Smuggling illegal aliens is STILL a Federal crime.
Should charge ALL govt terrorists with "conspiracy to commit human smuggling" starting with Fake POTUS & his Willie Brown sucking whore Harris and their entire Dem party membership, along with RINOs who enable them, along with DHS & ICE/Border govt terrorists who literally take bribes from Mex Cartels and CATHOLIC/VATICAN 'charities' alike who complete the trafficking loop.
You can start making citizens arrest vs govt terrorists who violated their oaths and their own federal and state laws in aiding human smuggling and trafficking.
Until these govt terrorists and their corporatist terrorists get indicted/arrested/tried and are jailed, NONE of this will EVER EVER EVER change.
Mark Twain was quoted as saying, "It is easier to fool the people than to tell them the truth?" People love comfort, truth is not always comforting. I feel this every time I share with people to watch your reports. When in Rome do what the Romans do.
It's unbelievable that illegals are being escorted into the US without any identification.
Flood of migrant youth are being given to random strangers who signed up on-line to take them in and house them.
It's unbelievable that illegals (aka "migrant youth") are being escorted into the US without any identification and are given first class treatment paid for by US taxpayers? Puppet Biden's America? This is treasonous?
In the United States, an estimated 460,000 children are reported missing every year. Wonder how many of these kids will go missing soon? And can someone explain too me how these kids will get ( Food - Home - Schooling - Work ) meanwhile 2.5 million children are now homeless each year in America.
Owen uncovers a giant truck that is delivering food other boxes of items to NGO building that has been seen admitting illegal immigrants.
Question to person: how does it feel to be a part of America's largest illegal immigration pipeline ? ......... Answer from person: i'm going to disneyland !

Alex Jones and the Infowars crew had been tracking the human smuggling operations of the Biden administration. Buses were recorded taking children from the dirt floor child camp under the International Bridge in McAllen to a processing camp in Donna TX. Then moved to a COVID processing center in downtown McAllen from there, they are processed at a Christian Charity, where they are given bus or airplane tickets and moved to the airport or bus station. When the crew was walking to the Christian Charity center near the bus station, they witnessed five children and an adult exiting the center and being loaded in a hatch back car. Three of these children were loaded into the luggage compartment where no seat belts were present. This video picks up where the crew sprung into action.
"Christian Charity"? NO, that is "Catholic Charities". Nothing "Christian" about that Catholic organization. Biden is a professed Catholic.
I've dealt with Catholic Charities in the past on homeless issues, and I can say they weren't very charitable.
Its the catholic church. The devils are devouring children. Time to destroy the Vatican
This is so surreal, the worst part is probably that he is indeed smuggling these kids and there seem to be no incentive for the cops to do anything about it.
I hope this does happen most stupid Americans don’t deserve this nice country and they could care less, that will change quickly, just watch fools!
Expose the crime, religious institutions especially the corrupt Catholic Church of Satan!!!
Christian Churches Helping the non white invasion Into White Countries
Several Dutch churches have decided that to protect illegal Muslim invaders from legal deportation.
Christianity helping illegals.
In the past, the Christian churches fought against Muslim's invasion into Europe and were able to repeal them, but, in the process, many White indigenous European Christians lost their lives, and many were severely injured.
Today, the Christian Church is helping the Muslim invasion into Europe, and these so-called Christian leaders have no regard for the indigenous White Europeans.
The Christians Churches are helping the invasion into the United States, Canada, Australia, Britain, Ireland, and soon White Europeans will have no country to call home.
Many leaders of the Christian churches do not recognize different racial groups and believe we are all the same when it comes to white people and their rights. When it comes to other races, then they recognize their differences. The Christian church is committing genocide against whites and has done this in the past against other racial groups worldwide.
Muslim invasion of Europe (Gates of Vienna 1683)
This article is about inspiring people, including Christians; to get up and start fighting against the Globalist. The Globalist is the ones solely responsible regarding the invasion of non Whites and Muslims into western countries. As part of that agenda they have been introducing multiculturalism in replacing the White Europeans along with destroying their history and culture.
Muslim invasion of Europe (Gates of Vienna 1683)
The video: Minister opening speech
"My brothers, remember my words, you're fighting not only to defend Vienna but also to defend your faith and your traditions, you're defending your wives and children, your sisters, your brothers, mothers and fathers, because if Vienna falls, Rome will fall and if Rome falls holy mother church will fall, defend your faith, so that your children may be free to worship god."

