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COVID-19 Vaccine Linked To Sterilization of Women Update 2.

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The globalists' depopulation agenda is now in plain sight as top scientists raise the alarm en masse

Top EU Scientist Warns COVID-19 Vaccine Linked To Sterilization of Women


When I had my children, in the eighties, and my last in 1990, they would NEVER give pregnant women, or even women in child bearing years any vaccines, unless absolutely necessary. What changed?

Gardasil Vaccine Linked to Birth Rate Declines?


by robern f. kennedy

 Gardasil Vaccine Linked to Record Birth Rate Declines?

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  Global Government Announces Forced Inoculations/Sterilization

Alex Jones breaks down the deteriorating state of the medical tyranny lockdown and the push to forcibly inject the population with untested chemicals that cause sterilization.

Lawyer Sounds the Alarm on Vaccine Mandates 2.


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Vaccine mandates have a long history in totalitarian, communist societies like East Germany (DDR)

India mass sterilisation: ‘my wife died in tremendous pain’

more clear

 Bill Gates Controlled W.H.O. Admits to Added Sterilants In Vaccines

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Vaccine mandates have a long history in totalitarian, communist societies like East Germany (DDR)

A German lawyer talks about the health tyranny coming to formerly free countries

And, #CivilDisobedience — HOW the Stasi was taken down PEACEFULLY

Lawyer Sounds the Alarm on Vaccine Mandates

The David Knight Show





Read 4559 times Last modified on Friday, 13 May 2022 06:22