6 feb. 2023 — INTELLIGENCE CHIEF. Budanov has run the GUR since being appointed to the post by Zelenskiy (Jewish) in August 2020. Since Russia's full-scale invasion on .
Organized crime in Odesa since the Russian invasion
3 sep. 2023 — Prominent Jewish gangsters soon emerged, many of whom were mythol- ogized in russian author Isaac Babel's Odessa Stories (1924). One of most ...
48 sidor
15 maj 2022 — Major General Kyrylo Budanov told the news network that he was “optimistic” about the current trajectory of the conflict. AFP contributed to ...
◾️ Arestovich has lots of uncomfortable questions for his own government, about corruption and schemes, about business with Russian oil that haven't stopped, about Ukraine been used for Americans interests and the disunion in the EU about the support for Ukraine, about the Americans selling electronic chips for Russian missiles:
- Why should our infantry pay for this with blood? Why should Ukrainian citizens pay for this with blood? Are we not defending the collective West here? 50 billion of aid to us are blocked... and they are killing us with this. And these idiots, why can't they fucking all together, Europeans and NATO, get a handle on Orban...
parkerdw1 Edited.
When did this Jew Globalist start to care what happens to the AFU conscripts? The big question, how did he escape being conscripted? Who feeds him? Who pays his bills?
I have seen just two EU parliament speakers make any sense at all, and both are Irish. The EU should send all prospective candidates to Ireland for schooling. Keep up the good work Ireland!
? Zelensky(Jewish) declares himself dictator on UK television
Zelensky rules out holding presidential elections in Ukraine until Ukraine wins the conflict.
In an interview with a UK TV channel, he stated the need for strict compliance with Ukrainian legislation: presidential elections are possible only in peacetime.
Has Ukraine declared war? That may surprise everyone.
Remember Poroshenko (Jewish) tried a similar stunt.
I heard the Men to Women Ratio in Europe is too many men and they have to reduce the number of men immediately. Slavic women are highly desirable among Jews . Many of the refugees will end up in Israel and Dubai drugged up and sold as sex slaves. Heard this on Twitter last night from a Russian national. Israel now has the highest sex drug use in the world.
How can this Jew fag can even smile in times like this? Sending tens of thousands of his men to being butchered.
◾️ Ukrainian Security Services channels explained how to deal with "collaborators" when entering villages previously occupied by the Russian army:
- a decent number of collaborators have appeared there who will now help the orcs... so I remind you that the best way to deal with them is to cut every single one of them! Guys, if you fight this way, in no case record it on video, even for a personal archive.
◾️War crimes committed by the Ukrainian army are not an exception but a systematic campaign to ethnic cleansing every village of eastern Ukraine of Russian speaking population.
Ukraine’s terrorist Nazi regime installed and controlled by USA + NATO criminals are number one enemy of Ukrainian people …it’s the same as if your house is invaded and taken over by someone that wants you and your family killed and thrown out on the street while he prospers …Ukraine is being destroyed from inside …a small gang backed by USA + NATO tearing Ukraine to shreds…expect false flags designed to start WWIII.
◾️The Ukrainian Security Services kidnapped and tortured a civilian who complained in social media about the water service.
◾️The man was forced to "drink" water in front of the camera on the "water boarding" style the CIA used to employ in middle east, then the man is force to eat dirty soil, all was filmed and posted in Ukrainian telegram channels linked to the security services of the country.
◾️To remind that Ukraine got the European Union Human Rights award last year plus the Nobel for peace, and Zelenskiy was named Man of the year by Time.
From Wikipedia: Arestovych is a graduate of the Odesa Military Academy, he has a diploma of military translator. According to data that need further confirmation, from 1994 to 2005 he worked in the Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and is a reserve lieutenant colonel.[14][15][16][17] He is a target and those that harbor him likewise.. I'd believe that this contract will be sub'ed out.
parkerdw1. Edited.
That blathering hypocrite. How is it that he travels freely, apparently has plenty of money, and is not conscripted and sent to the Ukraine front himself?
I don't envy Arestovich, he will be tried Nuremberg style, and he will be hung from the nearest light pole, Red Army style!!!
This asshole isn't even Ukranian, he's from Georgia and while he larps as some sort of intellect, he's a fucking ACTOR. One who like Zelensky, has performed in DRAG. All perverts and demented retards. Someone needs to execute this dumb motherfucker.
This is Bahkmut in 2014 during the anti-maidan protests, thousands rally for a referendum about the future of Donbass inside Ukraine, Russian flags and st George ribbons are carried by the crowd.
◾This is why the Kiev Regime uses towns in Donbass as fortresses, because they know the locals are not for Ukraine, therefore the Nationalists don't care if the whole city lays in ruins.
“We have been working on the counter-offensive with Ukraine for 4-5 months.”
— Victoria Nuland
US coup-manager against the democratically elected Govt in Ukraine (2014) and responsible for the subsequent deaths of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians.
Rabbi Wendel Kessin: Its payback time. Because ... Every. Single. Time.™
Why is Ukraine being destroyed and emptied of its white, Christian population? The Same People Driving the War Against Russia Are At War With Christians & Patriots https://www.bitchute.com/video/eEyJHoZnhMTT/
Judaizing requires the DESTRUCTION of every kind of identity that is not the preservation of Jews. If you do not demand the destruction of all loyalties except loyalty to Jews, 'God's Chosen People', you are committing blasphemy in the eyes of Jewish Law AND gentile judaizers alike
Our destruction is the first law of Judaism. It is a natural consequence, a fundamental hostile DEMAND, of the Jewish outlook on life. That's evil-PERIOD.
