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Christian Zionism

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Christian Zionism with Rev. Dr. Stephen Sizer

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Christian Zionism part 1Tracing the Lines of a Warmongering ...

A history of Christian Zionism. For the links please visit…/episode-111-chr…

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The Protestant Evangelicals in there many misinterpretations of Scriptures leads them to erroneously defend the Jesus Hating Jews and not defending Whites.

Christian Zionism part 1Tracing the Lines of a Warmongering ...

A history of Christian Zionism. For the links please visit…/episode-111-chr…


 A history of Christian Zionism. For the links please visit

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 John Hagee, megachurch pastor and leading Christian Zionist.
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The Protestant Evangelicals in there many misinterpretations of Scriptures leads them to erroneously defeng the Jesus Hating Jews. They can not understand the New Covenant is the Church established by Jesus on St Peter the Rock. The Protestant Evangelicals also misinterprete the meaning of the Words of Our Lord Jesus Christ" New Covenant" the Eucharist. Luther and company have derived many Souls of something needed for Eternal Life. Pray for their Conversion.
Not all protestants believe in Christian Zionism. They believe more traditionally like Catholics.
But in Roman Catholic Church , teaches us to love Israel for number one. Burundi , the East Africa , if you say something bad about Israel , you my be killed.

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How Will the Christian Zionists' Millennial Kingdom Survive the Fire?

 Over the past 50 years, the dominant eschatology of American Protestant Evangelical churches is what I call DPPZism. DPPZ. Dispensational, Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation, Zionism.

Pastor Rick asked a question at the end of his lesson. None of his critics have answered it! They simply blast him. If the there will be a 1,000 year kingdom ruled from Israel, how does it survive the fire that destroys the earth and the universe when Jesus returns? Will Zionist Israel be wrapped in asbestos?

My father died of cancer in 2003 and he believed that salvation was based upon our love for Israel ?? if one didn’t support Israel he believed you could not be saved! I just hope he placed his faith in Jesus Christ alone before he died ✝️

Zionists compete with the Roman Church in terms of doctrinal error -- and they're threatened with eternal Hell if they question their hierarchy's man-made doctrines. That's the true sign of a cult.

The Seventh-day Adventists do not teach this nonsense either.



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Christian Zionism: Road-map to Armageddon?

 The term "Zionism" was first coined in the late nineteenth century, and referred to the movement for the return of the Jewish people to an assured and secure homeland in Palestine. Ironically, this vision was largely nurtured and shaped by Christians long before it received widespread Jewish support.

The origins of "Christian Zionism" lie within nineteenth-century British premillennial sectarianism, but by the early twentieth century it had become a predominantly American dispensational movement, and pervasive within all main evangelical denominations.

The contemporary Christian Zionism movement emerged after the "Six Day War" in Israel in 1967, and it has had a significant influence on attitudes towards the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Middle East. Evangelicals are increasingly polarized over whether Christian Zionism is biblical and orthodox or unbiblical and cultic. In this book Stephen Sizer provides a thorough examination of the historical development, variant forms, theological emphases and political implications of Christian Zionism. His excellent and informative survey is interwoven with critical assessment that repudiates both nationalistic Zionism and anti-Semitism.


  When and How Did Evangelicals Become Zionists?


Many people don't realize, but in-fact Christian Zionism has an enormous amount of influence in Christian churches, political parties, and the conservative movement. They do not reveal nor name themselves in public as "Christain Zionist" as they strategical like to call themselves "Christians."

The Christain Zionists are nationalists when it comes to Isreal, and they promote conservatism if it comes to the public attention. Some of the Christian Zionists are Christain, and some of them are Jewish Christian Zionists. They work together giving off an illusion of false representation, so you cannot always tell the difference between the two. Some of the reasons why the anti-globalist conservatives cannot build or unite all the different groups are because of their lack of teamwork and motivation to fight in the people's court. This conservative individualist thinking is a downfall towards building a solid foundation towards an organization.

There is a growing number of people who believe that the globalist finances the Christian Zionists. That is why conservative groups have not been successful because Christain zionists have stopped them from becoming successful. A Jewish lady named Lauren Loomer, a freelance journalist, had a journalist pass to go to a CPAC meeting, supposedly organizations representing conservative thinking, it is believed Christian Zionist who is the organizer of the CPAC function had her pass removed and thrown out the building.

The conservative movement has never been successful because it does not believe becoming a collective, which says that's Coliseum, which means is groups coming together as a collective so they can build a powerful organization. They also promote the individual is more important than the collective, each individual is unique, but when they united, they become a collective, and they gain power.

