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Jew Admits Jews Control The Porn Industry

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Undercover Journalist Goes Inside The Porn Industry To Expose How They Exploit Minors For Profit

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Solomom Friedman is Jewish Rabbi.

Solomon Friedman is the new owner of PornHub. He is a ...

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27 okt. 2023 — Solomon Friedman is the new owner of PornHub. He is a Jewish attorney and rabbi. His private equity firm took over.


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Porn is a jewish weapon against Gentiles. This is admitted, and written about, by jewish professor Nathan Abrams. Porn was created and pioneered by jews. The porn industry is owned and controlled disproportionately by jews. Citation: nationalvanguard org /2015/05/jewish-professor-pornography-used-by-jews-as-a-weapon/


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The adult industry was pretty much founded by the Jews.

  The Jewish Role in the Porn Industry

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Brooke Shields ~ most sexually exploited child star + her strange relationship with Michael Jackson

 Brooke Christa Shields is an American actress and model. She was initially a child model and gained critical acclaim at age 12 for her leading role in Louis Malle's film Pretty Baby, in which she played a child prostitute in New Orleans at the beginning of the 20th century.

Chocolate City

Brooke Shields was, drop dead gorgeous! Brooke ruled in the eighties, there were other great actresses, but Brooke was in a class by herself.

 Gabrielle Arista

  I loved Blue Lagoon but I did not realize that the two characters were cousins ? I just thought it was a girl and a boy who happened to grow up alone together on the island

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  Top Jewish Pornographer Admits Jews Have Controlled The Porn Industry From Its Very Beginnings

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As part of the “Taboo Talks” series presented by the San Diego Center for Jewish Culture at the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center in San Diego on May 8, 2013, Mike Kulich, the late jewish owner of Monarchy Distributors, one of the largest pornography companies in America, candidly revealed that Jews do, in fact, control and dominate every aspect of the pornography industry:

Kulich stated:

“Jews in the adult industry, there’s a lot of them….The adult industry was pretty much founded by the Jews. Basically, in the early nineteen hundreds, the German Jewish immigrants came in, and when they were trying to get into different industries, there was a lot of antisemitism where they couldn’t get into normalized work….so they gravitated toward the porn industry because it’s kind of the seedier cousin of the Hollywood industry which had already been controlled by the Jews. Basically, they pretty much took it over. If you look at the big stars…

So basically back in the 1960s, 70s, it was founded by people like Dan [unintelligle], and then later in the 80s, The Godfather of the modern day porn industry, his name is Reuben Sturman, who was actually an Orthodox Jew who owned over 200 bookstores all around the country. He’s actually my godfather, which is kind of weird. So Reuben Sturman, what the Jews did pretty much was they revolutionized the adult industry and made it their own. So there was no space for antisemitism. And they basically controlled everything.

So back in the 80s, the only way to get pornography was to go through someone like Reuben Sturman, and he controlled all of his stores and all the stores that he didn’t own, they actually had to pay him a tax to carry his product, and he was the only place to get product from, peep shows from. And later what the Jews did they started the manufacturing end of the business. There were a lot of Italians that were coming into the business, but what they [the Jews] did was they created the manufacturing side which is the replication of printing because back in the day if you wanted to make a VHS or Beta tape or whatever, you couldn’t go down to Kinkos or whatever or any mainstream printer. It would be like, I want to print “G**g B**g My Mom Number Three”.

So what they did was they created all these companies that manufactured DVDs and VHS and Beta and printing and all the companies pretty much had to go through the Jews. So Reuben Sturman eventually he died in prison….they tried to get him for obscenity back in the ‘80s, which was a big thing, and there actually still is an obscenity risk today. But he eventually died in prison because of tax evasion, because didn’t want to pay taxes

Back in the ‘70s, the majority of the male porn performers were jewish, and the majority of the female performers were Roman Catholic.  And if you look at the names of the classic porn stars, you got Ron Jeremy, which isn’t really jewish [sounding], but you have Hershel Savage….It’s kind of funny because those guys came into the industry, and I actually asked a couple of them, cause I asked Ron Jeremy, “Why did you guys decide to go into the porn industry? What was it that drew you in besides the obvious?” He was like “I got to f**k Roman Catholic chicks”….and fulfill every fantasy of every jewish boy has ever had.

So I think the jewish performers, they’ve always been really prevalent in the industry, and even now Ron Jeremy is still one of the most well known performers….Joanna Angel…Daphne Rosen…there’s a bunch of them. And for the most part, the business side is still controlled by Jews. Steve Hersch, who runs Vivid. Steve Orenstein, who runs Wicked. You have me who runs the biggest porn company [Monarch] in the world. Second biggest. But for the most part, the business owners are pretty much Jewish or have Jewish ties, or at some point worked for a Jew in the business to get their start.”

