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Ukraine & Israel as one Nation

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 Dimitri Lascaris travels to Cyprus to investigate reports in the Israeli and Cypriot media that Israelis have been 'flooding' into Cyprus and 'buying anything in sight'.
In the course of his investigation, Lascaris visited resorts and other business that quietly cater to an affluent Israeli clientele.
Lascaris also examined the little-discussed fact that the earliest Zionists viewed Cyprus as a stepping stone to the colonization of Palestine.
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The Europeans persecuted the Jewish Europeans. But the poor Palestinians have had to pay the price.

Comment: Jews persecuting white Europeans, blacks, Asians up to this date and for hundreds of years.



They did the same to Poland before WW2. Jews treated white polish christian population horribly
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1 million m
no buy muslims
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Few days ago I spoke to a woman working in Library in Essen Germany and she said the same. She mentioned Odessa will be Jewish city as it always was forgetting that Odessa was established by Empress Catherine the Great on land conquered from the Ottoman Empire.

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Zelensky & Putin are both Jewish. Hitler died in the lap of luxury in Argentina. Look up: The man written Babylonian Talmud. "Even the best of them (Gentiles) should be killed."Salvation is of the Jews not Gentiles. "Think not that I came to bring peace but division...............” He came unto His Own & His Own nailed His ass to the cross. According to Jesus the Jews are the descendants of Cain, His Own. Matthew 23. John 8. Out of His Own mouth He tells you who He is. John 10:34. Genesis 3:5. The Serpent has spoken. Look up: Ken O'Keefe - The greater Israel project. Enjoy


Youve got a Jewish Globalist president . What do you expect that he is going to look after you goys or good Jews


It seems to me people don't actually read anymore.How about this stand alone verse. John 3:12. Even Jesus was mocking them about how people don't even think about their line of thinking.If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?

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zhir d

Here’s another historical perspective / prediction from Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

This video, in which he speaks of the creation of the New Israel state on the territory of Russia or Ukraine, is from 2004.

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Catherine The Great...the so-called kraut Tsarina took it from the Ottoman barbarians. It is Russian since 1794 and it soon will be liberated. It's a no brainer that the Nazi entity, Ukraine will be a peaceful isolated landlocked after Mother Russia finally takes area.
Z all the way to the end of angloZionist globalist evil.

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Who are Ukraine’s Jews, and how is Russia’s invasion affecting them?

 2021. (Ukrainian Presidential Press Office via AP/File)

JTA — All of the posturing and fears and hypothesizing became reality early Thursday morning in Ukraine, as Russia launched a full-scale armed invasion by land and sea.

Tens of thousands of Jews live in Ukraine, making it home to one of the world’s largest Jewish communities — one with a complicated history, tainted by persecution and upheaval, that is tangibly affecting their response to the attack.

Here’s a breakdown of who they are, where they live and what they are experiencing.


How many Jews live in Ukraine today?

This is a difficult question to answer with specificity, complicated by the cultural makeup of Ukrainian Jewry and its history. A 2020 demographic study of European Jewry puts the number of Ukrainians who identify as Jews at 43,000. But some estimates of people with Jewish ancestry quadruple that number.

Despite centuries of antisemitism and pogroms that condensed Jewish populations into pockets of Eastern Europe, such as the Pale of Settlement, which included a large portion of modern Ukraine — and was known for its shtetls, and as the setting of “Fiddler on the Roof” — it is estimated that over 1.5 million Jews lived in what is now Ukraine on the eve of World War II.

Approximately 1 million of those Jews were killed in the Holocaust, but a 1989 census estimated that close to half a million lived in Ukraine in 1989, before the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Under Soviet rule, Jews were persecuted and additionally denied the right to emigrate, forced to hide much of their religious practice in a society rife with antisemitism.

After the Soviet Union collapsed, close to 80% of those Jews left for Israel and elsewhere. Many of those who remained are elderly and poor, and others are disconnected from their Jewish heritage, perhaps from the decades of persecution.


Now... COINCIDENCE ?"AGAIN"❓❓❓ [For example, the 2020 demographic survey estimated that besides a “core” population of 43,000 Jews, around 200,000 Ukrainians are technically eligible for Israeli citizenship, meaning that they have identifiable Jewish ancestry. The European Jewish Congress says that number could be as high as 400,000.]


Comment: Jewish Globalist controlled the Soviet Union, and Russia, UKRAINE today and Jewish Globalists have been persecuting whites and Whites Jews for decades.

Many Jews say the Holocaust is a lie used by Jewish Globalist to control Jews and create hate against whites. 



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 "Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born on 7 October 1952 in Leningrad, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union (now Saint Petersburg),[20][21] the youngest of three children of Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin (1911–1999) and Maria Ivanovna Putina (née Shelomova; 1911–1998). Vladimir Spiridonovich's father was a cook to Vladimir Lenin.[22] Putin's birth was preceded by the deaths of two brothers, Viktor and Albert, born in the mid-1930s. Albert died in infancy and Viktor died of diphtheria during the Siege of Leningrad in World War II.[23] Putin's mother was a factory worker and his father was a conscript in the Soviet Navy, serving in the submarine fleet in the early 1930s. Early in World War II, his father served in the destruction battalion of the NKVD.[24][25][26] Later, he was transferred to the regular army and was severely wounded in 1942.[27] Putin's maternal grandmother was killed by the German occupiers of Tver region in 1941, and his maternal uncles disappeared at the war front.[28]"

Jewish roots of Russian president Vladimir Putin.


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Socialism/Communism was created by Jews.

I think you underestimate that fact that Communism was created by Judaism.

“Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.”
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935

“The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution”
The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250

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Last week we told you about Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s odd comment that his country would become Big Israel. We continued researching the topic and found a lot of fascinating information to share with you about a movement to declare Kiev the New Jerusalem. If the main proponent of the scheme was not a billionaire, we would not pay much attention to it. The deeper we dug, the more we found. Doc Burkhart is back and ready to jump into this fascinating topic.

Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 4/11/22.

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After doing some research, am I wrong that the zionists are actually nazi’s or nazi sympathizers? It sure seems that way to me. These “jewish” ppl are NOT the jews from the Bible, they are fakes, imposters? Sure seems that way to me.


Ecumenical Alliance Seeks to Declare Kiev as “New Jerusalem”- April 11th 2022

Here is an episode from TRUNEWS back on April 11th 2022 bringing up a lot of 2012 & 2014 articles and quotes about Israeli Jews being really Khazarian Jews that plan to reverse migrate back to the old Khazaria empire which is modern day Ukraine.

Rick brings up some Israeli articles that were written in March 2014 which is right after the 2014 Ukraine coup where they ousted the democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych and installed a new president. So the TIMING of these articles are very interesting.

Here is the original March 18th 2014 article from the TIMES OF ISRAEL

Here is the original March 19th 2014 article from the HAARETZ

Notice the first article has the RED TEXT at the beginning saying that this article is only SATIRE but the other doesn't. Russia invaded the Ukraine on February 24th 2022 and only 4 days later this 8 year article by the TIMES OF ISRAEL that has sat there unchanged, suddenly gets some RED TEXT added to the top of the article to tell the interested readers that this is only SATIRE. 8 years ago after the coup in Ukraine was complete these articles were written and it was just a regular article until 4 days after the Russian invasion they now want to convince people with this added red text it is just SATIRE.

Here is the WAY BACK MACHINE that is great for recovering deleted or changed things on any website. You can click on any date to see what it looked like any at given time.*/

Using the way back machine this is the way the article has looked for 8 years right up to February 27th 2022 (No RED TEXT saying it was just SATIRE).

But the next day February 28th 2022 they add the RED TEXT saying this article is just SATIRE.

September 18th 2012 New York Post- Page#6 Henry Kissinger “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”

FOREIGN POLICY JOURNAL: US Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East? August 28th 2012

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Magog Khazar Mafia ......... Leon Trotsky, born in Poltava Ukraine, created the faux-Jew scam, and now they want all of Ukraine while they genocide the Slavic population in a 'proxy' war. The Russiana know what this is .. and now the Blood Debt is real .. and they are coming for the Magog. That includes the Magog Neocons around Biden ............ this is just getting started ... Blood Debt.


