Mike Lindell RSBN Interview On Election Fraud Banned On YouTube
My Pillow founder and CEO, Mike Lindell, sits down with RSBN for an interview to discuss the information he tried to get to President Trump ahead of the January 20th inauguration deadline.
Trump received 79 milion votes and joe Biden received 68 million votes.
Supreme Court of Italy Reveals Who Stole the U.S. Election
Overview of massive voter FRAUD, to steal the election
BREAKING: FBI Claims Jurisdiction and Yesterday Took Control of Shredded Ballots Being Analyzed in Georgia – Sends Them Back to Shredder
Arizona FLIPPED for Trump!
Arizona FLIPPED for Trump! Mathematician @BobbyPiton3 exposes vote irregularities in Arizona! Georgia and Pennsylvania are next!
MUST-SEE: Lara Trump Lays Out the Process Next Week to Cast Aside the Fraudulent Electoral Votes Resulting in President Trump’s Victory (VIDEO
Lara Trump: Is there hope? Absolutely there is… The reality is the founders of this country set up a process for a time such as this. So, what will happen on January 6th is a joint session of Congress. And all of the electoral votes have now been sent to Washington DC. They will be opened by Vice President Mike Pence and read aloud for the joint session of congress. And if two House members object to the vote for Joe Biden, just two, then everybody takes a break. They split up then the Senate and the House divide. They go debate and then they ultimately have to vote to decide the outcome of this election. Now, here’s where it gets really interesting. Each senator gets one vote. Now we know, we’ve been talking about what we’ve just been talking about how important it is to hold a majority in the senate but we do right now have the majority in the senate. And don’t forget the vice president also counts as a senate vote. And then as far as the House is concerned it is each delegation. So that doesn’t mean each House member gets a vote. It’s each delegation, so each state ultimately gets a vote. So, what’s really interesting about this Dr. Gina, the Republicans are in control of 30 of those votes. The Democrats are in control of only 20. So if it comes down to a vote and the Republicans in the House and the Senate decide gosh there was so much fraud in this election. We have evidence of it. We have affidavits, thousands of them. So the campaign has gotten, we have evidence that more people voted in the state of Pennsylvania than even were registered to vote. Thousands of dead people voting. And for whatever reason they decide they will not certify this for Joe Biden and they vote for Donald Trump. Then guess what? Donald Trump remains president of the United States for the next four years.
RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states
Dave Janda of Operation Freedom (www.DaveJanda.com) has unleashed a bombshell story with huge implications for Tuesday’s elections. Janda’s guest in his latest broadcast is a former high-level intelligence official (Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney) who warns that the Dems and the CIA have put in place a mechanism which can alter the voting results of electronic voting machines in key swing states (like Pennsylvania) that will determine the outcome of the election.
This covert technology is called Operation Scorecard, and it was built by the CIA to surreptitiously steal elections in targeted countries. Now, that technology is being turned against the United States of America and is about to be activated on Tuesday to steal the election for Biden, explains Janda’s guest.
OmegaManRadio, a pro-liberty, pro-Christian podcast channel, has reposted portions of the Dave Janda interview at this link on Soundcloud.com. Start listening around the 20 minute mark to hear the bombshell segments.
The original interview from Dave Janda is now available on Brighteon.com:
“Big News Coming Out Of Pennsylvania”- Trump Tweets: “Very Big Illegal Ballot Drop”
Sec of State Official Caught On Video Telling Volunteers To Count “Multiple Ballots with the very Same Signature” During “Audit” Of Votes In Antrim Count
Constitutional Attorney Matthew DePerno is an American hero. Two weeks ago, Michigan 13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin A Elsenheimer agreed to allow Mr. DePerno’s client, William Bailey, and a highly skilled team of IT experts to perform a forensic examination on 16 of the Dominion voting machines in Antrim County. On Monday, Judge Elsenheimer agreed to allow the results of the forensic examination to be released to the public. The results were damning.
After the forensic examination of 16 Dominion Voting machines in Antrim, Co., MI, Allied Security Operations Group has concluded that the Dominion Voting machines were assigned a 68.05% error rate. DePerno explained that when ballots are put through the machine, a whopping 68.05% error rate means that 68.05% of the ballots are sent for bulk adjudication, which means they collect the ballots in a folder. “The ballots are sent somewhere where people in another location can change the vote,” DePerno explained. The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is 1 in 250,000 ballots or .0008%.
Based on the Allied Security Operations report, Constitutional Attorney Matthew DePerno states: “we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified.
The stunning report was widely criticized by the Democrat Party mainstream media and by the dishonest Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.
Following the bombshell findings by Mr. DePerno and his team of IT experts, a “risk-limited audit” was ordered by Sec. of State Benson. Constitutional Attorney Matt DePerno was invited to observe the “risk-limiting audit” of Antrim County’s vote that took place yesterday in the Kearney Twp. hall in Bellaire, MI., where 6 officials from the Secretary of State continuously walked around the room observing and correcting the counters who dared to stray from their objectives.
