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Boycotting Globalist Companies

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Indonesia sees growth of a movement to boycott Western brands linked with Israel as thousands of people gather every weekend in the capital city of Jakarta to call for every means possible to stop Israeli actions in Gaza
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Jewish Zionist runs most of the Worlds media.

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Shir Hever is Jewish.
 Shir Hever, the military embargo coordinator for the Boycott Divest & Sanctions movement, joins Bad Faith to explain how the BDS movement is effectively squeezing the Israeli economy and souring Israeli's on the war against Gaza. The Israeli/German economist explains how financial pressures are being felt by the Israeli public, and how an international solidarity movement is effectively blocking military aid from being sent to Israel. He also weighs in on the ad hoc boycotts that have sprung up around companies like McDonalds & KFC.
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Alex Jones breaks down the product placement promotion of the break-up of the nuclear family and promotion of sterilization to usher in the post-human era.
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KFC promoting race mixing.

KFC's Kosher Bacon Stack Her (ReEdit)

KFC Dropping Colonel Sanders!!!

 Aye, I don't believe it either. For starters if you look inside a chicken nugget from McDonalds you'll see it has the appearance, the texture of chicken. If it were simply paste then it would be more uniform in consistency. __________________
"Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day.” ~ Mussolini to Edwin L James of the New York Times (1928)

"[The Jewish nation] dares spread an irreconcilable hatred against all nations; it revolts against all its masters. Always superstitious, always avid of the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous, crawling in misfortune, and insolent in prosperity. Here are what were the Jews in the eyes of the Greeks and the Romans who could read their books." ~ Voltaire, Essai sur les mœurs (1756) Tome 1, page 186

"I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people [Jews] would not some day become deadly to the human race." ~ Voltaire, Lettres de Memmius a Ciceron (1771)

"If the race is in danger of being oppressed or even exterminated, the question of legality is only of secondary importance."
"The world is not for faint-hearted races"
Adolf Hitler, Volume 1, Chapter 3, Mein Kampf

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Nazi Germany was one of Coca-Cola’s largest markets

Coca Cola a Jewish Zionist Company promotes hate against Whites.

Should Coca-Cola be “canceled” for supporting Nazis?


As you probably saw, the Coca-Cola Company has unofficially gone “woke” with a new employee training program that equates racism with “whiteness.” In order to become officially woke, though, Coca-Cola would now need to “cancel” itself for doing business in 1930s Nazi Germany.

Many people are unaware of it but Nazi Germany was one of Coca-Cola’s largest markets. A big part of the company’s overall success was built upon what today’s leftists would describe the “systemically racist” policies of Adolph Hitler.

Were it not for Hitler’s leadership, Coca-Cola might never have become the global force it is today. German people, who are white, loved the company’s carbonated sugar water and bought plenty of it with Hitler as their leader.

Today’s leftist logic would dictate that Coca-Cola now has a responsibility to right the wrongs of the past by canceling its operations and donating all remaining assets to “anti-racist” organizations. The case could also be made that Coca-Cola now owes “reparations” to those who were negatively impacted by Hitler’s rule.

Oh, but Coca-Cola did not actually support Hitler, right? Well, consider the below image depicting a 1936 advertisement put out by Coca-Cola specifically for the Nazi market. It reads:

“One people, one country, one drink, Coke it is.”

This nationalistic tagline was right up Hitler’s alley, suggesting that Coca-Cola did, in fact, support Hitler’s agenda. And because Coca-Cola profited heavily under Hitler’s leadership, it is quite literally a Nazi company.

It is time for Coca-Cola to apologize to whites and Jews


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BOYCOTT: Jewish Controlled Starbucks Expands Benefits to Cover ALL Transgender ...

Coffee giant Starbucks has announced they will fully fund an employees’ gender transitions, from reassignment surgery to hair transplants and other cosmetic procedures.

On Monday, the company announced a change to its health benefits package which will now cover cosmetic surgeries for transgenders – that is men who feel like becoming women and vice versa.

“Starbucks health insurance plans include not only gender reassignment surgery (which had been covered since 2012), but now also a host of procedures for transgender partners that were previously considered cosmetic, and therefore not covered, such as breast reduction or augmentation surgery, facial feminization, hair transplants and more,” the company wrote in a news release.

Benefits Vice President Ron Crawford said it was “the right thing to do” because transgenders feel the procedures are essential.