For OUR racial and other identities to survive, we must stop people who are judaizing us in our own nations. Most of them today are NOT Jews. And see them to a place where they can ONLY spread that hostility to each other.
Some of history’s darkest chapters involved brutal coercion of people because certain other people believed themselves to be “The chosen people of God”.
"You have not begun to appreciate the depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom of not merely the latest Great War, but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone." ~ Marclis Eli Ravage, Century Magazine February, 1926. https://archive.ph/wip/AMHGn
Killing as many Slavs as possible was always the plan. Incredible there are idiots out there that don't yet understand the end game. Just one more European War and the already minority Jewish whites and whites will be completely wiped out. The Jewish Globalist dream.
Volodymyr Zelensky held a meeting with the leadership of the world's largest asset management company BlackRock.
Now why would he do that?
So far zelensky sold off 175 000 square kilometers of Ukrainian agricultural land .... that's 30% more , than what the Russians are occupying right now ..... Yet not 1 word about it in MSM
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Humans and Aliens have to rid ourselves of all Religions and have trust and faith that we are brothers and sisters once and for all ✝️☪️?️☸️✡️??☯️☦️?not all Religions can be right but they can all be wrong. Worship = War ShipsLeft or Right, Black or White, Rich or Poor, Young or Old, Male or Female Alien or Human... No future for us all if we don't find common ground. Maybe that ground or promise land is here we just need to come together to see it.
So how come everyone in Zelenskys cabinet is jewish and all his henchmen and his family is in israel ?
1. First, the khazarians have no Jewish lineage: " The “Jews” Are Not Jews But Are KhazariansThe newest DNA science finding is from Dr. Eran Elhaik (“a Jew”) and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
George Soros, real name György Schwartz, was a Nazi collaborator and assisted the SS in confiscating wealth from Hungarian Jews. The 2010 Holtzman Amendment prohibits anyone who participated in Nazi persecution from living in the United States. Why is George Soros even allowed in the US not to mention being allowed to live here? Does that Law only apply to Gentiles and not to Jews?
Kraken Nazi's Allegedly Execute Their Own 'Conscientious Objectors' Kraken Ultra-Nationalist #Ukranian unit. That is known for its brutality against civilians. Now it is used to punish Ukrainian fighters who refuse to fight. They posted a video to frighten Ukr mobilized 2 unfortunes are dragged into forest. The sign "traitor" is hung on them.
These scumbags are KOSHER NAZISZelensky's entire administration is Jewish. What an amazing Cohencidence in a country that is only 0.2% Jewish. What are the odds?
Shlomo_Gaslightowitz. Edited
The USA is a full on Bolshevik, communist jew system of finance that absorbs everything for itself of leaves millions of people bankrupt on the streets and turns more millions as heartless savages. Its a Globalist jew creation. Get rid the jews and the USA would pick up in a short time. Just like the greatest Adolf Hitler did in Germany.
It's true. Jews are the masters of forgery and identity theft. They've basically subverted the Ukrainians and internalized the myths around Nazis. Now, these neo-nazis masquerade around doing the Jews' bidding.
i'm not familiar with that usage. the red and black in this context is the infamous Pravy Sektor flag, one of the worst most Nazi regimes in all of Ukrainehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_Sector
It's actually sad that an 18 year old is left crippled because he fell for Jewish lies (and money). A lot of people are gullible at that age and don't really think things through. You can bet (((Simon Ostrovsky))) and his Jewish buddies aren't going to volunteer to fight. That's what the goyim are for. I still remember him making up a story in 2014 that a hospital in Lugansk was hit by artillery because the "separatists" had set up a mortar beside it. Despite being right there they never managed to get any pictures or other evidence, you were supposed to just take his word for it. He completely ignored that the Jewish regime were indiscriminately firing artillery onto the entire city and portrayed it as if this was just an isolated attack. I've seen them run the same cover for Israel every time they bomb a UN school, claiming Hamas were hiding rockets there. Their puppets in Ukraine constantly upload videos of themselves using schools and hospitals as headquarters. Of course, if these buildings are attacked, they'll show the aftermath and say "Russia is attacking schools and hospitals". As usual with Jews, the things they accuse others of doing are the things they're actually guilty of themselves.
Right-Wing Ukrainian Leader Is (Surprise) Jewish, and (Real Surprise) Proud of It
A Q&A with the Right Sector Parliamentarian Borislav Bereza
Vladislav Davidzon
December 01, 2014
My meeting with Right Sector’s Borislav Bereza, newly elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, took place on a sunny Friday morning. We met at a table with a magnificent view of the Dnieper River on the third-floor food court of the Sky Mall in Kiev. Despite the prognostications of Russian television, the right wing and ultra-nationalist party that is widely considered to be emblematic of the new iteration of “Ukrainian Fascism” failed to breach the 5 percent threshold required for parliamentary representation. Only two of its deputies were elected from the party to represent specific constituencies, party leader Dmitry Yarosh and party speaker Bereza, who ran a slightly frenzied campaign that focused on his busting up illegal unlicensed bars and underground casinos. That Bereza is a proudly outspoken and synagogue-going Jew is often pointed out by those who do not agree with the mounting equivalence of Right Sector with neo-fascism.