Breaking Trump News 7PM 12/15/20 [FULL] - Newsmax Greg Kelly Breaking Trump News Dec 15, 2020
The Dominion voting machines that Georgia and several other states use are insecure and open to manipulation during the counting process. This videos shows the weaknesses of the system and the ways in which an unscrupulous election official may alter ballots with virtually no chance of being caught.
Election Supervisor Reveals How Georgia Elections Were Manipulated For Biden

More evidence of voter fraud as a poll worker is caught on camera scanning ballots multiple times.
Poll Worker In Atlanta Caught Scanning Ballots Multiple Times!
Alex Jones breaks down the damning evidence that continues to mount proving the criminal election fraud of the 2020 Presidential Election.
Trump Vindicated, States Confirm Evidence of Election Fraud
Rudy Giuliani lays out exactly how the Democrats stole the Georgia election in 2020.
Rudy Giuliani: Dirty Dems Stole Georgia Using This One Weird Trick!

Dr. Shiva Breaks Down Forensic Data of Mass Election Fraud4,910 views·Dec 3, 2020
Col. Phil Waldron Tells Michigan Lawmakers Truckloads of Ballots for Joe Biden Were Inserted into the 2020 Election
According to Waldron the US has a copy of the traffic and the packets of information that were sent to Germany on Election night!
Yesterday, the first expert at the Arizona State Legislature hearing with Rudy Giuliani was US cybersecurity expert Colonel Phil Waldron.
BREAKING NEWS: @SidneyPowell1 says her lawsuit in Georgia could be filed as soon as tomorrow and says there’s no way there was anything but widespread election fraud. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs
BREAKING NEWS: Sidney Powell Tells Lou Dobbs Her Lawsuit In Georgia May Be Filed As Soon As Tomorrow
EXCLUSIVE: Native American Voter Bribe Efforts Were Partially Funded By Soros and Government Agencies — Powered By Act Blue
November 29, 2020, 9:33pm 212
Efforts to bribe Native Americans to vote in states crucial for the Democrats were partially funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and government agencies.
Vote Native is an initiative of the National Congress of American Indians.
PROOF: Native Americans in Arizona Given TVs, Tablets, Resort Stays for Votes/Registering to Vote
Native Americans in Arizona were provided with electronics, resort stays and monetary gifts in exchange for registering to vote or actually voting at events that were also promoting Joe Biden
Any monetary exchange for votes, whether partisan or not, is illegal.
Some lucky natives were also treated to $50 Visa giftcards from the United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc.
Based on actual results and accounting for states currently not called, still counting, recounting, under investigation or audit, or states with election issues now in the courts, President Trump is winning the 2020 Presidential Election.
Here is what we currently know in reference to the 2020 Presidential election. A number of states have been called but a number are still in question. Here is a list of those in question.
Current Actual Election Result Update: President Trump Has 13 Paths to Win 2020 Election — Biden Has Only 10 Paths to Win
Edward Solomon believes he has uncovered how Joe Biden was able to steal the 2020 election.
Another American patriot by the name of Edward Solomon believes he has uncovered how Joe Biden was able to steal the 2020 election.
In his video entitled: Smoking Gun: Dominion Transferring Vote Ratios between Precincts in PA, Solomon explains his thesis and provides numerous examples to support it.
We have now reported on several “glitches” in the ballot counting this year. Every single “glitch” resulted in Donald Trump losing votes and Joe Biden gaining votes. We have now witnessed these “glitches” in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Michigan and Wisconsin. At this point there is no way to know how many times this occurred or in … Continue reading
For exposing true evil in this world #DumpFoxNews #Newsmax #ThursdayThoughts #MAGA #Trump #KAG #StopTheSteaI #VoterFraud #WalkAway #ProLife #Foxit #Kraken #SundayThoughts #KrakenIsComing
BREAKING: Team Trump Drops BOMBSHELL Evidence Proving the 2020 Election was Rigged
Owen Shroyer shows the video evidence of Dominion voting systems corruption that Big Tech does not want you to see.
Video Of Corrupt Dominion Voting Systems That Big Tech Doesn’t Want You To See
WTH? — CDC Lists 26,557 Heart Attacks as COVID Deaths, Lists 7,919 Accidents and Poisonings as COVID Deaths
Got you! Dominion 2019! The connections of Scytll, Dominion, Smartmatic and ES&S ...
Nevada USPS carrier caught on tape promising voter fraud to remove Donald Trump from office!
Proof of destruction of TRUMP ballots! Video is permanently deleted by Twitter!
Trump legal team to file new ballot lawsuits
BREAKING: Project Veritas: USPS Whistleblower in Philly Suburb Details Orders to Stop Delivering Trump and Republican Mailings (VIDEO)
James O’Keefe strikes again!