“The approach was driven not just by the company’s desire to provide truly inclusive coverage, and by powerful conversations with transgender partners about how those benefits would allow them to truly be who they are,” Crawford said.

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  Illegal Immigrants Caught On Tape Being Bussed In Given Envelopes And Released Into Texas

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Wal-Mart has destroyed countless individual businesses and has outsourcing of jobs and manufacturing to China from the beginning. 

Alex Jones breaks down the push for vaccine passports and the 'mark of the beast' as Wal-Mart backs digital vaccination credentials.

Wal-Mart Officially Launches Mark of the Beast Medical Passport / Social Credit Score


"The company now operates over 5,000 stores and buys a vast share of its merchandise from China. Wal-Mart is rabidly non- union and pays it employees at a scale 33% less than equivilant union employees. It has driven over 100,000 small stores out of business in America..."


 Buy at Walmart and you support Globalist Zionists. Boycott Walmart!

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Coca Cola a Jewish Zionist Company promotes hate against Whites.

Major Grocery Store Owner Explains Why He Threw Coca-Cola Out

Alfie Oakes of Seed to Table Oakes Farms grocery store is joined in Florida by Alex Jones. Alfie explains why he canceled Coca-Cola.

I went to buy some Coca Cola yesterday and then remembered they hate white people so I didn’t buy any.


We vote with our dollars. Do not buy coke or coke products. They are an anti-white racist company. For every product coke makes, there is a knockoff brand of it that is just as good. You won't miss out by not buying coca cola products. Let's bankrupt these woke leftist marxists.
Cocacola alone is around 500 different brand , nestle is around 2000 brand.
There the list of the 10 company that own almost every brand of food you buy ,Nestlé, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Unilever, Danone, General Mills, Kellogg's, Mars, Associated British Foods, and Mondelez .
There all the list of brand owned by Coca-Cola alone and there around 500 brand . here link to some other company and list of what they own .
not every brand have list on wiki so was to long to place all of them . it look bad once you realize how much are owned by globalist . only way to peacefully destroy there wallet is to starve so it wont work , people are better to prepare to take arms and fight and learn to hate enough all leftist , globalist and communist's to do what need to be done .
 Goldman Company is Jewish Run.
Goldman CEO Says Firm Won’t Fund IPOs for Companies with All-Male, All-White Board

Firm wants at least one 'diverse' board member, looking to increase to two by 2021


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What can do you do to fight back?

You can do the following:

Identify the companies and organizations that do not support We The People or freedom, don’t use their products or services.

By boycotting their products and services we can make them go bankrupt or hurt their revenue enough to force them to change their ideas and polices.

Inform, join and create groups to boycott these companies. Create leaflets, meetings and events to inform more people about boycotting organizations that do not support we the people and freedom.

Boycott examples:
The mentioned organizations usually do not support we the people and tends of obscure information or/and outright lie and project bad values to the people of the world.

  • Don't buy any of the major newspapers and magazines, pretty much all are Globalist owned.
  • Do not consume any mainstream TV and news shows.
  • Do not consume food or beverages from any major fast food chains or supermarkets such as McDonalds, Starbucks and Wallmart. Buy food and beverages from local family own establishments.
  • Do not use services from large Globalist corporations such as from the insurance firms example Lloyd insurance, as insurance firm that insured the ships of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
  • Buy locally produced clothing and produces, not from large corporations and companies such as Prada and Gillette razor.
  • Beware to which charity you denote to. A lot of charities are owned by Globalist such as Doctors without borders. Find and donate money to people and organizations that support your rights and freedom of speech such as Lauren Southern and Katie Hopkins.
  • Don’t use any companies that promote any form racism, affirmative action and not promoting hiring local people.
  • Hire local people to do jobs, e.g. plumbing, electrical work. Hire same race of you and your home nation.

The following article list has information on companies to boycott.

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By Mike Adams
These 150-plus multinational corporations have CEOs demanding that Biden be made president immediately
01/09/2021 / By Ethan Huff / Comments
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These 150-plus multinational corporations have CEOs demanding that Biden be made president immediately
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In spite of all the election fraud, the following CEOs of more than 150 of the nation’s largest multinational corporations have signed on to a letter demanding that Joe Biden be installed in the White House immediately, rather than on Jan. 20.

