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Polyandry, woman with more than one husband

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 Family of one wife with more than one husband could gather more wealth.

One Wife and Her Three Husbands: How is their Life? The Polyandry Culture in Tibet(Full Documentary)

 Have you ever heard of a Polyandry Family? It is a rare form of marriage that still exists in some remote areas in Tibet.

In ancient times, Tibetans believed that the family of one wife with more than one husband could gather more wealth, and such a big family could survive better in this harsh land. Today, I will show you a daily life of a polyandry family, who live in a remote village in Sakya County, which is 400kw west of Lhasa.

It consists of a wife, her 3 husbands, 5 children, and her parents. You will learn about each member’s role in the family and how the big family makes a living. Now, come with me to see this typical polyandry family united by love and loyalty.

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 In this very modern family, one woman and two lovers raise a child together.
  I think there is lack of men in this community I can’t even find one woman in Toronto ?

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In an Indian village, a woman is allowed to marry several husbands, click the video^

Surprise! One woman has several husbands in Indian village


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Read 14404 times Last modified on Saturday, 20 August 2022 04:44