Monsignor Raffaele Nogaro, the bishop emeritus of Caserta, claims that he is ready to “turn all the churches into mosques if it were useful to the cause and if it allowed us to save the lives of men and women.”
And so the Catholic Church continues on its path of aiding and abetting Europe’s civilizational and cultural suicide — not unwittingly, but with its eyes open. As I show in my book The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS, the Catholic Church was once one of the foremost bulwarks of defense in the jihad against Europe. But those days are long gone, to the degree that those who call attention to the fact that Europe faces a resurgence today of the same threat that it faced for centuries are ruthlessly harassed and silenced by Catholic authorities.”
Hundreds of Christian churches have been converted into mosques across Europe and America, and this is only the beginning. This Bishop is merely promising what is already occurring – and he promises it, knowing full-well that these Black invaders have no intention of becoming Catholics.
Despite being murdered wholesale by communists during the Spanish Civil War, a majority of priests today support socialism and communism.
It’s hard not to conclude that the Catholic Church is no longer Christian because it’s no longer White.

Dutch Churches Conspire to Hide Illegal Migrants Facing Deportation

Members of several Dutch churches have decided that to protect illegal Muslim invaders from legal deportation is the “Christian” thing to do, so they are now working with each other to subvert the Dutch immigration authorities:
Today there will be a meeting between several churches to see if they are able to stop the deportations of roughly 400 illegal immigrants. The option they intend to use are “relay race” church services.
The specific case that has lead to this possible action is the proposed deportation of the illegal 21 year old Armenian Hayarpi Tamrazyan. The government is intending to deport her, to stop this she has fled to the “free” Dutch reformed church in Katwijk. Tamrazyan is a member of the Christian Left wing party called the Christian Union. (Who are currently part of the Dutch coalition government).
The minister of the church claims that he believes one should follow the law, but he also says that he feels it’s his duty as a Christian to not comply. Since the father of the family committed political activities in Armenia he claims the family is in acute danger and should not be deported.
This concept of church asylum seems to be a legally dubious choice. Technically Dutch police and government officials aren’t allowed to enter a church during services. This is the main reason the churches want to hold non-stop services to ensure the police or other government officials cannot deport these illegal immigrants.
A lawyer in the Dutch Volkskrant doubted if this right could be used for this goal. The exercising of a right with only the intent to block the government from deporting people who have no right to be in the Netherlands seems not valid.
At least 5 churches will hold a meeting today to discuss the option of church asylum by this method. They have told the press they intend to see if they have sufficient resources to maintain such an action in the long term.
If so, their intention is to immediately use this option to create a safe haven for illegal immigrants. The Netherlands recently had another case of two illegal Armenians teens who ran off when they were about to be deported.
They were eventually granted an exception and allowed to stay while the government initially wanted to deport them. It seems that many Illegal Armenians are emboldened by the lack of resolve from the Dutch Government.
This is a treasonable offense — at least it would be if these churches were protecting “right wing extremists,” but because they are protecting Muslims and non-Whites, these churches won’t face the arrest or imprisonment that they deserve. Taking it one step further, they will be applauded by the Left for helping promote the multicultural anti-White and anti-Christian agenda.
And notice this story, of course, focuses on one Armenian “Christian” facing deportation, but there can be no doubt the majority of these Arabs facing deportation are either fake Christians who “converted” to avoid deportation, or they are Muslims taking advantage of the church’s policy.
Ironically, when the Catholic Church helped surrendered German soldiers escape persecution after the end of WWII, they were –and continue to be — heavily criticized by jewish groups, but because they were “evil” Germans, the Church was “wrong” to help them in any way. These Dutch churches, on the other hand, will be praised by the Jews because they are helping promote the jewish nation-wrecking agenda by hiding these Arab invaders from authorities.
Also on Christians for Truth:
Also on Christians for Truth:

The fanatically pro-Third World invasion Christian churches in Germany—both Catholic and Protestant—have experienced a nearly half-million drop in officially registered members in 2018, the largest in recorded history.
Germany: Pro-Third World Invasion Christian Churches Face Half-Million Loss in Members

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European Birth Rate Statistics. Update 2

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Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)
Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)

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