The following signatories, falling right in line with the propaganda of the day, claim that only Biden can help “the country to move forward.” They further claim that Biden and Kamala Harris “won the Electoral College and the courts have rejected challenges to the electoral process.”

“Congress should certify the electoral vote on Wednesday, January 6,” the letter adds. “Attempts to thwart or delay this process run counter to the essential tenets of our democracy.

The letter also goes into dramatics about the “urgent task” of “defeating COVID-19,” which they say can only be done through Biden and Harris, who will restore “the livelihoods of millions of Americans who have lost jobs and businesses during the pandemic.”

The following signatories are urging America’s “duly elected leaders” to take action now, rather than wait until Inauguration Day, to install Biden and Harris through an “orderly transfer of power:”

William D. Abramson, Director of Brokerage, Buchbinder & Warren Realty Group LLC

Lee S. Ainslie, III, Managing Partner, Maverick Capital

Ellen Alemany, Chairman & CEO, CIT Group Inc.

Simon Allen, Chief Executive Officer, McGraw-Hill Education, Inc.

Leo Argiris, Principal & Chief Operating Officer, Americas Region, Arup

Jeffrey H. Aronson, Managing Principal, Centerbridge Partners

Ajay Banga, Executive Chairman, Mastercard

Neil Barr, Managing Partner, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP

Erin Barringer, Director, Dalberg Americas

Candace K. Beinecke, Senior Partner, Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP

Charles R. Bendit, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Taconic Investment Partners LLC

Stephen Berger, Chairman, Odyssey Investment Partners, LLC

William H. Berkman, Co-Chairman & CEO, Radius Global Infrastructure, Inc.

Seth Bernstein, President & CEO, AB

David Beveridge, Senior Partner, Shearman & Sterling, LLP

Michael W. Blair, Presiding Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP

Jeff T. Blau, Chief Executive Officer, The Related Companies, L.P.

Henry Blodget, CEO and co-founder, Insider Inc.

Kathy Bloomgarden, Chief Executive Officer, Ruder Finn, Inc.

Adam M. Blumenthal, Managing Partner, Blue Wolf Capital Partners

Neil Blumenthal, Co-Founder & Co-CEO, Warby Parker

John Borthwick, Founder & CEO, Betaworks

Albert Bourla, Chairman & CEO, Pfizer Inc.

John Bruckner, President, NY, National Grid

Ari Buchalter, President & CEO, Intersection

Martin S. Burger, Chief Executive Officer, Silverstein Properties, Inc.

Donald A. Capoccia, Principal, BFC Partners

Richard M. Cashin, Managing Partner, One Equity Partners

Timothy Cawley, President & CEO, Con Edison, Inc.

Rodgin Cohen, Senior Chairman, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP

David Coleman, Chief Executive Officer, College Board

Anthony R. Coscia, Partner and Executive Committee Member, Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf, LLP

Cromwell Coulson, President & CEO, OTC Markets Group

Todd C. DeGarmo, Chief Executive Officer, STUDIOS Architecture

Toby Dodd, President, New York Tri-State, Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.

William R. Dougherty, Chairman, Executive Committee, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP

Brian Duperreault, Chief Executive Officer, American International Group, Inc.

Douglas Durst, Chairman, Durst Organization Inc.

Richard Edelman, President & CEO, Edelman

Scott A. Edelman, Chairman, Milbank LLP

Blair W. Effron, Co-Founder, Centerview Partners

Joel S. Ehrenkranz, Partner and Co-Founder, Ehrenkranz Partners L.P.

Douglas F. Eisenberg, Founder and CEO, A&E Real Estate, LLC

Catherine Engelbert, Commissioner, WNBA

Alexander Farman-Farmaian, Vice Chairman, Portfolio Manager, Edgewood Management LLC

Rob Fauber, President & Chief Executive Officer, Moody’s Corporation

Laurence D. Fink, Chairman & CEO, BlackRock

Peter Finn, Founding Partner, Finn Partners

John Fish, Chairman & CEO, Suffolk

Winston C. Fisher, Partner, Fisher Brothers

Alan H. Fishman, Founder, Willow Holdings, Inc.

William E. Ford, Chief Executive Officer, General Atlantic LLC

Paul Fribourg, Chairman & CEO, Continental Grain Company

Eric J. Friedman, Executive Partner, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Jeff Gennette, Chairman & CEO, Macy’s, Inc.