Remember only a few months after the Russian invasion where TRUNEWS exposed the Israeli article from March 2014 right after their successful Ukraine COUP where they showed this was the plan to REIMMIGRATE back to Khazaria (Modern Day Ukraine) and then they added a NOTE IN RED to the article only 4 days after the Russian invasion on February 28th 2022 that the article was just a joke and done in satire yet for the past 8 years this article sat untouched.

I put up a video about it 9 months ago but you don't even have to watch the video as I put all the WAY BACK MACHINE posts in the description area.

Khazarian Jews to reverse migrate to the old Khazarian empire? (Modern day Ukraine)


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Yes, Ukraine is Jewish Globalist , and was claimed to become little Israel after the war.
They were not destroying the Christian churches for nothing.


400,000+ Christian Ukrainian soldiers were killed as a blood sacrifice... read this JEWISH professor's book how some Jews use Christians for blood sacrifices,,,,

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As I like to bring something new to the table even when I rinse older topics, there’s a pretty epic plot-twist at the end of this, but you need to build up…
And the best way to do that is by starting where this started:

In the Book of Ezekiel in the Hebrew BibleNew Jerusalem (יהוה שָׁמָּה‎, YHWH šāmmā,[1] YHWH [is] there”) is Ezekiel‘s prophetic vision of a city centered on the rebuilt Holy Temple, the Third Temple, to be established in Jerusalem, which would be the capital of the Messianic Kingdom, the meeting place of the twelve tribes of Israel, during the Messianic era.[2][3][4] The prophecy is recorded by Ezekiel as having been received on Yom Kippur of the year 3372 of the Hebrew calendar.[5]

In the Book of Revelation in the New Testament, the city is also called the Heavenly Jerusalem, as well as being called Zion in other books of the Christian Bible. – WIKIPEDIA


Alternatively, you can look Berkut up on YouTube and activate the automatic translations, as I did. He was generous with his ideas, unlike other “colleagues”. They are usually published on //" target="_blank">a channel called “Dawn”, which also means “Lucifer” in Russian.
Here’s their full Berkut playlist, 15 vids, great memes material!


Heavenly Jerusalem (project)


Heavenly Jerusalem on the basis of five southern regions of Ukraine

This article is about a hypothetical Israel -related project . For more information, contact your nearest rabbi !

Heavenly Jerusalem (also New Jerusalem, Israel 2.0, New Israel) is a project whose goal is to form a Jewish state within Ukraine on the territories of its five southern regions: Odessa , Dnipropetrovsk , Zaporozhye , Kherson and Mykolaiv .

The project is long-term, its terms are determined by the Board of Benefactors, the time is described until 2049 and even after 2060 [1] .

Project Description

According to I. Berkut , the author of the idea and the executive director of the project [2] [3] [4] : the next five years is destruction and fragmentation after 19, and the next five years, after 2024, is reformatting. 2029 is the first step for NI”

So, by the end of 2029, about 5 million Jews are expected to arrive in the New Motherland for the construction of New Jerusalem [5] .

Israeli Prime Minister B. Netanyahu has already discussed the organization of the resettlement and settlement of Jews, as well as possible economic and political assistance in the implementation of the project, with the current Prime Minister of Ukraine V. Groisman , Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev , senior adviser to US President Donald Trump and a member of the influential Jewish organization Chabad Lubavitch , Jared Kushner .

The project receives support from well – known public figures , political scientists and analysts 6 ] : V. Pozner , Ya .

It is noteworthy that despite its scale of the project, it is not covered either in the world or even in the local Ukrainian press (meaning the central media channels), with very rare exceptions.

Almost all information about the project implementation comes from its executive director Igor Berkut . Video interviews of I. Berkut, covering the progress of the project, are posted on the YouTube channel “Rassvet”.

The official announcement of the New Jerusalem project is planned to be made after the adoption of the law on the decentralization of Ukraine in 2021-2022. In July 2019, Switzerland allocated €25 million, including for the decentralization of Ukraine [8] [n1].

The New Jerusalem project started in early 2017 with the landing in the port of Odessa of the first group of immigrants from Israel, headed by I. Berkut [2, 19:40]. This group of 183 Jewish pioneers arrived in Ukraine from Haifa ( Israel ) to lay the first stone in the foundation of Heavenly Jerusalem on the fertile land of southern Ukraine.

The management of the New Jerusalem will be entrusted to the “Council of Benevolent” consisting of 12 leaders [9] :

1. A native of Kiev , Golda Meir , 5th Prime Minister of the State of Israel, was declared Honorary Eternal Head of the Council;

2. B. Netanyahu will become the Chairman-Prime Minister, after the completion of the powers of the Prime Minister in the State of Israel ;

3. The former head of the US Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke , will manage the finances ;

4. Defense issues will be in charge of the current Minister of Defense of Israel, a native of Chisinau, Avigdor Lieberman ;

5. The secret services will be headed by Yakov Kedmi , former head of the Nativ Bureau for Relations with Jews of the USSR and Eastern Europe, who was born in Moscow ;

6. Political scientist and publicist Avigdor Eskin , who was born in Moscow, will be in charge of foreign affairs ;

7. Internal affairs will be entrusted to the former Minister of Internal Affairs of the State of Israel, Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky ;

8. The media will be headed by the famous Russian TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov ;

9. Questions of justice will be decided by a native of the Crimea, lawyer Tatyana Montyan ;

10. The speaker of the Council will be the former president of the Russian Jewish Congress Evgeny Satanovsky ;

11. The chief rabbi is supposed to appoint an ethnic Ashkenazi Khazar version of the appearance of this branch of the tree of Israel;

12. Hidden Apostle

It is planned to create two capitals in New Jerusalem [10] : the first, political and business capital, will be located in today’s city of Dnepropetrovsk and will be called consonant with the New Jerusalem project, the second, cultural, will be located in Odessa and will be called “Adessa”.

Reforms in Ukraine

The New Jerusalem project is consulted by the Polish Minister of Finance Leszek Balcerowicz [11] [12] , who, together with I. Berkut and other participants, is the author of economic reforms in Ukraine. According to the authors of the reforms, the depopulation of the population should become the basis for the welfare of the citizens of the future Ukraine: “The main principle of the reform is that the smaller the population, the higher the GDP per capita. Therefore, the main way of reform is a steady gradual decrease in the population of the country,” admits I. Berkut [13] [14] .

In accordance with these reforms, in 2017 the Minister of Social Affairs politician A. Reva said [15] [16] : “Ukrainians are not only too many, but they still eat a lot.” V. Groysman, in turn, found the courage and for the first time in the history of Ukraine said [17] [18] : “Ukrainians study too much.” I (I. Berkut) and V. Groysman, we both understand that “for a Ukrainian child, this should be” day of kavun “,” day of tsibuli “,” day of embroidery “; for a Jewish child, this should be” day of physics “,” chemistry day”, “programming day”


As of the end of 2016, I. Berkut cites the following sources of funding for the project as part of economic reforms in Ukraine [19] : $250,000 from one of the IMF tranches ($1 billion), $250,000 from the F4 fund (Ukrainian Economy Modernization Fund, Switzerland , “Friedman, Feldman, Fishman and Firtash”), we hope to receive another $ 450,000 from the George Soros Foundation .

In another video [20] , the executive director of the project speaks as follows: The foundation (financial) is laid by divine providence. Today, 2-3 billionaires leave for the other world every day. If they leave all the inheritance to their relatives, it will harm them. They can donate money to the project. Assistance is also expected from the billionaires of Kazakhstan, Russia and many other countries. This will be assistance from Russia, Germany, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the House of Rothschild , the USA, from hundreds of family funds, from Hollywood , from Apple , Facebook , Google .