We were put in touch by a mutual friend whom we both highly respect, a Kiev-based Orthodox Jewish film producer. Bereza is very tall and has a muscular build. He has the broad shoulders and wide gait of a boxer along with a receding hairline and piercing gray eyes. He wears a diamond earring in his left ear and sports smart blue blazers over polka dot blue shirts with the Ukrainian emblem pinned to his lapel. Loquacious, and bluntly plain spoken, he speaks in a quick flow of short and declarative sentences and often cannot wait for you to finish your sentence before launching into the breathless reply. The day before we met he had told a Ukrainian newspaper that “Putin understands very well that his modern Russia could very well follow in the footsteps of the USSR with a complete collapse.”
Undiplomatic and completely intense, Bereza, who spoke with me in Russian, turned out to be one of the most likable politicians I had ever met, a cross between a drinking buddy, an Israeli paratrooper, and the aggressively militant Jewish partisan played by Liev Schreiber in Defiance. I congratulated him with a “Mazel tov” on his being elected a deputy and he responded with an enthusiastic “Baruch Hashem!”
You are a Jew.
Yes. I am a Jew.
So, you are Jewish believer, I am told you go to synagogue, and also that you strongly consider yourself to be a member of the Jewish people.
Of course. I am not an Orthodox Jew, I do not wear peyes, or a kippah in public, but I try to go to synagogue as often as I can. I study the Torah, and that is absolutely a harmonically integrated part of my life. I go to Israel every year, since 1993, and I have lived there.
But you are also a member of Right Sector?
I am a Jew and also a Cohen. There have never been any questions about this. Right Sector is composed of people of varied nationalities, not just Ukrainians and Jews, but also Poles and Belorussians, Georgians, Chechens, we have people of every [Soviet] ethnicity represented. The question is not one of ethnicity; it is “are you a Ukrainian? Do you support Ukraine? Are you a Ukrainian patriot?” In which case, you are my brother. If you are Ukraine’s enemy, whatever nationality you might be, you and I have nothing to talk about.
The reason such questions arise is that, as you know, this country has historically witnessed many problems between its constituent nationalities. There have always been problems between Poles and Ukrainians, Ukrainians and Russians and, yes, Ukrainians and Jews.
Yes, that is so. I do not deny that. I have myself experienced casual everyday anti-Semitism. This is something I have experienced continuously since living in the Soviet Union, when my father could not go to the university he wanted to attend because he was a Jew. There were quotas for Jews, he was told. Yes, of course you are right.
I know that anti-Semitism still exists on the everyday level in Ukraine, I have felt it myself. But it is a minor problem. There is also Russophobia and Ukrainaphobia here in certain quarters, it certainly exists. But the question of anti-Semitism is not a serious ideological problem or question in this society.
All right, I understand and respect your position. However that answer is not entirely satisfying. Many of the emblems and symbols of your movement strike many people as problematic. These are World War II symbols that—
Which symbols?
—Well, let’s start with the Red and Black flag of the UPA [or Ukrainian Insurgent Army], under which you march. Under which you fight.
Great! Wonderful! You have to understand: It was not merely the representatives of the Red Army that were annihilated under the auspices of the Red and Black flag, but also fascists, as well as all those who were invading Ukrainian lands. The Red and Black flag of the UPA represented the fight for an independent Ukraine. Do you know the three classic principles that [Stepan] Bandera postulated in relation to all the national minorities living in Ukraine?
No, I don’t.
He said: “If you help me, reach out your hand to help me create a free Ukraine, you are my brother.” He also added, “However, if you don’t help me, do not reach out your hand to help me, but neither do you hinder me, you can live here. There is enough room here and you can live here.” That was his classic phrase, “There is room here.” But, the conclusion: “If you hinder the process, stick spokes in the wheel, then you are an enemy and you need to be destroyed.” So, it is all very simple.
For my ideological brothers in the movement I am much more Ukrainian than an ethnic Ukrainian like [Ukrainian Communist Party leader Petro] Symonenko. When we speak, for example about Bandera, I was too once one of those who thought, having imbibed Soviet propaganda, that he was a fascist. But I was able to read many books and to think and figure out the truth: that this was a man who spent much of the war inside of a German internment camp. That he was liquidated by Soviet, rather than Nazi, intelligence agents.
Right Sector is also often accused of being quite reactionary on the question of LGBT rights, gay rights. What is your relationship personally and also as a party toward gays?
Again, the infringement of LGBT rights is, much like anti-Semitism, a real and substantive problem, but I do not know of a single country where homophobia does not exist. I do not know of a country where there are no homophobes or xenophobes. Such people exist everywhere. Personally I have no issues with LGBT and think this to be a matter of personal freedom.
I support the comment of Faina Ranevskaya, who once said that a tragedy will come upon any government that is concerned with what the citizenry chooses to do with their asses. Which is a very crude way to put it of course.
Yet, even more than that: I personally want to go on the record as saying that I love the work of Freddie Mercury and I like to wear nice things designed by Armani.
It’s true that you are well dressed.
Thank you. I agree with you. I want to say that for me the problem of homophobia does not exist. I want to say again that I think sexual orientation, personal choice of religion and ethnicity are all matters of personal freedom and personal conscience.
Yes, but can you vouch that everyone else in Right Sector feels that way?
We do not have a totalitarian sect. No, in our party we do have people who are homophobes. But I cannot order them to stop being homophobes. I can debate with them, try to argue with them and attempt to change their mind. But I cannot force them to change their mind. All I can do is to publicly state my position.