Dave Gilboa, Co-Founder & Co-CEO, Warby Parker

MaryAnne Gilmartin, Founder & CEO, MAG Partners LP

Dan Glaser, President & CEO, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.

Dexter Goei, Chief Executive Officer, Altice USA

Timothy Gokey, Chief Executive Officer, Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.

Perry Golkin, Chief Executive Officer, PPC Enterprises LLC

Barry M. Gosin, Chief Executive Officer, Newmark Knight Frank

Jonathan D. Gray, President & COO, Blackstone

Jonathan N. Grayer, Chairman & CEO, Weld North LLC

Logan Green, Co-Founder & CEO, Lyft

David J. Greenwald, Chairman, Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP

Kelly Grier, US Chair & Managing Partner and Americas Managing Partner, Ernst & Young LLP

Stewart KP Gross, Managing Director, Lightyear Capital

Robin Hayes, Chief Executive Officer, JetBlue Airways Corporation

Dale Hemmerdinger, Chairman, Atco Properties & Management, Inc.

Donna Imperato, Chief Executive Officer, BCW

Frederick J. Iseman, Chairman & CEO, CI Capital Partners LLC

Kenneth M. Jacobs, Chairman & CEO, Lazard Ltd

John Josephson, Chairman & CEO, Sesac

Roberta Kaplan, Founding Partner, Kaplan Hecker & Fink LLP

Harry Kargman, Founder & CEO, Kargo Global, Inc.

Brad S. Karp, Chair, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP

Charles R. Kaye, Chief Executive Officer, Warburg Pincus LLC

Anthony S. Kendall, Chairman & CEO, Mitchell & Titus, LLP

Richard A. Kennedy, President & CEO, Skanska USA Inc.

Michel A. Khalaf, President & CEO, MetLife, Inc.

Brian Kingston, CEO of Real Estate, Brookfield Asset Management

Paul Knopp, U.S. Chair & CEO, KPMG LLP

Henry R. Kravis, Co-Chairman & Co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

Philip Krim, Co-Founder & CEO, Casper

Barbara Armand Kushner, President, Armand Corporation

Christopher Larsen, Chief Executive Officer, Halmar International, LLC

William P. Lauder, Executive Chairman, The Estée Lauder Companies, Inc.

Rochelle B. Lazarus, Chairman Emeritus, Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide

Kewsong Lee, Chief Executive Officer, The Carlyle Group

Rich Lesser, President & CEO, Boston Consulting Group

Joey Levin, Chief Executive Officer, IAC

Allan Levine, Chairman & CEO, Global Atlantic Financial Company

Jeffrey E. Levine, Chairman, Douglaston Development

Robert A. Levine, Chief Executive Officer, RAL Companies & Affiliates, LLC

Martin Lipton, Senior Partner, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz

Alex Liu, Managing Partner & Chairman, Kearney

Robert P. LoCascio, Founder & CEO, LivePerson, Inc.

Roger Lynch, Chief Executive Officer, Condé Nast

Mehdi Mahmud, CEO & President, First Eagle Investment Management, LLC

Anthony Malkin, Chairman, President & CEO, Empire State Realty Trust

Anthony E. Mann, President & CEO, E-J Electric Installation Co.

Theodore Mathas, Chairman & CEO, New York Life Insurance Company

Sandeep Mathrani, Chief Executive Officer, WeWork

Peter W. May, President & Founding Partner, Trian Partners

Charles R. McCall, Chief Executive Officer, Astoria Energy II LLC &, Astoria Energy LLC

Kevin J. McCarty, Chairman & CEO, West Monroe Partners

Andrew McMahon, President & CEO, The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America

Avner Mendelson, President & CEO, Bank Leumi USA

Heidi Messer, Co-Founder & Chairperson, Collective[i]

Keith Mestrich, President & CEO, Amalgamated Bank

Marc Metrick, President & CEO, Saks Fifth Avenue

Edward J. Minskoff, Chairman & CEO, Edward J. Minskoff Equities, Inc.

Greg Mondre, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Silver Lake

Tyler Morse, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Partner, MCR Development LLC

Deanna M. Mulligan, Chief Executive Officer, DM Mulligan, LLC

Oscar Munoz, Executive Chairman, United Airlines, Inc.