In July 2019, Ukraine received funding from Switzerland (€25 million), the EU (€137 + 29.5 million) and technical assistance from the US ($695 million) [21] . We are talking about supporting public administration reforms and qualitative changes in the provision of services, as well as decentralization.


Despite the scale of the project, its consistency with high-ranking people (B. Netanyahu, D. A. Medvedev, V. Groysman, Jared Kushner, Leszek Balcerowych), it is not covered either in the world or even in the local Ukrainian press (on central channels) . The exception is the Israeli press [22] .

In his informative videos, I. Berkut speaks more than once about the outstanding figure of our time , Lee Kuan Yew , the creator of the Singaporean ” economic miracle “. I. Berkut cites this statesman as an example, and speaks of Singapore as a possible development model for New Jerusalem. At the same time, the approach of I. Berkut to the financing and development of the project is based, respectively, on the desire to receive money from global corporations [20] and the depopulation of the population of Ukraine [13]. The fact is that from the book of Lee Kuan Yew “Singapore history. From the “third world – to the first” it follows that Lee Kuan Yew has nothing to do with the approach of I. Berkut to the development of the state. He never counted on “foreign” money and dealt with the solution of numerous problems and the development of Singapore, relying only on his exceptional mind and human resource, never resorting to population depopulation.

I. Berkut, speaking in a video interview on the YouTube channel “Rassvet” about the New Jerusalem project, makes many shocking statements, which, according to critics, indicate that he suffers from chauvinism . So, at the beginning of the video [23] , a picture of the future “New Jerusalem” is presented with an explanation: “the dog in the picture represents all peoples except the Jewish and Ukrainian”

To the question of one of the spectators [24] : “I will not allow a Jewish project to be built on my land”, I. Berkut answers: “dear Petya, there is nothing of yours there and never has been. Petya – you are a disappearing small particle of biomass that the wind of change brought into our objective reality. This was explained to you under Kravchuk, under Yushchenko, etc. Petya, look around and see where you are and remember – there is nothing there, there was not and there will not be anything of yours ”

Speaking about a possible threat to Israel, I. Berkut reports [25] that in this case, from the territory of Heavenly Jerusalem, nuclear strikes by medium-range missiles with nuclear warheads (prohibited by the INF Treaty, INF Treaty ) will be launched on, possibly, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran. Quote [26] : “Thanks to Crimea, we can bomb with impunity any state that acts from anti-Semitic or anti-Israeli positions from the Heavenly Jerusalem … even if Turkey prohibits the passage of missiles over its territory, then a nuclear strike will also be inflicted on it”

Interesting Facts

Answering the question: “Do the Jews plan to leave Israel completely in the future?” I. Berkut spoke as follows: “Jews will not leave Israel until our Sun goes out and turns into a white dwarf, which will happen in about 7 billion years” [27] [28] [29] . The fact is that before the moment of transformation into a white dwarf, the sun will go through a phase of significant increase in size and increase in its brightness. This will happen in 3.5 billion years. By that time, the water from the surface of the planet will completely disappear, volatilizing into space. This catastrophe will lead to the destruction of all forms of life on Earth. It is very unlikely that the Jews will remain in Israel at that time.

Reflecting on the future of convenient transport between Israel and New Jerusalem, I. Berkut allows the use of comfortable airships. Interestingly, they will be equipped with everything that the soul of a Jew desires, including swimming pools and playgrounds [30] .

Two existing nuclear power plants in the territory of the future New Jerusalem are supposed to be used for bitcoin mining [31] . The mining of a cryptocurrency like bitcoin is based on the “ proof of work ” (PoW) method, in which the probability of creating the next block is higher with the owner of more powerful equipment. An alternative to it is the “ proof of ownership ” method (Proof-of-stake, PoS), in which the probability of the participant forming the next block in the blockchainis proportional to the share that the accounting units of this cryptocurrency belong to this participant from their total number. In view of the fact that PoS does not require significant expenditures of electricity, cryptocurrencies based on this principle seem to be more promising at the moment.

I. Berkut, talking about New Jerusalem, repeatedly refers to chapter 21 of the Revelation of John the Theologian , which deals with the second coming of Christ and the creation (more precisely, the descent from heaven) of Heavenly Jerusalem [32] [33] [34] [35] . Also, based on Revelation, the composition of the council of benefactors of Heavenly Jerusalem is chosen [9] . Moreover, if the Revelation speaks of representatives of the twelve tribes of Israel, then the Jews are elected to the council of benefactors without regard to belonging to any tribes. This fact may be due to the fact that 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel are considered lost .

During the implementation of the “Heavenly Jerusalem” project, the conflict between the Galicians and the Jewish community in Ukraine was exposed. In one of the videos [36] I. Berkut reads a poem from a certain Jew Mikhail Fonkin called “To the slanderers of Jerusalem”, which is clearly a parody of A. S. Pushkin’s poem “To the slanderers of Russia” [37] . Moreover, I. Berkut does not give references to A. S. Pushkin, but presents this mix as an insight of this very Fonkin. Two points from “Fonkin’s poem” can be noted: the words of A. S. Pushkin “redeemed with blood” were replaced with “redeemed with money; also the words “you did not read these bloody tablets” were replaced with “you did not read either the Protocols of the Wise Men or the Tablets of Moses … “Here we are talking about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion , the main document”The Jewish-Masonic Conspiracy , as well as the Pentateuch of Moses and the Talmud  – the main books of Judaism.


  1. Go↑ Zelensky – Lion of Jerusalem. Harry Berkut. 05/24/2019 [Dawn] .
  2. Go↑ Igor Berkut. Who won Ukraine? 05/23/2017 [Dawn] .
  3. Go↑ Harry Berkut. Ukraine: nothing will return 11/22/2018 [Dawn] .
  4. Go↑ Zelensky – Lion of Jerusalem. Harry Berkut. 05/24/2019 [Dawn] .
  5. Go↑ Zelensky – Lion of Jerusalem. Harry Berkut. 05/24/2019 [Dawn] .
  6. Go↑ Zelensky – Lion of Jerusalem. Harry Berkut. 05/24/2019 [Dawn] .
  7. Go↑ Bortnik Ruslan Olegovich .">Archived from the original on August 23, 2017. Retrieved November 10, 2019.
  8. Go↑ Switzerland allocates 25 million euros for reforms in Ukraine (07/09/2019).">Archived from the original on July 10, 2019. Retrieved November 10, 2019.
  9. Jump to:9.0 9.1 Igor Berkut. Part I. Ukraine-Israel: one nation, one destiny. 01/20/2017 [Dawn] .
  10. Go↑ Zelensky – Lion of Jerusalem. Harry Berkut. 05/24/2019 [Dawn] .
  11. Go↑ Igor Berkut. Renaissance of Ukraine. 10/20/2016 [Dawn] .
  12. Go↑ Igor Berkut. Vakarchuk is our president. 10/20/2017 [Dawn] .
  13. Jump to:13.0 13.1 Igor Berkut. Renaissance of Ukraine. 10/20/2016 [Dawn] .
  14. Go↑ A long-term process of cleaning up the territory from the population has been launched in Ukraine (11/02/2016).">Archived from the original on April 9, 2019. Retrieved November 10, 2019.
  15. Go↑ Igor Berkut. Vakarchuk is our president. 10/20/2017 [Dawn] .
  16. Go↑ Minister of Social Policy Reva said that Ukrainians eat too much. What do you think? (08/12/2017).">Archived from the original on April 24, 2019. Retrieved November 10, 2019.
  17. Go↑ Igor Berkut. Vakarchuk is our president. 10/20/2017 [Dawn] .
  18. Go↑ Groysman “inspired” schoolchildren with a speech that not everyone needs higher education (09/01/2017).">Archived from the original on 25 September 2019. Retrieved 11 November 2019.
  19. Go↑ Igor Berkut. Renaissance of Ukraine. 10/20/2016 [Dawn] .
  20. Jump to:20.0 20.1 Igor Berkut. Part I. Ukraine-Israel: one nation, one destiny. 01/20/2017 [Dawn] .
  21. Go↑ We are talking about supporting the reform of public administration and qualitative changes in the provision of services, as well as decentralization (07/09/2019).">Archived from the original on July 10, 2019. Retrieved November 11, 2019.
  22. Go↑ Igor Berkut. Part I. Ukraine-Israel: one nation, one destiny. 01/20/2017 [Dawn] .
  23. Go↑ Harry Berkut. When will Ukraine rise again? 08/01/2018 [Dawn] .
  24. Go↑ Igor Berkut. Part II. Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny. 03/07/2017 [Dawn] .
  25. Go↑ Harry Berkut. How to equip Israel 2.0 in Ukraine 06/06/2018 [Dawn] .
  26. Go↑ Harry Berkut. How to equip Israel 2.0 in Ukraine 06/06/2018 [Dawn] .
  27. Go↑ Igor Berkut. Part II. Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny. 03/07/2017 [Dawn] .
  28. Go↑ Harry Berkut. How to equip Israel 2.0 in Ukraine 06/06/2018 [Dawn] .
  29. Go↑ Harry Berkut. Ukraine: nothing will return 11/22/2018 [Dawn] .
  30. Go↑ Harry Berkut. How to equip Israel 2.0 in Ukraine 06/06/2018 [Dawn] .
  31. Go↑ Harry Berkut. How to equip Israel 2.0 in Ukraine 06/06/2018 [Dawn] .
  32. Go↑ Igor Berkut. Part I. Ukraine-Israel: one nation, one destiny. 01/20/2017 [Dawn] .
  33. Go↑ Igor Berkut. Part I. Ukraine-Israel: one nation, one destiny. 01/20/2017 [Dawn] .
  34. Go↑ Igor Berkut. Part I. Ukraine-Israel: one nation, one destiny. 01/20/2017 [Dawn] .
  35. Go↑ Igor Berkut. Vakarchuk is our president. 10/20/2017 [Dawn] .
  36. Go↑ Igor Berkut. Who won Ukraine? 05/23/2017 [Dawn] .
  37. Go↑ What are you making noise about, folk vitias? .
RISU is a government agency in Ukraine