Because, as you well know, on Oct. 31 there was an arson attack on the Molodist Film Festival, which took place during the LGBT section of the festival.
Yes, I have categorically condemned that attack. I have also clearly stated that this is an unconscionable act, especially in a country with problems with corruption, oligarchs, war, economics, picking up this issue at this moment is utterly unconscionable.
Yes. But, as you also probably know your press secretary Artem Skoropadsky publicly confirmed that the perpetrators were Right Sector activists.
That was his own personal phrasing, which was unsanctioned by the party.
His words were unsanctioned?
No. Not sanctioned.
So, the young men who did it, these idiots, these criminals, these barbarians, who did it were not members of Right Sector?
Look, yes there were also members of Right Sector involved.
I want to repeat, Right Sector is a cross-section of Ukrainian society, there are all sorts of people in it from every layer of society. We have all sorts of people in Right Sector, they could be anyone. We reflect society, do not idealize us, we are not knights in shining armor. We are what we are. We do have problematic elements and we are continually cleaning ourselves up and getting rid of them. We have internal cleaning/purges and get rid of our problems internally; if we cannot rid ourselves of these issues in house we cast them out of our party publicly.
On this same theme, you may know of another gentleman in parliament named Andriy Biletsky, commander of the Azov Battalion, a rival right-wing group. What do you think about him and his ally the pro-Russian chief of police Vadim Troyan?
Mr. Biletsky is from another ideological wing, which we are not at all involved with.
But those people are anti-Semites.
I know that, and that is why we are not in one party with them and not involved with those people. During the Euromaidan all the various parties united around the ideals of saving the Ukrainian government, cutting out Yanukovich. After that there were all sorts of schisms based on ideological questions. But if you want to talk about him, go speak with them. But if you are going to ask me is Biletsky an anti-Semite, I would answer that he probably is, but I will also tell you that in the moment when he needed support to save Ukraine, we supported him to save Ukraine. At this moment our paths have parted and we have each gone in our separate directions.
All right. You come off as an honest guy and I believe you. I believe what you are saying about not having relations with anti-Semitic groups on the nationalist right.
Thank you.
So, tell me what would you say to those Russians, those Americans, those Frenchman—
Those Israelis—
—Yes, those Israelis also, as well as all those people everywhere who believe that Right Sector is a cancer, that these people are nationalists. That you are a bad movement.
I can say over and over that we are not xenophobes, anti-Semites, fascists, but for people who are under the influence of Russian propaganda there is nothing I can do until they choose to look themselves. A few days ago, someone I knew came here from Russia and asked me beforehand if there were not arresting Russians in the street, if there were not bandits killing you for speaking Russian in Kiev.
Yes, people do believe that.
I told him to not believe it and to resist propaganda when he returned! But it is hard to resist the propaganda. If they tell you every day that your daughter is a prostitute, eventually you will believe it even if you only have a son. Here we have the same situation. The Russians are winning the information war. We are strong with works and acts. We are strong in spirit! Do not forget that Ukraine produced numerous tzadiks. Rabbi Nachman of Uman, the Breslov Rebbe. Ukraine has given the world the gift of many tzadiks! And every year we have masses of religious pilgrims, without incident. If we had incidents would so many pilgrims travel to Uman?
There are incidents everywhere! They arrested a gang of neo-Nazis in Israel last year.
Look at this country where the governor of Dnipropitrovsk [Kollomoisky] is a Jew, where numerous heads of administration are Jews, where the speaker of Right Sector is a Jew! How can one speak of anti-Semitism? How can one speak of fascism?
To be a Jew is to yearn for freedom; that is why we left Egypt. To be a Jew is to reject being a slave. This is the essence of Judaism. That is also why we stand strong against Russian imperialism, which is a form of enslavement. With some exceptions like [Boris] Nemtsov or the dearly departed [Valeriya] Novodvorskaya who see through the propaganda, the Russians are currently slaves.
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Vladislav Davidzon, the Chief Editor of The Odessa Review, is a Russian-American writer, translator, and critic. He was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and lives in Paris.
Vladislav Davidzon is Tablet’s European culture correspondent and a Russian-American writer, translator, and critic. He is the Chief Editor of The Odessa Review and a Non-Resident Fellow at the Atlantic Council. He was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and lives in Paris.
I m waiting for the Russians to push through to the Hungarian border where by the Hungarians turn into allies of Russia. That will form a land bridge to Serbia and then next in line will be the liberation of Kosovo.
politically incorrect
The Hun has nothing to do with Magyar... Magyars came 350 years after Attila...the only thing my ancestors had in common with the hun is that we originated from the steppe and fought with bows from horseback..."Hun-gary" is just a name the latinized west hung on us because we acted like the earlier arriving Huns.
Jewish Zionist Globalist plan to liquidate Slavs and Russians via Russo- Ukraine war .
Member of the European Parliament from Ireland Clare Daly pointe out how Zelensky have banned most parties specially left the wing and stated that Ukraine will not be able to return the millions of dollars allocated to it by the European Union during the conflict, as Kiev spends everything on a proxy war with Russia.
"Since the tap was turned on, Zelenskiy has banned most opposition parties, shuttered the media, attacked trade unions and workers rights," the MEP noted.
"Ukraine is marked for a nightmare round of shock therapy, a sell of public lands, deregulation of labor, sale of public assets…on it goes. The country's future is being sold to finance a proxy war that's tearing it apart", Daly emphasized.
