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Russia fighting Globalist

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9million deaed russ
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White people against Jewish Communist.
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I think  above article writing by a Jew.
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Jewish Communist Killed the Russian Tsar and family.
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 Was Admiral Kolchak freemason, puts he hand in his coat?.
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Lenin and the Bolsheviks was Jewish communist.
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Jewish Bolsheviks, the Reds used white gentiles to fight against whites.

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 Jewish Bolsheviks, the Reds used white gentiles to fight against whites.
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double army in 1year
Leon Trostsky was Jewish Communist.
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Jewish Bolsheviks, the Reds used white gentiles to fight against whites.
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5 or 3
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  On May 19, 1947, the Soviet Tupolev Tu-4 bomber made its first flight. The new plane was an exact copy of the most advanced aircraft of the time, the Boeing B-29 Superfortress. Why did the Soviets, instead of creating something original, choose to blatantly copy the American bomber? And most importantly—how did they manage to do it? Paper Skies - amazing stories about famous airplanes, historical events, or exceptional people that have changed the world of aviation or turned out to be unfairly forgotten.
1946 1947
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In a recent interview, commander of the "Akhmat" special forces, Absiyarunush Alaudinov, discussed the growing conflict in Kursk, stating that his unit is fully prepared to repel the NATO offensive. He framed the battle as a larger struggle against significant Western support, stressing his strategy of allowing the enemy to advance before launching a decisive counteroffensive. Alaudinov criticised NATO’s use of advanced weaponry and civilian captives for propaganda purposes. Watch the full broadcast for more. INTERNATIONAL NEWS
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The economic war continues with Russia freezing the assets of a major G7 bank, preventing them from leaving. The Raiffeisen bank freeze is the biggest so far signalling Western assets are at risk. Meanwhile, Trump has issued an unthinkable threat if countries dare to shun the dollar. They will risk a total trade war.
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Russian singers perform the song "For you, Motherland" for Russia's National Flag Day

The first mention of the white-blue-red flag dates back to 1668, when it was raised on the first Russian ship, the Orel, during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, and in 1693 it became the personal standard of Peter I. In April 1883, Alexander III ordered: "That in those ceremonial occasions when it is deemed possible to allow the decoration of buildings with flags, only the Russian flag, consisting of three stripes: the top one is white, the middle one is blue, and the bottom one is red, be used." In 1896, a special meeting at the Ministry of Justice, convened by Emperor Nicholas II, determined that the flag "must finally be white-blue-red and no other colors.

"There is no single official interpretation of the colors of the flag, but the most common symbolic description is as follows:

⚪️ White color symbolizes purity, independence and peace.
? Blue is the color of faith, devotion and justice (also reminiscent of the blue color of the mantle of the Virgin Mary, which is considered a symbol of Russia).
? Red is a symbol of courage, strength and bravery, and serves as a reminder of our compatriots who gave their lives defending the Motherland.

 all soviet
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 The August, 1991, events surrounding the SCSE (the State Committee on the State of Emergency) coup d'état are confusing even to those Russians who lived through them. There were tanks in Moscow, and president Gorbachev was supposedly arrested at his vacation home in the settlement of Foros on the Crimean Peninsula. Vast majority of people had no idea what was happening, as the regular state TV broadcast was switched to “Swan Lake” ballet on repeat. Many people still associate Tchaikovsky's famous creation with those dark days.
General Alexander Rutskoy flew to Crimea to bring Gorbachev back to Moscow.
Here’s General Rutskoy’s account on what really went on in Foros and on Gorbachev’s role in the August events.
This is a fairly concise “standard” summary ( the participants and chronological events of those days written from the “Gorby good, SCSE bad” point of view. Use the autotranslate feature of your browser.

A communist elite complaining that his communist empire is gone. Russia is much better off now, the younger generation has no idea how bad it was under the communists.


Excellent.We know who Gorbatchov was and what he did to great russian nation.
Very informative for those who wants to know the truth and history.
Thank you

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Nikita Khrushchev was Jewish
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IT'S JUST TIN: Khrushchev's 1955 Geneva capitulation-He fulfilled ALL THE DEMANDS OF the collective West (Pravda Zhizni, 2024)These demands of the collective West and the United States were expressed by Dwight Eisenhower in a personal meeting with Georgy Zhukov. As a bun from the United States, normalization of relations with this West was promised.
The first of the fulfilled requirements was the liquidation of the Soviet military base Porkkala in Finland on September 19, 1955. Until the end of 1956, all military personnel were withdrawn from the base, and the property was transferred to the Finns as a gift.
The next step was a goodwill gesture to reduce the size of the Soviet armed forces. In 1955, by 640 thousand people, in 1956 by 1 million 200 thousand and by 300 thousand in 1957.
However, the greatest reduction was made in the Soviet Navy, where 375 warships were put into conservation. All shipbuilding programs were closed - 240 unfinished ships were scrapped.But that was an invisible part of the plan. Among other things, the new Soviet leadership had to dissociate itself from Stalin and his activities, which Khrushchev would do at the fateful XX Congress on February 25, 1956.
But the most important thing in the USSR was to reduce the birth rate, which jumped sharply in the post-war years...

She's The Black Sheep

Yes, he systematically worked to destroy all that Stalin (whom the people loved) built. He even tried to erase Stalin's legacy, thinking he would end that love and reverence that the people had for him. Stalin wanted nothing to do with the one world agenda that Churchill and Eisenhower had presented him with, and this fool (Khruschev) welcomed it with open arms.

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my wifes are jews
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As a fellow Canadian who served in the military, I am proud of the fact that you are doing what you think is best for your family. Family, God and farm is the heart and soul of any great nation. It does not matter if it is Russia or Canada. The current political spectrum within Canada is against the very foundations that have built the country. You are doing absolutely the right thing. All those trolls and haters are jealous of what you have and are doing. Remember, we answer not only to ourselves but, to the almighty. You can speak with the almighty no matter where you are. Be true to your family and may God bless you. FIY my wife and I are relocating as well to the southern part of Russia and we hope to meet you sometime in the future on your farm. Hard work is rewarded.


Not everyone in the West is happy with the direction things are going. Arend is correct about both Canada and the US. A majority of citizens are sick and tired of the alphabet people, attacks on Christianity, 24/7 vitriol against whites, etc. I don't blame him for bringing his family to a country that celebrates children and not one where terminating them is celebrated or destroying them with hormone blockers is encouraged. There are many people from the West choosing to move to Russia because of the family values and morals. Wishing the Feenstra family every success in their new lives.
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The globalist that run Russia promoted the Covid jab and killed 2.4 million people.
So not going to admit that you were wrong and Putin(Jewish) tried to kill its own population? kinda sad honestly. At least you're spreading the words of the good church around.


Jun 6, 2024

Greg Reese

Greg Reese

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Lessons I’ve learned from living in Russia

There are many claims that Russia has fared better than most big countries during this deadly era of fake pandemics and experimental mandated shots. And so I traveled to Russia last December to see for myself. What I learned was that this is true, but the government is not to credit for this. While elements of the Russian Federation do protect and preserve the Russian people and their culture, the evidence shows that they were administering the same deadly shots as we’ve seen in the West.

The number of deaths in Russia during the roll-out of their vaccines exceeded 2.4 million people, making it the worst year of deaths since 1945. Data shows a correlation between vaccination and the increase in morbidity and mortality. And the head of the Russian ministry of health urged pregnant women to get the shot, saying it will contribute to a more comfortable and safe pregnancy.

It’s not the government that is saving the Russian people, it is the people themselves. What I noticed the most about the Russian people, is that they are far more united than the American people. And everyone I’ve talked to here has told me that during the mask mandates and vaccine push, the majority of people unitedly ignored them. The police wore their masks below the chin and didn’t enforce them on the people. And employers were forging documents to show vaccination when there was none. They were not fooled, and they had each other’s back.

Many have told me that this unity is a result of generations of hardship that has embedded the importance of community into every Russian psyche. And I am sure that this is a big part of it, but there is another big factor that has contributed to their unity which can be adopted by anyone - Repentance.

Orthodox Christianity used to be the official religion of Russia. It was made illegal during the Soviet Union, and when Communism fell, Orthodoxy reemerged in a massive way. Within the first few years, over twenty million Russians were baptized. And many of these people believe that the nation must repent for allowing the Romanov family to be brutally executed by Bolsheviks during the revolution. Millions of Russians believe that repentance is the only thing that will save Russia. I’ve heard many American Christians say that America must repent as well, but before I came to Russia, I did not understand what repentance was.

According to St. John Chrysostom, the purpose of repentance is for healing and transformation. There are five paths and they are so simple that they can be practiced by anyone without submission or conformity to any dogma or belief.

The first path of repentance is contrition, or the condemnation of your own sins. In order to improve at anything, you must be aware of your weaknesses. If you want to become a better carpenter, then you need to be aware of what makes you a poor one so that you can change those things. The same goes for everything. And so if you want to become a good person, you have to be aware of your own shortcomings.

The second path of repentance is forgiveness. It is the overlooking of another person’s sin. This is not saying that laws and justice should not be upheld, it is saying that when you are focused on other people’s shortcomings, you are wasting time that should be focused on your own. We have no right or power to compel others, but we do have the power and the responsibility to change ourselves.

The third path of repentance is prayer. Specifically, prayer that is impassioned, focused, and comes from the heart. Taking the time to turn our thoughts away from worry, desire, and the mundane, and cultivate the frequency of love and gratitude. The power of prayer has been scientifically measured. And consistent group prayer has lowered crime in the areas it was practiced in.

The fourth path of repentance is kind deeds towards others. The world is full of opportunities to show compassion and generosity to others in need.

And the fifth path of repentance is humility. Becoming more humble in our thoughts, words, and actions.

According to these teachings, one must simply choose at least one of these paths each and every day. This is about taking responsibility, which is the root of every healthy society. And the outcome is quite clear, the more people practicing these five simple paths, the more their society will heal and transform.

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How the New World Order introduced an era of darkness

Started in the 1400s, the Russian monarchy was based on the second letter to the Thessalonians, where Paul speaks of a restrainer who holds back evil. As long as there was a Christian Tsar on earth, the dark powers of the Antichrist would not come to power. Symphonia is the Orthodox relationship between the church and state. Where the state protects the church, and the church protects the state from falling into sin and heresy. In 1613, after the Russian civil war known as the Time of Troubles, the Russians elected Michael Romanov, 16 years of age, as Tsar of Russia. And the Romanov family ruled from 1613 until 1917. During this period, Russia prospered. They became more focused on Christianity and promoted it worldwide through missionary work. While Christianity was the main religion, there were Jews, Muslims, and pagans, who were free to practice their own religion. The only religion that was made illegal was the Talmudic worshiping Jews. Because the Talmudic traditions were seen as anti-Christian and in complete opposition of their spiritual goals. These anti-Christian philosophies infiltrated the country when Freemasonry migrated to Russia in the mid 1700s. The Freemasons taught that the traditional Christian values upheld by the Dynasty were outdated and were keeping Russia from competing with the West. Liberal ideas were introduced, such as misogyny, because women weren't allowed to be Freemasons, which became so popular that if you were a noble person you had to be a Freemason. And Freemasonry taught that all religions can be one, and therefore, the Russian Orthodox Symphonia must be abolished.

The Tsar stood strongly against this, and so the idea of revolution was introduced. During the industrialization of the 1800s, factories became home to Masonic revolutionary ideas. And in 1917, the revolution began. And the Royal family was taken prisoner.The family was taken from their home to a stone house several miles away on the highest point of the Ural mountains called Ascension Hill, and murdered. According to the official narrative, they were executed by a firing squad in the basement. But according to the evidence, they were murdered in a very dark ritual manner.

According to the investigation of the Orthodox Church, the murderers themselves, and the material evidence, this is what happened on the night of July 17th 1918.The stone house was known by the Bolsheviks to be a place where evil acts have taken place in the past. It was prepared ahead of time. And the murder involved 11 assassins, and 11 victims. The Tsar, his wife, the four daughters, the son, and four servants. The number 11 is believed to be based on the 11 apostles who remained after Judas betrayed Christ. These 11 people were taken into the basement, they were shot in the knees, and they were stabbed with bayonets. And during all of this, their mouths were gagged to quiet their screams. In their memoirs, the murderers wrote it was so bad that they were vomiting.