Khazaria 2.0? The Planned Jewish Migration Out of Israel – to Ukraine

Europe Reloaded Project, March 4, 2018

Netanyahu on the left is Jewish.

Pam Barker | Director of TLB Europe Reloaded Project


Genetic research showing that eastern European Jews do indeed originate from the historical region of Khazaria in Central Asia and not Palestine has been officially accepted, which Jim Wald discusses below. Curiously, a mere month before this news was released in 2014, the western-backed coup in Ukraine erupted. Just a coincidence? As our first author JC Collins observes, the war in Ukraine was intended to clear the Russians out of the Donbas and Crimea.

And Khazakhstan, a large country some distance to the east of Ukraine (see map), has been developing relations with Israel since the collapse of the Soviet Union around 1990, relations on a number of key fronts. Astana, its capital located in the far north-east of the country, has undergone a construction boom with key monuments having a strongly Masonic character.

As Collins observes, strange times on the new world frontier.


ER ed.: this article was first published on May 30, 2016

The Planned Jewish Migration Out of Israel



On March 16, 2014 the Times of Israel published a little discussed pieced titled Leaked Report: Israel Acknowledges Jews in Fact Khazars; Secret Plan for Reverse Migration to Ukraine. Just four weeks before this explosive publication, on February 18, 2014, the official and democratic government of Ukraine was ousted and a Jewish-supported new interim government was appointed. Both of these occurrences can be connected to the larger construction of a new world capital in Kazakhstan called Astana (see image).

The Times of Israel piece is important because, for the first time, there is a semi-official pronouncement of the Khazarian heritage of Eastern European Jews who migrated to the land of Palestine and established the nation of Israel.

This idea was first promoted by the Hungarian historian Arthur Koestler in his 1976 book titled The Thirteenth Tribe.  Koestler suffered heavy criticism and his book was the target of a massive propaganda campaign meant to discredit his work. The fact that an official Jewish publication is now discussing a “secret report” promoting the same conclusion should not go unnoticed by the large contingent of online scholars and historians.

The Khazars were a Mongol-Tatar people (see map below) who converted to Judaism en masse during a tumultuous time in Eastern European history.  Surrounded on both sides by the warring religions – Christianity and Islam, the Khazar Empire choose the path of Judaic conversation as a means of stemming off invasion from either of its larger neighbors.

In the 11th Century, the Russian Empire conquered Khazaria and destroyed any possibility of a larger establishment of a Khazarian/Jewish homeland in Eastern Europe. Centuries later, the Khazarian remnants gained a level of revenge by orchestrating the Bolshevik Revolution and murdering the Russian monarch family the Romanovs.

It is probable, but not easily proven, that after Lenin’s death and the rise of Stalin, the Soviet Union once again came under control of the ethnic Russians.  This lasted until the fall of the Berlin Wall and the complete collapse of the USSR, at which time the foreign encouraged oligarchs who contributed to the economic downfall of the Union established a de facto business and industrial dictatorship over what remained.

PM Netanyahu with Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev

Ironically, the nation of Israel established diplomatic ties with the former Soviet Union member state of Kazakhstan in 1991, along with others, such as Georgia. The relationship between Israel and Kazakhstan has grown at a steady pace and includes coordination along political, trade, economic, defense, and intelligence lines.

Since the rise of Vladimir Putin in Russia and the arrest and expulsion of the oligarchs, there has been an exodus of ethnic Russians from Kazakhstan back to the motherland.  This migration has included Russian doctors, teachers, scientists, and other prominent members of society. As such, Israel has been providing Kazakhstan with an increase in Jewish expertise in those same areas as relations tighten even further.

In addition, 25% of Israel’s oil comes from Kazakhstan.  This is set to grow substantially in the coming years as Israel finds itself further isolated diplomatically and will be forced to give up the West Bank and possibly the Gaza Strip in order to appease international pressure. Settlers from these areas have already begun to migrate into Kazakhstan, but not at the anticipated pace of migration into Eastern Ukraine.

As strained relations between Russia and Kazakhstan increase, and military bases on both sides of the border are hardened, the battle for control of Eastern Ukraine quietly continues without much coverage in the Western media. This war is meant to remove the ethnic and Russian speaking majority from the east of the country – a region which made up a large section of the Khazar Empire a thousand years before.

When the map of ancient Khazar is superimposed over a modern map of Eastern Europe, we can clearly see the importance of Ukraine and Crimea, as well as other areas of past tension and war, such as Georgia.


Igor gekko golden eagle personal life. Who is Berkut and who is his “Brother”? “I have nine passports by profession”



Born in 1964 in Severodonetsk Lugansk region where he spent his childhood. After graduating from school number 10, he entered and successfully graduated from the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School. Having received a military education, in 1986-1987 he served as a commander of a reconnaissance platoon in the Central Group of Forces in the forty-fifth separate airborne assault battalion. In 1988, at his own request, he was sent to the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, as a reconnaissance platoon commander, then as a battalion reconnaissance chief. In 1989, in connection with the reform of the 40th Army, he was transferred to the Central Asian Military District, where he served until 1991. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he retired at the age of 27…

Why does the “former spy” need Severodonetsk?

I will not speak for a long time about the book, in which the probable scenarios for the dismemberment of Ukraine are described with particular voluptuousness. I am more curious about the person of Igor Berkut, the leader of the Great Ukraine political party, a native of Yenakiyevo, a businessman who has long and fruitfully worked in Kazakhstan and Russia (he himself claims that he has a business in Ukraine as well). The real name is Gekko, but for political work he took the pseudonym Berkut. The Great Ukraine party was registered in 2006 after a long and stubborn resistance from then Minister of Justice Roman Zvarych.

We are mobile phone contacted Mr. Zvarych to ask why he did not want to register “Great Ukraine”.

I don’t remember all the details, he said. – After all, then we daily made decisions on some parties, but my claims in the “Great Ukraine” consisted in the fact that its program documents contained goals and objectives that did not imply the preservation of the sovereignty and state borders of Ukraine.

