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WHUAT 'accomplishments'?? They will all be FLIPPED by sELECTION THIEF #ChinaJOEmala! If Trump is too stupid to LET a STOLEN election stand, not even realize the PLENARY const. powers within specific arena, never exercised them when the Enemy cares about nothing, then he IS a CHUMP. He NEVER learned a single lesson from Ruskiegate Hoax, the STOLEN 2018 mid-term sElections & Big Tech censorship to put in preventive measures to do ANYTHING & literally paved the way for Vaccine Policestate normalizing martial law by INCENTIVIZING State govts giving them $100,000 to $300,000 PER 'COVID'1984 case, he is the biggest disaster. Y'all been HAD, by an incompetent BUFFOON. & AJ's personal fate has been so tied to Trump now, he's still rationalizing his support for this moron who illegally banned bumpfire stocks which AJ rationalized as some BS 9D chess, along with Vax CON, when Trump literally gave BILLIONS to Bill Gates GAVI NOT in 2019, but in JUNE of 2020. You have to come to terms with the fact that Trump made himself utterly irrelevant by appointing & keeping EVERY SINGLE DeepStater, Bilderberger/CFR terrorist who all leaked on him and back stabbed him, worse, KEPT pretty much EVERYONE of any significance from PREVIOUS POTUS REGIMES, like an idiot. His ego & arrogance was his undoing. And frankly AJ should've USED his connection to Stone & Trump to DIRECTLY CONTACT HIM MORE, to set him onto CORRECT course. But he NEVER did that, until it was too late. Now, EVERYTHING he may have done which was temporary will be flipped by #ChinaJOEmala, as if Trump has NEVER even been the POTUS for 4yrs. THIS, is what happens when a president cares nothing BUT being flattered: his speech pattern has all the hallmarks of an insecure boob. He ALWAYS describes himself in 3rd person & self-praises how OTHERS THINK of his speech, blah di fuwakety blah. If he was truly America 1ster? He would've consolidated GOP to INSTITUTIONALIZE changes in law & in political infrastructure.
The Lost Opportunities of the Trump Administration
Trump Says Mid-East Wars Are To Protect Israel
The Lost Opportunities of the Trump Administration