Daniel Nardello, Chief Executive Officer, Nardello & Co. LLC

Liz Neumark, Chair & Founder, Great Performances

Mark Pearson, President & CEO, Equitable

Michael A. Peterson, Chairman & CEO, Peter G. Peterson Foundation

Michael Phillips, President, Jamestown Properties LLC

Charles E. Phillips, Jr., Chairman, Infor

Deirdre Quinn, Co-Founder & CEO, Lafayette 148 New York

Daniel Ramot, Co-Founder & CEO, Via

Steven L. Rattner, Chairman & CEO, Willett Advisors LLC

Scott H. Rechler, Chairman & CEO, RXR Realty LLC

Christiana Riley, Chief Executive Officer, Deutsche Bank Americas

John Romeo, Managing Partner, Oliver Wyman

James A. Rosenthal, Chief Executive Officer, BlueVoyant

Evan Roth, Co-Chief Executive Officer, BBR Partners, LLC

Michael I. Roth, Chairman & CEO, Interpublic Group

Steven Rubenstein, President, Rubenstein Communications, Inc.

Mitchell E. Rudin, Chairman & CEO, Savills Inc.

William C. Rudin, Co-Chairman & CEO, Rudin Management Company, Inc.

Kevin P. Ryan, Founder & CEO, AlleyCorp

Philip K. Ryan, Chairman, Swiss Re Americas

Timothy Ryan, U.S. Chair & Senior Partner, PwC

Faiza Saeed, Presiding Partner, Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP

Scott Salmirs, President & CEO, ABM Industries Inc.

Ralph Schlosstein, Co-Chairman & Co-CEO, Evercore Partners Inc.

Michael Schmidtberger, Partner & Chair of the Executive Committee, Sidley Austin LLP

Alan D. Schnitzer, Chairman & CEO, The Travelers Companies, Inc.

Alan D. Schwartz, Executive Chairman, Guggenheim Partners, LLC

Kathleen Shanahan, Chief Executive Officer, Turtle & Hughes, Inc.

Suzanne Shank, President & CEO, Siebert Williams Shank & Co., LLC

Joseph C. Shenker, Chair, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP

Tarek Sherif, Co-Founder & CEO, Medidata Solutions, Inc.

Jonathan Silvan, Chief Executive Officer, Global Strategy Group, LLC

Adam Silver, Commissioner, National Basketball Association

Joshua Silverman, Chief Executive Officer, Etsy, Inc.

Brad Smith, President, Microsoft

David M. Solomon, Chairman & CEO, Goldman Sachs

Jeffrey Solomon, Chair & CEO, Cowen

Rob Speyer, President & CEO, Tishman Speyer

Stephen J. Squeri, Chairman & CEO, American Express Company

Robert K. Steel, Chairman, Perella Weinberg Partners

Douglas C. Steiner, Chairman, Steiner Studios

Alan Suna, Chief Executive Officer, Silvercup Studios

Rajat Suri, Founder & CEO, Presto

Sanjay Swani, Managing Partner, Tailwind Capital

Steven R. Swartz, President & CEO, Hearst

Michael J. Sweeney, Executive Vice President; Eastern U.S. President, HNTB Corporation

Julie Sweet, Chief Executive Officer, Accenture

Paul J. Taubman, Chairman & CEO, PJT Partners Inc.

Owen D. Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, Boston Properties

Wayne Ting, Chief Executive Officer, Lime

Gary M. Tischler, Founder & Managing Partner, Vanbarton Group LLC

Daniel R. Tishman, Vice Chairman, AECOM & Principal, Tishman Realty

Paul Todd, Chief Executive Officer, GLG

Jean-Marie Tritant, Chief Executive Officer, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield

William B. Tyree, Managing Partner, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.

Joseph Ucuzoglu, Chief Executive Officer, Deloitte

Robert Vecchio, Chief Executive Officer, LPI, Inc.

Ellis Verdi, President, DeVito/Verdi

James R. Wacht, President, Lee & Associates NYC

George H. Walker, Chairman & CEO, Neuberger Berman Group LLC

Robert E. Wankel, Chairman & CEO, The Shubert Organization, Inc.

Pamela S. Wasserstein, President, Vox Media

Charles Weinstein, Chief Executive Officer, EisnerAmper LLP

David Winter, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Standard Industries Inc.

