Dr. David Duke speaks straight to the Tea Party Movement about keeping it true to the ideals of our American forefathers and not the values of the New World Order and Hollywood.
David Duke says:
The Tea Party Movement is called racist for being overwhelmingly comprised of European Americans. There is nothing wrong with that! There is no apology for the fact that 99 percent of Blacks voted for Obama and that overwhelming percentages of Mexicans and Jews also voted for Obama.
Most Tea Party people oppose affirmative action and diversity programs that are nothing more than racial discrimination against White people.
Most Tea Party supporters are stopping the massive immigration that is turning America into a Third World Nation.
Most Tea Party supporters oppose the International Bankers such as Goldman Sachs and the Federal Reserve that is ripping off hard working Americans.
Most Tea Party people despise Hollywood and the Mass Media that continue to promote values that are destroying our people and nation.
Most Tea Party people believe that our Government should put America first over any other foreign power or Government.
But Jewish extremists are trying to subvert the Tea Party Movement to sacrifice American Independence to the power of International Zionism.
True patriots will oppose the control over our foreign policy by Zionists who have loyalty to Israel over America!
True Americans believe as George Washington did, that we must stay out of other people's wars around the world!
The real threat to America is not in the deserts of Afghanistan but from the bosses of Hollywood and the Media that are destroying our heritage and our fundamental values.
Real Tea Party advocates believe that our troops should not be in Afghanistan protecting their borders, but they should be home protecting our own Mexican-American border.
Help inform Tea Party proponents about this video as it is essential to keeping the Tea Party from being subverted by the real enemies of America!
Tea Party movement
The Tea Party movement is an American fiscally conservative political movement within the Republican Party. Members of the movement have called for lower taxes, and for a reduction of the national debt of the United States and federal budget deficit through decreased government spending.[1][2] The movement supports small-government principles[3][4] and opposes government-sponsored universal healthcare.[5] The Tea Party movement has been described as a popular constitutional movement[6] composed of a mixture of libertarian,[7] right-wing populist,[8] and conservative activism.[9] It has sponsored multiple protests and supported various political candidates since 2009.[10][11][12] According to the American Enterprise Institute, various polls in 2013 estimate that slightly over 10 percent of Americans identified as part of the movement.[13]
The Tea Party movement was launched following a February 19, 2009 call by CNBC reporter Rick Santelli on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange for a "tea party,"[14][15] several conservative activists agreed by conference call to coalesce against Obama's agenda and scheduled series of protests.[16][17] Supporters of the movement subsequently have had a major impact on the internal politics of the Republican Party. Although the Tea Party is not a party in the classic sense of the word, some research suggests that members of the Tea Party Caucus vote like a significantly farther right third party in Congress.[18] A major force behind it was Americans for Prosperity (AFP), a conservative political advocacy group founded by businessmen and political activist David H. Koch. It is unclear exactly how much money is donated to AFP by David and his brother Charles Koch.[19] By 2019, it was reported that the conservative wing of the Republican Party "has basically shed the tea party moniker".[20]
The movement's name refers to the Boston Tea Party of December 16, 1773, a watershed event in the launch of the American Revolution. The 1773 event demonstrated against taxation by the British government without political representation for the American colonists, and references to the Boston Tea Party and even costumes from the 1770s era are commonly heard and seen in the Tea PartyTea Party Patriots Local Groups
Control the Opposition is to Lead It Ourselves
Sun Tzu - The Art of War ~ Short Documentary (History Channel
Many Tea Party supporters and members believe that the Tea Party represents them and America. They do not realize there is a group within who has too much influence in the Tea Party; they are Jewish Zionist and Gentile Christian Zionist whose loyalty is not to America but to the Globalists who run America behind the scenes.
If you are a Tea Party member, ask yourself, why doesn't the Tea Party campaign for white rights, talk about laws, and why doesn't it develop an Anti-Defamation Council to fight in the courts like what the Anti-Defamation League is doing.
The Tea Party needs to change from conservatism to nationalism and needs to establish a secret guardian council and start the process of extracting all anti-Semitic Jewish Zionists and so-called Christian Zionists. If they fail to do so, then they're wasting their time in the Tea Party.