Using the term nazi shows how little education you have on history especially when the Bolsheviks are responsible for the Holodomor and on top that the jews have been expelled from 359 countries and counting. But keep dehumanizing whites who are standing against the jews.
ik0825. edited
When does a globalist jew make anything good for the country? they make everything good for themselves and everything worse for everyone else.
annebrit. edited
the Jews were expelled because some were torturing and raping little boys for their jew sacrifices. Go look it up. Start with Simon of Trent. Thomas the monk of Monmoth or Monmouth. Dr A Jessop. Matzo of Zion. It's all documented proof. Do the research or stfu...
The Ukraine was put through the Holodomor before WWII, and now this. The same Oligarchs got their start around then too, no? How man of those are Jews? Kind like Kolomoysky, Zaleski's owner. Ukraine has been designated as the New Jerusalem. They need to clean it out so they can move all the Israelis there. America and Israel are funding all this shit, with American tax money.
Emmanuel Macron: “Ukraine suffered massive shelling today, leaving much of the country without water or electricity. Strikes against civilian infrastructures are war crimes and cannot go unpunished.”
Here is a girl victim of the French CAESAR sent by Macron to Ukraine. This is how cynical European politicians are: they stand in solidarity with Kiev when they turn off the light there, while help Ukraine to shell Donbass taking away its civilians lives.
So what exactly is the plan here? American geniuses fake a chemical attack and then send its trash military to fight Russia? That'll work out well, like their useless sanctions.
The Americans has never had any gripes about using chemical weapons against civilians. DU munitions in Iraq, Agent Orange in Vietnam, Nuclear in Japan....Russia needs to have a backup plan for when they do this.
They fired 15 tons of depleted uranium over Kosovo. 30 k Gau - 8 rounds. People they "saved" there are dropping like flies of leukemia. You bet that they built their base on a location where there was no uranium ammo used.
Zionist Jews take over Eastern European TV & media!
According to an article in the April 5, 1997 N.Y. Times, "TV Venture by Cosmetics Heir Raises Questions," Zionist mogul and former U.S. ambassador to Austria Ronald Lauder, has united with Vadim Rabinovich, a Ukrainian Zionist millionaire who spent nine years in prison for theft and has ties to the Jewish mafia in Ukraine, to build a media empire--Central European Media Enterprises-- in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The Jewish owned Central European Media controls television stations in seven East European countries in the region.
Ukrainian TV is controlled by its subsidiary, the Studio 11 Group, its local partner in Kiev. Rabinovich is linked to Grigory Loutchansky, a Russian-Jew, whose company, Nordex, is believed to be a front for the Russian-(Jewish) mafia. The Times says, "Rabinovich was jailed from 1982 to 1990 for theft from the state. He said in an interview that he had been chief of a construction brigade and had sold goods to private customers. He said he had committed no real crime and had been persecuted for being Jewish. (YEAH RIGHT!)
"...Central European Media sought to expand into Ukraine a year ago. At the outset, Fertig (its chief of operations) said, its representatives were referred to Rabinovich and his partners by a close adviser and assistant to President Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine, who praised the Ukraine group. And when questions arose about the legality of the broadcast license received by the joint venture, the same presidential adviser obtained a letter declaring that the license had been awarded properly.
"...(C)oncerns about his business activities led the British government to bar Loutchansky from entering the country...An intelligence summary prepared by a Western government, and corroborated by senior U.S. diplomats, said Ostex, one of Rabinovich's companies, had been created as an arm of Nordex, a claim that Rabinovich disputed. "In the interview in his office in a modern building in Kiev, Rabinovich said he had worked with Nordex for about a year but had broken off the relationship two years ago because of bad publicity about Loutchansky. He said his companies, which are engaged in many businesses, had only legitimate interests..."
"Lauder, whose mother founded Estee Lauder Cosmetics, created Central European Media in 1994. He predicted last year that the company would have annual revenues of $1 billion within five years, but it has run up steady losses to date. The company reported last month that it lost $30 million in 1996 compared with losses of $18.7 million in 1995 and $20.5 million in 1994.
"When the company sought to enter the Ukraine market a year ago, Fertig said, its executives were referred to Rabinovich and his partners in Studio 11 by Oleksandra Volkov, an assistant and close adviser to Kuchma. Western diplomats and businessmen said Volkov also owned a piece of Studio 11, but Fertig said he was unaware of that investment. "Along with the recommendation from the presidential adviser, the company executives also were impressed by a photograph in Rabinovich's office that showed him with President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore, according to a person close to the company.
"The photograph was taken in late 1995 at a Democratic fund-raising party in Miami, Rabinovich said. He said he had not donated money to the Democrats but had been invited to the event by Bennett LeBow, an American businessman whose interests include Liggett Group, the big cigarette manufacturer. "...Last summer Central European Media negotiated a partnership agreement with Studio 11 Group that gave the American company a 50 percent economic interest in the operation, which was broadcasting about five hours a day on Ukrainian television.
"Studio 11 received a license last fall to expand its broadcast time on Ukraine's commercial channel, UT 2, to nine hours a day, including prime time. The license, also sought by other companies, was issued despite a moratorium imposed by Parliament. "...The Ukraine deal is important to Central European Media. In a stock offering last fall, which raised $132 million, the company said the Ukraine partnership had more than doubled its market reach.