The bodies were then wrapped up in white linen, placed into the back of a truck, and kept alive as they were driven to a swampy area outside of the city. They were finally murdered by being hung upside down to drain their blood. They were beheaded, their teeth removed, and their bodies chopped into pieces. The body parts were partially dissolved in acid, and then burned. Eggs were boiled, sprinkled with ash from the burnt linens which were soaked in royal blood, and consumed at the crime scene.

The Tsar’s head was placed into a jar, preserved in alcohol, and shipped to Moscow. In the 1920s, the Romanov family diaries were released by the Bolsheviks. They showed the Tsar to be an honorable man, highly intelligent involving political affairs, and a devout Christian. As if part of the ritual, this brought shame to the Russian people who were turned against the Tsar through Marxist propaganda.

The Federal Reserve System, the Rothschilds, and the British Round Table, opposed the Tsar and the traditional Christian policies that stood in the way of their plans for world domination. And many Russians see the murder of Tsar Nicholas the second as a necessary precursor to the New World Order which began proliferating after his death. Tsar Nicholas the second is now a saint in the Russian Orthodox church, and millions of Russian Orthodox Christians believe they need to repent for allowing the Dynasty to be destroyed.

It's true that the Russians need to repent for allowing a Godly government to be overthrown just as we Americans need to repent for allowing our one nation under God to be overthrown by people who worship and love Satan
You have Christians and you have Catholics.
A) A Christian refers to a follower of Jesus Christ
B) Born Again Christians See the Bible as the Sole Source of Authority
C) Born Again Christians Believe Salvation is by Faith Alone
D) Christianity is not a "Religion" it's a way of life following after the Lord Jesus Christ
E) It was "Religion" by the Pharasees that got Christ crucified, The cross is now empty and Christ is ressurected and ascended into Heaven.
A) A Catholic is a follower of the Catholic religion as transmitted through the succession of Popes. The Pope is the leader of the Catholic church.
B) Catholics have a Bible with the Apocrypha and Also Follow Sacred Tradition and Teachings of the Magisterium
C) Catholics Believe Works are Needed for Salvation
D) Catholics believe in the "Religion" of the Vatican.
E) The Vatican KEEPs Christ "CRUCIFIED AND TORTURED DAY AND NIGHT" with their cross and an image of the Lord upon it.
This CROSS is not a reminder to the Catholics of Christ's saving Grace it is exactly what is said it is.
Until 50 yrs ago The Pope said that the Catholics will too call themselves "Christians" to identify with their Christian brethren, Before they were only identified as Catholics.
The Vatican's treachery has no bounds. The Vatican one of the most evil places on earth that enslave the minds of the people through "Religion"
For one thing, the communists didn't admit that they had killed the Czar until maybe 15 years ago. The second thing is that the Jews didn't kill the Czar because he was Christian. Beginning with the French Revolution, 1789, the communists set about killing the Nobility of the West. This was their first step at reducing every governmental authority to a Marxian Democracy, where they could control the masses by lies and propaganda.
Jews are Communism and Communism is Jewish.
It's true that the Russians need to repent for allowing a Godly government to be overthrown just as we Americans need to repent for allowing our one nation under God to be overthrown by people who worship and love Satan
You have Christians and you have Catholics. A) A Christian refers to a follower of Jesus Christ B) Born Again Christians See the Bible as the Sole Source of Authority C) Born Again Christians Believe Salvation is by Faith Alone D) Christianity is not a "Religion" it's a way of life following after the Lord Jesus Christ E) It was "Religion" by the Pharasees that got Christ crucified, The cross is now empty and Christ is ressurected and ascended into Heaven. A) A Catholic is a follower of the Catholic religion as transmitted through the succession of Popes. The Pope is the leader of the Catholic church. B) Catholics have a Bible with the Apocrypha and Also Follow Sacred Tradition and Teachings of the Magisterium C) Catholics Believe Works are Needed for Salvation D) Catholics believe in the "Religion" of the Vatican. E) The Vatican KEEPs Christ "CRUCIFIED AND TORTURED DAY AND NIGHT" with their cross and an image of the Lord upon it. This CROSS is not a reminder to the Catholics of Christ's saving Grace it is exactly what is said it is. Until 50 yrs ago The Pope said that the Catholics will too call themselves "Christians" to identify with their Christian brethren, Before they were only identified as Catholics. The Vatican's treachery has no bounds. The Vatican one of the most evil places on earth that enslave the minds of the people through "Religion" CATHOLICS AND ORTHODOX CHURCHES ARE JUST OTHER TENTACLES OF THE VATICAN. SADLY THE PEOPLE IN ALL THE VATICAN'S CHURCHES ARE IN THE FRYING PAN GOING INTO THE FIRE
The following factors are indisputable, therefore the abnormality of the event should raise many eyebrows: Tzar Nicolas was to this day the most valuable hostage ever taken in written history. His ransom would have been enormous and would have massively aided the Bolsheviks in running the Soviet Union. Tzar Nicholas was an emperor, and related to the most powerful families of Europe. Napoleon, a non royal, was exiled and never thought to be executed in such a way. Many officers taken on both sides of WW1 (and prior) were treated with immense respect and even entertained while being POW's. IF customs and logic were in place this event should have been impossible to take place, yet it did. What does this tell us about what happened? Why murder the most valuable hostage in human history? At the very least, we KNOW that what transpired was the opposite of what typically happens to valuable royal hostages - let alone the emperor of Russia. Well Greg - you have touched on why. I am very glad you chose to make this video, and this story is far more important than people realize. This story is a reverberates throughout time. The predecessors of such evil are still at large.
Mihael Romanov was actually Russian a son of a Bishop. After that the Germans infiltrated the entire line. By the time Nicolas II was Czar; the ruler of Russia was like 95% German. Nevertheless he was a good man; his German wife on the other hand I can not say the same for. It was inevitable that his empire would fall; the entire elite apparatus at that time (like today) took the God of Israel for some sort of joke where you could sin endlessly because of the Eucharist every Sunday and just like that you were forgiven no problem; just because the priest said so; but we all know what John Chrysystom said what paves the road to hell. Even if you go to Church in Russia today (from 9 am to noon) you will see hardly anyone there (mostly old women and their grankids).......until about 5 minutes before the serving of the Eucharist when suddenly a flurry of people come in take part in the Eucharist and then immediately leave; as if to say "look Jesus I got people to see places to go so uh I'll see you next week because repenting is completely out of the question; you just keep pouring forth mercy, and uh you know...I'll come to you when I need you but I certainly have better things to do". They are a people who need to see it to believe it (like a silly white American liberal girl named Chloe visiting herself). "Hey buddy hellooo your country is on its way to hell in a handbasket I think you better change your ways"......"Nyeet nyeeet Rassia is invincible....urraaaa".
Greg you are wrong about as much as you are right...I'm of course totally spitballing here...but I've wondered something about you as I've watched you reveal more about how you view things in your suspicions have primarily been based around your views of Israel (more on that)...I'd venture a guess that the framework that you function out of is an Eastern Orthodox one (you may have mentioned this but I've not heard it myself)...this would explain some of your unbiblical would also explain the long hair you're growing (for some reason the EOs like to grow the long oily hair (Jay Dyer for example) would also explain your admiration of the Czar and Russia (at least pre-USSR) being that Russia would be considered brethren for the EO world and perhaps the EO epicenter since Constantinople is functionally ineffective due to their Islamic overlords...but back to would also explain your wrongheaded view of the people and land of an EO you are a Supersessionist (aka Replacement Theology) short you think the Church (of course only the EO church in your mind) has replaced Israel as the people of God and that there no longer remains the future purpose in Gods plan for ethnic Israel, the Jewish people and their land outside of becoming Christians and joining the Church (of course that would be only the EO church for you)...the truth of the matter however is here in America where there is the real America (MAGA, the Deplorables, et al) and there's the parasitic false globalist deep state America (Nazis, Uniparty, MIC, et al) Israel there too is a true Israel made up of the remnant and the chosen of God and what scripture calls the Synagogue of Satan or in our modern vernacular the Jewish Satanic deep state that is in league with the other western based globalist powers (Rothschilds, Soros, Hollywood, Wall St, City London, et al)...if I've pinned you wrong apologies...but you're still so wrong on so many fronts.
Gregg, You Are an Idiot sometimes. The "Restraining Force" mentioned in Thessalonians is the HOLY SPIRIT. The bible is as clear as day about that. Your Biblical Ignorance is mind boggling. No Christian Czar is restraining the Devil. It's like you are making a video about the Emperor having Cloths, when we all know he does NOT have cloths... yet, you are being serious. The power delaying Satan’s masterplan to unveil his false messiah must be of God. It makes much more sense to say that the Holy Spirit is curbing the devil than a political entity or even an angel. The Holy Spirit of God is the only Person with sufficient (supernatural) power to do this restraining. Get with it man. I can never share another video of yours again now because of your credibility
Ham merTime
German bloodline: Alexandra Feodorovna (Russian: Александра Фёдоровна; 6 June [O.S. 25 May] 1872 – 17 July 1918), Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine at birth, was the last Empress of Russia. Her Bloodline Played an essential role in the American Revolutionary War. Buffalo New York was called Saint Catherine before 1776.
codebreaker "...18 Significantly, in 1917, after Russia’s czar abdicated, Kaiser Wilhelm sent Nikolai Lenin from Switzerland across Germany and Sweden to Russia to spread Bolshevism or communism, for the purpose of weakening and destroying the Russian armies. (So says General Ludendorff, the ally of Adolf Hitler, in his memoirs.) By this war strategy the king of the north helped the cause of world communism. ..." Ludendorff, with the Kaiser's blessing, helped Lenin and other 30 or so revolutionaries in exile return to Russia. Ludendorff agreed to send the Bolsheviks in Switzerland by train through Germany from where they would then travel to Russia via Sweden. Lenin, however, still took some convincing, insisting that he be sent on a sealed train. Lenin ultimately agreed on 31 March, and would depart Switzerland on 8 April. "...The OHL also ensured safe passage for Lenin and his associates from Switzerland to Russia. ..."
Greg left out the most important fact, that these Bolsheviks that killed the Czar royal family were JEWS!!!
You will want to discuss the Talmudic citations with people who oppose the view you are representing, because, when read in context, they do not always say the things you think they're saying--not that I agree with Judaism, because, as a Christian, I recognize they only want to persecute us, as Ishmael persecuted Isaac (Gal 4:21-31), but, if people are to bring accusations, and warn people about the Jews, they need to make sure their allegations are based in substance, or else, when the accusations are debunked, it just makes things worse--eg, the citation that says a man who has had intercourse with a girl below the age of three has done nothing, if I'm not mistaken, it means the man has done nothing WITH REGARD TO THE CHILD'S MARITABILITY (ie, the girl will not be considered "damaged goods" when she gets married--it must be that, by reason of experience in the horrific matter, the had observed that the girl below the age of three who has been raped will still have a ruptured hymen upon a future marriage being consumated (in her adulthood), which matters because the bedsheet with the blood is to be kept in case there, later, is a false accusation against her of her not having been a virgin (this is a Law, a precautionary measure to protect the woman, in the Torah)). Interact with the other side on these matters, because there is bewilderment, and unwarranted excitation, about it, which only makes people who have legitimate complaints look weird and untrustworthy.
Jews are Communism and Communism is Jewish
All that is happening - and has ever happened - across the aeons, is the Dark Brotherhood and the Brotherhood of Light fiercely clashing with each other, 98% of the time through proxies. Other systems, people, heroes, villains, gangs, magic, technology, you name it. Since Atlantis and even before these two are fiercely at each other's throats. All the smaller religions, which last usually for a few thousand years or so, eventually vanish and are replaced by others, initiated by the Masters of Light. They last until their purpose is fulfilled or the lose themselves in fanaticism and nonsense. Furthermore, the Dark Brotherhood always eventually infiltrates them and destroys them from within. Just like the Catholic church is now at it's death throes, from which it will not recover after Vatican is nuked soon in WW3. Aztecs, Mayas, Incas, Egyptians and various others were already infiltrated and destroyed centuries ago. The sacrifices and all that the modern people think they know came AFTER they were corrupted. Originally they were pure, Christic religions (essentially the teachings of Krishna, the eternal Sanatana Dharma, which re-emerges again and again). Currently, among the last pure exoteric religions is Orthodox Christianity, and they really, REALLY hate it. This is why they're against Russia so viciously, they just cannot stand it. The modern "Jews" have mostly nothing to do anymore with the old Jewish lore from thousands of years ago. That religion was also infiltrated and completely subverted. Just like the Christian fanatics killed other Christians and enjoyed it in a sadistic manner (look up Cathars and other inquisitions) so did the ancient Jewry become fanatical, insane and completely twisted, simultaneously justifying raping kids and killing anyone else with being godly. These are all different forms of ego defects and insanity that eventually takes over. A new religion will soo emerge from Russia, after WW3 and when the New Age well and truly begins.
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 The hunt for Tonka the machine-gunner, Antonina Makarova Ginzburg.

