Serbia on high alert. UN peace summit, Russia not invited. Putin's plan to takeover Scotland. U/1 dvs1 Serbia is in a difficult position, as the "collective West" demands from Serbia to abandon K&M. In my opinion, the current Serbian government, and the one before, are partially…
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Culture & Heritage
Eva Vlaardingerbroek - Full CPAC Hungary 2024 Speech - Stop Racial Suicide! Beast of the Field Satyr-Demons Attack White Man in Staten Island Angel_Australia Happening more and more in Australia too.Especially in Melbourne where these AFRICAN SAVAGES have been brought here by the JEWS. reight…
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Legal & Politics
The Winter Patriots: A Revolutionary War Tale (Full Movie) The Winter Patriots explores one of the darkest moments of the American Revolution and how the Continental Army, under the command of General George Washington, was able to save the cause of independence through one brilliant military campaign…
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Inspiring Change
Student Kicked Out For Saying There Are Only 2 Genders @Adam1986London That's a good kid. Well done Murray! Glad you were able to document this and show the country what's going on in British schools. @davidbarlow350 Are we to assume that this teacher is an educated…
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Inspiring Change
Human trafficking victims, all young White girls, are being branded and sold for sex, some being raped by more than 10 men, one after each other every … January 22, 2020 By CFT Team White Teen Girls ‘Branded Like Cattle’ By Black & Latino Sex Traffickers in…
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Legal & Politics
NATO Plans False Flag in Black Sea to Launch WWIII Jews run Britain and Boris Johnson is Jewish Zionist Globalist. Leftwing Jewish revolution and they took over Russia and still control the country today. Many Jews in Russian have become Nationalist and they are the enemies of…
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Culture & Heritage
10 THINGS I LOVE ABOUT THE JEWS (FULL VERSION) A few years ago, I made a satirical video called “10 Things I Hate About the Jews.” It was ultimately about self-hating Israelis who oppose their wall and despise Trump and don’t seem to get that Christians and…
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Inspiring Change
Dr RANDI SHANNON is 55 years old in 2023. Naturopathic Analysis of Face Tongue & Fingernails Will Spot Trouble Years Before Modern Medicine Dr. Randi Shannon - Naturopathic Doctor TheBodyCan Join Naturopathic Doctor Randi Shannon as she shares her innovative diagnosis technique based on the…
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МУЛЬТФИЛЬМ ОБ ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЙ СОБЫТИЯХ НАШЕЙ СТРАНЫ! Князь Владимир. Фильм в HD. STARMEDIAKIDS Jews In The News "We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racialtensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that forcenturies they have been oppressed by whites, we…
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The Truth About Ye Oldgranny When one cannot even mention the word jew without being anti-semitic it tells you who really is in power. Mankind has experienced mass killing by communists of days old. Now today the biggest mass killing of mankind ever, the covid…
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Purim - The Real Story Behind The Iranian Holocaust Observer7 All the religions of the world, that believes in the God of Jesus, need to unite and end this evil, Luciferian cult, once and for all. Quote from Talmudic Zionist Jew Harold Wallace Rosenthal: "We…
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Fighting Against Genocide
The beautiful Wonder Woman has an important message for the world Chromatura Stop your genocidal ethnic cleansing of Palestine, stop subverting and extorting our governments, stop defiling the world with your pornography and deviant gender ideology, stop the debt slavery of almost every gentile family and…
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Jewish Film Director Ethan Coen Confirms ‘Antisemitic Canard’ That Hollywood Is ‘Run By Jews’ Ten years ago, during an interview to promote their “most jewish” film ever, A Serious Man, the Coen Brothers, two of Hollywood’s most celebrated filmmakers, acknowledged in an interview that Jews do…
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Fighting Against Globalist
"One of the most powerful bankers of his era, J.P. (John Pierpont) Morgan (1837-1913) financed railroads and helped organize U.S. Steel, General Electric and other major corporations." J.P. Morgan's religion Christian, white European gentile, born in the United States. The CEO of JP Morgan Chase is…
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Fighting Against Globalist
How Communist Party infiltration of both Protestant and Catholic Churches in America Dr. William Luther Pierce- A Message To White Christian Zionists Recognizing the powerful hold that Christianity had on American culture and society, the Communist Party of the United States began an ongoing program…
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Religions & Faiths