"A cablegram from the embassy to the State Department in Washington in September raised questions about Rabinovich's background and said he was 'largely considered beyond the reach of the law in Ukraine,' according to a copy provided to The New York Times." (End quote).
From the crimes of neo-Nazis to a crackdown on dissent, a Ukrainian marine commander who surrendered to Russian forces speaks about pressing issues in the war-torn country, in an interview with RT.
Ukraine has been at war since 2014. Now the gay stiletto dancing president of Ukraine want 7 billion a month from the west to rebuild this country that they destroyed themselves. America is not the ATM of the world. Tell that little faggot to go to pound salt.
Russia’s Defence Ministry claims that its forces have “liberated” the entire region of Kherson in southern Ukraine. Ukrainian officials said that the Russian army has appointed new heads for regional administration and city council in Kherson. Ukrainian Armed forces claim that they have struck at Russian positions on the Snake Island. Meanwhile, Zelensky said it must be clear to everyone that Russia's war against Ukraine is just the beginning. Zelensky also claimed that there was a "global strike against democracy" by Russia. However, Putin has said that expressed "hope" that diplomatic negotiations can end the war in Ukraine. #Ukraine#Russia#NATO#Zelensky#Putin#Azovstal#Kherson#Kharkiv#Kyiv#China
French journalist after visiting Ukraine: “I was surprised that in order to join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, this must be done through the Americans. We almost got arrested. An American came up and said: “here I am in command, not the Ukrainians.” He introduced himself. He is a veteran of the Iraq War. A report about it will appear in Figaro Magazine this week. He behaved rudely, at first he wanted to kick us out. Ordered to get sim cards from phones. We had to sign a contract before the end of the war. In general, the Americans rule there. Of course, unofficially. … I thought that we would be with the international brigades, but it turned out that with the Pentagon.” Source: t.me/donbass_photos
The shame of being an American - Just so the rest of the world knows - the govt no longer represents 'We the People".
Ukraine has been a proxy war for Russian - American forces. Many American special forces now operating in Kiev against Russian forces under the pretext of being 'volunteers'
March 7- Mon – Duke Show – Ukrainian Writer says Bolshevik Jews murdered 11 million of us, hate White Ukrainian and Russian Christians, & want us to kill each other for Jewish Supremacy!
I just found your videos and I'm addicted to it and I think its because the MSM coverage is so pathetic, the only person on all of MSM that has the balls to explain what motivated Putin to do this is Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard also but left wing media spends every day portraying Putin like he's a cartoon villain madman but if that was true they'd play his recent speeches but they don't dare because he explains exactly what he's doing and why. He's far from perfect and I hate seeing innocent civilian casualties but America and Ukraine have provoked him. The MSM never mentions the 14,000 ethnic Russians who have been killed in the last 8 years in the Donbass region. Since 2016 Leftists have called anyone right of center Nazi's and now they all support funding and arming the Azov battalion who are LITERAL neo nazi's.
Dr Duke & Sr Slattery – The Jewish Global Cabal is at war against Russia & it is also waging war on Ukraine, on Europe, America and all the goyim of the World!
14000 people had been killed in Donbass through unprovoked Ukrainian aggression Laganst Donetsk Including 5oo children Dating back to 2014 Including when Trump was in office Through non-compliance with the Minsk Agreements At the behest of the US State Department and the British Embassy in Kiev Yes Ukraine which had amassed it's military on the contact line and was planning a major offensive
The Jerusalem Post is reporting that after Israel’s ambassador to Ukraine condemned the honoring of alleged Nazi “collaborators” in the former Soviet republic, dozens of people rallied outside the Israeli Embassy in Kyiv demanding that Jews apologize and repent for their role in orchestrating the 1930s genocide during which over 10 million Ukrainians were murdered:
The far-right activists called on Israel and the Jews to assume responsibility specifically for Holodomor, a famine that killed millions of Ukrainians in the 1930s and is widely believed to have been caused by the government of Joseph Stalin, then the leader of the Soviet Union.
“Israel deliberately spreads anti-Semitism in Ukraine,” one protester, a white supremacist activist named Vladislav Goranin, said during a speech at the rally. He said Jews and Israel must “repent for genocide” on Ukrainians.
The action was in response to Israeli Ambassador Joel Lion’s tweet Saturday in which he condemned a torchlight march in memory of Stepan Bandera, a World War II Ukrainian leader whose troops killed thousands of Jews and who for a time was an ally of Nazi Germany.
Ultranationalists in Ukraine and beyond have often blamed Jews for Holodomor, citing the support of many Jews for communism and the prominent positions of power that some of Jewish origins achieved under its rule in the Soviet Union — even though they were often involved in the persecution of other Jews for their faith, which Eastern Bloc Jews were often discouraged from practicing.
Jewish support for communism increased as forces loyal to the czarist regime perpetrated multiple pogroms against Jews.
The Holodomor — where between 10 and 20 million White Christian Ukrainians were intentionally murdered through mass starvation and executions — was the brainchild of and orchestrated by the mass murdering Jew, Lazar Kaganovich, aka “Iron Lazar”, aka “The Evil Dwarf” — who personally signed execution orders for literally tens of thousands of “counter-revolutionaries.”
Today, Jewry continues to hide and obfuscate the enormity of this genocide — going so far as to blame some of the mass murders on the Germans during World War II — a textbook Marxist strategy:
Accuse your enemy of what you are doing, as you are doing it to create confusion. –Karl Marx
No apology from world Jewry will be forthcoming — as this article predictably points out, some murderous communists “just so happened” to have some “Jewish origins” — there’s nothing more to it — just more antisemitic scape-goating by the goyim.