So let’s get this straight: Kulich claims that Jews controlled Hollywood from the beginning, but because of “antisemitism”, Jews couldn’t get jobs working in jewish-controlled Hollywood, so they had no choice but to work in pornography.  That”s what he said, and no one challenged him on that absurdity.  If it sounds familiar, it should because Jews also claim that the reason they engaged in usury is because they couldn’t get jobs doing anything else, and Christians weren’t allowed to lend money at interest.

But of course when Kulich claims that Jews control the porn industry and Hollywood, he’s not attacked for making age-old antisemtic “tropes” and “canards” for the simple reason is that he’s bragging about it and implying that it’s a good thing.  When the goyim make the same claim, however, they are attacked as “antisemites” because we don’t think porn and Hollywood filth is good for society.  Jews love to control everything, but they don’t want to be criticized when that control leads to any negative consequences or backlash, which it inevitably does.

You give White Christian men freedom of speech, and they found the greatest nation the world has ever known.  You give Jews freedom of speech, and they make pornography, advocate communism, and censor anyone who criticizes them.

Original interview with Mike Kulich:

Backup of video:

Jews In Porn
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Danae says

Kulich stated that Reuben Sturman, the biggest and most powerful pornographer in America, was his godfather. In the adult industry, Reuben Sturman was known as the “Walt Disney of Porn”.

And since Jews bought up Walt Disney Studios, they have done everything they can to turn it into a vehicle to peddle smut and degeneracy to children. A leopard does not change its spots.


Flanders says

We think that Christ sucks…Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture.”—Al Goldstein

“If you want to know the real meaning of pornography, it is the utter dissociation of love and sex, the banishment of love from the sexual arena.” – Martin Amis

Almost all porn is jewish – There are more jews are in pornography than a society can stand. Jewry is anti-White, which is why all porn is used by Jewry as a culturally demeaning trash. – Flanders

“The main capitalists in the pornography industry”!/2010/11/main-capitalists-in-pornography_30.html

Flanders says

“Alfred Kinsey’s research was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation in the late 1930’s. The Rockefellers also funded Margaret Sanger’s first birth control clinic in 1923 and continue to fund abortion and popula­tion control research today.

Early on, Kinsey conducted most of his research in the attic of his Bloomington, Indiana home. If you consider this horror, he truly inspired the future trend of pornography. Most notably, Kinsey influ­enced Hugh Hefner to launch Playboy Magazine, the “soft” approach to porn, which in time would escalate the widespread use of pornog­raphy through magazines, cable TV, and the Internet. America would be changed forever by the pornography pandemic.

Dr. Judith A. Reisman is an author, researcher, historian, and teacher who declared “Kinsey’s fraudulent sex science research” led to the addicting of men, women, and children to pornography. According to Dr. Reisman, Kinsey said his mission was to remove the Christian influence in America and eliminate the sexually “repressive” legacy of Judeo Christianity. In her exhaustive study of Alfred Kinsey, Dr. Reis­man went on to conclude:

“In large measure, Dr. Kinsey’s mission has been accomplished, mostly posthumously, by his legion of true believers – elitists who have systematically brainwashed their fellow intellectual elites to adopt Kinsey’s pan-sexual secular worldview and jet­tison the Judeo Christian worldview upon which this country was founded and flourished.”!/2013/07/human-sexuality-as-pseudo-scientific.html


The following information is a few years old.

Jews and the Porn Industry

Jews run the sex industry on the Internet & magazines as the following list shows .

Information below was taken from the following website

Including Lewd TV

Jerry Springer - Jew - has paraded every type of lewd, sexually explicit and immoral scene or topic before the American public

Maury Povich - Jew - no better than Springer


What can be more degrading, disgusting, and demoralizing to the morals of a country

The leading Jewish pornographers in the land founded on Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, Christianity are:

Reuben Sturman - called the "Godfather of Porn"

Samuel Roth - one of the pioneers in pornography.

Al Goldstein - Founder and editor of Screw magazine, among others.

Sam Stern - Specializes in hard core porn, usually starring himself.  Sells them on e-bay.

Ralph Ginzburg - Publisher of several porn magazines.  Served time in prison on obscenity charges.

Seymour Butts (real name Adam Glasser) - Produces "adult" films from his Los Angeles studio that push the limits of the law in California.  He once said that he attributes the large number of Jews in porn to the desire for profits.

Gloria Leonard - Inventor of telephone sex lines.  Refers to herself as "A nice Jewish girl from the Bronx."

Stephen Cohen - Ran one of the most successful Internet porn sites.

