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The United States President Ronald J Trump and family gives good example of what White European Caucasians look like. Some of Trump family members are of the Christian faith and some are of the Jewish faith.       The Donald Trump video every Jew MUST watch…
Published in Culture & Heritage
  Imam Mohammad Tawhidi speaks at Australian Senate Committee Hearing on Australian Citizenship  Imam Mohammad Tawhidi speaks Imam Tawhidi answers questions of Senators at a committee hearing into the Australian Citizenship Legislation Amendment Strengthening the Commitments for Australian Citizenship.   Pauline Hanson's Please Explain   Mikhail Gorbachev…
Published in Religions & Faiths
You'll rarely see programs on western mainstream media exposing prostitution or what some call "the sex trade". Then ask yourself why? It is believed by many people that some globalist are involved in the sex slave trade.   The sex slavery has increase over the years and…
Published in Legal & Politics
 Canadian Civil Rights activist Lauren Southern has finally arrived in Australia 2018 promoting IT'S Ok TO BE WHITE.       David Yeagley: “The Dread (or Fear) of Whiteness”  Dr. Yeagley, the great-great-grandson of Comanche leader Bad Eagle, addressed the 2012 American Renaissance conference before his untimely…
Published in Inspiring Change
Tommy Robinson meets Lutz Bachmann, leader of PEGIDA, at a historic march in Dresden. The Berlin Wall stood for 28 years, and this day marked 28 years since it came down. The people of Dresden are just as concerned, angry and betrayed as the people of Cottbus…
Published in Organizations
  Thor Heyerdahl is notable for his Kon-Tiki expedition in 1947   Thor Heyerdahl From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Thor Heyerdahl (Norwegian pronunciation: [tuːr ˈhæ̀ɪəɖɑːɫ]; 6 October 1914 – 18 April 2002) was a Norwegian adventurer and ethnographer with a background in zoology, botany and geography. Heyerdahl is…
Published in Culture & Heritage
   The True Origins of Kwanzaa, Hanukkah & Christmas (The Story Behind The Yule Celebration)  One of our classics, first uploaded December 18, 2015. Since this was produced we've learned a lot more about Yule/Jul, the myths, pagan or pre-Christian Norse/Germanic traditions and some things in this…
Published in Religions & Faiths
   "According to the Aztec and Olmec (Central American Amerind) legends, their god, Quetzalcoatl, had Nordic features (eyes and hair color) and a beard. This god came from over the sea and taught the Amerinds how to raise corn and build structures."   The White European Guanches…
Published in Culture & Heritage
  Another Migrant Terror Attack At Christmas Market In Germany - FF Ep287    
Published in Culture & Heritage
    What are Elves?                                
Published in Culture & Heritage
  Women, Healing & Lore        Women, Healing & Lore In my neck of the woods, somewhere within the Blue Ridge Mountains, we have in our history those who made more than their fair mark, who we call, Granny Women, or what many now days…
Published in Religions & Faiths
How Rome Conquered Greece - Roman History DOCUMENTARY The Perfectly Preserved Roman Boat Hidden Near The Rhine | Time Team | Odyssey     Upon marching on Rome, Caesar took with him one out of his nine Legions: the 13th. This is the full history of that…
Published in Culture & Heritage
Eugene de Blaas artworks [Academic Art]  Wikipedia:  Eugene de Blaas was an Italian painter in the school known as Academic Classicism. He was born at Albano, near Rome, to Austrian parents. His father Karl, also a painter, was his teacher. The family moved to Venice when…
Published in Inspiring Change
Who are the Tatars? Europe's Oldest Remaining Islamic Community  Just who are the Tatars? The Tatars are arguably Europe's oldest remaining Islamic community, stretching back many hundreds (possibly over a thousand) years and today number in the tens of millions. Scattered over many parts of Eastern Europe,…
Published in Culture & Heritage
  World's Greatest Superhighway from Europe to USA Road from Europe to U.S.? Russia proposes superhighway       The Insane Plan to Build a Bridge Between Russia and Alaska glennw56401 A highway from Fairbanks to Nome is impossible. Most of the land in between is permafrost…
Published in Inspiring Change