Formerly, the communist takeover of the Ukraine was coordinated through the Jewish synagogues — the same place today where Ukraine’s vast organized crime network flourishes with impunity — nothing has changed except the labels.
Oh, and since these barbaric Jewish communists also “persecuted” some other Jews “for their faith” — then White Christian Ukrainians have nothing to complain about — it wasn’t personal.
All denials aside, communism in the Soviet Union — and the entire eastern Bloc — was top-heavy with ethnic Jews of the “greasiest type,” according to a telegram, dated March 1, 1919, by Captain Montgomery Schuyler of the Headquarters of the American Expeditionary Forces, Siberia, reporting to his Chief of Staff.
And just as it was 100 years ago, the western press is still under the control of communist-sympathizing Jews, as the above article from the Jerusalem Post clearly demonstrates.
Notorious communist sympathizer, American journalist John Reed — the subject of the flattering Hollywood biopic Reds — observed in his book Insanity Times how Jews in the media censor all opposition to their cause:
The censorship department, and that means the whole machine for controlling the home and muzzling the foreign press, was entirely staffed by Jews. There seemed not to be a single non-Jewish official in the whole outfit.
But let’s let some prominent Jews themselves tell us — in their own words — whether or not they have anything to apologize for — the genocide and social devastation wrought by this nation-wrecking ideology — an agenda which continues to this very day:
Is the media telling you the truth about what is going in Ukraine? Today on the Flyover Conservatives show, we were given a first hand account from someone with boots on the ground offering an alternative perspective on the situation in Ukraine. This is a complicated situation that has been escalating since 2014 and we will be spending the next several weeks trying to understand it.
Is this an invasion as it has been portrayed by the news or is it a liberation?
To learn more about what is going on in Ukraine, watch:
VictoriaNuland was born in 1961 to Sherwin B. Nuland, a surgeon of Ukrainian Jewish origin, and Rhona McKhann. She graduated from Choate Rosemary Hall in 1979. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Brown University in 1983, where she studied Russian literature, political science, and history. Career
Zelensky the leader of Ukraine is Jewish. All the last 3 Ukraine leaders have been Jews.
At the same time, we’re seeing deindustrialization. In 2014, the Lvov Bus Factory was closed, and, in 2018, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated over the Zaporozhskiy Automobile Building Plant. In 2016-2019, the Antonov aircraft manufacturer didn’t produce a single plane. In July 2021, the Nikolayev Shipyard – once a key part of the Soviet shipbuilding industry – was officially closed. Yuzhmash, a large aerospace and rocket factory, has been barely staying afloat since 2014. In 2013, 50,449 cars were manufactured in Ukraine, but, by 2021, the number had decreased to 7002.
Living standards are also falling. Utilities rates keep rising, and, as of now, the utilities debt has reached $3 billion, owing to International Monetary Fund (IMF) requirements. Ukrainian political analyst Vladimir Chemeris explains that “the tariffs will keep rising. Back in summer 2020, our government signed a memorandum with the IMF, agreeing that gas prices should be fully market-determined. Market price means higher price. The IMF also underlined this requirement time and time again, and our government agreed, hoping for more and more loans to at least pay off the previous ones.”
Having terminated its gas supply contracts with Russia, Ukraine has had to deal with an energy crisis. On top of that, Kiev has to pay more for gas than even the EU countries. In October, gas prices across the EU ranged from €300 to €700, while, in Ukraine, it reached €1,100.
And so Ukrainians are leaving the country en masse. In 2020, 601,200 received EU residence permits. According to the Ptoukha Institute of Demography and Social Studies, in 2021, the number of migrant workers stood at 2.5 to 3 m Mel K: The Truth About Ukraine | Flyover Conservatives
Amid geopolitical uncertainty, rising antisemitism across Europe and the worsening COVID-19 pandemic, a who’s who of prominent Jews will gather virtually December 15-16 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Israel and Ukraine.
The Kyiv Jewish Forum 2021, marking its third year, brings together 31 speakers, including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Israeli President Isaac Herzog. The online event begins at 8 a.m. ET on both days.
“Of course, the fight against antisemitism is important, but we don’t want to focus only on traditional Jewish issues,” said Boris Lozhkin, president of the Kyiv-based Jewish Confederation of Ukraine. “We’ll also have panels on how Israel became the startup nation, and how to transform that knowledge to other countries like Ukraine — as well as a panel about coronavirus, with participation by top authorities of health of both Israel and Ukraine.”
In its first year, the event attracted 500 people to Kyiv. But last year, with the pandemic already forcing many countries into lockdowns, it was held virtually, and 83,000 viewers followed the speeches and panels online. This time, some 400,000 to 500,000 people are expected to tune in, for sessions during and after the event, with potentially millions more watching Ukrainian national TV coverage of the event, according to Robert Singer, chairman of the Center for Jewish Impact.
“Ukraine’s Jewish community is underestimated. People don’t realize that it’s one of the largest in the world,” said Singer, estimating that at least 300,000 of the country’s 41 million citizens would qualify as Jews under Israel’s Law of Return. “Many elements of Jewish culture, literature, poetry and science came from Jews who were originally from Ukraine, including politicians such as Ze’ev Jabotinsky and Golda Meir.”
