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Weekly News Wrap Up: 8 December 2015

Here is a list of interesting articles we have uncovered in the last week that we wished to share with the community.

The Latest Update on the War Between Russian and the U.S
In this video Luke Rudkowski gives you the latest news on the emerging global conflict between Turkey, U.S, NATO and Russia, China.

Sweden Shocked Again after Woman Raped to Death by Somali Immigrant
A 34 year old immigrant from Somalia was arrested for savagely attacking a woman next to the parking garage of a Sheraton hotel in Sweden.

A 51 Year Old Saudi Imam and His 6 Year Old Wife
“Saudi Prince Abou Lbarae Kahtani, 51 years old, and and his new bride Hind Nawaf, 6 years old, exchanged vows in Saudi Arabia last week. Reports say it was a beautiful ceremony."

Captured, Sold, Raped: ISIS Turns Thousands of Christian Women and Children into Sex Slaves
Since the Iraqi city of Mosul was captured by ISIS many women and children have been kidnapped by ISIS fighters.

Obama’s Attorney General Promises to Criminalize Speech
Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Thursday at the Muslim Advocate’s 10th anniversary dinner she will take aggressive action against the “incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric.”

France: Mosques Closed - 330 War Weapons Found - 223 Arrests Featured
France has been under a state of emergency since 130 people were killed in a series of terror attacks in Paris on November 13. Since then, some 2,235 homes and buildings have been raided, 232 people taken into custody, and 334 weapons confiscated.

Erdogan Downed Su-24 to Revenge Son’s Disrupted Oil Business – Damascus
Turkey shot down Russia's bomber as revenge for the destruction of oil smuggling business that belongs to Recep Tayyip Erdogan's son, a Syrian minister stated

China declares war on ISIS after terrorists claim to have executed Chinese hostage
President Xi Jinping has promised to fight terrorist activity after deaths of national Fan Jinghui and European Ole Johan Grimsgaard-Ofstad

Read 21844 times Last modified on Thursday, 17 November 2016 07:54