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" Remember my children that the earth must belong to us Jews" Humans Against Zionism Public Group | Facebook Humans Against Zionism has 1,267 members. This Group is about you, we want a friendly group, We've been getting lots of messages on our page with...              …
Published in Organizations
  Rumble CEO Discusses Being Attacked By Short Sellers & Protecting Freedom of Speech C. PAVLOVSKI is Jewish.       Vaccine mandates have a long history in totalitarian, communist societies like East Germany (DDR) India mass sterilisation: ‘my wife died in tremendous pain’    Bill Gates…
Published in Organizations
  The Origins of Snow White  Snow White is a very famous and popular folktale with numerous film adaptations, but what are its origins and what, if any, deeper meaning might it hold?  
Published in Culture & Heritage
Why Conservatives Are Doomed  The United States was built by Europeans. If conservatives hope to conserve anything that they claim to love – the Constitution, liberty, limited government, gun ...   Coveners League has many articles, here is a small sample, please check them out. Teach White…
Published in Organizations
    Public Square: The Pro-America Platform Taking Down The Bezos Monopoly  Mike Seifert is the CEO and founder of Public Square, an online marketplace supporting pro-America businesses that reject the woke mind virus. Head to to learn more and support Mike's work.   JonTheMarine Neither…
Published in Organizations
Charlie Kirk confronted about his Israel favoritism     Corey Smith 3 weeks ago I am an American, and I don't want my tax dollars going to Israel anymore. Supporting Israel has screwed up our foreign policy in the Middle East,. Israel has been a consistent diplomatic…
Published in Organizations
 "As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come."     All these racist Jewish ideas in this article are manmade beliefs and not made…
Published in Religions & Faiths
Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro explains what the goal of Zionism is. Why did Zionists created Zionism CMES hosted a speaking event featuring Rabbi Yakkov Shapiro. The event was held at the International Law Institute in Washington, D.C. Rabbi Shapiro is the rabbi of a congregation in Queens, New…
Published in Archives
  Jew Leads Her "Fellow White People" Apology Prayer' To Black For Slavery Prayer of Apology for African Americans | Marianne Williamson   Presidential long shot Marianne Williamson, the jewish New Age guru who claims her ‘teachings’ come directly from Jesus via her jewish mentor, Helen Schucman,…
Published in Religions & Faiths
Chairman of Jewish National Fund Claims Race Mixing is a ‘Catastrophe’ During the 1970s very few Jews married outside the Jewish community.  Because Jewish globalist have been promoting interracial marriages, now approximately 60% of Jews in the United States now marry outside the Jewish community.   Keren…
Robert Spencer: "Evangelization and Islam" Robert Spencer, (Jewish) the Director of Jihad Watch, speaks about "Evangelization and Islam: The Dangers, Difficulties, and Rewards of Sharing the Faith with Muslims" at the 2012 Defending the Faith Conference here on campus in Steubenville, Ohio. Faith and Reason Robert Spencer…
Published in Religions & Faiths
United Nations Racism Act White, black and Asian people who fight for their country are called racists, but the people who promote the multicultural society are the real racists. They hate white people so much that they want to flood their countries with non white people. This…
Published in Politics & Legal
Wikipedia the free encyclopedia founder is Jimmy Wales Jewish. Stop Jewish Propaganda & Censorship NOW!   Wikipedia's Jewish Problem Wikipedia's Jewish Problem "Why won't the online encyclopedia allow the truth about the New York Times' Holocaust coverage?" Mon Jul 12, 2010 Karin McQuillan "Wikipedia is used by…
Published in Organizations
  This rabbi promotes racist hate and ideas from the man written Talmud which has nothing to do with God. The Talmud is written by racists who have no real understanding of true history. Hess speech does not represent all Jewish thinking. The Talmud should be changes…
Published in Religions & Faiths
                Borislav Bereza.(Photo: Denis K.)   Right-Wing Ukrainian Leader Is (Surprise) Jewish, and (Real Surprise) Proud of It A Q&A with the Right Sector Parliamentarian Borislav Bereza by Vladislav Davidzon December 01, 2014 My meeting with Right Sector’s Borislav Bereza,…
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