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Jane Elliott’s Anti-White School Workshops

 Screenshot 1jane jewish

Jane Elliott. Many people say she is racist who hates whites.

One of Psychopath Jane Elliott’s Anti-White School Workshops (*‘Diversity Educator’ - Wikipedia)

 Jane Elliott, abusing white children with the anti-white narrative since the 1950 / 1960s. Found on Twitter.
RECOMMENDED SHARE: "The Anti-White Indoctrination of School Children" - by Ruination Media:


Blue eyed/Brown eyed study by Jane Elliot / What do you think of it?
Whose message is more damaging to Caucasian-European American society between Tim Wise's and Jane Elliot's?
Jane Elliot and Brainwashing 101

 War on Blue eyes and White Lies- Jane Elliot


Default Brown eyes and blue eyes Racism experiment (Children Session) - Ms. Jane Elliott's

Screenshot 1lm whitem

(Recommended Share): "The Anti-White Indoctrination of School Children" - by Ruination Media.

RELATED & RECOMMENDED for sharing: Clips from a further discussion with Ruination Media on anti-whiteism in schooling:
MORE clips on: Anti-White Agenda:
Anti-White Propagand…


Read 3093 times Last modified on Sunday, 01 November 2020 03:01