Antonina Makarova

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 Antonina Makarovna Makarova (née Panfilova, Ginsburg by marriage, Russian: Антонина Макаровна Макарова, 1 March 1920 – 11 August 1979[1]) was a Soviet war criminal and executioner who collaborated with Nazi Germany during World War II. From 1942 to 1943, she executed hundreds of Soviet partisans and their family members using Russian M1910 Maxim machine gun. Makarova was tentatively identified by the Soviet KGB in 1976, and observed for a year before being arrested in 1978. Makarova was convicted of treason, sentenced to death, and executed in 1979.[2] She was known as "Tonka the Machine-Gun Girl".[3] Makarova was prosecuted for her role in at least 168 deaths, but was implicated in about 1,500 executions.[4]

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The Deputy Chairman of the Russian Parliament Pyotr Tolstoy is Jewish.

The Jews rule Russian and they are against western Jews from taken over Russia..


The vice-president of the Russian Duma: "We will kill all ...

Agenzia Nova › ...
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21 mars 2024 — This was announced by the deputy chairman of the State Duma (lower house of Parliament) Pyotr Tolstoy in an interview with the French television ...
They keep repeating that Russia INVADED, but never mention the 8 years that preceeded of Ukrainian Nazis murdering civilians. Never mention that after those years eastern Ukraine VOTED, in a legal referendum, to LEAVE Ukraine and JOIN Russia, that Russia legally accepted the new states, and then these new Russian states INVITED Russia to step in and help DEFEND them against the Ukr attacks.
Who started it? The Western backed Ukraine, but who's going to finish? RUSSIA! Ukraine FAFO'd, the Russian bear doesn't F around. They demonstrated the West's military was overpriced JUNK so NATO can't sell more of it to unsuspecting terrorist regimes. Exposed them bigtime! Ukraine is sending all its men to be slaughtered to make room for the Jews in Israel who thought they'd move in afterwards and take over. Israel screwed itself, the Gaza genocide will backfire, they'll get ripped by all the Islamic states (except SA/crypto jews). I love the look in the eyes of all the Western puppets, pure terror. They've gambled and lost. Game over soon for Kiev & Friends, and GOOD RIDDANCE

In other words... Well FRIENDS, we all concluded that searching for HEGEMONY doesn't work; time to GIVE-UP this IDEA as we did in USSR's Bolshevism ERA(from the jews influences)❗

[“There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism, and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution, by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews” — Winston Churchill, Feb. 8th 1920, London Illustrated Sunday Herald]

(just to be fair) for those trying to MIX The Russian People with the colonials' CLUB... LACK OF HISTORIES CONTEXTS❗

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COMPLETE Origin of the Russian Ukraine War.
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Al-Qaeda was created by Western intelligence to fight the Russians, and has been used as a catalyst for illegal wars and tyrannical laws ever since.

Over a hundred people were murdered in Russia on Friday. Including women and children. Eleven terrorists were captured by Russian authorities as they attempted to cross the border into Ukraine. They are being interrogated and all roads lead to the US State department, who have been directing Ukrainian forces since their 2014 coup.

The attack occurred on March 22nd, or 3/22. 322 is the mysterious number used by Yale’s infamous Skull and Bones society. The official story is that 322 symbolizes the year 322BC to memorialize the event seen as the turning point which transformed Athens from a democracy to a plutocracy. A plutocracy is a society that is ruled by no other political philosophy other than the financial elite being in control of the people’s destiny.

The Skull and Bones is a grooming academy for the CIA. Such as, former director of the CIA, George Bush(White traitor). And 322 is there calling card.

During the Tucker Carlson(Gentile) interview, President Putin was clearly speaking to the CIA. The CIA responded in a New York Times(Jewish run) Article admitting that they are using Ukraine as a proxy to wage war against Russia. Weeks before the attack, Victoria Nuland (Jewish Communist) repeatedly boasted that Putin (Jewish Nationalist) was in for a nasty surprise.

On March 7th, the US Embassy issued a warning about the threat of terrorist attacks in Moscow, specifying ‘concerts.’ The British Embassy in Moscow mirrored this warning.

Days before the attack, Barack Obama paid an unexpected visit to the British Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street.

Within hours of the attack and without any evidence, the US government blames the attack on the Islamic State and says that Ukraine is not involved.

The next day, while Russians were grieving, CIA mouthpiece, The Washington Post, gloated how the US had prior knowledge of the attack, and people still died.

It has been noted that the terrorists were either professional assassins or trained by Western forces. For they were demonstrating NATO training methods such as shooting in small bursts, trigger control, and proper mag reloads

For anyone with eyes to see, this is the Modus operandi of the West. Al-Qaeda was famously created by Western intelligence agencies to fight the Russians in Afghanistan, and has since been cultivated by the US government and used as a catalyst for illegal wars and tyrannical laws against US citizens

Ukraine spy chief said three months ago, expect more attacks deep inside of Russia.

Dmitry said that everyone is asking him what to do. He answered that, those who were caught need to be killed. But it’s much more important to kill everyone involved. Everyone who paid, who sympathized, and who helped. Kill them all.

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Zbigniew Brzezinski is Jewish.
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Boris Johnson is Jewish  Zionist Globalist.

Boris Johnson flew to Venezuela to hold secret talks with Maduro

The former British PM tried to convince the leader of the South American country to not give military support to Russia.


According to a spokesman for Johnson, who is no longer in government or a member of parliament, the trip was conducted “with active support from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the knowledge of the foreign secretary.” In the meeting, Johnson emphasized the need for fair elections as well as respect for the territorial integrity of neighboring countries, the spokesman saidd.

Venezuela has recently threatened to attack its neighbor, Guyana, which is in the midst of an oil boom.

Johnson has been outspoken in his support for Ukraine in its defense against the invasion by Russia. However, it is unusual for a former politician no longer in government to be involved in sensitive high-level talks with a foreign government.

Venezuela’s Maduro, meanwhile, is largely isolated from Western nations and the target of U.S. sanctions. He is accused of running unfree elections as well as plunging the country into poverty despite its oil wealth. Maduro has signaled his support for Russia, and blamed the U.S. for the invasion of Ukraine.


World War Zero - The Russo Japanese War 1904-1905 (Documentary)

  russia japanese war
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 Russian President Putin has delivered his State of the Nation address to the Russian parliament in Moscow. RT’s Marina Kosareva reports from the event with the highlights of Putin’s speech.

Macron wants to send French goys to die for his fellow tribesman Ziolensky.

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Excellent knowledge and assessment of the history and current geopolitical events. Without that knowledge, we will never be able to understand, what's really going on in the world. Narrow European horizons lead us only to our own yards - the countries, their relations with their neighbors or rather , what's left of them. Germany plays the leading role in the EU, even if it's economy falls and we still are trying to guess, if the Nord Stream destruction was the advantage for Germany, or its demise. We can only be sure, not everything in Europe is going in accordance to the first secretary-general of NATO, Lord Ismay's words about the Western defense alliance - "to keep the Americans in, the Russians out and the Germans down". The task facing the European Union now might be described as to keep the British in, the Russians out and the Germans down.

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he Ukraine crisis is of existential importance for Russia, President Vladimir Putin told reporter Pavel Zarubin on Sunday, while for NATO it is only a tactical issue, Infowars reports .

He explained that the main purpose of his deep dive into the country's history during an interview earlier this month with American journalist Tucker Carlson was to give the Western public a chance to understand Moscow's thinking on the issue.

Putin admitted that it is “not easy” for Western viewers to understand all the details of Russia's 1,000-year history, especially for Americans, whose country has only existed for 300 years.

However, the president said he thought it was important that the Western public “understands how we think…understands how sensitive and important this issue [Ukraine] is for our country.”

For them, this is about improving their tactical positions. But for us this is fate. This is a matter of life and death.

The Russian president added that this was the core message he wanted to send to the West. “Whether it worked is not for me to judge,” he added.

During the two-hour interview with Carlson, which has been viewed tens of millions of times, Putin spoke at length about how the Russian and Ukrainian states came to be. He said that although the territory of modern Ukraine had come under heavy Polish influence, many people in the region still wanted to join Russia because of close cultural and religious ties.

  Challenging lies about Russia and the war in Ukraine

According to Putin, Ukraine's independence was only discussed in the 19th century. The country was formed by Soviet authorities after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, he explained. After World War II, Ukraine had received a lot of territory from its neighbors, making it an “artificial state,” he added.

Russia has repeatedly said that its military operation against Ukraine, which began in February 2022, aims to “denazify” and “demilitarize” the neighboring country. Moscow has also for years expressed concern about the expansion of NATO - which it has called an "instrument of confrontation" - towards its borders after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Putin has also said that Ukraine's push to join the US-led military bloc was one of the main reasons for the current conflict.

carlson and putin
BREAKING NOW: Tucker Carlson's Vladimir Putin Interview
Historical interview! Putin said everything I've been telling people for years now as an independent professional writer and journalist/intelligence person. Obama put in a Neo-Leninist government in 2014 (Putin confirmed that tonight) as we have been saying for years and the part about Putin's baptism and the subsequent spread of Christianity within Russia was excellent. Many dummies over here still think they are communists. LOL. My friend, Steve Pieczenik set up the interview between Ronald Reagan and Gorbachev and also recommended Putin as the person who could stabilize Russia. And he has. No matter how much the Left pushes their fake propaganda, some of us who are more intelligent and informed or know people who actually know him (as I do) know that he is not a dictator, he is not a devil, and Russia is NOT the enemy. The interview touched on all of the important topics that needed to be covered but the ending was the most epic of all when Putin said, "Our nations will eventually improve our relations [naturally anyway] in the future because though they try to use politics to separate us, we are independent souls and they cannot separate the souls." Homerun Tucker and Putin! P.S. I do NOT come back and read replies from less informed people who wish to continue to push the lies. I have more important things to do than try to explain the truth to idiots. Listen to Putin. He told the truth. When Trump comes back, our countries will again be able to get down to business.
The Truth Revealed... Tucker asked if a different President would change or improve the situation. Putin said the personality of the President would not change anything as long as the 'Elites' have their minds set on certain agendas...
Tucker asked Putin who were the 'Elites' and Putin said he didn't know...?
Of course, Putin knows who the 'Elites' are, but he will not name them, because he is with them and they are all working together to depopulate and create a New World Order...
The 'Truth' can always be revealed by what a person doesn't say, just as much as what they does say...
The 'Truth' can also be revealed about the person (like Trucker Carlson) who asks the questions, by the questions they DO NOT ASK. For example, Tucker Carlson never asked Donald Trump (during his interview), why he continued to support the vaccine for 3 years, after overwhelming evidence showed that 'Operation Warpspeed' had killed between 17-20 million people...
I'm very glad Putin isn't a blame everything on Zionism shill. He's a straight shooter. 71 years old and he could whoop the shit out of Biden and Trump at the same time. Sharp as a whip. He did a light history lesson on Russia too. You didn't hear Putin screaming da jews da jews over the bolshevik revolution because homeboy understands the Bible and revelation 2:9. So fucken refreshing.

