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The Lima Agreement (Destruction of Industry & Farming In Western Countries)

The Lima Declaration                                                                                                                                                                                             

Citizens of Western developed countries who are wondering why they are losing or have lost their industry need look no further than the Lima Agreement where it all started.  De-industrialization of the Western world and making money for the global elite, ie. bankers, controllers of the media, Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), Fabians etc., are the same people who are behind globalization, third-world immigration and the destruction of European countries. 

The full title of the Lima treaty is "Lima Declaration And Plan Of Action On Industrial Development And Co-Operation."  The treaty was signed in 1975 at a convention of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, in Lima, Peru.  It is an international agreement to wind down national manufacturing in developed nations and transferring the manufacturing capability to developing nations.

The Lima treaty sets the policy which has, for over 30 years, encouraged corporations to build themselves into globalist multinationals.  It only benefits these corporations and their international banking elite. 

A key clause in the declaration states ...

".....recognising the urgent need to bring about the establishment of a new international economic order based on equity, sovereign equality, interdependence and co-operation, as has been expressed in the Declaration and Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order, in order to transform the present structure of economic relations."



The Lima Agreement Deconstruction - Some examples in Australia and the Western World

The Lima Declaration is an agreement between Western European countries to de-industrialize European countries.  Australia for example;  1960s Australian Manufacturing were supplying manufactured goods at its peak for Australian consumers until the Globalists reduced Australia's manufacturing as a consequence of The Lima Declaration and Plan of Action calling for the redistribution of world industry so that developing countries would have 25% of it by the year 2000.  Their agenda included the transfer of technology and industry to Third World countries where they could import the goods back into Australia as much as the country could consume.  It was Gough Whitlam's Labor Party who locked Australia into the Lima Agreement of 1975.  Today, the Australian manufacturing production capacity has now mostly gone compared to the 1960s and unfortunately the jobs with it. 

Note:  Australia voted for The Lima Agreement under Gough Whitlam's Government in 1975.

For further informative reading on how Australia was Globalized go Here.

1. De-Nationalize Western countries

Since the Lima Agreement, progress in multilateral trade negotiations became more difficult due to increasing membership of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), and the World Trade Organization (WTO).  Countries have, therefore, undertaken numerous other agreements with their preferred partners in each subsequent round of negotiations, which the United Nations is behind.  For example; the Paris Agreement, Kyoto Protocol and many free trade agreements between countries including North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in America which is another avenue to assist in destroying the USA.  The former United States President Bill Clinton promised over 20 years ago that NAFTA would result in an increased number of high-quality jobs for Americans and a reduction and illegal immigration.  The opposition warned that the opposite would happen, and they were right.  During the 2016 election, Donald Trump said the United States had Lost up to 70,000 Industries since the Free Trade Agreement.  Links to Donald  Trump's Tax Plan.



2. Reduce farming productivity and import food products from third world countries

Governments want to reduce the number of farmers and this is done through regulations.  For instance, in Australia, the dairy farmers receive a pitiful price for their milk due to the so-called supermarket milk wars when the government could force supermarkets to increase the price of milk to give farmers a better return, but don't.  Yet the Government has not been heavily involved in this area, causing the dairy industry to become drastically reduced in Australia.  One of the reasons for the lack of government involvement is to do with the Lima Agreement, i.e. it aimed to reduce food production in the country with the express purpose to bring in more imports.  Governments allow imports of fresh fruits and fish products.  While some of this is seasonal, some of it is at the expense of local farmers, fishermen who have gone into considerable debt which can result in the destruction of family units and farms.

3. Increase intake of students from other countries, particularly China

Over the past twenty years or more, there has been a huge increase in Chinese students studying abroad.  For the "host" country, if the student completes their degree, governments allow them special visa provisions to stay longer and gain employment.  This potentially results in students who are born in the "host" country are competing with "imported" students to gain stable employment.  Politicians who support the "imported" students are not Nationalists, they are Socialists.  As we have discussed in other articles, most political parties in Western countries are Liberal-Conservative-Socialist-Communists, all are Globalist.