Singer, who hails from the western Ukrainian city of Cernivtsi, formerly known as Czernowitz, emigrated to Israel in 1972 with his family in the first large-scale wave of aliyah, or immigration to Israel, during Soviet rule. In 1991, following the Soviet Union’s collapse, he was among the first Israeli diplomats to arrive in Kyiv and establish diplomatic ties between Israel and newly independent Ukraine.
Also participating in the upcoming forum are one-time Soviet refusenik Natan Sharansky, now chairman of the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center; businessman and philanthropist Ronald Lauder, the president of WorldJewish Congress;David Harris, CEO of the American Jewish Committee; Michael Miralashvili, president of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress; William Daroff, CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations; Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League;Shuli Davidovich, head of the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s Bureau for World Jewish Affairs, and many others.
Three U.S. lawmakers — Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Maryland), Doug Lamborn (R-Colorado) andRep. Andy Harris (R-Maryland) — are on the agenda, as well as Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal; Irwin Cotler, Canada’s special envoy on antisemitism, and Marina Yudborovsky, CEO of Genesis Philanthropy Group.
Singer praised Ukraine for recently adopting the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism. Yet he warned of ultranationalist “attempts to rewrite the history of Jewish life in Ukraine, especially during the Holocaust” in some pockets of Ukraine — Europe’s second-largest country in size after Russia but the continent’s poorest in terms of annual per-capita income.
“Many things were done in the right direction, but I feel it’s not enough, and more needs to be done,” Singer said. “The broad public is very much aware of these issues.”
Lozhkin, 50, agrees. Citing a 2018 survey by the Pew Research Center, he said that 83% of his fellow Ukrainians view Jews favorably — the highest ratio anywhere in Central and Eastern Europe.
“For a period in 2019, Ukraine was the only country in the world outside Israel where both the president and the prime minister were Jewish,”said the former journalist from the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, who over the yearsbuilt his own publication into one of the nation’s biggest media conglomerates. “Quite a few Jews who have left Ukraine became Israelis, and now they’re coming back for business reasons. Ukraine is growing and it’s a good place to make money.”
Michael Brodsky, Israel’s Russian-born ambassador to Ukraine, concurs.
“For example, Ukraine’s IT business is developing rapidly, and currently more than half of the Israeli outsourcing in the IT sphere goes to Ukraine,” he said, noting that more than 30,000 Ukrainians — most of them not Jewish — are now working remotely for Israeli companies.
Brodsky said that bilateral trade between Israel and Ukraine exceeds $700 million a year, and that that the relationship between both countries is especially warm, given that half a million Ukrainian Jews have moved to Israel over the years and that some 50,000 Israeli citizens currently live in Ukraine.
Robert Singer, chairman of the Center for Jewish Impact (Shahar Ezran)
“When it comes to diplomatic relations, we have much to talk about,” Brodsky said, noting that Dec. 24 marks 30 years since the establishment of Ukraine-Israel ties. “I would describe our relationship as family. We are so close to each other, both geographically and metaphysically.”
Israel and Ukraine are cooperating extensively in the battle against two scourges: COVID-19 and antisemitism, Brodsky said. To date, only 17% of Ukrainians are vaccinated — one of the lowest rates in Europe — largely due to distrust of the government and conspiracy theories. Coronavirus deaths are breaking records every day.
“We have had very good connections between our hospitals, and Israeli doctors are going to Ukraine to offer extensive cooperation on COVID, as well as offering Ukraine assistance in obtaining vaccines,” Brodsky said.
As for combatting age-old hatred of Jews, he said, that’s a different story.
“Almost every country in the world has antisemitism, so from this perspective, Ukraine is no different,” Brodsky said, noting that Ukraine’s Parliament passed a law banning antisemitism and Holocaust denial shortly before Israeli President Herzog’s October visit to Kyiv to mark the 80th anniversary of the Babyn Yar massacre. “Obviously, this is a very important step in the right direction; the real test will be if the government enforces it. But this remains to be seen.”
This story was sponsored by and produced in collaboration with the Combat Antisemitism Movement, a non-partisan, global grassroots movement of individuals and organizations across all religions and faiths united to combat antisemitism. This article was produced by JTA's native content team.
The Oligarch, The Former Ukrainian President is Jewish.
Aljazeera’s Investigative Unit unravels a high-stakes international plot hatched by powerful Eastern European oligarchs to make millions of dollars from a crooked deal. According to one Ukrainian analyst: “It sounds like an agreement between criminal bosses. You can sign it with your blood.” The scheme involves using a web of offshore companies and international lawyers to raid US$160 million dollars under the noses of the authorities. The money is effectively being stolen for a second time… the funds were initially frozen by Ukraine’s courts after its former president, Viktor Yanukovych, was discovered to have emptied the country’s treasury. The Oligarchs include an exiled gas billionaire guarded by Russian special forces, a Moscow property magnate and an Olympic show jumper on the run from Ukrainian authorities. The investigation shines light on the ever shifting battle between the oligarchs and global financial regulators.
The former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich is Jewish.
London is the heart of the entire global conspiracy. It is where oligarchs and conspirators meet, eat, and play. And America and Russia are it's power tools. Double headed eagle I call it. sic
Great investigative journalism - sad for the ordinary people of Ukraine that it will have absolutely no impact on corruption and they feel they are powerless to do nything about it.
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Last modified on Saturday, 01 February 2025 20:20