Great job Tucker ! Putin was brilliant !! So smart, clever, logical, and fair ! The narrator or interpreter wow.... Star of the show !!! Who is the voice of the interpreter ? What an amazing voice and he did such a great job at conveying the mood and message. I want to to be friends with Russia !!!!! There is a sophistication that comes with world peace ! that is beautiful.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, instead of aiding the suffering population, the West appeared to enjoy watching their plight. Western countries desired Russia to become their colony, allowing them to exploit its resources at a cheaper price, thereby maintaining their global hegemony. However, they were unaware of a man named Vladimir Putin. Putin, a former KGB officer, assumed the presidency in 2000 and has since transformed Russia both economically and militarily. Contrary to the West's expectations, Putin pursued policies aimed at restoring Russia's sovereignty and resisting external dominance. In an attempt at international integration, Putin expressed interest in joining NATO and the EU. However, these efforts were thwarted, revealing a deep-seated bias against Russia among Western leaders. This rejection was not due to Russia's incapability but rather stemmed from a bias that prevented them from accepting Russia as an equal partner. During his tenure, Putin implemented various economic reforms, including tackling corruption and diversifying Russia's economy beyond energy exports. These reforms contributed to Russia's economic resilience and reduced vulnerability to external pressures. Critics argue that Putin's leadership is authoritarian, pointing to restrictions on political opposition and media freedom. Nevertheless, his popularity in Russia remains high, indicating that a significant portion of the population perceives him as a leader who has restored national pride and stability. In essence, Vladimir Putin's leadership has thwarted the West's aspirations to subjugate Russia. The country has emerged as a resilient force, asserting its interests globally and resisting external pressures, even in the face of Western reluctance to recognize its capabilities and potential contributions.
It's funny. Germany and the rest of Europe prospered using the readily available and cheap resources supplied by Russia. The entire EU economy is based on the price of these resources. It's competitiveness is based on prices of Russia's resources. It was precisely the cheap price and accessibility with which they were acquired thanks to Russia, is what allowed the EU to develop at a good pace. After the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War, the United States demanded that the EU follow US policy like a lapdog. And now the US is profiting from the disaster in EU and deindustrialization of Germany all thanks to LNG from the US. The price of which is several times higher, which reduces the competitiveness of the EU in the world market. And because of this, Germany found itself in a recession. US is simply profiting from EU's lack of options.
What conclusions can be drawn from this? It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal.
2 points, if a country is blessed with abundant resources within its territory, that is a strategic advantage over competition, but also an economic resource to rely on. To say that Russia's vast resources including oil and gas is a disproportionate thing to other countries confirm Europe and the US (NATO) interests of an invasion in Russia, and the Russians must guard on this with all their power. When person A has cement, and the other has bricks, it only makes sense to trade to mutually meet each others interests. The western way is to steal other countries resources through wars and its corporates. I am sure this would never ever work in Russia, or this would mean mutual destruction of this planet. If you buy a product or service from a supplier, I think it is not only unfair, but crazy to dictate them on what they would use it for, else you resist buying from them. Stop buying Russian oil and gas, this world is too large to turn to other buyers.
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Nadezhdin in 2017
He is of Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Romanian, and Jewish heritage.
 Boris Nadezhdin (Jewish) Presidential bid against Putin (Jewish) in next election in Russia.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Boris Borisovich Nadezhdin (Russian: Борис Борисович Надеждин; born April 26, 1963) is a Russian opposition politician.[1] He served in the State Duma from 1999 to 2003.[2] He was also a municipal councillor in Moscow and was considered to be a close ally of murdered opposition politician Boris Nemtsov.[3]

In November 2023, Nadezhdin announced his candidacy in the 2024 Russian presidential election.

Early and personal life

Nadezhdin was born in Tashkent, Soviet Uzbekistan.[4] He is of Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Romanian, and Jewish heritage. He survived the Tashkent earthquake, which occurred on his third birthday. In 1969, he was brought by his parents to the city of Dolgoprudny where his father studied at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), and his mother was a student at the Moscow Conservatory.[5] For five generations in the Nadezhdin family, all men bore the name Boris. His grandfather was a Soviet Uzbek composer and associate professor at the Tashkent Conservatory. His maternal grandfather fled to Uzbekistan from Ukraine after the October Revolution.[citation needed]


live cemetery

Wreath laying ceremony takes place at Piskarevskoye Cemetery on Leningrad liberation anniversary

 A wreaths laying ceremony takes place at the Motherland monument at the Piskarevskoye Memorial Cemetery on the 80th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi siege.

Liberation anniversary: 80 years since end of Leningrad siege

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  Putin lays wreath at Motherland monument


Russian state anthem is timeless. Thank you Pres. Putin for spending today commemorating the fallen heroes.

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Kadyrov gives an interesting speech


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  Infographic: Which countries buy the most Russian weapons?


The Inner Workings of Rostec, Russia’s Military-Industrial Behemoth



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A Look Inside Russia's Kremlin


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St. Petersburg: Russia's creative heart




Dschinghis Khan Moskau grandes momentos con Putin

  The Secrets of the Kremlin | Full Documentary


The Zionist Hate Campaign Against Russia

The Zionist Hate Campaign Against Russia

By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright © 2008

Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
& Link To Real Jew News ®

Please Help Support This Site! (Many Expenses)

Unique Source: The Genocide Of Russian Orthodox Christians In South Ossetia @ Here

THE JEWISH-OCCUPIED AMERICAN MEDIA is subjecting the American people to yet another episode of their Zionist brainwashing. And this is with regard to the current Georgian conflict.

The fact that Georgia invaded the Moscow-leaning province of South Ossetia–and that Russia countered the attack in order to protect the mostly Russian citizens residing there–is news that is hard to come by.

In an interview with Ria Novosti on August 10 2008, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin accused foreign media of pro-Georgian bias in their coverage of the Georgian war:

“Why don’t television screens in the West show the suffering of the Ossetian people, the murdered elderly people and children, and the destroyed civilian towns? Western media’s coverage of the events is a politically motivated version, to put it mildly.” Here.

And only a few European newspapers reported last November 7 2007 that Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili used extreme violent means to disperse a peaceful protest in Tbilisi staged by Georgian civilians against the Western influence of Saakashvili’s government. (Click Here & Video Here.)

And where were the Jewish media moguls when on August 8 2008, Russia agreed to a UN Security Council statement calling for an immediate cease fire but was blocked when the US objected to a phrase that would have required both sides “to renounce the use of force?” The meaning of this is clear: the US was backing Saakashvili’s invasion. But the Zionist Jews who run the media will tell us only what they want us to hear.

See NATO Victims Here


IT’S NOT HARD TO GUESS what a McCain presidency will mean should he be elected. For given McCain’s latest bombast against Russia in a speech in Des Moines on August 7 2008, we will have yet another warmonger in the White House.

In similar language that McCain used when calling for NATO to bomb Serbia in 1999, McCain is pounding the war drums once again, this time against Russia:

“We should immediately call a meeting of the North Atlantic Council to assess Georgia’s security and review measures NATO can take to contribute to stabilizing this very dangerous situation” Here.

Calling on NATO to fight another war besides their unlawful invasion with the US in Afghanistan is not only wicked but will serve to enrage Russia even further. For it is NATO that Moscow is opposing owing to its creeping encroachment upon Russia’s borders.

McCain also demanded that “the US should immediately convene an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council to call on Russia to reverse course.” But McCain had no idea, (hardly anyone else did as shown above), that Russia already tried doing exactly what McCain called for –- but got rejected by the Zionist controlled Bush Administration.

In Other Words, The Jewish-Occupied American Media
Tell Zionist Stooges Like McCain Only What They Want Them To Know and say…


For The Best Coverage Of The Georgian Conflict Click Here

For More See: “How Jews Control The American Media” Click Here

And: “Russia’s Threat To The Zionist West” Click Here

And: “The Zionist War Party In America” Click Here

CLICK: Brother Nathanael…Street Evangelist!




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Vladimir Soloviev is Jewish.

Scott Ritter Show Ep. 42 with Vladimir Soloviev

 On episode 42 of the show we are joined by Vladimir Soloviev, the most famous journalist in Russia, a television and radio host, as well as writer and public figure. He is an author of numerous documentaries such as "The President" and "The World Order" (films based on several exclusive interviews with Vladimir Putin). He has extensive experience in communicating with prominent political, public and military figures, as well as with top state officials, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, former US President George W. Bush, former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe and many others. In this episode he finds himself in a rare scenario where he is the one being interviewed.

To those of you who don't know who Bandera was, Google: Stepan Andriyovych Bandera..... Please share this with your loved ones and friends, and have them share this with their loved ones and friends. Thank you


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Top Russian Broadcaster Vladimir Soloviev Interviewed by Alex Jones, MUST WATCH!

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Russian Talk Show Discusses How Many Polish Mercenaries Died in Ukraine - Nearly ~10k?

BREAKING NEWS: Video Proves Ukraine Uses Chemical Weapons Against Russian Troops


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SEA BREEZE Black Sea Naval exercise could be ground zero for a FALSE FLAG event to ignite World War III



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Ukraine's 1st Prez Who Signed Breakup of USSR Discusses It

Ukraine's first president, Leonid Kravchuk, a signee of the Belovezha agreements that dissolved the USSR in 1991, talks about the breakup of the USSR.

Apparently, at the time of this interview, Mr. Kravchuk believed that the ideologists of the breakup saved thousands of lives and prevented bloodshed.

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How Russia has replaced Western brands | Business Beyond

 Since big Western brands like McDonald’s pulled out of Russia, an array of copycat companies have replaced them. Instead of Starbucks, IKEA and Dunkin’ - Russia now has Stars Coffee, Swed House and Donutto. McDonald’s is now Vkusno I Tochka. CoolCola, Fancy and Sprint have replaced Coke, Fanta and Sprite. So how do Russians feel about these look-alike newcomers?

How are these companies able to copy the brands they replaced so closely? In this Business Beyond, we answer these questions with expert help.

We also look into how Russians are still managing to get hold of many Western products, despite the manufacturers refusing to sell to Russian retailers. And ask whether Western brands could ever make a return.

This is the best thing that happened to Russia to develop its own brands in the short run and expand to the world in the long run. Asia & Africa markets will be the future for them and it seems they are on track. In the short run they will struggle but in the long run it will make them self-sufficient. Good example is India & China. Look at how their own brands/products have developed in last 10 years to world class.


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Russia | Vladivostok | The Wild West

Aug 5, 2023 RUSSIE

0:00 ?? Vladivostok, the largest naval base in the Russian Far East, represents Russia's new El Dorado. Situated 10,000 km from Moscow and just a two-hour drive from China and North Korea, this city of 600,000 inhabitants is one of the main ports in Asia.

6:48 ? The Russian navy showcases its military power in Vladivostok, with President Putin's visit on a newly inaugurated ship.

13:30 ? Denis dreams of becoming a submariner and studying at a unique naval school in Vladivostok, Russia.

19:17 ? Armen and his brother enjoy prosperity in Vladivostok, Russia, as owners of a group of dental clinics and by renovating an Armenian church in the city.

24:48 ?️ The narrator enjoys nature and exercise in Moscow, but is also attracted to the tourist atmosphere and the presence of celebrities on Vitali Beach.

30:14 ? Vladivostok's Tigre de Cristal casino attracts tourists and Chinese investors.

35:39 ? Vladivostok, a city in Russia, is characterized by stark contrasts, with a booming casino industry, but also a significant population living in poverty and homelessness.

42:19 ❄️ Siberia's winter lasts for six months, bringing freezing temperatures and thick ice. Fishing and surfing are popular activities during this period.

49:31 ? A group of friends goes fishing in a remote location, enjoying nature, good food, and vodka." Director Jérôme Dion


China still views this area as national territory and will reclaim siberia in the next 100 years.


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Kids in Russia bow to the Russian flag, kids in US bow to the gay flag lmao
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Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova is Jewish.

As the Russia-Africa Summit wraps up in St. Petersburg, RT spoke exclusively with Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. She stressed the importance of the event, as well as discussed Russian-African ties, the general geopolitical situation and other global issues.

Russia-Africa Summit is constructive, creative, will help overcome problems – Russian FM spokeswoman

Biography of the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova. And this is all Russia: more aboutBiography of the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova. And this is all Russia: more about the "Orthodox" Jew woman Muska Zakharova. Daughter of Maria Zakharova

 Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova is an influential diplomat, official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. She was born on 12/24/1975 into a diplomatic family.

