construction Ministry of Regional Development in 2008-2011, during the period from July to December 2012 - Deputy Minister of Regional Development - Head of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services.
Lavrov, Sergey ViktorovichRussian diplomat who has been the Foreign Minister of Russia since 2004. His nomination to the Foreign Minister office was approved by two Russian presidents, in 2008 by Dmitry Medvedev and in 2012 by Vladimir Putin. Lavrov was born in Moscow to an Armenian father from Tbilisi and Russian mother from Georgia. Big anti-White and anti-WN: Is an activist in everything “anti-nazi”, “anti-racist”(= code words for anti-White) - details inside.
Lesin, Mikhail YuriyevichJew. Minister of The press, TV broadcasting and Media under Putin (1999-2004), temporary acting Minister of Culture in 2004, presidential aide and advisor under Putin and Medvedev (2004-2009), Kremlin's "manager of mass media" and "spin doctor". Once described as "the most influential personality of Russian television and radio", his record includes creation of Kremlin-friendly Russia Today (RT), Putin's election campaign propaganda and much more.
Magomedov, Magomedsalam Magomedaliyevichan ethnic Dargi (non Slavic, Muslim Caucasus ethnicity)[…] was the President of Dagestan [...] appointment by the President of Russia […] Today he was appointed as "Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration"
Nurgaliev, Rashid Gumirovichtatar. 2000-2002 - deputy chief of FSB (KGB), 2002-2003 - deputy minister of home affairs (police) of Russia, 2003-2012 - minister of home affairs (police) of Russia, 2012-now - deputy chief of security council of Russia. Fighter against nationalism.
Pavlovsky, Gleb Olegovich[..]political scientist (he describes himself as a "political technologist") of jewish origin [...] adviser to the Presidential Administration of Russia until April, 2011 [...] one of behind the scenes masterminds and image shapers of Putin
Pollyeva, Dzhakhan Redzhepovnaethnic from turkmenian […] an Aide to the President of Russia
Reiman, Leonid Dododzhonovichfather was a tajik (asian muslim), mother was a German (jew?) [...]former Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Minister of Communications and Information Technologies of the Russian Federation. Leonid Reiman has been numerously rated most influential person in Russian telecom business with personal wealth over $1 bln., according to Finance magazine.
Sechin, Igorstrange looking - mystery meat? [...] Russian official, considered a close ally of Vladimir Putin. Sechin is often described as one of Putin's most conservative counselors and the leader of the Kremlin's Siloviki faction, a statist lobby gathering former security services agents [...] currently is Deputy Prime Minister of Russia in Vladimir Putin's cabinet.
Shoygu, Sergeymixed Slav with Turkic/Mongoloid [...] perennial minister of RF since Yeltsin's times. [...]Minister of Emergency Situations from 1991 to 2012 […] On November 6, 2012 he was appointed Minister of Defence of Russia. Was "at the root of" United Russia (Putin's party) from the beginning, party co-chairman in 2001–2005 and from 2005 and on he is also in the party's main leadership -- its Supreme Council.
Shuvalov, IgorNothing specific about ethnicity or parents; possibly a Slav. One of the most important officials in Putin's and Medvedev's cabinets. Another "oligarchs' man" in RF government, close personal and business connections with many of Russia's biggest oligarchs, including Kerimov, Usmanov and, most of all, the Jewish tycoon Aleksandr Mamut.
Sobyanin, Sergeynative Asian, the Mayor of Moscow. [...] was Deputy Prime Minister of Russia and former Head of the Administration of the President of Russia from 2005 to 2010
"Surkov", "Vladislav"(before name change - Aslambek Andarbekovich Dudaev) - half-Chechen, friend of Muslims[...]Vladislav Surkov is widely seen as the main ideologist of the Kremlin [...] contributed greatly to the electoral victory of President Vladimir Putin in 2004 [...] main architect of the current Russian political system [...] top aide to Vladimir Putin, First Deputy of the Chief of the Russian Presidential Administration from 1999 to 2011, Deputy Prime Minister from December 2011 to 8 May 2013
Yusufov, Igor HanukovichJewish businessman and statesman in Putin's Russia: 2001-2004 - Minister of Energy, July 29, 2004 to April 8, 2011 - The Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Energy Cooperation, Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; currently on board of directors of huge state monopoly Gazprom - one of the largest companies in the world.