You may ask, how can students from non-wealthy Chinese families afford to study in Australia or abroad in other countries?  One reason is, they are assisted by scholarships from the institution and various organizations (eg. Chinese Government scholarships for higher education students, company-backed funding, etc).  Another reason is that these students (or their parents) who want to spend less, choose short-term exchange programs from their university are often much more affordable than attending the institution long term. 

With regards to long-term students, Australian institutions (and those in other Western countries) are, besides teaching English, pass OK on high-tech skills such as finance, IT, management and strategy, engineering etc., to foreign/Chinese students.  This may ultimately lead to Australia's destruction.  In the future, these highly skilled students can be used against Australia, and other European countries, for example in the event of war.  In the long term, it reduces our competitiveness and this will cost Australian taxpayers fewer jobs and money.  Australia and other Western countries have, therefore, created their own destruction by succumbing to the dollar and allowing huge numbers of Chinese students into their universities. 

This situation has also made life very difficult for Australian-born students and their families.  Colleges and universities can also afford to put up their fees because they are being funded by overseas students.  Affordability is difficult for many local students and their families to attend university, forcing them to take out loans which they subsequently take many years to pay back once they are employed.

4. Manufacturing - Transfer of technology and manufacturing from developed nations to poor countries in order to "give them a higher standard of living."

In Australia and other Western countries, as outlined in educational institutions above, one aspect is the transfer of skills so students can go back to China (and other Asian countries) and use these skills against the country who has trained them. 

Because the bankers want to destroy the Western world, they are using agreements such as the Lima Agreement and Foreign Trade Agreements to make more money.  For example, in Socialist China, the average worker might earn approximately 300USD per month.  There are no Trade Union movements in China and people/companies have little control over pollution.  While pollution may be the top priority for Western countries, in China, it is a low priority for the government.  So what it's really about is making money for the global elite and the destruction of the Western world.  By keeping the industry in Western countries, employers have to pay much higher wages, meet union demands etc.  Meanwhile, the Western world loses its industry and its skilled workers.  To make up for the imbalance.  Employment agencies are created for workers who can not find full-time work but may find part time or casual work for perhaps 1 to 2 days per week, however, they ARE NOT counted in the unemployment statistics.  Most governments like to tell citizens that their unemployment rate is around 5% (or perhaps under 10%) but it is a lie.  This increasing 'trend' of part-time employment makes it more and more difficult for those people to commit to, for instance, a mortgage.  This ultimately destroys the middle class who then have less direction in life - this being one of the goals of the Globalist-Socialists.  Even skilled people in Western countries are finding it difficult to obtain employment if they are made redundant and more of the working class people's taxes go towards supporting the unemployed people.  In the US over 55% of black Americans are unemployed in some areas.

The transfer of technology, especially military technology is a very dangerous thing between countries.  There would have been no Second World War with Japan if the Europeans had not given and trained the Japanese modern warfare and technology to build airplanes and military ships etc.  It is as true today as it was back then.  This is the case with China - Western countries are training Chinese students and have transferred this technology to the Chinese Government.  Because we have allowed Chinese in Western countries, some of who joined the military and high-tech industry, there is a risk that these people can return to China and teach their people the techniques learned in the west.  It is madness for Western countries to train and transfer technology to foreign countries which can subsequently be used against it. 

5. Australian Car Industry

In the past, Australia had a thriving car industry with Holden and Ford manufacturing plants and the Australian Government reduced the tariff on imported parts for cars to the point where the Australian car industry could not compete.  The Australian car industry was heavily subsidized by the government, but it was not enough to save Australia's car manufacturing.  If the government re-introduced increased tariffs on imported vehicles, this would re-invigorate the car industry.

To re-iterate, automobile technology was not invented by Japan, China or Korea.  It was given to them, which has also contributed to the decline of the car industry in other Western countries including Australia.

There was no mention in the Lima agreement about what would happen to the 50% or more Australians who lost their jobs, their factories or their farms - it appears they were expendable.  Now, most of the car industry is moving out of Australia, leaving massive unemployment in its wake.