Max Horkheimer, Marxist Jew of the Frankfurt School
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."
- Vladimir Lenin, Jewish communist revolutionary in Russia.
The Gentile Security Council
Whites must set up Gentile Security Councils in all organizations.
Jews Funding the Tea Party
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October 18, 2010
It was just a matter of time before the American Jewish community started to investigate the Tea Party. I am sure that the Israeli intelligence service, the Mossad, has not only investigated the Tea Party but also infiltrated it. We know that Sarah Palin is a strong Christian Zionist and her job is to make or break anyone in the Tea Party that does not toe the Zionist agenda. But the Mossad never runs just one asset as Glen Beck and John McCain are the other Zionist controllers.
Many Christians don’t know that the American Jews have their own network of communication and the oldest is the weekly newspaper “FORWARD,” which was founded in 1897. This publication reaches a large portion of the American Jews and is more or less the voice for the American Jewish leadership. “How Christian Are the Tea Party’s Candidates?” was the first page headline on the October 1st release in which Nathan Guttman wrote:
“How should Jews respond to an angry movement whose candidates include full-throated supporters of Israeli West Bank settlements; one who excoriates foreign aid, including to Israel; one who excoriates church-state separation as a Nazi invention, and others who urge setting aside such divisive social issues to focus on fiscal conservatism and radical government cutbacks?”[1] forward.com/articles/131516
This is the description of the Tea Party given to the American Jewish people, and once this skewed information has been given, the conclusion to the Jewish community in the U.S. is a new danger to their community. The Jewish leadership is especially alarmed over the fact that Tea Party candidates have religious themes and speak too much about God.
“…Of special concern are the common use of religious themes and the frequent references to God. This could cause some discomfort for Jewish voters who are traditionally suspicious about public expressions of faith.”[2]
In the same issue, there is another article on the front page entitled, “Synagogues Rarely Mention God in Appeals, Unlike Churches.” The Jewish reader is told that Rabbis prefer not to mention God, when they ask for charities in the community. Orthodox rabbis are more likely to bring in God when it comes to raising money but the other groups of Jews are not. The conclusion is that Jews do not want to speak publicly about God or a personal faith in God.
Jews have been taught to not speak about Judaism and keep it away from the Gentiles but they can discuss it freely amongst themselves. Jews tend to flock together and use Judaism as a glue to hold themselves together and work in unity. But this is not something they wish for Gentiles, on the contrary, they want to fragment the American people and take away their faith in God. Therefore, every effort has been made to destroy faith in God, the Bible and in Jesus Christ.
Looking back in history we find that it was Jewish power behind the drumbeat to remove reading the Bible in public schools and the battle that forced prayer out of public schools. From the 1950’s and on the youth in America have grown up on a diet of television, sports, movies, rock ‘n roll and the drugs that flooded America. All the gains attained by the Jewish leadership in the United States are being threatened by the Tea Party.
“…Public opinion surveys confirm that the threads unifying supporters are anger and disappointment. Tea Partiers feel outraged by government spending, they strongly oppose President Obama’s health care reform and they are deeply disappointed with the people who represent them in Washington…”[3]
But there is more bad news about the Tea Party because it is also too conservative:
“…Though less distinct than the movement’s fiscal concerns, these commonalities clearly place Tea Party supporters on the conservative end of the political spectrum on broader social and domestic issues. A New York Times/ABC poll conducted in April for Tea Partiers found them to be more Republican, more likely to own a gun and older than the average voter. It also found them to be more likely to attend religious services: Fifty percent of Tea Party supporters attend services once a week or almost once a week, compared with 35% of those in the general public (and 15% among Jews, the least frequent worship attendees of all American religious groups).[4]
“Among Tea Partiers, there is a higher proportion of Protestants and of those who define themselves as evangelical or born-again Christians.[5]
“Jews, according to the poll, make up one 1% of the movements backers, compared with their 2% share of the American public…”[6]
The official position of the World Government is that it is bad to be a Republican and owning guns is not good at all. Attending church is bad and it is even worse to be a born-again Christian. There is a small group of Jews who have joined the Tea Party, but their numbers are so small that it is insignificant compared with the total number of Jews living in the United States. Here are some statistics to give you and understanding of the total number of Jews in the world and in the United States. In 2007 there were 13.2 million Jews worldwide, of which 6.5 million lived in the United States and made up 2.2% of the American population. Israel had a Jewish population of 5.6 million so that 45% of all Jews lived in the U.S. and 42% lived in Israel.