Jonathan Silverstein - internet porn

Ron Levi - internet porn

Danni Ashe - internet porn

Benjamin Cohen - internet porn

Susan Block - self-described "sex expert" who has internet porn

Seven of the top ten pornographic internet sites were Jewish run or owned in an August, 2000, NBC online news sit featured article entitled The Sultans of Slut

Annie Sprinkle - well-known porn star who stopped counting her own personal sexual encounters at 3500

Seth Warshavsky - Seattle-based Jewish Internet porn mogul called "the Bill Gates of Smut"

Paul Fishbein - Editor and publisher of the authoritative guide to the $10 billion U.S. sex business.  He is also a porn industry spokesman and advocate

Steve Orenstein - Head of a major porno production firm

David Friedman - Owned an adult film movie house chain and was a poineer of the production of "soft-core" porn.  He has been called the "Sultan of Sleaze" and "America's Most Notorious Carpetbagger of Cinemadom."

Ralph and David Gold - Own a chain of sex shops and soft porn magazine for women

There are dozens of other Jewish names involved in the porn industry.

Porn and Cable TV

The largest provider of explicit sex films is VIVID Entertainment

Jew run founded by Steve Hirsh and David James

Bill Asher is president

Other Porn

Mail-Order - two chief erotica dealers were Esar Levine and Benjamin Rebhuhn

Jews have especially dominated in the areas of hard-core porn and teen porn

Yes, Hugh Hefner founded Playboy, but he had Jewish influences

same with Hustler founder, Larry Flynt

Jews and Europeans have different values, morals, religions, mannerisms, and ways of thinking.

Jewish control of European media has made us soft

We laugh at the crude ways of Roseanne Barr on a sitcom

Jewish actress -- Jewish show

Very distant from the wholesome mother image of June Cleaver

Howard Stern -- Shock Jock


In every type of sexual debauchery Jewish names predominate

Most famous stripper of all time

Gypsy Rose Lee
(real name:  Rose Louise Hovick)


Her Forum - Minsky's Theatre - owned by

Abe and Billy Minsky


In Modern times on cable TV

Sandy Kane


Bills herself as the world's only comic stripper

First sex symbol in movie history

Theda Bara


In the early movie world this Jewish "vamp" actress "scandalized the mores of the middle class...and local boards issued edicts condemning her films."
Hirsh M. Goldberg, The Incredible...and Provocative in the Story of the Jews, Stein and Day Publishers, New York, 1976, p. 166

Jews developed


"the most sexually suggestive and sexually explicit of all of New York's popular media."

Jews push their crude ways on the American public

We've become so accustomed to the crap all around us, that like the frog, we don't realize the filth we're exposed to every day

Sex outside of marriage
Inter-racial mixing
Bare breasts
Bare butts
Foul language
The Lord's name taken in vain
The name of Christ used in a vulgar way
Abortion on demand -- on our young daughters without our approval
Drugs, smoking, drinking glorified
Sex with children
Women convinced they don't need men to raise a family


the list is endless

------------------------------------------------------------End of quote--------------------------------------------------------


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Pornography is the most dangerous and disgusting element that has ever happened in our society for both men and women.

The Ana Kriegel Murder: A Young Life Lost

 Fun loving G

The law always protects murderers and paedophiles, makes me sick ???
Tina Cohen
Pornography is the most dangerous and disgusting element that has ever happened in our society for both men and women.
Siobhan Henry
The violent child pornography should have been admitted as evidence. Nearly every serial killer uses violent pornography.
Kana Michelle
That poor girl. Her life was just tragic, from being abandoned by her birth parents, to being unable to make friends. Other than being adopted by what seem to be good parents, the rest of her life was just one big tragedy. RIP Ana.
Crimhthan Mor
They've appealed already, they're going to do some easy time in a young offenders prison, obberstown detention centre just North of Dublin, I think they will be out in seven myself. Then they ll be let lose either here or the UK.
Sarah Watterson
26:46 How can Boy B say that Boy A was planning to kill Ana but that he didn’t know about it because he then immediately follows that up by saying that Boy A had texted him only a month ago asking if he wanted to help him kill someone and when Boy B enquirers as to who, Boy A says outright that it will be Ana. So, did Boy B just forget all that? Going out to an abandoned house and making sure the coast is clear while in the company of the girl Boy A said he wanted to kill didn’t ring any bells with Boy B? Boy B really bought the excuse that Boy A, claiming Ana had a crush on him, just wanted to let her down easy and he needed a secluded, abandoned house to do that? Sorry but I don’t buy that for a second. Boy B knew and his own words prove that he knew. And sure, young teenagers can be forgetful but, like I said, once Ana was in their company and they were headed towards an empty, dilapidated house that should have definitely rung a bell with Boy B. He could have intervened or gotten help or, at the very least, he could have told the police where to find Ana’s body once he knew that the public was aware of her disappearance and that her family had reported her missing. He certainly had every opportunity to share that crucial information. And that information could have kept the police from wasting their time and, more importantly, it would have saved Ana’s family from many sleepless nights and the utter despair that comes with not knowing where your child is and what happened to them. This story is absolutely tragic, leaving much devastation in its wake. And, in the aftermath of these perplexing and brutal actions, 3 families will never be the same.

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Read 12530 times Last modified on Friday, 31 May 2024 10:25