They also do not promote the idea of building community-based organizations and do not teach its members concerning laws, for the people can challenge what's going on in the courts, the Christian Zionist will not promote the idea of setting up an anti-defamation council and will

The Christian Zionist do not support the idea of a community-based organization to cater for peoples needs, and will not promote setting up an organization to obtain the money to finance and set up the peoples anti-defamation league so the people can take political parties, media, and individuals to court for genocide, persecution, and racism.


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EXCLUSIVE: Laura Loomer Banned From CPAC For Talking To Oliver Darcy



Editorial Reviews


"This is an excellent resource on one of the most important issues of our day. Everything from the introduction to the glossary is most helpful for anyone who wishes to understand the important spiritual and political implications of this powerful but largely unnoticed sect. In particular, Sizer's theology section is a startling eye-opener for Christians who put the Gospels at the heart of their faith." (Greg Brownfield, Christian Zionism Task Leader, ELCA Chicago Metro Synod Working Group in the Middle East)"In the past quarter-century, evangelical fundamentalist Christian Zionism has developed into a major theological movement and has made a significant political impact in the United States. Its effect upon the Arab-Israeli conflict continues to increase yearly.

Unfortunately, many Christians and non-Christians possess little knowledge of this phenomenon. Stephen Sizer's book is without doubt the best and most comprehensive analysis to date about Christian Zionism; it deserves to be read seriously." (Norton Mezvinsky, University Professor of History, Central Connecticut State University)"No Christian leader or layperson who is interested in biblical, theological or political matters related to the Middle East or to Israel's part in its future can afford not to read this volume." (Dr. Ronald Youngblood, Chairman of the Board of Directors of International Bible Society)"Stephen Sizer's work on Christian Zionism is the most important and comprehensive on the subject to date, and should be read by all students of the Middle East and by Christians concerned about a just resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Christian Zionism raises vital theological and political challenges that must be addressed head-on by Christians in the West, particularly evangelicals." (Don Wagner, Professor of Religion and Middle Eastern Studies, North Park University, Chicago, Illinois)"Christian Zionism slices through some of the terribly muddy thinking regarding modern-day Israel and the last times which seems to characterize the majority of American evangelicalism. The author is to be congratulated on the clarity of presentation as well as the courage it takes to present it!" (Bruce A. McDonald, Visiting Professor of Religion, Texas Wesleyan University)"When the lines are not clearly drawn and premillennialism is confused with Christian Zionism, the book Christian Zionism: Road-map to Armageddon? is essential reading. Stephen Sizer goes into the historical roots, the theological arguments and the political implications of Christian Zionism." (Nabeel T. Jabbour, Visiting Professor at Columbia Biblical Seminary, Tyndale Seminary, Western Seminary and Whitworth College)"Fantastic! I'm grateful for this book's advocacy of the church as the Bride, instead of Israel the bride and the bhurch the concubine." (Gilbert Bilezikian)"If any book deserves the accolade of being the definitive critique of Christian Zionism, it is this. Popular, lucid and readable, this is a dispassionate and scholarly yet critical evaluation of the phenomenon." (Dr. Anthony McRoy, lecturer in Islamics, Evangelical Theological College, Wales)"I am glad to commend Stephen Sizer's groundbreaking critique of Christian Zionism. His comprehensive overview of its roots, its theological basis and its political consequences is very timely. I myself believe that Zionism, both political and Christian, is incompatible with biblical faith. Stephen's book has helped to reinforce this conviction." (Rev. John Stott, Rector Emeritus, All Souls, Langham Place, London, principal framer of the Lausanne Covenant (1974), founder of the Langham Partnership International and author of more than 40 books)"I commend Stephen Sizer's important and prophetic book in calling evangelical Christians, in particular, to break the spiral of violence and hatred. Instead we must obey the teachings of the Prince of Peace who has called us to a ministry of reconciliation rather than listen to the false prophets of Armageddon whose apocalyptic message is in danger of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy." (The Right Revd. Riah Abu El Assal, Episcopal Bishop of Jerusalem, and author of Caught in Between)













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Dr Stephen Sizer is the founder and director of Peacemaker Trust, a registered charity dedicated to peacemaking, especially where minorities are persecuted, where justice is denied, human rights are suppressed or reconciliation is needed.Anglican ChurchStephen was ordained in 1983 and served as a curate in St Leonard’s on Sea, Sussex (1983-1986). He was appointed Curate-in-Charge, then Rector of St John’s, Stoke, Guildford in Surrey (1986-1997). He was appointed vicar of Virginia Water in 1997 where he served for 20 years until 2017.

About the Author

Stephen Sizer is the vicar of Christ Church, Virginia Water, Surrey (England), and chairman of the International Bible Society.


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Zionism: Unmasked in 10 minutes | reallygraceful


Zionists infiltrate the US gov. There is much evidence pointing to Israels Mossads involvement in the 911 false flag event.


