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Weekly News Wrap Up: 15 December 2015

Here is a list of interesting articles we have uncovered in the last week that we wished to share with the community.

San Bernardino Shooting: Gun Sales Soar in Familiar Pattern of Panic and Profit
Wariness of tougher gun laws in response to the massacres routinely drives panic buying of more of weapons. Amid a recent spate of shootings, guns flew off the shelves in record numbers on Black Friday, according to the FBI.

Hundreds of “Refugees” Caught With Images of ISIS Flags, Severed Heads on Their Phones
Authorities have discovered images of ISIS flags and severed heads on the cellphones of hundreds of asylum seekers crossing into Norway, highlighting concerns about terrorists exploiting the migrant crisis to infiltrate jihadists into Europe.

Seven in Ten Calais Migrants Get into UK: Up to 900 People Enter the Country Illegally Each Month
Kent chief Alan Pughsley said 400 arrived in Kent alone in last five weeks. Ministers announce that landlords housing illegal immigrants may face jail

Quiet 'epidemic' of Drugs, Alcohol and Suicide has Killed Half a Million Middle-Aged White Americans
Despite advances in health care and quality of life, white middle-aged Americans have seen overall mortality rates increase over the past 15 years, representing an overlooked "epidemic" with deaths comparable to the number of Americans who have died of AIDS, according to new Princeton University research

Suicide rate in Alberta climbs 30% in wake of mass oilpatch layoffs
The suicide rate in Alberta has increased dramatically in the wake of mounting job losses across the province.

Melissa Harris-Perry Says Star Wars is Racist Because Darth Vader is Black
Behold, Melissa Harris-Perry, who has apparently never seen Star Wars, taking advantage of the excitement for Friday's Episode VII: The Force Awakens premiere to connect the popular gestalt to her favorite subject, "everything is racist."

“None of Us Had to Flee:” Syrian Invader
No one in Syria had to flee the war and they all have come to Europe just to seek money and take up jobs supposedly offered to them by Angela Merkel, an “asylum seeker” Syrian in Germany has admitted to the Huffington Post.

Australia: "Whites Minority in 50 Years"
At current rates of nonwhite immigration, Australia is set to become a minority white nation within the next fifty years, according to Canberra-based white rights activist Matthew Grant.

What You Need to Know About Obama’s Plan to Bypass Congress on Guns
Stymied by Republicans in Congress, President Barack Obama is expected to act alone to take executive action to tighten restrictions on gun sales.

Leading US Imam and Professor: Muslims Can Take Property of “Filthy” Christians and Jews
In his sermon/lecture in the YouTube audio below, Qadhi begins by calling Christians “shirk” for being “polythesists” who believe in the Triune God (three persons in one God), instead of Islam’s “monotheist” god Allah.



Read 22697 times Last modified on Thursday, 17 November 2016 07:05