Selected quotes by Maria Zakharova:

“There are countries that are ahead of many other states in terms of their economic development, military potential, financial power. They have come out ahead, they have become leaders in many industries. Of course, there is a desire to rewrite the rules of the game in their favor, and this is natural for any society. But the question is how the rest of society reacts to this. You can give up your positions and submit to the right of the strong, or you can fight to defend your rights. And it seems to me that right now the moment of truth is coming. Either we really defend our rights, defend the right for an independent life, or we do not do it "

"Washington's actions are the implementation of a policy of containment, but in this case, containment not only of Russia, it is containment of Europe as well."

"Where is interference in internal affairs under a plausible pretext that led to the existence of a stable, stable, prosperous state? But nowhere! The natural political process is the only way for a state to become stable and prosperous. The example of the collapse of Ukraine is no less indicative."

"I had a better opinion of European politics, I thought that it was stronger. It is clear that the United States was pressing on them, but they are pressing - do not bend."

"I believe that any propaganda and any disseminated disinformation is powerless in front of a thinking person."

"No matter what and what they say, but in Crimea it was democracy, because for the first time in their life people were allowed to speak."

"The leaders who destroyed their own people burn in hell twice as brightly as those who destroyed a stranger."

"Life is so much more diverse and unrealistic than any fantastic films and action films that those people who are not dedicated cannot even think of what it really is."

"For me everything that was connected with the Second World War is sacred, not subject to any changes. This is what I stand on, what my family stands on. I believe that this is a great feat of the Soviet people and the Russian people."

“We must be honest and truthful with our own history. And if I, as an official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, demand respect from countries in relation to monuments to Soviet soldiers, then I must first of all be honest with them and with myself, saying that in our history has had different moments: there are things that we are proud of, and there are things that are mistakes, big and tragic mistakes "

"In peacetime we do not always know how to get together. But when we woke up this bear, it will not seem enough."

Maria Zakharova: I hate when people are bullied, and I always advocate objectivity

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Pictures and Memes


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Above Jewish people who ruled Russia.


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Russian Imperial Anthem (1833-1917) - Bozhe Tsarya Khrani

Pictured: Tsar Nicholas II

 Bozhe Tsarya Khrani (God Save the Tsar) was the national anthem of the Russian Empire between 1833 and the fall of the Empire in 1917. It was composed by violinist Alexei Lvov, with lyrics written by the court poet Vasily Zhukovsky.


ussr h

Joseph Stalin The Great Dictator.  @perlazywicz4684
The songs used in the video: 0:08 - 0:54 The International 0:54 - 1:41 State Anthem of The Soviet Union 1:41 - 2:30 Patrioticheskaya

USSR History (1922-1991). Every Year. История СССР.


The Soviet Union had its roots in the October Revolution of 1917 when the Bolsheviks, headed by Vladimir Lenin, overthrew the Provisional Government that had earlier replaced the house of Romanov of the Russian Empire. Tensions escalated into a civil war between the Bolshevik Red Army and many anti-Bolshevik forces across the former Empire, among whom the largest faction was the White Army. By 1922, the balance of power had shifted and the Bolsheviks had emerged victorious, forming the Soviet Union.

The country was one-party state governed by the Communist Party. Before its dissolution, the USSR had maintained its status as a superpower for four decades after World War II. It exercised its hegemony in East-Central Europe and worldwide with military and economic strength, proxy conflicts and influence in developing countries and funding of scientific research, especially in space technology and weaponry.

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Leaders: Joseph Stalin: 29 years Leonid Brezhnev: 18 Years Nikita Khrushchev: 9 Years Mikhail Gorbachev: 6 Years Georgy Malenkov: 2 Years Yuri Andropov: 1 Year and 3 months Konstantin Chernenko: 1 Year and 1 Month Vladimir Lenin: 1 Year and 22 Days Boris Yeltsin: 1 Day
This is a sad day comrades, as on the 25th of December, 1991, the glorious Hammer and Sickle lowered from the Kremlin for the last time to be replaced by the Russian tricolor. On this sad day, we play this song, to say farewell to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Now, the time has come, to give it a proper funeral. Since the Russian state originated from the nordic vikings, we shall give it a viking funeral. An honourable one. The USSR may no longer exist, but it will never be forgotten, as a glorious nation, a beacon of hope, in such dark and meme-less times. Farewell, USSR. We will remember you forever.
Kazakhstan used to be part of the Soviet Union, but now an independent republic ????
The Belovezhskaya agreements did not stop the existence of the USSR as a subject of international law. The heads of the RSFSR, Ukrainian SSR and BSSR did not have the authority to decide the fate of the entire Soviet Union.The USSR as a subject of international law exists to this day and is in the UN and the UN Security Council, but under the name of the Russian Federation due to the fact that the Russian Federation is the successor of the USSR in international affairs.
1:50 It is Russian Federation but coat of arms is still USSR
“INTERNATIONALE” (1922-1944)
“ANTHEM OF THE USSR” (Stalin version) (1944-1955)
“ANTHEM OF THE USSR” (No lyrics) (1955-1977)
“ANTHEM OF THE USSR” (Brezhnev version) (1977-1991)
The unbreakable union of free republics
The Great Russia has been united forever.
Long live the peoples' will,
The one, mighty Soviet Union!
Hail, our free Fatherland,
Friendship of the people, a reliable stronghold!
Banner of the Soviet Union, banner of the people
From victory to victory!
Through the storms, the sun of freedom shines,
And Lenin's great path has shone for us.
We were raised by Stalin - for loyalty to the people,
For work and exploits he inspired us.
Glory to our free Fatherland,
The people's happiness, a reliable bulwark!
Banner of the Soviet Union, banner of the people
From victory to victory!
We raised our army in battles,
We'll sweep away the dastardly invaders from the road!
In battles we decide the fate of generations!
We will lead our fatherland to glory!
Glory, our free homeland!
The glory of the people, the stronghold of the people!
The banner of the Soviet Union, the banner of the people
From victory to victory!
Screenshot 53 are all jews
Picture on flag 1st -Vladimir Lenin-2nd Friedrich Engels-Karl Marx 3rd, all 3 are Jews.
 State Anthem of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1977-1991)
I get the chills right down my spine when USSR anthem is played.  My fraternal comrades Lenin Marx and Engels together at last.


I think you underestimate that fact that Communism was created by Judaism.

“Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.”
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935

“The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution”
The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250

“Jewry is the mother of Marxism.”
Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936

“Judaism is Marxism, communism”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 64

“The communist soul is the soul of Judaism.”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 143

“We Jews cannot be called upon to denounce Communism.”
The American Hebrew (New York), February 3, 1939, p. 11

“The picture which the Soviet Union presents today is one that should bring rejoicing to world Jewry.”
The Youngstown Jewish Times, Sept. 18, 1936, page 51

“It would be absurd to deny the intensity of the Jewish participation in the Russian revolutionary movement.”
Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York) July-September 1932, p. 106

“That achievement – the Russian-Jewish revolution – destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct.”
The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920

“The Bolshevik Government of Russia is the key-stone of the arch of the proof of the Jewish conspiracy for radicalism and world-domination.”
William Hard, The Great Jewish Conspiracy (New York: American Jewish Book Company, 1920), p. 31

“The Jewish elements provide the driving forces for communism”
Dr. Oscar Levy, in George Pitt-Rivers, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution (Oxford, 1920), p. ix

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Compare The Two Presidents' Vacations


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Edited

Pretty stark comparison with Dimensia Joe barely( many say he is Jewish) walking to his chair on the beach looking for his c pap machine and his fresh diaper change . Meanwhile Putin(Jewish Christian) is fishing boating scuba diving, horse back riding etc etc etc. Biden is Dimensia bound now, getting worse everyday. Good luck America.


1991 tp per

It's A Myth That Former Soviets Are Glad The USSR Fell

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One Nosy Bastard. Edited

The leader of Russia Stalin(Jewish) was part of the Freemasonry cabal until he rejected the International Jewry NWO for various reasons. He is celebrated because although he was culpable in the political extermination( about 10 million people) and the holodomor, he DID purge most of the Jew Bolsheviks in the government. He even went after Trotsky aka Bronstein(Jewish), who was hiding out inside of a shitter in Mexico.


Although I absolutely abhor what the communist plague did to dozens of millions of ordinary, Christian Russians, the real simple folk, the real downtrodden proletariat that had most to suffer in centuries prior and who were subjected to insult upon injury by communism ... Communism fell because of the absolute corruption and greed of its "intellectual" ruling class in the '70s and '80s, who completely diverted from the real marxist principles and wanted a cushy, Western-style life that was absolutely incompatible with anything in it. The complete hypocrisy of it all on top of the inhumanity and treason ... It's just a testament to the dangerously rotten nature of those in positions of power anywhere and how quickly everything spins out of control for literally everyone and everything else, just like what's transpiring in the fucking West as we speak.


 Russian war crimes!

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RT Special on Ukraine's Nuclear Blackmail of ZNPP Plant


"Nuclear Blackmail / 2022

The Zaporozhye nuclear plant in Energodar is the largest in Europe. Since March 2022 it has been under Russian control and Zaporozhye Region recently voted in a referendum to join Russia. In the meantime, Kiev continues to attack the plant, putting Europe at risk of a disaster six times bigger than the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.

Despite IAEA warnings and the referendum, Kiev continues to use the Zaporozhye plant as a blackmail tool. The documentary shows the timeline of the attacks and focuses on potential risks of Ukrainian provocations."

parkerdw1 Edited.

Margarita Simonyan, is the anti-Russian hag who runs RT. She purges every mention of "Jew", Juice, Jeews, etc., she diligently blocks any mention of the true cause of the large scale death and misery in the world. I have to watch this documentary very closely to see what bullshit she is trying to get across because she secretly supports Jewlensky.
Well, good documentary. She neglected to say there are some who are eager to create a radioactive catastrophe with the effect of killing all of mankind except for them. Some will be well protected in the event they succeed in contaminating the rest of the world with intense radiation. Those are Jews, who live to kill all the goyim, some Jews and have the earth all to themselves.


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Russian defense chief inspects production of tanks and artillery


Russia's Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has inspected the production of tanks and artillery systems in Omsk Region.

The official met with the management of the factories, and gave orders to further expand production of tanks and heavy flamethrower systems, to meet the needs of Russian troops on the frontlines, the ministry said in a statement.

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Bill Clinton Tells Truth About Putin

invicta-lux2021 Edited

Then, if we look at what Vladimir Putin just stated at the recently-held Russia-Africa conference, saying the real reason Russia pulled out its troop from the Kiev area was due to the conditions agreed to at the March 29, 2022 Turkey-brokered cease-fire deal between Russia and Ukraine. Russia again showing the world it acts in good faith and stands in the light while the glonalist  satanist whores can only lie, lie and lie.

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Putin on Zelenskiy: He is Fascist


j12gz Edited.

150,000 Jews served the Nazi Army, 13,000 recieving the Iron Cross. Hitler personally selected 70 High ranking Jews as Officers for the Nazi party. Many it the scientists within the Nazi party were Jews. Jews serving the NAZI's is not a new thing.

pacman1  Edited

Zelensky is more than a fascist. He is a Nazi Jew!


Putin made abortion illegal after 12 weeks~

Stopped CNN~

Stopped Facebook~

Built 30,000 churches in 30 years~

Taking on LGBTQ~

Wants Soros dead or alive~

Will never allow WEF to enter his Country~

It's obvious why the left wants you to hate him. He is a warrior 4 truth & a HERO 4 humanity!

"Do you know why your media hates me"?

"Because I told them the New World Order is NOT Welcome in my land" ~ Vladimir Putin(Jewish)

LOXISM = GENOCIDE! Know the WEF globalist cabal demons the ENEMY from within"!!!!


Zelensky is Jew ... just like his cousin Trotsky, born in Poltava Ukraine, Zelensky .... they hide behind the antisemitism scam while raping the treasuries of every nation they live in ... and, yes, they started with Russia ......... now they want Ukraine for their very own .. and are killing every Slavic male they can ... just like Trotsky did.

Clovelly. edited.

But sadly this great nation is under Jewish control , this war has not much to do with Ukraine ,this war has been planned for 150yrs + , this war is created to destabalize EU .
Both Zelensky(Jewish) and Putin(Jewish) are under Jewish control.

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it is true GMO food is banned in Russia.

 GMO food is banned in Russia.