Robert Wolf, Chief Executive Officer, 32 Advisors LLC

Kathryn S. Wylde, President & CEO, Partnership for New York City

Nina Zagat, Co-Founder, Zagat

Tim Zagat, Co-Founder, Zagat

Strauss Zelnick, Partner, ZMC

James Zelter, Co-President, Apollo Global Management, Inc.

John Zimmer, Co-Founder & President, Lyft

America: If you’re invested in any of the above business, divest now!

Investors who hold stock in any of the above companies and disagree with the stance that Joe Biden is the rightful president are being urged to divest immediately.

Trump voters especially, who have been completely disenfranchised by the theft of our republic by the deep state, will want to do this simply for their own protection, especially since the push is now on to “cleanse” America of all things Trump.

More of the latest news about election fraud can be found at

Sources for this article include:





 What is White Genocide and who is behind it? #AltRight

  Watch: Merkel’s Right-Wing Opposition Says She Belongs in Court

USPS loses $1.46 for every package Amazon delivers

Do not buy the following traitor media promoted items or products.

 Screenshot 2media invaded to chinsa

Full list of TRAITOR media outlets that accepted “sponsored trips” from communist China to oppress the truth in America: These are the ENEMIES of the people



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Google Releases 'Black-Owned Business' Badge to Divert Money Away From Whites


Screenshot 2globalist p kill them

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Kellogg’s Launches New Breakfast Cereal To Promote Sodomy & Gender Confusion To Children

In conjunction with a $50,000 donation to GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation), Kellogg's has announced the release of a new …

Default Re: White Nationalist boycott thread; Post anti-white ads here

Kellogg's has donated millions of dollars to Leftist causes, including to Black Lives Matter!

The Kellogg Company makes breakfast cereals, Pop-Tarts, Pringles potato chips, Keebler cookies, Famous Amos cookies, Eggo waffles, Nutri-Grain bars, MorningStar Farms vegetarian products and much more.

I don't have an ad to post, but here are links to some Stormfront threads documenting anti-white shenanigans by Kellogg's:

Kellogg cereal company has given over $1 million to Black Lives Matter
Kellogg cereal giant accuses American Whites of "White privilege" and "structural racism"
Only a fruit would eat Froot Loops
Black employee at Kellogg's Company urinates on Rice Crispies assembly line
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Thumbs down Disney displays lesbian interracial couple in a new cartoon

Well, it has finally happened folks. Disney went full libtard with a gay AND interracial cartoon. What a shame, I grew up on (heterosexual) Disney Princess fairy tales and loved every minute of it. I don't know if I can defend them this time.

Disney has a new "Doc McStuffins" episode with a White mom, a Black mom, and several little brown kids talking about earthquake/emergency safety and preparedness. The couple is shown as a normal family without sexuality being discussed.

<iframe width="750" height="375" src="/Doc McStuffins - Wanda Sykes , Portia de Rossi And The LGTB INTIERVIEW - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Disney cartoon features lesbian ‘moms,’ promotes gay ‘marriage’ to preschoolers | News | LifeSite

Disney Channel features interracial lesbian couple and other networks should catch up already
*Find new White Nationalist friends or a spouse at or
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*Listen to some awesome NatSoc music by Mr. Bond here at
*BUILD THE WALL donate some $$$ here NOW
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 Even though I have no specific ads to share, the anti-white movement is reaching the masses through way more than just advertising. Almost every media I've seen has been perpetuating this image of white males being inferior, weak, and ignorant. I've even noticed in video games that all the black characters are stronger, their moves are easier and more effective. Urging kids to admire them more. Another thing I noticed is that if there is a strong tall dominating white male on any media. He's usually a coward, idiot or a racist. Making us think that to even want to better ourselves is wrong. Despite what the media tells us, we need to all remember that we are powerful, we are determined and we are beautiful.

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) is a White European-led movement for freedom, justice and equality. BDS upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity.

Globalist is occupying and colonising White European land, discriminating against White citizens of European countries and denying white refugees the right to return to their homes. Inspired by the South African anti-apartheid movement, the BDS call urges action to pressure Israel to comply with international law.

BDS is now a vibrant global movement made up of unions, academic associations, churches and grassroots movements across the world. Thirteen years since its launch, BDS is having a major impact and is effectively challenging international support for Israeli apartheid and settler-colonialism.


Read 6836 times Last modified on Friday, 23 August 2024 23:45

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