Responsible for a lot of the worlds suffering!The unholy state of these people is undeniable!!! Wake-Up!!!!????????#TRUTH

How many dual nationalists are in our Congress? How does one pledge full allegiance to several nations? 


Christian Zionism








l When and How Did Evangelicals Become Zionists?


Face to Face - Stephen Sizer talks about Christian Zionism (P.1)


How the Christian Zionist movement influences world leaders

Wednesday 24 October 2018 5:40PM (view full episode)

When Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu falls on hard times – be it corruption charges at home or diplomatic condemnation abroad – he depends on his most faithful followers.

But they’re not all Jewish. His biggest bloc of support is the four million strong community in the United States called Christian Zionists.

These largely evangelical and Pentecostal Christians have emboldened Netanyahu to fight the West’s nuclear deal with Iran or attempts to establish a Palestinian state. They’re led by mega church pastor John Hagee.

Sean Durbin is the author of the new book, Righteous Gentiles: Religion, Identity and Myth in John Hagee’s Christians United for Israel.


"Today on TruNews we detail how a union between prominent American Christian Zionists and Kabbalah practicing Jewish Rabbis has birthed a heresy masquerading as divine intervention, leading millions away from Jesus Christ. Will the promise of a Third Temple lead to the final Great Deception?"

  Trumped Up Prophecies: How Kabbalah Wizards & Christian Zionists Are Trying to Build a Third Temple


Freya from #120dB - Are Europe's Women Fair Game? | UK Conference, 2018


Generation Identity UK & IrelandOfficial Website


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Refuting Scofield 1 - Church History Intro and Genesis 1-11

The bible does not have the word race were all the same blood?

I agree that race was not used in the Bible but nation (ethnic) was. I do not agree that we are all of one blood, "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed" GENEsis 3:15. Previous to that, there was a creation in GENEsis One on day six, then God the Father and Creator rested on the seventh day but there was no one to til the ground and HE formed Adam in GENEsis Two. Tables of Nations in GENEsis 10. "I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing" GENEsis 12:21. Many are led to believe this is that so-called chosen tribe in that "state" in the middle east which is of course error. "You shall have the same law for the sojourner among you as for one of your own nationality, for I am the Lord your God" Lev 24:22 Jesus said, "My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me" John 10:27.

The word Israel come from a man called israel.

Jews is another word miss used.

You simply don’t know what you are saying. You don’t know the difference from man, and [the man], 6 th day, and 8th day. You don’t understand the tribulation Matthew 24 speaks of the tribulation that leads up to the end of the church age. You don’t understand who goes in the Rapture. You don’t understand there have already been 9 Raptures. You don’t understand about who has a Spirit, who has a “living soul” and who doesn’t. You don’t understand that Adamic Israelites will be caught up to Zion where Adamic believers in JESUS THE FATHER who lived under The LORD God’s laws and Adamic Israelites that accept Jesus Christ now that live under His laws now. You don’t understand that Adamic Israelites are the church. The old covenant people are the same people under the new covenant. The Lord told us TO WATCH, because He might come back at any time, suddenly. For anyone to teach that the Rapture cannot happen until after the 7-year Tribulation period is blatant heresy. The book of Moses 7:61-63 And the day shall come that the earth shall rest, but before that day the heavens shall be darkened, and a veil of darkness shall cover the earth; and the heavens shall shake, and also the earth; and great tribulations shall be among the children of men, but my people will I preserve; 62 And righteousness will I send down out of heaven; and truth will I send forth out of the earth, to bear testimony of mine Only Begotten; his resurrection from the dead; yea, and also the resurrection of all men; and righteousness and truth will I cause to sweep the earth as with a flood, to gather out mine elect from the four quarters of the earth, unto a place which I shall prepare, an Holy City, that my people may gird up their loins, and be looking forth for the time of my coming; for there shall be my tabernacle, and it shall be called Zion, a New Jerusalem. 63 And the Lord said unto Enoch: Then shalt thou and all thy city meet them there, and we will receive them into our bosom, and they shall see us; and we will fall upon their necks, and they shall fall upon our necks, and we will kiss each other. Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee “from the hour of temptation" (i.e., the Tribulation Period).  This seven-year period of tribulation is referred to in the Old Testament as The Time of Jacob's Trouble in Jeremiah 30:7-11. which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. 1 Thessalonians 4:17 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are alive and remaining will be caught up together (THE RAPTURE) with them in the clouds to meet the Lord Jesus Christ in the air. And so we will always be with Jesus Christ. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.…Revelation 4:1 Come up hither. Those that say THE RAPTURE is not real, they conveniently forget Jesus made a promise that He was going to prepare a place for us and He would come back for us for where He is we may be also, not where we are He will be with us. John 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I come again, and will receive you unto myself; that where I am, [there] ye may be also. Remember, there are many mansions in The Father’s house. The Father’s house is not here on earth. Acts 1:9 After He had said this, they watched as He was taken up, (RAPTURED) and a cloud hid Him from their sight. Revelation 11:12 And the witnesses heard a loud voice from heaven saying, "Come up here." And they went up to Heaven in a cloud as their enemies watched. Jesus Christ was hiding us and protecting us from the horrific events of the tribulation period. We are “not appointed to wrath” (1 Thessalonians 5:9) In Revelation, the church is absent from all of the tribulation chapters; The consistent picture of end-time events is that of Christ coming to get his Bride for marriage (not to take her through suffering). Also, there is strong scriptural and linguistic support to demonstrate that the falling away (lit., the departing) spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 is a reference to the rapture—meaning the rapture must come before that day (the Day of the Lord/Tribulation) comes. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body. 1 Corinthian 15:51-52 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