“Bring Out Your Dead” for the plague election. Mail ballots that defy the time/space continuum and other extraordinary, supernatural tales of Election 2020.
Extraordinary, Supernatural Tales of Election 2020
Leftists Start to PANIC as DEEP STATE Tries to SILENCE Eyewitnesses to VOTER FRAUD!!! [mirrored]
Developing: Nancy Pelosi's Chief of Staff Is Chief Executive and Feinstein's Husband a Major Shareholder at Dominion
Developing: Nancy Pelosi’s Chief of Staff Is Chief Executive and Feinstein’s Husband a Major Shareholder at Dominion Ballot Counting Systems
Nancy Pelosi's Chief of Staff Is Chief Executive and Feinstein's Husband a Shareholder at Dominion
Joe Frazier (died 2011) voted in Pennsylvania 2020 election.
Frazier is a former heavyweight boxing champion.
World Champion Boxer Joe Frazier Voted this Year in Pennsylvania — But He Skipped Campaigning for Joe Biden Because He’s Been Dead Since 2011
The United States Election Meddling by the Democrat party.
CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Philadelphia Poll Watcher Prevented from Entering Polling Place (VIDEO)
Whistleblower Exposes Back Dated Ballot Fraud
Stop The Steal of the 2020 Election by Exposing Leftist Voter Fraud
BREAKING: Trump Campaign Manager on Wisconsin Irregularities: “The President is Well within the Threshold to Request a Recount and We Will Immediately Do So”
November 4, 2020, 12:14pm
The Fraudulent Stench Of Election Day
Tensions were high in DC. Where anti-BLM mural activist Bevelyn Beatty was jumped by BLM and stabbed along with proud boys leader Enrique Tarrio resulting in hospitalization due to serious wounds. Election Day had been plentiful with incidents of voter fraud.And as America slept. Hundreds of thousands of votes were dumped in Biden's favor. In Milwaukee where the count was delayed until 3:30am, suddenly Biden had a 4.1 lead. And in MIchigan, over 100,000 votes went to Biden. While zero went to any other Presidential contender including Donald Trump. Statistical impossibilities stinking of fraud.
They would have you believe that the fishing for ballots scam is business as usual. But even the closest election in modern history between JFK and Nixon in 1960 was called by 7am the next morning. And even that race was marred by fraud. But nowhere near the election of 2020.
Voter Fraud in Michigan – Massive Dump of Over 200,000 Ballots for Biden All the Sudden Appear Overnight …Update: Officials Call It a “Typo”
November 4, 2020, 8:49am
WATCH: Video of Man Claiming to Be Burning Stolen Trump Ballots Goes Viral on Social Media
This Person Filmed Themselves Burning Stolen Trump Ballots… pic.twitter.com/nOszQd8WPG
— N̵̨̏͋͝īn̷j̷åS̸̳̮̥̮̱̣̦̈̐̀̎̄͘̕t҉u̷n̷t҉Z̶̨͛̂̐͗̈͐̒͘͝ (@Ninja_StuntZ) November 4, 2020
November 4, 2020, 2:36pm
Australia is a totalitarian state with rigged elections and total globalist control of main stream media.
Deep State in Britain fix election
Clive Palmer (Jewish) Political System In Australian Is Totally Corrupt
Clive Palmer " Listen to my speech at Beenleigh where I talk about the issues for Australia, and the practical solutions to Make Australia Great."
Clive disects electricity prices, paris agreement & climate change and impacts on our economy
Everybody should listen to Clive Parmer speech where he talks about the following:
Clive talks about why the Australian Electrify cost is so high.
No free speech allowed on mainstream media in Australia, the globalist has total control what information given to the public.
Rupert Murdoch Media Empire has too much control of mainstream news and is put together in the United States before it's given to the Australian public.
The mainstream media news promotes that political party's members hate each other, but truth is that many liberals and Labour are good mates behind the scenes.
The political system in Australian is totally corrupt and there is no democratic system.
The Australian political elections are rigged and political parties know who going to win before the election.
Australia is a totalitarian state with rigged election and total globalist control of main stream media.
Clive Palmer talked about the electrical structure in Australia needed a major overhaul. Members of liberal and labour parties had advisers come from oversea to advice them. The advisers said they could over haul the electrical system and they would give a loan of 45 billion dollars at 10% interest. All the state governments agreed with the deal. This is why Australian electivity cost is arising so high that makes Australia industry less completive against other countries. The Australian Government could obtain a loan at 2% interest and instead of paying 10%. The deal was made because the lobbies made money and big donations given to Liberal and Labour parties.
If the Australian Government fully controlled the Australian Federal Bank they could have paid the total cost at no expense to the Australian people.
Clive Palmer supports the non white immigration into Australia.
Clive Palmer said "If you are communist in your 20's you do not have a heart and if you are communist in your 40's you do not have a brain.