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The Way of Identity: On Being a Jew (Ten Paths to God | Unit 1)Jewish Laws

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 The Way of Identity: On Being a Jew (Ten Paths to God | Unit 1)Jewish Laws

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The Way of Identity: On Being a Jew (Ten Paths to God | Unit 1)

 This video is about 'The Way of Identity' and is the video for Unit 1 of Rabbi Sacks' 'Ten Paths to God' curriculum project.

Dr. Volf interviews Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks on the vision of the good life in the Jewish tradition, as part of the 2015 Yale College Life Worth Living course. Rabbi Sacks is the Ingeborg and Ira Rennert Global Distinguished Professor of Judaic Thought at NYU, the Kressel and Ephrat Family University Professor of Jewish Thought at Yeshiva University, and Professor of Law, Ethics, and the Bible at King’s College London. Previously, he served as Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth.


This made me cry. I knew there was something special I felt about having Jewish heritage. My father was Jewish so I converted and when I learned of our mission I knew what the specialness I always felt was. Thank you Rabbi Sacks.

I am Christian but I love Jewish community and there people




Read 2390 times Last modified on Thursday, 28 October 2021 21:21