6. The Destruction of the Middle and Working Class

Blue Collar jobs have lost out for example;  Call Centres have been moved offshore to other countries where they have a percentage of people who speak reasonable English due to cheap labour, preventing this from being done in their own country.  In some cases, this has resulted in a large loss of dissatisfied customers. 

So-called Governments have been reducing tariffs on cheap imports, i.e the tax put on imports from third world countries.  For example;  a shirt produced in China could cost 2USD and 4USD to produce for a Western country.  A two dollar tariff imposed on that item is a tax which goes to the government.  To balance this, the government reduces the amount of tax that you pay on wages in your country and the amount of tax on goods sold to the public. 

Due to the reduction of tariffs on cheap imports and high wages, a lot of businesses in Australia and other Western countries have been FORCED to move production offshore to third-world countries. 

7. Third World Countries

To increase their living standards, third world countries must stop corruption in their governments, reduce their birth rates and build their economies to be self-sufficient.  In addition, they need to stop the "dumping" of cheap food items from other countries, i.e. subsidized food which makes it so cheap that the local farmers cannot compete with it.  This especially happens with the European Union countries (EU) which subsidizes food so much that it destroys the local farmers and reduces their self-sufficiency.  This is what has happened in Africa, Haiti for example and is happening in Japan where the farmers have been desperately lobbying the government not to sign up to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).  As outlined in the article below, there are many issues facing Japan's aging farmers due to the TPP. 


Additional Links

More details and examples are outlined in the following stories:


(from Cameron Mottus)
As Mottus outlines, the Australian economy is "entwined" with China.  The agenda is to:

-  Produce food for China.
-  Produce Natural resources for China.
-  Be in the education area for China so they can send students to Australia to learn English.





The Lima Declaration

THE LIMA DECLARATION (article by Andrew Phillips)

The following are the MAIN recommendations of The Lima Declaration:

- Beginning Quote -

(35) “That special attention should be given to the least developed countries, which should enjoy a net transfer of resources from the developed countries in the form of technical and financial resources as well as capital goods, to enable the least developed countries in conformity with the policies and plans for development, to accelerate their industrialisation".

(41) “That the developed countries should adhere strictly to the principle that the Generalised System of Preferences must not be used as an instrument for economic and political pressure to hamper the activities of those developing countries which produce raw materials".

(43) “That the developing countries should fully and effectively participate in the international decision making process on international monetary questions in accordance with the existing and evolving rules of the competent bodies and share equitably in the benefits resulting there from."

(52) “That the developing countries should devote particular attention to the development of basic industries such as steel, chemicals, petro chemicals and engineering, thereby consolidating their economic independence while at the same time assuring an effective form of import substitution and a greater share of world trade."

In order to achieve the above “altruistic” recommendations, the Lima Declaration advocated the following Plan of Action:

(59) “The developed countries should adopt the following measures:”

 (a) “Progressive elimination or reduction of tariff and non-tariff barriers and other obstacles of trade, taking into account the special characteristics of the trade of developing countries, with a view to improving the international framework of the conduct of world trade”

 (b) “Adoption of trade measures designed to ensure INCREASED exports of manufactured and semi manufactured products including processed agricultural products from the developing to the developed countries”

 (c) “Facilitate development of new and strengthen existing policies, taking into account their economic structure and economic, social and security objectives, which would encourage their industries which are LESS COMPETITIVE internationally to move progressively into more viable lines of production or into other sectors of the economy, thus leading to structural adjustments within the developed countries and redevelopment of the productive capacities of such industries to the developing countries and promotion of a higher degree of utilisation of natural resources and people in the latter”

 (d) “Consideration by the developed countries of their policies with respect to processed and semi processed forms of raw materials, taking full account of the interests of the developing countries in increasing their capacities and industrial potentials for processing raw materials which they export”

 (e) “Increased financial contributions to international organisations and to government or credit institutions in the developing countries in order to facilitate the promotion or financing of industrial development. Such contributions must be completely free from any kind of political conditions and should involve no economic conditions other than those normally imposed on borrowers”

- End Quote -


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Read 53899 times Last modified on Wednesday, 30 September 2020 21:08