In the US, there is not even a requirement for labelling of GMO components in food, which speaks to the sheer lobbying power of the likes of Monsanto. (Isn't the concept of lobbying just legal corruption? ?)

?? The problem with buying organic produce in Australia is that it's often double or triple the price, so regular families just can't afford to go organic.

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Russia Larger Than Life


On this day we celebrate our national holiday - Russia Day.

Russia is home to more than 190 ethnicities and unique cultures, 11 time and 7 climate zones. We tried to cram its vast expanse and enigmatic beauty anto a 10-minute short. Enjoy our modest attempt!

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In the 1940s, Russian scientists kept a dog’s head alive for a few hours.



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Fastest Military Aircraft Above Mach 2 Top Speed Comparison 3D


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 How did the Russians Conquer Siberia?

 The first known mention of Siberia in Russian literature comes from a piece written in 1407 telling the account of a Tartar by the name of Khan Tokhtamysh who was murdered “in the Siberian lands”. Additionally, there are earlier Novgorod chronicles of expeditions into a place called Ugria, which appears to be the early name for the region of Siberia. The Grand Duke of Moscow would eventually conquer Novgorod and therefore inherit any lands that the Novgorods had taken in Siberia, though a vast part of the region was still under the control of local Tartar Khans. Some would serve as vassals for the Russian Tsars while others refused, and there was a bit of back and forth for some time relating to who really controlled the Siberian lands.

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Russia expanded in the east so much they ended up in the west (Alaska)


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Statement by Prigozhin regarding the drone attack on Moscow today

Russia needs radar in the air. Attached to a derigible, a lighter tha air balloon. Increased range and loiter forever. THIS WAR MUST END

Comment: The globalists who run Russia are not interested in advancing Russian arm forces against Ukraine.


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Forked Tongue: NATO Head Admits Ukraine War Started In 2014 - But Russia The 'Aggressor'

Jens Stoltenberg, the Secretary General of NATO, says NATO has been providing "training and equipment" to Ukraine's military since "the war started in 2014."

How many Americans know that NATO has been arming Ukraine since the war started in 2014?

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Putin is Jewish.







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The REAL Reasons for the War between Ukraine and Russia




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Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov's video address to the participants of the World Online Conference on Multipolarity (April 29, 2023)  Today, the movement towards global multipolarity is a fact, a geopolitical reality. #UNCharterIsOurRules


 1 mars 2023 — Repost from February 27th, 2023 - Dr. Lorraine Day - Dr. Day gives her take on the Ukraine-Russia conflict. She provides a bit of history as

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Henry Kissinger is Jewish Globalist.

Kissinger Predicts Ukraine War 'Negotiations' By End of this Year

Another forecast from the West that negotiations on Ukraine will begin before the end of the year

This time from former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

“Now that China has entered into negotiations, everything will fall into place. I think by the end of the year we will be talking about negotiation processes and even real negotiations,” Kissinger said.

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NYC Councilman Says He's Proud He Booted Whites From His Neighborhood


I'm for shipping all niggers and jews to blackest part of Africa and never let them return. as for the jews, throw them overboard on the way to Africa, we can't risk having them survive anywhere. It is astounding to me that the U.S. government, simply freed them from slavery without immediately shipping them home. first off, you can expect people you held as slaves in chains not slit your throat and murder your family when you set them free in your front yard. second, you cannot believe they are not going to infest your towns and fuck your wife and daughters, and rob you blind. third, northers hated niggers just as much as southerners, so no one could have thought it made sense to let them stay here. and last of all, returning them to where they came from would have been the most human and decent thing to do for them. Also, I cannot understand why niggers do not immediately by themselves a one way to ticket to darkest Africa as soon as they can earn $1,000 and go live among their own people in bliss. It does not require a fortune to fly there, and is not good to live among your own people? If woke up in nigger land and new there was a country full of whites like me and I could simply spend a $1,000 or less for a ticket to fly there and live among my own people I would do it the first chance I got. If we keep letting jews flood our countries with non whites we will soon need to take this option, and seek refuge in Russia, the last white bastion of hope for us.


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CEO of Russia's Rostec (Largest Arms Concern) Has Big News About Russia's Production


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Putin and Lukashenko participate in meeting of Union State’s Supreme State Council

 Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Belarusian counterpart, Alexander Lukashenko, are participating in the meeting of the Union State’s Supreme State Council in Moscow.


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Arestovich Says If He Was In Russia's Shoes He'd Do The Same Things



Maybe if he brings zhidlensky's head on a platter, the Russians will forgive him.

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“Z” symbol stands for Zog


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“Z” symbol stands for Zog

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Colonel Macgregor Says Moscow Insiders Told Him Russia Preparing For 30 Month War



Don't forget to check out my latest report on Ukraine: how can Russia overcome NATO's satellite recon capabilities?


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Jews hate ethnic Russians but they adore Putin.


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‘Russia and Africa always had special relations’ - Ethiopian Society in Russia President


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Putin is Jewish Christian.

Putin on Self Preservation of European Tradition, Religion & Race


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Putin vs The Rothschild/Rockefeller Crime Syndicates.

"Whoever Controls Eurasia Controls The World"
Zbigniew Brzezinski The Grand Chess Board

'The Rothschilds (London) BP/Shell and the Rockefeller (New York) Exxon/Chevron/Big Pharma Crime Syndicates' are still at the top of the pyramid. These crime families and all their subsidiaries (UN/WEF, Trilateral Commission, Block Rock, Vanguard....) need Russia's energy gas/oil to complete their World Government. Energy is cornerstone of their global strategy.

Putin has thrown a wrench into the gears of these crime families and could possibly take down these criminal psychopathic International Financiers, and we better hope Russia succeeds. So far so good.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Belt and Road Initiative, (BRI), BRICS, (Sound money based on Gold) are countries representing the majority of the world’s nations and populations that are turning to the nexus around Russia, China and India, and others that are offering a world vision based on peace through development, rather than lies, famine, Marxism, degeneracy, total control, death through medicine, war, and perpetual population reduction


China is not the enemy of the NWO...They are in a win/win situation..If Russia loses, China will take over Russia,,,,If Russia wins China will work with Russia and the Elites.


Same group of ziojews put putin in power to begin with. Looted russia during the collapse, and still control the economy in russia.

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Ancient Origins of the Kyivan Rus: From Rurikids to Mongols DOCUMENTARY

 Kings and Generals' historical animated documentary series on Medieval History continues with a feature length episode on Ancient Origins of the Kievan Rus: from Rurikids to Mongols, as we will talk about the history of the Eastern Slavs, their relationships with the Turkic steppe peoples, Eastern Roman Empire and the Norse. This video will cover the rise and fall of Kiev, Christianization of the Rus, attacks against Constantinople, the wars against the Khazars and other nomads, as well as the Mongol invasions and the struggle of the Novgorod Republic against the crusaders. We will talk about the Sieges of Constantinople, Battle of Kalka and battle onthe Ice (Lake Peipus).

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"Okay, so after establishing trade with the Bulgars and Jewish Turks, the Vikings went on to lay siege to the Greeks" "Isn't this the history of the Russians?" "We get there when we get there."
The Slavic God of the sun was called Yarlo. Interestingly enough, one of my grandfathers comes from a small village in Northwest Bulgaria called Yarlovitsa. It is amazing that this "divine" toponym from pre-Christian times survived...
Great video. I am Serbian. I cannot describe to you how many things are preserved in our culture, language and customs from the Old Slavic culture.
Really great video. Especially as Russian and historian (somewhat), I commend your work. But I want to point out one thing. Slavic pantheon is mostly historian's construct. While there are plenty of mentions of different gods, spirits and etc, most Slavic tribes were content with one or two local gods, who were most compelling to their way of life. Maybe a few dozens of spirits of lakes, rivers, forests and etc. could be added. But apart of that, every Slavic tribe often didn't give a damn about pagan gods of other Slavic tribes. Well, no. Even of other villages of the same tribe. Earliest Slavic culture was very sporadic, sedentary and secluded. At least in comparison to more connected and populated western half of Europe.
Also, there is a version that Rurik is actually Rorik of Dorestad. Considering the scope of this persona in his time, it is quite understandable why different and hostile tribes considered him a suitable ruler. Inviting an independent individual of renown and with an army as a prince (knyaz) is not something unexpected. Princes were warlords, they were military leaders. The real "governmental" power was held by something what later (X century) became a Veche. Now you should understand, that it is a medieval society, so the only way to pay hired warriors is a natural form of payment. There was no money enough to just say "Hey, Viking boy, take your army and chill with us, we'll give you money so you can eat and live somewhere". So this is where the "ruler" part came in play. While hired armies did their job, they lived off tributes of tribes for which they fought for. You can see the profits of such relations. While local lords and their armies could stay at home, control and defend their territory, princes ventured far and wide to expand, fight and trade with neighbors. And if someone were to threaten tribes who hired knyazes and their druzhinas, this warriors joined locals in defensing actions against aggressors.
As a southern Slavic person i am proud of you for telling the history accurately as you could and we share alot of similarities with the vikings :D and my wish is that one day that Scandinavian people and Slavic ppl unite in one giant nation just imagine how strong we would be.

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Historical events that led to the start of the Ukraine conflict | RT report

The conflict in Ukraine was one of the top stories that dominated the news and global agenda during 2022. RT’s Roman Kosarev brings us a report, which looks at the long chain of events leading up to the start of Russia’s military operation.

Warning: You may find parts of the following video disturbing.

Thank you for this outstanding history document. We may conclude that while united, this people was strong and imposed itself against the enemies; and when divided and struggling with each-other in rivalry, became exposed to loss and suffer. This should be a lesson to consider in the recent situation in Ukraine. Wake up people of Russ origin - you have a multitude of enemies inside and outside.


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The Donbass children performed the song "Alley of Angels"



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The Russian Empire - Summary on a map



Dmitry Medvedev was baptized at age 23, which is unusual for a Christian. In addition, Dmitry Medvedev maternal grandfather's first name is Veniamin - similar to the Hebrew Binyamin (Benjamin) - while his family name, Shaposhnikov, is often a Russian Jewish name. The question remains whether Dmitry Medvedev is a crypto Zionist globalist or a Russian nationalist.


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It's Official: Ursula Von Der Leyen Says Ukraine Has Over 100,000 KIA.


How this stupid bitch became EU head politician?


American slave. She grew up in USA, her husband is american and all her children live in California. So much for a leader of the EU, she trusts in the EU so much she won't let her children live there.


She encouraged the war so she belongs in jail, total liar about 'sovereignty' violated, hang it.


Start a war with Russia for no good reason and what the fuck do you expect, you Nazi witch?


Just watched a film about Ukraine war crimes today. Killings in Odessa with police looking on, deliberate shelling of civilians in Donbas, torture of Russian speakers, people disappeared and much more. Much of this I already knew but not all, it was sickening. As far as I am concerned 100k KIA not enough they need properly punished. Their depravity would have made Dirlinger proud.


It is possibly more like 400.000 dead.
She is lying non stop.
After the cia coup Ukraine is no longer a sovereign state but a US puppet.
The criminals are US,Ukraine Nazis (Bucha) and NATO. They are the aggressors.
The “specialized kangaroo court” is total nonsense.
The stolen money will probably be used to deal with the millions of refugees coming to Europe ,including Ukrainazis , and this around Christmas and in the new year.
All this on top of the coming economic and energy collapse in Europe causing an army of unemployed ,destitute,cold and hungry people.
Wonderful. Happy Christmas Ursula.

Dt123456. edited

Jews globalist never take responsibility for how they instigated a conflict. Ursula is just a brainwashed goyim that has been Judaized.

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How lies destroy armies - Lies, coverups, and Russian failures in Ukraine


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To the question “Is it scary to live under shelling?” answer that they are used to



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Hammer Of Justice: Convicted Murderer Who Betrayed Russia Gets His Brutal Final Sentence (18++)

◾️Yevgeny Nuzhin fled from the front and deserted to the Ukrainians on September 4th.

-He wanted to join the good side and do something against Putin.

-He thought that he was waiting for a long happy life. A month ago, on October 12, he gave an interview. Unknown people tracked him down in Kiev.

- Strong warning, at the end of the video the man gets executed by a blow in the head with a sledgehammer hammer.


