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    Tucker Carlson: Parts of the Bible have become ILLEGAL      Have conservatives in the House of Representatives gone too far in their bill to ban antisemitism? According to Tucker Carlson and Charlie Kirk, the New Testament may itself run the risk of being banned…
Published in Religions & Faiths
Krampus: Origins of the Yuletide Monster | Monstrum   The Truth About Afghanistan A leading Medical Doctor while treating multiple heads of state learned of UN Plan to release a virus as the trigger for depopulation through vaccines. BREAKING: Whistleblowing Doctor Exposed Globalist Plan For UN Directed…
Published in Religions & Faiths
  The Church Of England Officially Blames Christians In General For Contributing To The ‘Holocaust’     CHABAD RACIST HATRED TOWARDS CHRISTIANITY AND GENTILES I have printed only part of the following article and to read all go to the following website. Merry Christmas, and OFF WITH…
Published in Religions & Faiths
Sharia for Women: A Female Sharia Survivor Shares Her Story Anni Cyrus' presentation at an IFI event in summer 2018 on Islam.
Published in Religions & Faiths
   Life in Eastern Europe under Ottoman Muslim rule Life in Eastern Europe under Ottoman Muslim rule
Published in Religions & Faiths
  Smuggling illegal aliens is STILL a Federal crime.   Biden Human Smuggling Operation Exposed! Federal Crimes Committed     ThunderRoar316   NORMA PIMENTAL PAY ATTENTION ...ITS NOT STAGED ...NORMA PIMENTAL IS A HUMAN SMUGGLER CRIMINAL AND SHOULD BE ARRESTED IMMEDIATELY!!     FoxMulder Should charge ALL…
Published in Religions & Faiths
    Home Listen Live Videos Shop About Dr. Duke Contact Dr Duke Help Dr. Duke’s Work Politics Radio Show The Latest from Dr. David Duke Home Politics Tulsi Gabbard Exposes the Warmonger elite Jewish NeoCon Cabal & anti-White Racism! Tulsi Gabbard Exposes the Warmonger elite Jewish…
Published in Organizations
  GRAPHIC: Bodies of Christian martyrs piled high on truck after massacre in Nigeria LifeSiteNews has been sent graphic footage of Christian martyrs being brought for burial after the latest Islamist massacre in northern Nigeria. Approximately 49 Christians were killed in two villages almost one hundred miles…
Published in External Articles
  The mystery of Azores In the Atlantic Ocean there lays a group of nine spectator Islands (all volcanic in origin) called the Azores which resembles many of the descriptions of a lost island in the Atlantic. Many people are not unaware of archaeologists currently studying over…
Published in Culture & Heritage
Religious Mind Control and the Impending Holy War Extremists of all three Abrahamic religions are being manipulated by the hidden hand                                   MonotheistMuslim Islam is the solution because it accepts the…
Published in Religions & Faiths
  Misinformation bill    The incoming misinformation bill will censor citizens but Government and Mainstream Media are exempt from the rules…you just can’t make this stuff up. Education yourself and sign the petition that will be tabled soon     CITIZENS REPORT 31/10/2024 Australia watches the…
Published in Hot Stories 2
  God is the Creator of all of the universe and beyond. God created the the big bang that created the universe and the world we live on.  God created the Sun, the Moon and all the plants and beyond and where does the universe end, we…
Published in Religions & Faiths
  Kill Whitey Movies Incite Racism & Real Murders   The following article was written and published in May, 1979 by a Newspaper called Thunderbolt. The organization that produced this publication does not exist today. They called themselves racist, used derogatory words like nigger and wore Nazi…
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                  Meeting with families awarded the Order of Parental Glory   Better Late Than Never? | Britain's Oldest Mums and Dads (Parenting Documentary) | Real Stories     Britain's Biggest Brood: Life in a Large Family | Real Stories…
Published in Archives
Women are important to the future. Men are defenders, but without the women and the future that they provide - what is there to protect?  The following videos giving a voice to women who are fighting against the regressive Globalist Establishment. How Real Is Fake News? |…
Published in Organizations