its funny to get into a debate on the dispensationalism idea. The only difference really happens to be the works vs. faith method to salvation. Seeing as Jesus already died on the cross and by faith is the way to salvation now. Everything seems like a waste when it comes to discussing if its false or not. You're not going to hell if you believe in one or the other. Dispensationalism helps those coming back to God who find out that even thou sacrifices were made to Elohim; such as Noah after the flood in the past. It doesn't mean you need to sacrifice now to be on good terms with Elohim. There was no Jewish people or Bible when it came to Noah. Noah's story shows that he just happened to be a man with clean genetics and listened to God when asked to save the world. If Noah gets to heaven apparently there were many means of pleasing God. Today Elohim asks that you believe in the story of Christ and informs that your sins are washed away so that you may be with God for eternity. But did Noah not sin at all in his life? Wasn't C


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In this talk, Reverend Dr. Stephen Sizer discusses how the movement of Christian Zionism preceded Jewish Zionism by at least 50 years and facilitated the establishment of the State of Israel.

  The Historical Roots of Christian Zionism, its Theological Basis and Political Agenda

The Messiah already came! They are building the 3rd temple of the Antichrist y'all will be had like Jesus was given away by Judas for some change! Sound familiar? Christians supporting this agenda will unfortunately be judged. Pray for them.

Superb Upload.It Is Very depressing that the Most Critically Important and Pressing issues of The day are the Recipients of such low Views on YouTube and Lacking in Publicity in a General sense. Christian Zionism is an appalling Evil,That seems unstoppable,A Third Temple is their ultimate Goal,And the means,However Horrific,Justify the End Result.Dark,Ominous War Clouds Gathering.

  When and How Did Evangelicals Become Zionists?

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 Screenshot 2christian 23" data-mce-href="v">Christian Zionism - Road-map to Armageddon?

 Lecture by The Rev. Dr. Stephen Sizer

However well intentioned Christian zionists are they need to stop putting the Jewish people on an idolatrous platform bowing down to them in a type of ritual worship.Jesus words are clear and he told us to fear God yet Jesus who was a Jew himself would probably be ridiculed if he walked into a dispensational Christian fellowship expressing the truth about Israel and the Jews.God did give the Jews that land forever but it was conditional on them (Deut 28) living in obedience.Jesus made it clear that the Jews who opposed him would not enter heaven and that he alone is the way,the truth and the life and no man comes to the father but by him.Also it says there is no other name under heaven by which we can be saved Also according to the epistle of John the spirit of antichrist denies the son and he who denies the son does not have the father that sent him.Jews do not believe in Jesus as their messiah,they don’t believe in a Son of God and don’t believe they need to be saved by Jesus thus according to scripture they are the spirit of antichrist just like Islam. Christian zionists need to read the words of Paul who told us to have nothing to do with the works of darkness.I do believe a remnant will come back to the Lord before the end of the age and that is conditional on them acknowledging their offence (Jesus murder) and the book of Zechariah says that they will look on me whom THEY have pierced they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only son and grieve for HIM as one grieves for a firstborn (Zechariah 12:1-14) which is just before the chapters on the day of the Lord which is the final battle at Christ’s return

The hearts and minds of people are often won through a clever assembly of half-truths and lies, and no force in all of human history grasps this reality better -- for well over a century -- than the Zionist leadership. And with Zionist control of US political machinery, foreign policy, education, monetary/banking and media, Americans, en masse, have lined up like clueless cattle. The founding fathers warned about the separation of church and state, but the Zionists have found a way around it.

The corruption of the Bible unto the prophesied Apostasy serving Zionism instead of the salvation , started even before Darby's & Scofield's, it commenced with the not so innocent Protestant Rebellion .into the leavens of the FAITH, theologically --- the source that causes the prophesied Apostasy


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Read 346 times Last modified on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 09:48