I know this story is a week or two old, but I didn't post it cus there was no confirmation and a lot of confusion as to what happened. It's still not 100% certain whether this is Wagner/Russia or Ukraine responsible but the likely story appears as follows:
This man was a criminal/murderer given a second chance at life by Wagner to gain freedom by fighting for his motherland. But instead, once let out of prison, he betrayed Russia and deserted, then tried to join the AFU to "pay back Putin", or whatever. However, the AFU as a cruel joke, transferred this idiot back to Russia in one of the prison exchanges, knowing full well what repercussions he would receive.
Once he was back in Wagner's hands, the Wagnerites decided it was time to carry out his final sentence for betrayal of his duty, and his country. Wagner takes the vows very seriously which the prisoners make when they are released and given a second lease on life. Any traitors to the motherland are dealt with brutally and justly.



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Scott Ritter: Ukraine cannot win this war. It's a 'fantasy.'

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Putin imposes the Covid jab on citizens.

The WEF stooge Putin/Russia imposes jab mandate on citizens conscripted to fight in Ukraine

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It's the same nano-tech and poison in ALL of them so called covid "vaccines".
Putin is also one of Klaus Schwab's YGL (Young Global Leader) and is complicit in the genocidal agenda against all of humanity.
The "WAR" in Ukraine is a farce.
All Governments are controlled by an international criminal cartel always pretending to be enemies



This is all lies. The clot-shots were never mandated in Russia. Very few Russians took the clot-shots.

The Covid-19 coronavirus vaccination campaign in Russia has been underway since last December, but so far, only four percent of the population has been vaccinated.

The country’s flagship shopping mall on the Red Square was the first vaccination station in Russia to be opened outside a medical institution. Direction signs posted among the window displays state that the station is situated on the second floor, on the premises of a former bookstore. Reminders are broadcast on the public address system that anyone who wants to can be vaccinated, without appointment. But there is an absence of long lines at the entrance to the vaccination station and at some hours it is quite literally deserted.

After several months of the mass vaccination program, it’s the same situation in other shopping centers in the capital with high footfalls: half-empty vaccination stations and people walking past carrying the shopping bags of popular retail chains.

A PR disaster

Sputnik V is so far the main and leading vaccine being manufactured in the country. It was the world’s first registered Covid-19 vaccine. But almost immediately after its registration, a feeling took hold in Russia and abroad that there was something wrong with it. The trouble was that it was registered “under limited conditions” - in other words, without having undergone lengthy trials.



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Gen. Milley wants ceasefire. NYT, Ukraine next move Melitopol. G20, US & UK want Lavrov shunned. U/1


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Nuclear Blackmail | The shelling of Zaporozhye power plant puts intl safety at risk

 The Zaporozhye nuclear plant in Energodar is the largest in Europe. Since March 2022 it has been under Russian control and Zaporozhye Region recently voted in a referendum to join Russia. In the meantime, Kiev continues to attack the plant, putting Europe at risk of a disaster six times bigger than the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. Despite IAEA warnings and the referendum, Kiev continues to use the Zaporozhye plant as a blackmail tool. The documentary shows the timeline of the attacks and focuses on potential risks of Ukrainian provocations.

Join me over on Locals! - Support me on Patreon! -

Screenshot 30russian song

"I'm Russian" Performed By Representatives Of Different Nationalities And Regions Of Russia

 ?? The song "I'm Russian!" performed by representatives of different nationalities from different Russian regions, it acquires a truly folk sound.
❗️"And we can't be broken!"
Russia is not only the largest country on our …

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"We Rise" - Performed By Historic Russian Pop Stars (Subtitled)


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Part 2 Russians Attacked By Bear



So that's how Russians and Caucasians (like Khabib Nurmagomedov) become so physically strong... They wrestle bears!

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Only In Russia: Don't Mess With Any Army That Trains Like This


Screenshot 275 months ago

She's exposing the TRUTH in Ukraine and they don't like it | Redacted Conversation with Eva Bartlett

 May 2, 2022 ? Support Eva Bartlett's amazing journalism by donating to her own blog right here:

Award-winning journalist Eva Bartlett joins Clayton Morris in this episode of Redacted Conversations to talk about her coverage of the war in Ukraine.

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#redacted #claytonmorris #evabartlett

I'm listening the same stuff i witnessed in Yugoslavia in 1999. In Nis, my city, cluster bombs were dropped on the market in broad daylight, in the busiest hour. 0 military targets for kilometers, not even antiaircraft positions. Lots of dead, houses destroyed... The USA kept telling they are stopping genocide while they themselves were committing it on a daily basis, as they continue to do so, committing as well as supporting it.

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Medvedev Inspects Uralvagonzavod - Russia's Top Tank Manufacturer


Medvedev checked the production of tanks at the Uralvagonzavod enterprise in Nizhny Tagil

“Issues of accelerating the supply of equipment to the troops for use during the NMD, as well as eliminating existing problems, were discussed. The task was set of strict implementation of the state defense order in all its key parameters, to prevent disruptions in the supply of manufactured equipment. Attention is drawn to the responsibility of all co-executors of the state order, up to the criminal one. Instructions were issued to the ministries and departments responsible for the state order. Control over execution will continue,” Dmitry Medvedev said.


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The Syrians recruited to fight for Russian forces in Ukraine - BBC News

 Apr 1, 2022 Russia has said it has signed up some 16,000 recruits from the Middle East to fight with its forces in the war in Ukraine. Social media in Syria has been flooded with requests for people to join Russian troops in return for up to $7,000 for deployment. One former Syrian regime soldier who has been offered thousands of dollars to fight in the war told the BBC that his country's broken economy means hundreds of Syrians are putting themselves forward.

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"It is very important for us that Ukraine wins, that Ukrainians wins the war against Russian."

Enjoyed this video? Join my Locals community for exclusive content at!

NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg during NATO Pre-Ministerial Press Conference:
— "It is very important for us that Ukraine wins, that Ukrainians wins the war against Russian forces.

Because if Putin wins, it will be a defeat not only for Ukraine, but defeat and danger for all of us, all NATO.", Jens Stoltenberg during NATO Pre-Ministerial Press Conference:
— "It is very important for us that Ukraine wins, that Ukrainians wins the war against Russian forces.

Because if Putin wins, it will be a defeat not only for Ukraine, but defeat and danger for all of us, all NATO."

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About Russians moving to the U.S.


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International observers react to Donbass referendums

 International observers overseeing the independence referendums in Donbass and the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions have been sharing their experiences with RT. The observers, who included academics, journalists, and political scientists from over 50 countries across Europe, Africa, and Asia, commented on what they saw as a fair election that had been a long time coming, and the enthusiasm with which people participated. ‘We find it was very fair,’ Purnima Anand, the president of the BRICS International Forum, said. ‘People were coming, enjoying this voting like a festival.’

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Evidence Confirms, Pentagon NATO Alliance Behind Destruction of Nord Stream Pipelines Signalling Massive Escalation in War

Alex Jones breaks down the revelations of evidence pointing to a Pentagon NATO Alliance behind the destruction of Nord Stream pipelines signalling a massive escalation in war. 


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Millions Are Being Sold for Sex Globally .

 Nadia shares her story of being abducted in Russia and narrowly escaping being sold for sex. She's raising awareness of the global problem and also shares her thoughts on what's going on with Russia vs. Ukraine.


Hilarious Quote From Zhirinovsky On Ukrainians

 Zhirinovski was Jewish.


In rabbinical Judaism, "Jewishness" descended matrilineally. That is, a jewish woman's children with a non jewish man were accepted as being jewish. A jewish man's children with a non jewish woman were not automatically accepted as being jewish.

Now, various different sub sets of Judaism may have more liberal ideas. Probably not back when Zhirinovsky's dad bailed on him and his mother.

That Zhirinovsky quote about "1 drop of Jewish blood left behind by his father" was probably about how Adolf Hitler thought of HIS biological origins. Although his employees in later years would absolutely murder you for that 1 drop

Russian nationalist leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky dies at 75 › europe
06.04.2022 — Zhirinovsky long denied he had Jewish ancestry but finally acknowledged it in a 2001 book, dismissing the importance of his ethnic background in ...
Es fehlt: rumble / ‎| Muss Folgendes enthalten: rumble /


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Putin vows to destroy the NWO and by all accounts is well on the way

Zafar Khalid

Multilingual Islaamic publisher

Brave Vladimir Putin has banned Jacob Rothschild and his New World Order banking cartel family from entering Russian territory “under any circumstances.”

Putin recently reminded his cabinet that he paid off the Rothschild’s debt and “grabbed them by the scruff of the neck and kicked them out Russia’s back door.”

They (Rothschilds) do not own the world, and they do not have carte blanch to do whatever they want. If we do not challenge them there will be other issues. We will not be bullied by them.”

This meeting featured the President pounding his fist on the table and vowing to destroy the New World Order, and according to a Kremlin source Putin is making great strides towards this goal.

They do not own the world, and they do not have carte blanch to do whatever they want. If we do not challenge them there will be other issues. We will not be bullied by them.”

It is understood that the Rothschild banking racket was a noose tied around the neck of the Russian economy. Once the knot was tightened, the economy would struggle and choke.

Early in his presidency he made a priority of uniting Russia socially, spiritually, and economically. He ordered the arrest of the Rothschild backed oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky who had made Rothschild, Henry Kissinger and Arthur Hartman directors of the Open Russia foundation.

He was so upset with the banksters in his temple, he tipped over their tables and drove them out with a whip.

A keen student of history, well versed in world affairs, the Russian President has studied the history of the world’s most elusive organisation and understands the central role their financial collaborators have played in fomenting the major international conflicts of the 20th century.

Now they want to plunge us into World War III.

The New World Order’s invasive roots and branches keep spreading around the world, but President Putin has stopped them expanding into Russia. This is a major blow to their plans for world domination and now they view him as a real threat. He’s got them running scared, which is why he is degraded in the Western media at every opportunity.

The reality is that Putin is leading us towards a multi-polar world, far from the one government, one religion future plotted by the New World Order. When he took his forces into Syria to protect a sovereign state he further enhanced his reputation as a powerful leader.

People around the world have started to wake up and notice.

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Russia Cucks CIA With New Spy Satellite - Places It In SAME Orbit As U.S. Satellite - U.S. Crying


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Historic: Putin's First Words As President Of Russia



Putin will go down in history as a great world class leader for Russia and for the rest of the Oppressed Peoples
around the world dominated by the Colonialist Western Powers.
Putin will go down in history as a LIBERATOR of Oppressed Peoples around the World


Thank God for Russia it has Putin.


Putin is definitely controlled opposition. He is ex WEF, ex KGB, ridicules and criticises those talking about Jewish power, Jewish control, Jewish influence etc, his whole cabinet was vetoed by Roman Abramovitch before being approved, he has a rabbi who is referred to as "Putin's rabbi", his mother is apparently Jewish, he supports the white genocide agenda (they call it mulitcultualism/diversity), he answers to Chabard Lubervitch, just as Trump and Netanyahu does. Putin has never even called out 9/11 being an inside and Israeli job. He hasn't even called out Covid 19 being a plannedemic, scamdemic, hoax, pys op and practical joke and has gone along with it. I am not very optimistic about the near future.


on peace for r




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Report reveals details of Ukraine security service's 'small guantanamo'


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US won't return seized assets of Russians after war


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  Soros: "I replaced the Soviet Empire, and created the Soros Empire."

Soros explains how deeply he has been involved in the events of Ukraine and the dismantling of the USSR since the very beginning. Many of today's events tie back to him and the cabal he represents.


Soros , real name SCHWARTZ....the anti Europe K. I K. E ......" The white women must cohabit with members of the dark Races, the white men with black women. Thus the white Race will DISAPPEAR for the mixing of the dark with the white means the END OF THE WHITE MAN and OUR MOST DANGEROUS ENEMY WILL BECOME A MEMORY. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the pax Judaica and OURRACE WILL RULE UNDISPUTED OVER THE WORLD. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark people's. " – Rabbi Rabinovitch, Budapest conference of European Rabbi's, 12th January, 1952. ...... Newspaper article (available to anyone) - " NEW WORLD ORDER PLEDGED TO J E W S " - ' New York Times ' (page 10), 6th October, 1939. ....." The war now proposed is for the purpose of establishing Jewish influence throughout the world. " - General George van Horn Mosely, ' New York Tribune ', 29th March, 1939. ......" If what we are doing to the Germans is Liberty, then give me death. I can't believe how Americans can sink so low. It is wholly Semitic in character. It is amusing to recall that we fought the revolution in defense of the rights of man and the civil war to abolish Slavery and have now gone back on those principles. “- General Georges Patton Jr, Commander 3rd Army, Berlin, 1945. Soon after making these observations and many more he was assassinated by the Jews. See ' The Patton Papers '.