In a 2002 study done by the Jewish Agency, it was learned that the Jewish world population declined with approximately 50,000 per year.
For a person who is new to my writings I want you to know that the leadership in the current secret World Government is made up by Jews because of the promise God made to Israel that He was going to send a Messiah into the world that would deliver them. Since they rejected the Messiah God sent who we know as Jesus Christ, they are still waiting for a Messiah that will fit their expectations and the teachings of the Cabala and the Talmud.
It is a religious spirit that is driving the Zionist Cabalistic Jews to work hard to prepare the world for their Messiah, who will exalt them into a world dominion. Most rank and file Jews are not aware that this is going on. |
The Zionist Jewish leadership in America calls those Jews who are not Zionists and rebel against the leadership, “self hating Jews,” and they are shunned by Jews toeing the official policies. Nathan Guttman is consoling the American Jews with the information that most people in the Tea Party are older and he says “…because religious service attendance increases with age…”[7] In other words, Mr. Guttman is saying that the hard work done since the 1950’s has paid off; younger people do not attend church and thus are protected from becoming born-again Christians, who could give the Jewish leadership a bad time.
According to the Jewish leadership, living an active Christian life style and for politicians to talk about their faith in public is a very bad thing. Look at this quote from the article:
“…Nevertheless, the fact that Tea Party supporters live a more active religious life – which is a Christian life – could explain the comfort that candidates associated with the movement feel when discussing religion, faith and God on the campaign trail…”[8]
“…These remarks range from libertarian Kentucky Senate candidate Rand Paul’s assertion that Christianity is ‘the basis of our society’ and that laws would not be needed if all followed religious rules, to Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle”s condemnation of Social Security as a ‘violation of the First Commandment.’”[9]
The Jewish reader are being told there could be persecution of Jews if the Tea Party candidates win in the election since they are Christians and believe that America was founded by Christians. Everybody in 2010, except Tea Partiers, knows there were no such things as “Puritans or Pilgrims,” because the people who came to colonize America were secular businessmen protected by the British Army. This has to be true since this is being taught in the public schools.
Even more frightening, the Tea Party wants to abolish Social Security and take away the security of every older Americans. But Mr. Guttman is not through yet because as a skilled propaganda writer, he tells his Jewish readers about a horrible secret in the Tea Party.
“…Some candidates go further. In a speech last April, Republican congressional nominee Glen Urquhart said:’ Do you know, where does this phrase separation of church and state comes from? It was not in Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists… The exact phrase separation of church and state came out of Adolf Hitler’s mouth, that’s where it comes from. So next time your liberal friends talk about separation of church and state, ask them why they’re Nazis…”[10]
“…in one case, Carl Paladino, the Republican candidate for governor of New York, defended a local official’s description of New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, an Orthodox Jew, as a ‘Hitler’ and an ‘Antichrist.’”[11]
In defending the official, Paladino was quoted in the Niagara Gazette as saying: “If I could ever describe a person who would fit the bill of an Antichrist or a Hitler, this guy [Sheldon Silver] is it.” Paladino also was quoted as saying he was sure the local official “had no – absolutely no – intention whatsoever of insulting the Jewish faith or ethnic group or religion…”
The ghost of Adolf Hitler and the thought of Nazis will cause great discomfort and fear in Jews. And the Jewish leadership will play the “Nazi card” any time they have to in order to get results. Paladino has repeatedly made blunder after blunder when he speaks, and I question if he is a real Tea Party candidate or just a plant to make Republicans and Tea Party candidates look foolish. It is also interesting also to note that Mr. Guttman tells his readers that that Republican and Tea Party candidates are one and the same.
