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True Origins of Kwanzaa, Hanukkah & Christmas & Jewish Religion

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 The True Origins of Kwanzaa, Hanukkah & Christmas (The Story Behind The Yule Celebration)

 One of our classics, first uploaded December 18, 2015.

Since this was produced we've learned a lot more about Yule/Jul, the myths, pagan or pre-Christian Norse/Germanic traditions and some things in this segment are not correct and other things can be expanded upon. We still enjoy this video though and the overall theme is correct. We intend to do an updated video for next year's Yule/Christmas 2025.

In the multicultural west we are told to say Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas or these days Happy Holidays as to not offend others. Lana tells about the true origins of newcomer holidays such as Kwanzaa and Hanukkah. Where did these holidays originate? Are they original? Why are they also in December, like Christmas? She'll also talk about the true origins of Christmas, which is entirely borrowed from Yule, the pre-Christian European celebration of the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. Kwanzaa, Hanukkah and Christmas are all imposters, culturally appropriating from the ancient European Winter Solstice celebration. Learn about the myth, symbolism and tradition of Yule.





Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro - CHRISTIANITY vs JUDAISM


 The Talmud commands the Jews to lie to the Goyim, it is a disgusting foul religion.

 250 b.c. The Hebrew Scriptures were translated into koine Greek by Jews. Greek was indeed the lingua franca of Israel at the time of Christ. Ben is totally wrong. The Romans spoke Greek because they loved and adopted Greek culture. And the NT is not a merger between Jerusalem and Athens. Paul denounced the Athenians heavily for their idolatry in Acts 17. And every NT book was written by Jews.

Shapiro is wrong about the Gospel of John. It was written in Koine Greek which was the lingua franca of the Eastern Mediterranean and everybody understood it.

 Biblical Christianity is the fulfillment of everything God promised Israel during Old Testament times. Jews therefore taking a hold of who Yeshua is, and what He brings to the person and to the world, will actually experiencing the fullness of what God promised through their covenants. The problem is that God made His promises to all Israel but only a remnant entered into it. The bulk of them were said to be unbelieving, proving it by gross immoral conduct. This faithful Jewish remnant, with Christ, began the New Covenant faith, promised through prophet Jeremiah, in Israel from where it spread into all the world. The true New Testament church consists of both remnant Jews and Gentiles. For me then, those in Judaism since then, are those who do not believe that Yeshua was their Messiah and are still hoping for the fulfillment of the promises God made to them. The sad thing is, Christian conduct throughout history, will never convince any Jew that Christianity has its roots in a faith that made mt Sinai shake and tremble at the Majesty and presence of YHWH. The bulk of Christianity today do not faithfully represent the faith of the New Covenant. It will therefore take a honest and seeking Jew, to honestly look at what the New Testament teach (not Christianity), in order to see that the New Covenant is exactly what was promised through their Fathers. God revealed Himself to a small nation and through that nation, revealed Himself to all the world. Through this one faith, both Jews and Gentiles get to know the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (yeshua hamashiach). Blessed are all those who are part of the Israel of God. Peace...


Read 307 times Last modified on Thursday, 26 December 2024 05:48