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10 THINGS I LOVE ABOUT THE JEWS (FULL VERSION)  A few years ago, I made a satirical video called “10 Things I Hate About the Jews.” It was ultimately about self-hating Israelis who oppose their wall and despise Trump and don’t seem to get that Christians and…
Published in Inspiring Change
GOP Leader Pushing Bill Targeting Social Media Censorship Laura Loomer-inspired legislation could save free speech  
Published in Legal & Politics
  REVELATION: Only the “vaccinated” died during the 1918 Spanish Flu       REVELATION: Only the “vaccinated” died during the 1918 Spanish Flu       12/29/2021 / By Ethan Huff / Comments Bypass censorship by sharing this link:   Everything you thought you knew about…
Dr. Tim Ball: Majority of 'Climate Scientists' Are Bureaucrats. Its Corruption On A Massive Scale    The majority of 'climate scientists' are bureaucrats and computer modelers who aren't actually involved in climate research at all. Its corruption on a massive scale.   Soros-linked political pressure group Avaaz…
Published in Hot Stories 2
Veronika Kazakova, political scientist: Are the UN’s days over? Veronika Kazakova, political scientist: Are the UN’s days over 27/10/2023 Recently, a growing number of voices and opinions from various types of experts have been raised to assert that the UN is, in fact, largely obsolete and in…
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The First Horse Riders | Horse Domestication on the Eurasian Steppe   Dan Davis Author  Who were the first horse riders in history? We know about horse domestication but knowing who were the first horsemen is more difficult. The idea of the Yamnaya Bronze Age horse warrior…
Published in Culture & Heritage
"Colour Blind" Casting is a Massive Lie Ludlowe Anne Frank died of typhus like the other 150-200K who perished in labor camps due to Allied-bombed supply lines. Jews are the driving political and cultural force behind mass immigration and forced diversity.            …
  TO KILL & CONTROL – A Brief History of Unlawful Human Experiments A brief history of crimes against humanity committed by governments around the world.                       TonySopran Sure vaccine manufactures are immune to lawsuits, but are…
Published in Hot Stories 2
How The Error Of Unconditional Love Of ‘Thy Neighbor’ Subverts Christianity     Tanz mit mir - Faun The painting above reveals some interesting information about Christian society during the (date)'s. You may notice some men are carrying weapons; women and young girls are wearing head buns.…
Published in Hot Stories 2
Anti Semitism Is The Code Word For Jews To Hide Behind For Their Crimes Against Humanity       Greatest researcher on the earth .. Eustace Mullins NAZI = NATIONAL SOCIALIST ZIONIST …] Rebel Rabbis: Anti-Zionist Jews Against Israel —
Published in Organizations
Founder and Creator of Bitchute Has Bank Account FROZEN in Blatant Act of THEFT AND CENSORSHIP!!! On the right Ray Vahey, the founder and chief executive of Bitchute. Bitchute was created out of a need for free speech absolutism during a time when YouTube was busy working on…
Published in Organizations
Leftists Call For Putting Trump Supporters In Concentration Camps!   Biden The Installed Pedo President And His Band of Criminal Socialists Video Montage: The leftist mob wants to re-educate and reprogram millions of Americans who belong to "The Cult of Trump" who must be held accountable for…
Published in Legal & Politics
The World Is Being Run By Children BrittPettibone   The world is run by children School children will get into disagreements and will usually call each other names, like, dickhead, Nazi, idiot, fool, and racist. This is commonly seen on school grounds. The children often form groups,…
Published in Inspiring Change
  The Vortex — Kamala Family, Slave Owners     Tara Reade says Biden sexually assaulting her. The Truth About Joe Biden vs Tara Reade Tara Reade has accused current presidential candidate (and former Vice President) Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her when she worked in his…
Published in Legal & Politics
 An African-American apologizes for misattributed perceptions of white racism against blacks perpetrated by Jews. WE THOUGHT THEY WERE WHITE WHO ARE THE JEWS? JEWS & THE SLAVE TRADE JEWISH EXPLOITATION OF AFRICAN AMERICANS JEWS & THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT.   Quotes: "Hello and welcome to my website…
Published in Inspiring Change