Mr. Guttman brings up two more issues at the end of this article which should create fear in every American Jew: abortion rights and foreign aid. He is a skilled propagandist who puts the knife to the back of every Jew in America by saying:
“…Other statements made by Tea Party candidates and supporters were also a source of concern for Jewish activists. These include strong opposition to abortion rights for women, fighting against funding for stem-cell research, and harsh anti-immigration rhetoric…”[12]
“On questions related to Israel, the Tea Party runs the gamut from Rand Paul’s isolationism to Sarah Palin’s support of Jewish settlements in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. While foreign policy issues are rarely raised by Tea Party candidates, some, including Paul and Alaska Senate candidate Joe Miller, have expressed support for cutting American foreign aid, an act that presumably would include the almost $3 billion provided annually to Israel…”[13]
“‘…In terms of elections, it all turns on [whether] the Democrats are successful in branding the Tea Party people as Christian extremists,’ Breger[14] concluded. ‘If they succeed, Jewish voters will run away from the Tea Party as far as they can.’”[15]
Most Americans do not read Jewish publications and therefore don’t know where the questions of moral issues are originating. Abortion in America has been championed by Jewish activists from the very beginning who are supported by the Jewish World Government. The most destructive organizations of Christian values in America are the “National Organization for Women” (NOW) and the American Civil Liberty Union (ACLU). NOW was founded in 1971 by a group of Jewish women among whom the most well known was Betty Naomi Friedan. She was its first president, played a major role in the fight to legalize abortions in the U.S. and succeeded with a Supreme Court decision in 1973 to legalize abortion upon demand.
The ACLU was founded in 1920 and has played a major role against the Christian faith in the United States with its first great exposure in the 1925 trial of a high school teacher by the name of Scopes, who tried to teach evolution in the school where he taught. The ACLU represented Scopes at the trial where he was defeated but they still received national publicity. Both organizations have a large number of Jewish activists.
The ACLU believes the following:
The crimes committed by Tea Party candidates and its supporters are as follows:
1. They are born-again Christians.
2. They own guns.
3. They believe in the Constitution of the United States of America.
4. They do not in general support Zionism.
5. They do not believe in abortion.
6. They have the audacity to believe that the United States was founded by Christians.
7. They want a smaller government and decreased taxes.
These are horrible crimes in the eyes of the Jewish leadership that must be stopped because they have championed the destruction of all morals in the United States and cannot afford to let these “tea party criminals” undo their work. They don’t have the legal right to issue arrest warrants but they can use the media to smear and destroy the character of Tea Party candidates. Don’t be surprised in the future when the Jews bring in their Antichrist messiah and the aforementioned crimes will be punishable by death. Listen to the words of Jesus:
“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” (Revelation 13:15) JEWS AND THE TEA PARTY
Message to the Tea Party Members
The Tea Party movement is an American, mainly conservative organization. It's estimated that roughly 10% of the American population identify with the organization, and it has about 3 million members. It's an organization that is open to all different racial groups, and because of this, it does not openly campaign for the white population. The white community does not have representatives to fight for their rights, and gradually, they're becoming a minority in the United States..
Their conservative Christian thinking reduces their effectiveness to fight for all races, including whites, so to move forward, they have to transition from conservatism to nationalist Christians.
The Jewish organizations are mainly homogenous Europeans who mostly have converted from gentiles to Judaism. Their organizations only allow Jews as members, and they are nationalist, internationalist, community-based organizations, "a nation within a nation," and they operate worldwide. They have an Anti-Defamation League to fight for their rights.
- The tea party needs to duplicate the structures of Jewish Organizations to be successful. The B'nai B'rith is community-based organizations that are very successful and are great examples to copy from to become more successful.
- They need to help people in other countries, including whites as many of these people do not have a bill of rights to protect them, and this is especially true most white countries worldwide.
- The left has declared war against "we the people," and they're breaking all the rules, we must do the same. The Christian book says an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
- The Tea party needs to be more honest to its members as who is running America.
- White organizations must only have gentile white leaders with no Jewish leaders in top positions because the Jewish wills usually be loyal to the Jewish community first and will not represent the white population.
- The Tea Party needs to develop and work with people with color because united we stand and divided we fall.
- Need to campaign to increase the white birth-rate.
- Need to remove Christian Zionists from leadership ,because they support israel first and United States last.
The following organizations are Zionist influence.
Laura Loomer is Jewish.
Pardes Seleh Interviews Laura Loomer at CPAC 2019 | Culttture

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