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Iran’s formal admission to SCO expected at organization’s summit

 The Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit has kicked off, with the formal admission of Iran to the worldwide political, economic, and security organization the main event. RT’s Yousef Jalali takes us through the significance of the move.

 23rd SCO summit hosted by India in a virtual format

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 The Sex Slavery of  White European Women

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You'll rarely see programs on western mainstream media exposing prostitution or what some call "the sex trade". Then ask yourself why?

An estimated half million women are trafficked annually for the purpose of sexual slavery. They are "exported" to over 50 countries including Britain, Italy, Japan, Germany, Israel, Turkey, China, Kosovo, Canada and the United States. Misunderstood and widely tolerated, sex trafficking has become a multi- billion dollar underground industry. According to the International Herald Tribune, human trafficking is the fastest growing form of organized crime in Eastern Europe. Kidnapped and/or lured by those who prey on their dreams, their poverty, and their naiveté, Eastern European women are trafficked to foreign lands -- often with falsified visas -- where they become modern day sex slaves. Upon arrival, they are sold to pimps, drugged, terrorized, caged in brothels and raped repeatedly. For these women and young girls, there is no life, no liberty and no chance for a happy and meaningful future.

It is believed by many that some globalist are involved in the sex slave trade.
Many have used it for sex with underage girls so they say nothing against the industry.

A lot of young girls are looking for jobs with good money especially from Ukraine and Russia are lured into this industry.

In Middle Eastern countries most Muslim women are restricted from becoming prostitutes and so a lot of Muslim men use young boys for sex. In Europeans countries Muslim men groom young gentile girls for sex.

. The sex slavery has increase over the years and some believe that some high authorities pulling the strings behind the scenes, where young women from low incomes countries example Ukraine are offered jobs in foreign soil which are then manipulated to work as sex workers. Under these instances their passports taken and the heavily conditioning of threats to them and their family.


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The Real Sex Traffic (Sex Trafficking Documentary) - Real Stories

Stupid ,Powerful nations ,can afford hundreds of billions of arms ,and could sustain every conflicts and here all of them could not stop human trafficking ever since ,ridiculous , why? Because the perpetrators were connected to high officials ,who profit much ,so who can stop this ? Stupid All government should be totally determined with true conviction, to put a stop on all of these ,regardless of who they are ,together with UN ,this should be implemented with force , by all nations ,without reservation and red tapes ,this way every nations will retain their dignity ,and not some stupid world leader who talks as if she were respectable enough ,to tell the world she or is doing everything ,when in truth , his or her country is a slave of this human trafficking , stupid ,world leaders , you profit from these , ??????????


  Mossad Meltdown: Why the Truth Cannot be Reported about Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Crimes



 "Berlin Turnpike" author Raymond Bechard rides along late one November night with NYPD Detectives. What they discovered gives a brief, stunning look into the hidden world of commercial sexual exploitation.

  The Berlin Turnpike: A True Story of Human Trafficking in America - Snow Bunny



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"Ruggiero Freeing Angelicais" 1819
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres


The Real Sex Traffic (Sex Trafficking Documentary) - Real Stories

  Mossad Meltdown: Why the Truth Cannot be Reported about Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Crimes


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You'll rarely see programs on western mainstream media exposing prostitution or what some call "the sex trade". Then ask yourself why?

It is believed by many globalist are involved in the sex slave trade.

A lot of young girls are looking for jobs with good money especially from Ukraine and Russia are lured into this industry.

In Middle Eastern countries most Muslim women are restricted from becoming prostitutes and so a lot of Muslim men use young boys for sex. In Europeans countries Muslim men groom young gentile girls for sex.


European Women in Slavery
Slavery Of Slavic Women In Turkey


Tommy Robinson - How Islam Takes Over Towns, Cities, Countries and Continents.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormonism)

The LDS church does not allow any sexual expression for lesbian and gay individuals.

Within the many branches of Mormonism the principal denomination the LDS Church teaches conservative views around sexual ethics in their Law of Chastity which holds that masturbation, pre- and extra-marital sex, and same-sex sexual activity are sins. In the 1800s, however, it was allowed for men to be married to and have children with several women and this was also discontinued in the 1800s.[49] On various occasions[50][51] LDS church leaders have taught that members should not masturbate[52][53][54] as part of obedience to the LDS law of chastity.[55][56] The LDS church believes that sex outside of opposite-sex marriage is sinful and that any same-sex sexual activity is a serious sin.[57] God is believed to be in a heterosexual marriage with Heavenly Mother and Mormons believe that opposite-sex marriage what God wants for all his children. Top LDS church leaders used to teach that attractions to those of the same sex were a sin or disease that could be changed or fixed,[57] but now have no stance on the etiology[58] of homosexuality, and teach that therapy focused on changing sexual orientation is unethical.[59] Lesbian, gay, and bisexual members are, thus, left with the option of attempting to change their sexual orientation, entering a mixed-orientation opposite-sex marriage, or living a celibate lifestyle without any sexual expression (including masturbation).[60]:11

The LDS church teaches that women's principal role is to raise children. Women who rejected this role as being a domestic women in the home, were seen as unstable and corrupted.[61] Before 1890 the Mormon leaders taught that polygamy was a way to salvation and many had multiple wives into the early 1900s, and some women practiced polyandry.[61][62]

The Mormon religion teaches that marriage should be with a man and a woman. The LDS church teaches its members to obey the law of chastity which says that "sexual relations are proper only between a man and a woman who are legally and lawfully wedded as husband and wife". Violations of this code include "adultery, being without natural affection, lustfulness, infidelity, incontinence, filthy communications, impurity, inordinate affection, fornication". The traditional Mormon religion forbids all homosexual behavior, whether it be intra-marriage or extramarital. In Romans 1:24-32, Paul preached to the Romans that homosexual behavior was sinful. In Leviticus 20:13, Moses included in his law that homosexual actions and behaviors were against God's will. In the 1830s, LDS founder Joseph Smith instituted the private practice on polygamy. The practice was defended by the church as a matter of religious freedom. In 1890, the church practice was terminated. Since the termination of polygamy, Mormons have solely believed in marriage between two people, and those two people being a man and a woman. The LDS community states that they still love homosexuals as sons and daughters of the Lord, but if they act upon their inclinations then they are subject to discipline of the church.[63][64]


Read 1454 times Last modified on Saturday, 06 April 2024 23:43