It is not known for sure whether the party corrected the program, or whether the minister was replaced, but in 2006 Great Ukraine was registered and became a political party.

I turned to experts close to Viktor Yushchenko. Well, they must know who ordered the anti-Ukrainian and anti-presidential book. “We don’t know for sure, most likely the Russian special services, the GRU, the FSB,” they answered me.

The biography of Igor Vitalievich, who calls himself a “former spy”, and now a successful banker, fits into three lines. He graduated from the Moscow Combined Arms Command School, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, where he commanded a reconnaissance company and where he went of his own free will. The last place of service of Igor Gekko wasCentral Asian Military District . After the collapse of the country, he refused to swear allegiance to another state, resigned. We will not analyze and dig into how in 1991 he won a grant to study in the USA. Well, the man was lucky… The fact is that Igor Vitalyevich returned from there as a junior partner of TEXAKABANK, which was registered in Kazakhstan.

Later, Igor Vitalievich and his American partner resell this bank to Sberbank of Russia (Russian business publications mention this), during the same period they talk about the purchase of Metrocombank in Moscow by Igor Gekko. And now, on the official web page of the bank, the head of the board of the bank in the capital of the Russian Federation is the brother of Igor Vitalievich Valery Gekko. And the head of the board of directors of the Kazakhstan branch of the bank – Igor Vitalievich Gekko himself .

political activity in Ukraine, this citizen is engaged sporadically and still to no avail.

In 2001, before the elections in Verkhovna Rada Mr. Gekko appears in Severodonetsk, takes the local newspaper under his wing and puts forward his candidacy in the 112th single-mandate constituency. Interestingly, Gekko scored 20.8% and finished in second place. But then a scandal followed. The press wrote that in 2001 he did not earn a penny in Ukraine. Since one of the requirements of the law for candidates for deputies is permanent residence in Ukraine for 5 years before the elections, this led to a number of proceedings. Then the Ministry of Internal Affairs accused Gekko that he lived in Kazakhstan and had at least two passports. During further proceedings, it emerged that he had illegally obtained Ukrainian citizenship. In 2003, about the citizenship of Gekko, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Kazakhstan officially applied to the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, which tried to find out on what basis a citizen of Kazakhstan was registered as a candidate for Ukrainian deputies. Over time, the scandal subsided. Everyone was busy with the presidential campaign.

In 2004, Igor Vitalyevich was a participant in the “Civil Initiative” action and seemed to even sympathize with the opposition candidate Viktor Yushchenko. However, already in 2005, Gekko “disappointed” in the leader of the orange. In the same year, he created the Rodina-East movement, which began operations in Luhansk and the region. The project is now closed…

In 2005, Igor Vitalievich was registered by the Central Exhibition Commission as 15th issue of the Evgeny Marchuk Block, a member of his own party “Freedom” in the parliamentary elections in 2006.

The press writes that in early 2007, Gekko announced himself in Kyiv, initiating one of the first referendums on the resignation of Leonid Chernovetsky. This initiative gained a second wind in the winter of 2008. Together with him, representatives of Mikhail Brodsky, the Klitschko Bloc and other political forces attended a press conference against Chernovetsky.

They say that in 2008 the party was taken under guardianship by David Zhvania. Whether this is true or not, we don’t know. Since Igor Vitalyevich’s public defense of David Zhvania in the latter’s “passport scandal” cannot serve as confirmation of their cooperation. But now Igor Berkut is on the radar again. It is not surprising. The country smells of elections.

“I have nine passports by virtue of my profession”

We visited the round table, the main participants of which were Igor Berkut and the co-author of the book mentioned above, Roman Vasylyshyn. General impression of Igor Vitalievich? He is not without the charm of masculinity … Big growth, a scar on his face, an open face, his speech is simple, but thoughtful, with facts. The rhetoric is anti-government, but not openly Vitrenkovian. Scolds mostly irresponsibility of the President. Scolds that the National Security Council is headed by a female gynecologist and that the civilian Minister of Defense does not understand military equipment. He scolds the current electoral system for closed lists, for the impossibility of democracy, for the fact that in Ukraine the real winner of the elections will still not be able to take part in government. He scolds the authorities for the fact that in Russia, for example, Mordashov (head of Severstal) pays more than 440 dollars of tax per ton of steel, while in Ukraine Akhmetov pays only 140. Is this fair?

I, unable to stand it, interrupted somewhat impolitely:

Is that why you do business exclusively in Russia and Kazakhstan?

Igor Vitalyevich, with impeccable restraint, replies that he also has a business in Ukraine, and then he talks in detail and reasonably about the success of reforms in Kazakhstan.

In Ukraine, all TV channels belong to five or six families, he continues.

Well, in Russia, all TV channels are in the same hands, – I continue to taunt, – so five or six owners are not so bad … After reading your book, we assumed that your sponsor is either the FSB, or the GRU, or similar near-Putin structures … The GRU loves such names – “Great Gagauzia”, ​​”Great Adygea”, by analogy “Great Ukraine” … But recently they started talking about David Zhvania being related to “Great Ukraine”. Could you clarify for us who is the financial sponsor and political father of the Great Ukraine project? I asked.

Igor Vitalyevich smiles encouragingly, tells how difficult it is in Ukraine. He comes to Ternopil, and there they refuse to talk to you until you express your position on the second state and NATO, and how difficult it is to campaign in Donetsk, where they don’t want to talk to you if you are not a “regional”.

You may not believe. But I am not from the FSB and not from the GRU, and what does Zhvania have to do with it?

“I don’t believe it,” I mentally answer. And since there were no questions in the hall, I continue to be interested:

You had serious problems with Ukrainian citizenship in the last elections. Are you sure that you have a passport of Ukraine and that you are a citizen of this country?

Igor Vitalievich answers without a shadow of indignation:

I have nine passports by profession. And there were twelve in general, three had a statute of limitations. This was necessary for the safety of my family. But yes, I am a citizen of Ukraine.

After the press conference, Igor Vitalievich was approached by a pensioner and a pioneer – they invited him to cooperate and expressed support. And in this, in general, a clear story, I was missing one link. For me, this is a deeply secondary matter – which of the local top politicians does Mr. Gekko-Berkut work part-time and what tactical tasks he solves. Soon the elections, everything will become clear.

But it is obvious that he is in the service of another state. Why, the very name of the Great Ukraine project was not invented in Ukraine. Ukraine is not particularly interested in “greatness”. We are not Gagauzia and not Russia. Ukrainians do not have such ambitions – to be “great” (but poor), it is enough for us to be a strong, prosperous, European power, and not “great”. A bank account and clean streets are more important to us than having a nuclear bomb. Any Ukrainian-mental resident of our country will understand this.

By the way, in the newly published book, Berkut and Vasilishin praise Putin for his response to the “Chechen terrorist attacks” – the explosions of houses in Buynaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk. While it is no secret to anyone that these explosions thinking people have not been considered “Chechen terrorist attacks” for a long time. According to the Western community, the mentioned explosions are only a stage for a “small victorious war” conceived by the Kremlin political strategists in order to raise Vladimir Vladimirovich’s rating before the first presidency. The book scolds Mikhail Khodorkovsky, but for some reason forgets how Putin’s friends dismantled the best Russian company, Yukos, piece by piece.

It seemed to me that Igor Vitalyevich most likely did not read the book itself. Its main writer, co-author is Roman Vasylyshyn ( former member People’s Rukh of Ukraine), who offered to exchange Putin for Yushchenko at a press conference and said that “Ukraine can crumble like a rotten deck.” He has an ambiguous reputation among the old Rukhites.

Rukh from the very beginning of its foundation was literally “stocked” with Russian agents, Yaroslav Kendzor said in a commentary to UNIAN. – I think Vasilishin is one of them. He somehow got into the trust of Gennady Udovenko, who headed the party. And then, when his goals became obvious, he left Rukh under pressure. But now, with the advent of this anti-Ukrainian book, it is clear who he works for.

