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What is God?

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What Is God?


Published on May 8, 2019
This lecture was Sponsored in memory of Barbara Schwartz by her family.
About Rabbi Manis Friedman: Rabbi Manis Friedman is a world-renowned author, counselor, lecturer and philosopher who uses ancient wisdom and modern wit to captivate audiences around the world. For bookings please call Zalman at 800-656-5669
The theory of evolution explains the diversity of life on earth(cosmic evolution covers the universe using the same logic different materials), it doesn't try to explain how the DNA got there in the first place.
For sure he is not human
No begining and no end!?! That's the most High YAH
And what was before that something? And who say GOD is He? Maybe GOD is She. How you know?
God is everywhere God is everything God is everyone God is totally infinite
Rabbi has lost the plot. G-d is self sufficient, Supreme, Everlasting. G-d does not have a need for anything, we are in need of our Creator and his Guidance. This isn't a common idea of the idea of G-d in Judaism. You are putting limitations on G-d. He is not like anything He has created.
The Rabbi says he will prove that God is not a woman but then reneges on his pledge. In fact a few moments later he proves that God is indeed a woman by pointing out in the beginning of Torah God is described as a CREATOR. Well, guess who creates? Which gender is more creative? Who created you? A woman!
The Bible... The Bible is not a 'Holy Book' containing 'The Word of God' (Truth)...
The Bible is a compilation of edited scriptures, books and stories designed to lead the reader in a direction which support the desired false narrative of it's creators, which were the Jews and Romans who crucified Jesus, killed his disciples and destroyed every book and scripture containing the true teachings of Jesus (The Word of God / Truth)...
That said, the Bible still does contain some breadcrumbs of 'Truth'. However, it is the inversion and misinterpretations made by self-righteous and spiritual ignorant men in black robs who liked to be called "Father", who mislead Christians who read the Bible. So that they never really find or understand the true meaning of those breadcrumbs of 'Truth' within the Bible...
To 'See & Know' what the 'Truth' really is in the Bible (or any other book or text), you must 'Speak The Truth' to have the 'Spirit of Truth' within you, which 99% of people on Earth do not...
This is why one of 'The 10 Commandments' was "Thou Shalt Not Lie." or “Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
Those who 'Lie & Deceive' will never attain the 'Spirit of Truth' to know 'The Word of God' or find the 'Truth That Shall Set Them Free'...
Christianity Is An Abomination To Christ...
Christianity (like Government) does not represent 'Truth', but rather is an Inversion and Abomination to 'Truth' (i.e. The Word of God)...
Christianity is an organized religion which was created by the Jews and Romans who crucified Jesus and killed all of his disciples, in order to control the masses by hijacking the name and true teachings of Jesus, to create all the various forms of modern Christianity...
Jesus taught 'Spiritual Truth', but that is NOT what Christianity in any of it's modern incarnation teaches. Unfortunately, there is no way to make a brainwashed Christian understand or believe this, just as there is no way to make a brainwashed Joe Biden or Donald Trump supporter believe or understand they have been lied to and will be destroyed...
Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all 'Demonically Based Doctrines', which give the illusion of being 'Godly or Holy' by creating an adversary like the Devil, Satan or Lucifer which they are against. However, this is deception to make people believe they are doing something 'Good', when in reality they are following false doctrines that lead nowhere and do nothing which is 'Spiritual Good' or beneficial for the 'Spirit or Soul'...
Read 5513 times Last modified on Monday, 02 September 2024 09:27