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Your Legal Rights & Building Organizations Update 3. "Everyone has the right to enjoy freedom from persecution."  Persecution The United Nations universal declaration of human rights:"Everyone has the right to enjoy freedom from persecution." In Western countries, Whites are persecuted by Globalist Government policies through the media…
Published in Organizations
  Nebraskan activist Allie French, joins Owen on the War Room to share the story of the Nebraskans who are standing up for freedom.   Nebraskans Rise Up Against Government Overreach                                …
Published in Organizations
MYFREEDOCTOR.Com will help you obtain Ivermectin Tablets. Doctor: The Day They Approved a Poison Lethal Injection to be a Vaccine is the Day I Became Antivaxx       johnmark7 Yea Alex, Trump was "hoodwinked." This is becoming pathetic at this point. It's so obvious you refuse…
Published in Organizations
      The presentation is about how GEO (No.1 Pakistani Channel for news and entertainment) is linked to Jewish Lobby. Take a look as how i have tried to expose it to the world. GEO IS JEW (Exposed)- ZK            The…
    Why Is It Always JEWISH Groups Trying to SHUT DOWN Free Speech?   tstan8795   You were so close let me finish that thought for you, if you are a third world immigrant or migrant and you think America is racist go back to the…
Rebel News Fundraising Grift & Tommy Robinson's Cocaine Problem - Bethan Nodwell   UK White Riot: Channeling The Rage - Jayda Fransen Jared Kushner is Jewish Zionist Globalist. CharlesTheChrist ✔️ Speaking of the British, we know it was their government which helped the AshkenNAZI Zionists STEAL…
Published in Hot Stories 2
  5 Censored Books Tell a History the Establishment Wants Hidden We have all been subject to altered history as we progressed through our educational years, not to mention the continual conditioning through the Establishment controlled media.  We have sourced books and other materials that reveal different…
Published in Legal & Politics
Citizen Initiative Referenda (CIR) in Switzerland in Europe  The New World Order (NWO) globalists controlling Western media and education never talk about the way Switzerland successfully runs its political system.  Their European neighbours do not really understand the Swiss people's initiatives and referendums for the Swiss citizens…
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