… As for Berkut, the question is really interesting: why did he need to acquire a Ukrainian passport and take part in Ukrainian elections? Can you imagine taking yourself by the hair, pushing yourself into a plane and flying to some Severodonetsk, imitating that you live and work there? Why so much effort? Why spend so much money on PR? Why abandon the banking business in Russia and Kazakhstan for the sake of Severodonetsk?

An epoch-making event at the beginning of 2017, which the Ukrainian media did not even mention in passing, was the landing in the port of Odessa of the first group of immigrants from Israel, led by the former Soviet military intelligence officer Igor Berkut, who is now revered by many Jews around the world as “Mashiach Ben Yosef” .

For reference. short biography Igor Berkut

Igor Vitalyevich Berkut (real name – Gekko) was born in 1964 in Severodonetsk, Luhansk region, where he spent his childhood. After graduating from school No. 10, he entered the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School, which he successfully graduated from. Having received a military education, in 1986-1987 he served as a reconnaissance platoon commander in the Central Group of Forces in the 45th separate air assault battalion. In 1988, at his own request, he was sent to Afghanistan, where he was the commander of a reconnaissance platoon, then he was appointed head of the reconnaissance battalion. In 1989, in connection with the reform of the 40th Army, Igor Gekko was transferred to the Central Asian Military District, where he served until 1991. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he (at the age of 27) retired. Thanks to a grant received under the program for former Soviet military personnel, Igor Gekko received a financial education in Russia and the USA in 1991-1992. Probably, during the years of study abroad, he was recruited by the Israeli special services (otherwise, further events in his fate simply cannot be logically explained). Then he worked in the banking and financial sector, where he made a very successful career. Organized and led the party “Great Ukraine”. He wrote the book “The True History of Ukraine”, where he sets out his own version of the events that took place on the territory of our country, starting from 142,000 BC.

In January 2017, a group of 183 Jewish pioneers arrived in Ukraine from Haifa (Israel) on a ship to lay the first stone in the foundation of the so-called Heavenly Jerusalem on the fertile southern Ukrainian land. This event marked the beginning of the practical implementation of the grandiose Jewish civilizational project “Heavenly Jerusalem” (also called “New Jerusalem”), which, according to its organizers, will be implemented on the territory of 5 regions located in southern Ukraine: Odessa, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson and Nikolaevskaya.

It is assumed that the next object may be the Crimea. It is known that under the Bolsheviks, the Jews already intended to create a Jewish republic in the Crimea, the project was considered from 1924 to 1944. Now they, having strengthened during the period of “democratic reforms” and enlisted the support of a number of Jewish figures in the leadership Russian Federation Apparently, they intend to bring the matter to an end.

After all, as I. Berkut explains, according to the teachings of Kabbalah, the number 5 means harmony, development and the possibility of self-improvement; and the number 6 is the acquisition of an eternal home.

From the speech of Igor Berkut himself – the executive director of the project to create the main center of world Jewry on the territory of five southern Ukrainian regions – it became known that by 2027 “New Jerusalem” should become a center of prosperity for the Jewish settlers, built on the technologies of the 7th economic order ( see video below).

Enormous money and decisive breakthrough technologies for the “Heavenly Jerusalem” will be given by the largest banking houses and the world’s multinational companies, most of which, as is well known, are owned by Jews. The “Heavenly Jerusalem” project is a practical response to the predictions of the well-informed political heavyweight, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the late Palestinian prophet Sheikh Yassin, that by 2022-2025 the settlement of Jews in the current territory of Israel will become impossible due to the aggressiveness of the surrounding Muslim population, natural anomalies and the coming cataclysm of the “Battle of the End”, predicted by the prophet Daniel.

According to Igor Berkut, an advanced group of Jewish settlers under his leadership has already begun in the most active way preparing the infrastructure to receive the first hundred thousand Jews. Their arrival and resettlement on the territory of the “New Jerusalem”: Odessa, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson and Nikolaev regions, is expected until mid-2018. And in total, by the end of 2022, 6 million Jews from Israel and more than 12 million from Russia, the USA and the EU countries are expected to arrive in the New Motherland.

The management of the “New Jerusalem”, when it is officially announced (after the adoption of the Law on Decentralization of Ukraine), will be entrusted to the Board of Benevolents, consisting of 12 leaders. Here is the final composition:

  • A native of Kyiv, Golda Meir, the 5th Prime Minister of the State of Israel, was declared Honorary Eternal Head of the Council.
  • B. Netanyahu will become the chairman-premier, after the end of the powers of the prime minister in the State of Israel.
  • The Speaker of the Council will be the former President of the Russian Jewish Congress Evgeny Satanovsky.
  • The finances will be managed by the former head of the US Federal Reserve, Ben Shalom Bernanke.
  • Defense issues will be in charge of the current Minister of Defense of Israel, a native of Chisinau, Avigdor Lieberman.
  • The secret services will be headed by the Moscow-born former head of the Nativ Bureau for Relations with Jews of the USSR and Eastern Europe, Yakov Kedmi.
  • Foreign affairs will be in charge of the Moscow-born political scientist and publicist Avigdor Eskin.
  • Internal affairs will be entrusted to the former Minister of Internal Affairs of the State of Israel, Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky.
  • Propaganda will be led by the famous Russian TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov.
  • Tatiana Montyan, a native of Crimea, a lawyer and jurist, will deal with issues of justice.
  • The chief rabbi is supposed to appoint an ethnic Ashkenazi Khazar version of the appearance of this branch of the tree of Israel.

Literally everything has been thought out, up to the creation of analogues of the Soviet organizations of the Octobrists and Komsomol members. As conceived by the organizers, residents of any non-Jewish nationality living on the territory of the “New Jerusalem” will be asked to take the appropriate exams to obtain a certificate officially confirming that this person is not an anti-Semite. This document will give the right to work in the government agencies of the new Jewish state, the rest of the “natives” living there will be given a cash allowance so that they can survive without problems and do not engage in crime. Dnepropetrovsk will be the official capital, and Odessa will be the cultural capital.

Reflections on the New Jerusalem Project

According to astrologers, according to the so-called “Law of Changes”, the arrival of the cosmic energies of the year of the red rooster (01/28/2017) heralds the beginning of a new stage in the cycles of history. At the same time, the cycle itself starts in 2020 (according to the Eastern calendar, the year of the white rat). And in general, apparently, the very next few years will become a turning point: a radical change in the mindset of the masses, the way of life of the elites, the very system of power and the political course of the heirs of the USSR from the current “admiration for the West” to “self-reliance”.

As a consequence, this will inevitably give rise to a wave of changes with a powerful amplitude. A wave that naturally, first of all, can sweep away the main conductors of such projects to change the world order, which have already brought almost the entire planet and our country, in particular, into a state of the deepest systemic crisis.

Something tells us that the described Jewish plans will not be able to come true. They’ve got a start, yes. However, the beginning alone does not guarantee a successful completion. As they say, the Jews propose, but the Almighty disposes.

However, this does not mean that one can sit back and wait for the Lord God (Almighty, Higher power, History, Space, Noosphere, etc. – whoever likes it) will correct the situation, and direct it for the better. You have to fight for your future. And first of all, by raising our own level of general literacy in the broadest sense of the word. Then people will be more difficult to manipulate and the project, like the one described above, will not be successful. It should be understood that now people are actually being constantly brainwashed through most of the leading TV channels, magazines and newspapers, owned by you-know-who.

Igor Berkut says: Ukraine-Israel: one nation, one destiny…» Is it true? As is well known, representatives of more than 130 nationalities and nationalities live on the territory of Ukraine. How many of them are ready to agree with such a statement? How many of them are ready to start studying the basics of Judaism and pass the relevant exams in order to receive a certificate from Jews who arrived from Israel, giving them the right to work in their native Ukraine? How many Orthodox people (or Muslims, or Catholics, or Protestants) want their children to join the youth organization of the “Cossack Jews” (analogous to the Soviet Komsomol)?

