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Facial Recongnition


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Chinese Citizens Will Need to Pass Facial Recognition Test to Use the Internet

Chinese citizens will be forced to pass a facial recognition test to use the Internet in the latest expansion of the country’s draconian social credit score system.

“At present, a Chinese citizen will need to show his or her ID card while applying for a landline or the internet,” reports the Daily Mail. “The facial-recognition test is set to verify that the ID card belongs to the applicant.”

Under its social credit score system, China punishes people who criticize the government, as well as numerous other behaviors, including;

– Bad driving.
– Smoking on trains.
– Buying too many video games.
– Buying too much junk food.
– Buying too much alcohol.
– Calling a friend who has a low credit score .
– Having a friend online who has a low credit score.
– Posting “fake news” online.
– Visiting unauthorized websites.
– Walking your dog without a leash.
– Letting your dog bark too much.

Back in August, the Communist state bragged about how it had prevented 2.5 million “discredited entities” from purchasing plane tickets and 90,000 people from buying high speed train tickets in the month of July alone.

 Screenshot 1 i see you

In China, jaywalking could land you on a no-fly list. A new scoring system is keeping a critical eye on social behavior. CBS News foreign correspondent Ben Tracy explains.

China's social credit system keeps a critical eye on everyday behavior

Read 9537 times Last modified on Wednesday, 12 February 2020 04:54