On the toilet one, you don't actually squat ON the toilet, you just need to angle your thighs and feet upward so you can position your bowels properly to fully empty :) Having a little foot stool will help you achieve this.
Another way to easily get rock solid ice cream from the carton is as simple as this:Get a spoon, and run it over boiling/hot water, and as the hot spoon runs through the cold ice cream, it melts it instantly as you scoop your delicious Type 2 Diabetes. I mean Ice cream.
I peeled the banana from the end, not the stem since i first ate a banana and i still do.We store milk in steel containers at The middle of fridge, not in bottles.
15:20 Emmm excuse me, I thought you hold the stem to prevent your fingers heat from warming up the wine and spoiling the taste. Smelling your fingers and spoiling the taste?
I never knew people used bobby pins wrong I always put them in the right way. (I just figured why would they be made so noticeable if they were all curly on your head like that)
Man I already knew that leaving your phone at 100% while charging, is bad. I've been leaving my Android phone unplugged overnight (as well with my laptops), and I've noticed much better battery life.
They're only wrong on one thing it's good for your digestion to sleep on your left but it's horrible for your heart much better to sleep on your right side for your heart health and you'll live longer the heart is situated on the left side when you lay on the left the heart pushes up against the rib cage and beats faster the Blood leaves the heart on the left side so you pinch the vein where the blood is leaving the heart making it harder for the heart to pump blood out all night. You will shorten your lifespan if you sleep on your left side all night.
Read 1971 times
Last modified on Tuesday, 05 October 2021 09:20