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ABC Fake News Syria Bombing Video(showed)

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Trump Hammers ABC Over Doctored Fake News Syria Bombing Video

President Trump laid into ABC News and the mainstream media in general for pushing an actual doctored video of a Kentucky gun range shootout as a Turkish strike in Syria, calling the network “FAKE NEWS.”

During a press conference with Italian President Sergio Mattarella on Wednesday, Trump slammed ABC’s Jonathon Karl after he asked if Trump regrets pulling troops out of Syria and giving Turkey a “green light” to go in the region.

“I didn’t give them a green light,” Trump said. “And when you ask a question like that – it’s very deceptive, Jon. Almost as deceptive as you showing all of the bombings taking place in Syria and it turned out that the bombing you showed on television took place in Kentucky.”

“I’m not even sure that ABC even apologized for that but certainly it was a terrible thing,” he said. “I’m looking at this and saying ‘wow that’s pretty bad,’ and it was in Kentucky. It wasn’t in Syria. So I don’t know what you’re going to do about that, but I think ABC owes an apology.”



Shortly after the presser, Trump tweeted out a side-by-side comparison of the actual gun range footage used with the doctored ABC war propaganda passed off as an attack on Syria, adding it was “FAKE NEWS!”

ABC took down the doctored gun range video on Monday after receiving massive backlash, calling the carefully curated Syria propaganda an “error.”

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ABC News attempted to pass off footage from a 2017 gun range show as evidence of Turkey bombing Kurdish civilians in order to blame President Trump.

Read 7409 times Last modified on Sunday, 30 August 2020 09:49