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  The 'Hunters' is Absolute PROPAGANDA in the Purest Form  
Published in Legal & Politics
 “Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind!” —George Washington The Patriot Post: America's News Digest This is a collection of informative pages we have referenced in The Patriot Post. Our Vision "For we must consider that we shall be as a City upon a…
Published in Organizations
  Blushing’ is a hot, red flushing of the cheeks unique to white people. ADAM THE ARYAN I have some quotes from this article below ADAM THE ARYAN Posted on December 29, 2013 by svenlongshanks   Adam and Eve, the roots of the Aryan tree.   Adamites Only very recently…
Published in Religions & Faiths
..html Ancient Iraq is a Disturbingly True Conspiracy... The only thing more bizarre than a 16ft, or nearly 5-meter tall statue, depicting a 5 legged human headed Bull with Wings, (which btw, was carved out of one massive piece of stone, and weighing some 40 Imperial tons,…
Published in Culture & Heritage
87. Origins of the Jews of Poland and Eastern Europe (Jewish History Lab) A brief overview of the migration of Jews to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the medieval period.   Showed 80% of Ashkenazi Jews’ maternal line comes from Europe. Where are Ashkenazi Jews from? 430 views…
Published in Culture & Heritage
Human trafficking victims, all young White girls, are being branded and sold for sex, some being raped by more than 10 men, one after each other every … January 22, 2020 By CFT Team  White Teen Girls ‘Branded Like Cattle’ By Black & Latino Sex Traffickers in…
Published in Legal & Politics
Jewish Dominance Of The African Slave Trade February 3, 2020  The links below from the above article.  Mathew Nolan Jewish Slave Trade Christopher Columbus Who Brought the Slaves to America?     Marcus Garvey - “The African Slave Trade”        Jews Owned & Sold Black…
United Nations Lobby needed to represent We The People.     United Nations Lobby During the last 70 years, we have not seen many advances for the various racial groups, and this is especially true with White Europeans. During this period, different right-wing groups promoted the idea…
Published in Organizations
    Vicki O’Brien, a producer and CEO of Relevant Entertainment.   WATCH: Vicki O’Brien of Relevant Entertainment talks about how her production company is bringing “clean” entertainment back to the big scree     Vicki O'Brien from elevant Entertainment joins Mike Adams to UNLOAD on Hollywood's…
Published in Organizations
 A look into Corporate fraud in Australia, Stranglehold of Monopolies, Telecommunications Oppression, Biased Law System, Corporate influence in politics, Industrial Relations disadvantaging workers, Outsourcing Australian Jobs, Offshore Banking, Petrochemical company domination, Invisibly Visible. It's not what you see, it's what goes on behind the scenes.  Corporate Australia…
Published in Organizations
Thousands of Covid -19 vaccine injured. 1000 COVID Stories l Tens of thousands of COVID-19 vaccine injured fight censorship to bring their stories to the public Tens of thousands of COVID-19 vaccine injured fight censorship to bring their stories to the public 08/05/2021 / By News Editors…
Published in Organizations
A culture that has lost faith in itself, strips young men of their identity and offers nothing but empty, meaningless nihilism. Please share this video: Follow on Twitter: Follow @PrisonPlanet Facebook: ********************* Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison     AllChemystery The Radio station…
Published in Legal & Politics
  Mike Lindell RSBN Interview On Election Fraud Banned On YouTube  My Pillow founder and CEO, Mike Lindell, sits down with RSBN for an interview to discuss the information he tried to get to President Trump ahead of the January 20th inauguration deadline. Trump received 79 milion…
Published in Legal & Politics
The Wagner group is a private military company owned by ..  The Wagner group is a private military company owned by Russian Jewish billionaire Yevgeny Prigozhin. This now means that neo-Nazi groups funded by Jewish billionaires (Azov is funded by Kolomoiskiy) are fighting each other on both…
Published in Organizations
  Global Eugenics: Using Medicine to Kill maxlink10  edited Laws must be changed where we the people must be able to sue and shut these pharmacy companies making these poisonous drugs down and the companies held liable for damages cause and loss of life. It seems all…