If you don’t have time to watch both parts of the interview “Ukraine-Israel: One People, One Destiny” (and this is a total of about two hours), in any case, we recommend watching the last three minutes of the 2nd part of the video (after 1:03:00) , where the executive director I. Berkut addresses the Ukrainian opponents of the Jewish civilizational mega-project “New Jerusalem” headed by him – this is very impressive!

By the way, on December 8, 2014, the well-known Ukrainian public figure of Jewish nationality Eduard Khodos published “Appeal to Ukrainians. Khazar Khaganate: blood and hell. The essence of the appeal: Jews, using Ukrainian nationalists, turn Ukraine into a Khazar Khaganate, they seize the territory of Ukraine, receive it on a symbolic silver tray from the hands of the Ukrainians themselves, fooled by Jewish propaganda of hatred for Russians as enemies. The substitution of concepts is a classic method of the Jews. Russian friend, blood brother is called an enemy. Some Russians have also recently begun to regard Ukrainians as enemies.

Russians and Ukrainians fell into almost the same mousetrap in 1917, when the fraternal Slavic peoples, divided by Jewish propagandists into reds and whites, killed each other in order to bring to power the Bolsheviks, whose top leadership consisted almost entirely of Jews. Unfortunately, since then, many Ukrainians and Russians have not wised up. Today they are killing each other in Ukraine to make room for the Jews who started this bloody mess. There is no anti-Semitism in this appeal! It’s simple historical facts, this is just the naked truth without embellishment and without verbiage.

Why did he have to take part in the Ukrainian elections? Can you imagine taking yourself by the hair, pushing yourself into a plane and flying to some Severodonetsk, imitating that you live and work there? ..

The other day she donated a mite to the pro-Russian leader of the Ukrainian political party “Great Ukraine” Igor Berkut. I bought his book “Brother” with the face of Vladimir Putin on the cover. Forty-nine hryvnias – my modest contribution will go either to the needs of the political party, or to the accounts of the boys working in the Lubyanka …

Why does the “former spy” need Severodonetsk?

I will not speak for a long time about the book, in which the probable scenarios for the dismemberment of Ukraine are described with particular voluptuousness. I am more curious about the person of Igor Berkut, the leader of the Great Ukraine political party, a native of Yenakiyevo, a businessman who has long and fruitfully worked in Kazakhstan and Russia (he himself claims that he has a business in Ukraine as well). His real name is Gekko, but for political work he took the pseudonym Berkut. The Great Ukraine party was registered in 2006 after a long and stubborn resistance from then Minister of Justice Roman Zvarych.

We contacted Mr. Zvarych by mobile phone to ask him why he didn’t want to register Great Ukraine.

I don’t remember all the details, he said. “After all, at that time we made decisions on some parties every day, but my claims in Great Ukraine were that its program documents contained goals and objectives that did not imply the preservation of the sovereignty and state borders of Ukraine.

It is not known for sure whether the party corrected the program, or whether the minister was replaced, but in 2006 Great Ukraine was nevertheless registered and became a political party.

I turned to experts close to Viktor Yushchenko. Well, they must know who ordered the anti-Ukrainian and anti-presidential book. “We don’t know for sure, most likely the Russian special services, the GRU, the FSB,” they answered me.

The biography of Igor Vitalyevich, who calls himself a “former spy” and now a successful banker, fits into three lines. He graduated from the Moscow Combined Arms Command School, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, where he commanded a reconnaissance company and where he went of his own free will. The last place of service of Igor Gekko was Central Asian Military District. After the collapse of the country, he refused to swear allegiance to another state, resigned. We will not analyze and dig into how in 1991 he won a grant to study in the USA. Well, the man was lucky… The fact is that Igor Vitalyevich returned from there as a junior partner of TEXAKABANK, which was registered in Kazakhstan.

Later, Vitaly Andreevich and his American partner resell this bank to Sberbank of Russia (Russian business publications mention this), during the same period they talk about the purchase by Igor Gekko of Metrokombank in Moscow. And now, on the official web page of the bank, the head of the board of the bank in the capital of the Russian Federation is the brother of Igor Vitalievich Valery Gekko. And the head of the board of directors of the Kazakhstan branch of the bank – Igor Vitalievich Gekko himself .

This citizen is engaged in political activities in Ukraine sporadically and still to no avail.

In 2001, before the elections to the Verkhovna Rada, Mr. Gekko appeared in Severodonetsk, took the local newspaper under his wing and put forward his candidacy in the 112th single-mandate constituency. Interestingly, Gekko scored 20.8% and finished in second place. But then a scandal followed. The press wrote that in 2001 he did not earn a penny in Ukraine. Since one of the requirements of the law for candidates for deputies is permanent residence in Ukraine for 5 years before the elections, this led to a number of proceedings. Then the Ministry of Internal Affairs accused Gekko that he lived in Kazakhstan and had at least two passports. During further proceedings, it emerged that he had illegally obtained Ukrainian citizenship. In 2003, about the citizenship of Gekko, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Kazakhstan officially applied to the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, which tried to find out on what basis a citizen of Kazakhstan was registered as a candidate for Ukrainian deputies. Over time, the scandal subsided. Everyone was busy with the presidential campaign.

In 2004, Igor Vitalyevich was a participant in the “Civil Initiative” action and seemed to even sympathize with the opposition candidate Viktor Yushchenko. However, already in 2005, Gekko “disappointed” in the leader of the orange. In the same year, he created the movement “Motherland-East”, which began its activities in Lugansk and the region. The project is now closed…

In 2005, Igor Vitalievich was registered by the Central Exhibition Commission as 15th issue of the Evgeny Marchuk Block, member of his own party “Freedom” in the parliamentary elections in 2006.

The press writes that in early 2007, Gekko announced himself in Kyiv, initiating one of the first referendums on the resignation of Leonid Chernovetsky. This initiative gained a second wind in the winter of 2008. Together with him, representatives of Mikhail Brodsky, the Klitschko Bloc and other political forces attended a press conference against Chernovetsky.

They say that in 2008 the party was taken under guardianship by David Zhvania. Whether this is true or not, we don’t know. Since Igor Vitalyevich’s public defense of David Zhvania in the latter’s “passport scandal” cannot serve as confirmation of their cooperation. But now Igor Berkut is on the radar again. It is not surprising. The country smells of elections. sexoprague

“I have nine passports by profession”

We visited the round table, the main participants of which were Igor Berukt and the co-author of the book mentioned above, Roman Vasilishin. General impression of Igor Vitalievich? He is not without the charm of masculinity … Big growth, a scar on his face, an open face, his speech is simple, but thoughtful, with facts. The rhetoric is anti-government, but not openly Vitrenkovian. Scolds mostly irresponsibility of the President. Scolds for the fact that the National Security Council is headed by a female gynecologist and that the civilian Minister of Defense cannot distinguish a dot from the moon, and a daisy from a tulip. He scolds the current electoral system for closed lists, for the impossibility of democracy, for the fact that in Ukraine the real winner of the elections will still not be able to take part in government. He scolds the authorities for the fact that in Russia, for example, Mordashov (head of Severstal) pays more than 440 dollars of tax per ton of steel, while in Ukraine Akhmetov pays only 140. Is this fair?

I, unable to stand it, interrupted somewhat impolitely:

Is that why you do business exclusively in Russia and Kazakhstan?

Igor Vitalyevich, with impeccable restraint, replies that he also has a business in Ukraine, and then he talks in detail and reasonably about the success of reforms in Kazakhstan.

In Ukraine, all TV channels belong to five or six families,” he continues.

Well, in Russia, all TV channels are in the same hands, – I continue to taunt, – so five or six owners are not so bad … After reading your book, we assumed that your sponsor is either the FSB, or the GRU, or similar structures near Putin … The GRU loves such names – “Great Gagauzia”, ​​”Great Adygea”, by analogy “Great Ukraine” … But recently they started talking about David Zhvania being related to “Great Ukraine”. Could you clarify for us who is the financial sponsor and political father of the Great Ukraine project? I asked.

