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Bill Gates-Fake Christian; Real Jew-Brutal Proof.   VIDEO: Bill Gates Admits Covid-19 Vaccines are Untested Bill Gates Official Said Get Rid Of All Whites.   Bill Gates-Fake Christian; Real Jew - Brutal Proof Top Level Source Reveals Bill Gates is Jewish According to John Bolton 's nephew, Greg T Dixon, a…
Published in Hot Stories 2
      The presentation is about how GEO (No.1 Pakistani Channel for news and entertainment) is linked to Jewish Lobby. Take a look as how i have tried to expose it to the world. GEO IS JEW (Exposed)- ZK            The…
  EXCLUSIVE: Australian Political Prisoner Responds To Julian Assange Release           'Tesla graveyard' at Melbourne Port amid sales slump    Thousands of unsold Teslas are piling up at Melbourne Port amid reports of a sales slump for Elon Musk's company. Over 2,000 Teslas…
Published in Hot Stories 2
                  Meeting with families awarded the Order of Parental Glory Britain's Most Hated Big Family | Big Families  Meet Britain's Most Hated Big Family. The Hamlins. The dad works while the mum stays at home, budgeting fiercely to help…
Published in Inspiring Change
Women are important to the future. Men are defenders, but without the women and the future that they provide - what is there to protect?  The following videos giving a voice to women who are fighting against the regressive Globalist Establishment. How Real Is Fake News? |…
Published in Organizations