Parliament: United Russia party, supporters of Putin, notable M.P.s
Hinstein, AlexanderJewish member of parliament, from the ruling party United Russia (Putin's party); member of the Presidium of United Russia - a handful of members who are the top ruling body of the party. Influential and prolific journalist and writer in Russia, advocate of Putin's government in media.
Sarafaliev, Gadzhimet Kerimovichethnic dagestanian (non-Slavic, Muslim Caucasus ethnicity), State Duma deputy from the Putin's party "United Russia", head of the Committee of Nationalities in parliament […] big supporter of mass-immigration from turkic-asian ex-USSR republics as well as “tolerance” brainwashing for Whites
Vasilyev, Vladimir Abdualievichpolitician of mixed Kazakh(Asian)-Russian origin. Since November 2012 he is the chief of Putin's party "United Russia" in the parliament.
Slutsker, VladimirJewish multi-millionaire and MP in 2002-2010, prominent member of Jewish social and religious organizations in Russia and worldwide. He and his wife (whom he divorced in 2009) are known as supporters of Putin, Medvedev and United Russia. Naturally, he worked to assist the "worker immigrants" who are "humiliated by the extremists". Reportedly a buddy of another Jewish oligarch - Roman Abramovich.
Zhirinovsky (Eidelstein), Vladimirpart Jew. Fake "opposition", in reality controlled by and servile to Kremlin. Fake "nationalist", neo-sovietist, the only kind of "nationalism" not banned in Putin's Russia and allowed non insignificant political representation.
Prominent TV and radio hosts
Shevchenko, Maksim[...]one of the leading journalists and "experts" of Putin's Russia, muslim activist, anti-White and active supporter of Putin.
Solovyov, Vladimir Rudolfovichpure jew [...] member of Russian Jewish Congress. He is the lead in the official debates in the parliamentary and presidential elections. […] In addition he's an active supporter for Putin personally and his party "United Russia", Solovyov is a frequent speaker at their meeting; hugely influential Russia's TV and radio journalist, leading pro-government TV journalist, one of the most prominent and recognizeable Russian Federation mainstream TV hosts/media personas
Lazar, BerelChief Rabbi of Russia, and chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities [...] member of the Public Chamber of Russia [...] Lazar is known for his close ties to Putin's Kremlin. [...] Vladimir Putin signed an edict to honor him with the Order of Friendship. This award is being presented for the contribution made by Rabbi Lazar to developing culture and strengthening friendship between nations within Russia [...] At the sixtieth anniversary commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz at the concentration camp, Putin gave a speech. His speech was followed by Lazar awarding Putin the so-called Salvation medal as a symbol of "the Jewish people's gratitude" to Russia for liberating the camp.
Spiegel, BorisJew; MP (senator), pharmaceuticals tycoon, anti-white activist, lobbyist and originator of multiple anti-white, anti-free speech thought crime legislative projects (signed into law and lauded by Putin); according to Jewish press "an oligarch who is closely tied to the Kremlin" and "firmly in the pro-Putin camp".---The Civic Chamber[...] a state institution with 126 members created in 2005 in Russia to analyze draft legislation and monitor the activities of the parliament, government and other government bodies of Russia and its Federal Subjects. It has a role similar to an oversight committee and has consultative powers. [...] The creation of the chamber was suggested by Vladimir Putin. Hard to find a White Slav - not Asian, Muslim or Semite – there.

Last edited by Poison; 05-04-2013 at 05:44 AM.
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