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Weekly News Wrap Up: 3 May 2016

Here is a list of interesting articles we have uncovered in the last week that we would like to share with the community.

Bloomberg Columnist Says Trump’s “America First” Speech is Nazi Rhetoric
Trump’s vow to “always put the interests of the American people first” is akin to “American neutrality towards the Nazis,” according to Lake and is just the latest example of the media’s lazy, reductive propaganda that relies heavily on smear and the logical fallacy of false equivalence.

London: "Too Many White Men"
Muslim Set to Win London Mayor
On Thursday 5th May in England, Londoners will vote in the Lord Mayor elections.   British-born, Sadiq Khan, UK Labour Party’s nonwhite candidate for London mayor is touted to win.  Earlier, Khan announced that there were “too many white men” working in the London government, and that if elected, he would “rectify” this “problem.”

We recommend you vote for Paul Golding of British First, who will fight for British rights.   

Who you can vote for - London
These elections are for the Mayor of London, the 14 Constituency London Assembly Members, and the 11 London-wide Assembly Members.

Retired doctor murdered on Limpopo farm
Feb 2015:In South Africa retired doctor murdered on Limpopo farm is the second farmer in the Waterberg district of Limpopo to be killed this year.

SA Farmer “Thrown Alive into Crocodile Pit”
The New Observer reports on the trial of the black men who are accused of murdering game European  farmer Dr Louis John Botha, 64.  The New Observer notes that the incident occurred in February 2015, not February 2016 as they reported.  As they state, the facts are still valid.   Note that if this had been a black murder, it would have been widely broadcast on the Zionist controlled media, but because it was a white murder (along with the many other farm murders which are occurring) it has not been widely reported!

The following two articles were reported in 2014 and 2013 respectively.  Although they are older, they illustrate examples of extreme hatred towards whites and we thought them worthy of bringing to your attention.

Zimbabwe Announces Ambitious Plans For A Final Solution To White Racism
In April 2014, Zimbabwean President, Robert Mugabe announced plans for the beginning of a “Holocaust” against all whites in the country.

Progressive Professor Urges White Male Students to Commit Suicide During Class
November 2013: Professor Noel Ignatiev, formerly a tenured professor at Massachusetts College proclaimed to his class on his final teaching day before retirement.

Slaughter at the bridge: Uncovering a colossal Bronze Age battle
Northern Europe in the Bronze Age was long dismissed as a backwater, overshadowed by more sophisticated civilizations in the Near East and Greece.  In the Tollense Valley, north of Berlin, a gruesome secret was discovered om 1996: the well-preserved bones and artefacts of a gruesome battle. 

Half of Western European men descended from one Bronze Age ‘king’
A new study has shown that half of Western European men are descended from one Bronze Age monarch who sired a dynasty of elite nobles which spread throughout Europe, making him one of the earliest chieftains to take power in the continent.






Read 21853 times Last modified on Thursday, 17 November 2016 06:50