Igor Vitalyevich smiles encouragingly, tells how difficult it is in Ukraine. He comes to Ternopil, and there they refuse to talk to you until you express your position on the second state and NATO, and how difficult it is to campaign in Donetsk, where they don’t want to talk to you if you are not a “regional”.

You may not believe. But I am not from the FSB and not from the GRU, and what does Zhvania have to do with it?

“I don’t believe it,” I mentally answer. And since there were no questions in the hall, I continue to be interested:

You had serious problems with Ukrainian citizenship in the last elections. Are you sure that you have a passport of Ukraine and that you are a citizen of this country?

Igor Anatolyevich answers without a shadow of indignation:

I have nine passports by profession. And there were twelve in general, three had a statute of limitations. This was necessary for the safety of my family. But yes, I am a citizen of Ukraine.

After the press conference, Igor Vitalyevich was approached by a pensioner and a pioneer who invited him to cooperate and expressed their support. And in this, in general, a clear story, I was missing one link. For me, this is a deeply secondary matter – which of the local top politicians is part-time Mr. Gekko-Berkut and what tactical tasks he solves. Soon the elections, everything will become clear.

But it is obvious that he is in the service of another state. Why, the very name of the project “Great Ukraine” was not invented in Ukraine. Ukraine is not particularly interested in “greatness”. We are not Gagauzia and not Russia. Ukrainians do not have such ambitions – to be “great” (but poor), it is enough for us to be a strong, prosperous, European power, and not “great”. A bank account and clean streets are more important to us than having a nuclear bomb. Any Ukrainian-mental resident of our country will understand this.

When I was about to wrap this up, I found great Israel 2.0 coverage (as per usual) on TruNews, great for a conclusion SO FAR:



Q: Historically speaking, do you know who has been obsessed with a New Jerusalem way longer than modern Ukraine and the likes of Zelensky or Soros?
A: RUSSIA. And it started when Ukraine was Russia.

Q: Remember what Putin and Zelensky have in common (besides the first name)? Edited  Both of are Jews.

Travels of Russians to the Holy Land in the 19th Century

by Simona Merlo

DOI : 10.48248/issn.2037-741X/752

This article focuses on three main aspects: the presence of the Holy Land in the Russian literature of pilgrimage, the creation in Palestine of Russian institutions, and the representations of the Holy Land in Russian architecture. By doing that, this article aims at analyzing how personalities of the Russian cultural, literary and religious world spoke about the Holy Land in the 19th century (the so-called ‘Russian Palestine’), while pointing out the value of pilgrimage to the Holy Land for the Russian Orthodox tradition and also recalling the important element of the representation of ‘Jerusalem outside Jerusalem’.

Moscow in 1666: New Jerusalem, Third Rome, Third Apostasy

  • Maureen Perrie



In this essay the author examines the disappearance from official Russian discourse of the idea of Muscovy as the New Israel. She suggests that it may partly be explained in relation to his opponents’ accusations of blasphemy against Patriarch Nikon for naming his monastery on the River Istra as New Jerusalem. These accusations were made in the context of apocalyptic rumours about Nikon as the Antichrist, and about the imminent appearance of the Antichrist in Jerusalem in 1666. The decisions of the Church council of 1666–1667 – including its repudiation of the idea of the Third Rome – seemed to many Old Believers to confirm prophecies about 1666 as the date of a third and final apostasy from the true faith, after the Great Schism of 1054 and the Union of Brest of 1596. The ideas of the Third Rome and New Israel persisted among some Old Believers; but unlike the idea of the Third Rome, which was re-interpreted in the 19th and 20th centuries as evidence of Russian messianism and imperialism, the idea of the New Israel has been comparatively neglected.

To be continued?
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Speaking to reporters this week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy described the future he sees for his country in unusual terms: as “a big Israel.”

Gone, he said, are hopes for “an absolutely liberal” state—replaced by the likely reality of armed defense forces patrolling movie theaters and supermarkets. “I’m confident that our security will be the number-one issue over the next ten years,” Zelenskyy added.

With Russian forces having withdrawn from around Kyiv, suggesting that Ukraine successfully repulsed the first phase of the Kremlin’s invasion, the time is right for Zelenskyy to contemplate how to prepare for the next—and potentially much longer—phase of this conflict.

But what does he mean by “a big Israel”? With a population more than four times smaller, and vastly less territory, the Jewish state might not seem like the most fitting comparison. Yet consider the regional security threats it faces, as well as its highly mobilized population: The two embattled countries share more than you might think.

So if Zelenskyy really does have Israel in mind as a model for Ukraine, here are some of the key features he might consider for adoption (some of which are already applicable today):

  • Security first: Every Israeli government promises, first and foremost, that it will deliver security—and knows it will be judged on this pledge. Ordinary citizens, not just politicians, pay close attention to security threats—both from across borders and from internal sources— and much of the public chooses who to elect by that metric alone.
  • The whole population plays a role: The Israeli model goes further than Zelenskyy’s vision of security services deployed to civilian spaces: Most young Israeli adults serve in the military, and many are employed in security-related professions following their service. A common purpose unites the citizenry, making them ready to endure shared sacrifice. Civilians recognize their responsibility to follow security protocols and contribute to the cause. Some even arm themselves (though under strict supervision) to do so. The widespread mobilization of Ukrainian society in collective defense suggests that the country has this potential. In his comments, Zelenskyy reflected this reality when he said security would “come from the strength of every house, every building, every person.”
  • Self-defense is the only way: If there’s any single principle that animates Israel’s security doctrine, it’s that Israel will defend itself, by itself—and rely on no other country to fight its battles. The tragedies of Jewish history have embedded that lesson deep in the nation’s soul. Ukraine’s own trauma, forced to fight alone against a larger aggressor, reinforces a similar conclusion: Don’t depend on the guarantees of others.
  • But maintain active defense partnerships: Self-defense doesn’t mean total isolation. Israel maintains active defense partnerships, chiefly with the United States, which provides generous military assistance, but also with other nations with whom it shares intelligence, technology, and training. While Ukraine will probably not join NATO any time soon, it can deepen security partnerships with Alliance members and receive aid, weaponry, intelligence, and training to bolster its self-defense.
  • Intelligence dominance: From its earliest days, Israel has invested deeply in its intelligence capabilities to ensure that it has the means to detect and deter its enemies—and, when needed, act proactively to strike them. Ukraine will need to upgrade its intelligence services to compete against Russian capabilities and ensure that it’s prepared to prevent and repulse Russian attacks.
  • Technology is key: Although it relies on US assistance, Israel also chooses homegrown technology solutions for many of its greatest challenges. Multi-layer rocket and missile defenses, counter-drone systems, and tunnel detection technology are just recent examples. Ukraine—already home to bright technological minds—will know what threats it faces more than any partner; investing in its own solutions will allow it to be most responsive and adapt to new threats.
  • Build an innovation ecosystem: The training many Israelis receive in high-tech innovation in the military contributes to a civilian innovation ecosystem, which in turn promotes the development of new security technologies. Ukraine has no lack of talented coders and engineers (many of whom are employed by Israeli startups). Encouraging the free flow of talent and ideas between the civilian and security innovation spaces will pay long-term security and economic dividends.
  • Maintain democratic institutions: Israel continues to face the challenge of ending its conflict with the Palestinians in ways that ensure both its security and the Palestinians’ self-determination. But within Israel itself, a constant focus on security hasn’t prevented the upholding of core democratic institutions and practices. Zelenskyy seems aware of this tension, which will require constant maintenance, but also that democracy is a prerequisite: “An authoritarian state is impossible in Ukraine,” he said.

Like Israel in its early wars, Ukraine appears to have fended off an acute existential threat. But the war is far from over. By adapting their country’s mindset to mirror aspects of Israel’s approach to chronic security challenges, Ukrainian officials can tackle critical national-security challenges with confidence and build a similarly resilient state.













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Read 2519 times Last modified on Monday, 21 October 2024 06:23