  • Nimadan

    My analysis is that Soros is a frontman for the Rothschilds. The House of Rothschild has gotten too respectable
    to be publicly associated with the kind of ugly scams Soros is notorious for, which is why they hired this creature
    to do their dirty work for them.Naive people buy the Soros story at face value, skeptical people freak out over the idea that a Nazi-collabo is posing
    as the world's richest liberal jew, but almost nobody ever asks the question: how could a survivor of the "holocaust"
    have gotten this rich to begin with? Even allowing for luck, drive, skill and a huge tolerance for financial sleaze, it's
    just not possible; Soros couldn't have gotten this big on his own. He's somebody's agent & Occam's Razor tells me
    that somebody is the world's richest family, the trillionaire House of Rothschild.



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Sanctions war against Russia is failing. China and India harden their stance


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  Sanctions against Russia are "just pissing us off" || A Russian Opinion


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Learn the Truth About the Fall of the Soviet Union

Joel Skousen of joins guest host Kate Dalley of to break down the true history behind Russia's buildup to war in Ukraine.


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Putin's Rabbi: "Politically, Russia & Israel Are Very Very Strong"

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Truth about Ukraine government and why Putin will de-nazify it and stop human trafficking

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Rothschild is still operating in Russia and the CIS.

Our services in Russia and the CIS
Global Advisory has had an on-the-ground presence in Russia for over a decade. We provide impartial, expert advisory and execution services to large and mid-sized corporations, private equity, families and entrepreneurs. Our Moscow team offers local clients the full range of our advisory services and holds an in-depth understanding of local and regional dynamics, and unparalleled high-level and government access supported by our senior advisers. Wider regional coverage is supported by a long-standing partnership in Ukraine. This deep experience of Russian markets has resulted in, and is supported by, our track record in advising on many of the country’s largest, most complex, and precedent-setting transactions.

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Moscow 125009
Phone: +7 495 775 8221

2022 Rothschild & Co




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Ten Good Reasons to Hate Putin

This post first appeared on Russia Insider

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Russians love him. The Levada polling organisation (not especially friendly to Putin) has been polling about him for 15 years. His lowest rating – lowest rating – (did I say lowest?) was 61% in June 2000, these days it's in the 80s. (Question 1, Long Trend). Most Western politicians would sell their mothers into slavery to get up to 61%.

But, asks the puzzled NYT reader, why would Russians like him? Results, that's why; check out the illustration. You'd like it too, if you had a leadership team half as effective.

He's popular outside too. Despite widespread belief in the servile Western media that Putin is “isolated”, a lot of countries are happy to invite him to visit. The photo that says it all is here.

Who's the Guest of Honour?

He's macho. When he takes his photographer along in his “private” moments, it's to show him wrestling tigers, petting leopards, landing large fish, wearing tough guy headgear, hurling people around the judo mat. What do our leaders do in their photographed “private” moments? Golf.

Even the false rumours about him are macho. Affairs with beautiful young women, not pedophilia or secret homosexuality.

He's got a real army. With air defences, fighter planes, modern tanks, tough special forces. So a fun little air campaign won't be possible. Besides, Russia hasn't lost many wars, has it? And they never give up; just ask the Mongols.

Nukes. Russia has them; they work: Bulava, Topol and Sineva. Meanwhile, in the USA not so much.

He's Russian. And Russians are all horrible. Except for Pussy Riot.

He's smarter than our team. Well... doesn't he prove this every day?

You can't bully him. Ditto.

He's not going anywhere. He's staying right there in Russia. And that, for the geographically challenged, is a great big country not very far from anywhere.

And one bonus reason. He knows gold is a better investment than US Treasuries.

And just one more. Russian babes say they like him. Imagine the campaign “Babes for (insert the name of your wearisome leader)”. Didn't think you could imagine it without feeling a bit nauseous. Well, OK, there was Obamagirl. But that was fake.

Russia Insider Tip Jar - Keep truth alive!



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How Crimea became part of Russia and why it was gifted to Ukraine.

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Zelensky the leader of Ukraine is Jewish. All the last 3 Ukraine leaders have been Jews.

How Ukraine’s ‘Revolution of Dignity’ led to war, poverty and the rise of the far right

At the same time, we’re seeing deindustrialization. In 2014, the Lvov Bus Factory was closed, and, in 2018, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated over the Zaporozhskiy Automobile Building Plant. In 2016-2019, the Antonov aircraft manufacturer didn’t produce a single plane. In July 2021, the Nikolayev Shipyard – once a key part of the Soviet shipbuilding industry – was officially closed. Yuzhmash, a large aerospace and rocket factory, has been barely staying afloat since 2014. In 2013, 50,449 cars were manufactured in Ukraine, but, by 2021, the number had decreased to 7002. 

Living standards are also falling. Utilities rates keep rising, and, as of now, the utilities debt has reached $3 billion, owing to International Monetary Fund (IMF) requirements. Ukrainian political analyst Vladimir Chemeris explains that “the tariffs will keep rising. Back in summer 2020, our government signed a memorandum with the IMF, agreeing that gas prices should be fully market-determined. Market price means higher price. The IMF also underlined this requirement time and time again, and our government agreed, hoping for more and more loans to at least pay off the previous ones.” 

Having terminated its gas supply contracts with Russia, Ukraine has had to deal with an energy crisis. On top of that, Kiev has to pay more for gas than even the EU countries. In October, gas prices across the EU ranged from €300 to €700, while, in Ukraine, it reached €1,100. 

And so Ukrainians are leaving the country en masse. In 2020, 601,200 received EU residence permits. According to the Ptoukha Institute of Demography and Social Studies, in 2021, the number of migrant workers stood at 2.5 to 3 million people, while 1,068,000 Ukrainians obtained Russian citizenship in 2014-2021. In the first 10 months of 2021, the population outflow exceeded 600,000 – a record high in the past 11 years.  

A survey carried out by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology shows that 64.7% of Ukrainian citizens believe things are going in the wrong direction. One in four Ukrainians and one in three young people want to move to a different country.  All in all, this can hardly be called a victory for the Euromaidan.



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The Rise of Putin and Fall of The Russian-Jewish Oligarchs (1/2)

 The Rise of Putin and The Fall of The Russian-Jewish


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 This documentary outlines the rise and fall of the Russian-Jewish oligarchs after the fall of the Soviet Union. The reason why this period in history is important is because it delivered to us and into the political arena, Vladimir Putin, the now Russian President, and the antidote to President Obama who's serving on behalf of Zionist Jewry and their total control of the United States of America. Had this not taken place, the world we live in would now have been very different with possibly more wars and conflicts and we would be further in the grip of International Jewry.

President Vladimir Putin is truly remarkable because he, and he alone, thwarted Zionist Jewry and the U.S. puppet president Obama in their attempt to overthrow the Syrian government thus changing the geopolitical climate in the Middle East in favor of Israel, as was Iraq, and allowing for a future invasion of Iran.

One need only to look at the countries and presidents the U.S. boycotts and criticizes to figure out who Zionist Jewry are targeting and then everything will fall into place. Putin has been compared to Hitler for a variety of reasons, one because he won't allow the West to meddle in Russian affairs and try to change the political and social climate through "democratic revolutions" or challenging authority through "human right campaigns" aimed at legalizing homosexual Gay Pride parades which outrage the people, but mostly because he revived his country out of the rubble that Jewish Bolshevism created, which even Putin himself admits was Jewish:

Of course the Jews, as usual, claim Putin perpetuates this as an "anti-semitic lie":

But what happened to the Jewish oligarchs after Putin became president? Berezovsky was exiled and allegedly committed suicide, Khodorkovsky rots in prison at this very moment, others fled to Israel or the West, but people like Abramovich stayed and were most likely forced to pledge allegiance, not to International Jewry, but to Russia as loyal law-abiding citizens. And as for the Jewish community in Russia, at some point in time it was made clear to them that there would be no conspiring with their tribal brethren in the West to meddle with the affairs in Russia and they had to declare their allegiance to the country as well as is suggested by this article:

We can only look to the future with hope and keep our eyes and ears open and most importantly, inform people on what's happening and why it's happening, and one day we'll also be able to put a president like Putin to power!

This reminds me of what's going on in Australia right now. Except no one really knows who they are, well I don't anyway.
Is not it odd that these Oligarchs are on the run, either to Israel, Western Europe or the United States? It seems mighty peculiar to me that these people always seem to flee to lands of the West. 
This is a very good documentary. They would never air this on television in the States, no way! Thank you for such an honest upload.
Jewish people need to ask them selfes why is it that they have been persecuted in just about every country in europe ? and learn something from it.
There is no differene in USA politically, financially and media -hellwood

Russian & New ideas

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Russia can preserve its sovereignty and independence only if it develops its own domestic highly efficient technologies.

 Russia’s Industrial Heartland: Ural Mountain Factory Belt Sports Best Manufacturing Tech in World!

Subscribe to Vesti News ECONOMIC GEMS. Special Report by Anton Borisov. We came to Sverdlovsk Oblast to show you the development of its economy. That's why we will build a tank, forge titanium, find gold, get ready to fly, assemble a robot, pick shavings from an excavator, and chase a fast reactor.
The sanctions imposed by the West on Russia seem to have been a blessing in disguise, it woke Russians up.
I'm really impressed, I remember what the corrupt lying sack + war criminal Obama said 'Russia doesn't make anything'.
Dr. Ronald Cutburth
The fast nuclear reactor can use nuclear weapons-grade materials as in Plutonium and high-grade Uranium. Russia has enough nuclear material to last more than 2500 years. That may change when Russia defends the world from Space Aliens. I have previously predicted that Russia will be the first with real space fighter aircraft like in Star Wars the fantasy movie. Russia does not spend time building fantasies. Their "Fast breeder reactor" is a logical development that the US scientists somehow could not build. I opine the difference is Russia's educational planning where even high school graduates finish highschool having studied Calculus.
Sunny Hope
Russia can preserve its sovereignty and independence only if it develops its own domestic highly efficient technologies. For example, software technologies that are in use today are very complicated and overwhelming. Now it is a good moment to create a much simpler reusable software technology that can reduce the cost of new software development. And for this, you don't need to follow exactly the same former path of the existing software technologies. You just need to keep and implement the main useful concepts in modern programming like modular programming, concurrent programming, event-driven programming, OOP, relational databases, (and so on), but do this as simple as possible and in an unitary manner. It would be also a good idea to try to create a hardware technology that fits well with the new software.

Russian Children Gun Competition

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Russian Children In AK-47 Competition, While American Children Attend Drag Queen Story Hour

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Zionist, Bolsheviks Globalist run the western media.

  Putin: Wokeness Is Dismantling The West: Cancel Culture First Happened In Russia During Bolsheviks!



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Breaking! Russia shot down a fighter jet! Big blow to U.S!


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The leader of Russia Putin on the left is a Christian/Jew.

Putin, United Russia, etc - corrupt, criminal, anti-white regime

 About this thread.
2016 update

Thread's been pinned because of widespread confusion on these issues and popular demand (many threads asking about Putin etc), to serve as a go-to reference. Thread's purpose: collect quality and informative critique of government from Russian nationalists and WNs, as well as mainstream media articles. Key topics covered: attitude of Russian authorities towards racialism, ethno-nationalism, political rights for Whites and free speech; interactions of oligarchy and power, corruption, political censure and repression, official power's ideology, modern Russia's immigration and race aspects.

 Read full article link above.

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Putin - surrounded, supported, mentored and befriended by Jews, Muslims, half-Asian mutts and anti-Whites in his administration and, in fact, in his whole life and career.
Has Jewish personal friends, described as "semitophile" and is a recognized fighter against anti-semitism - all of it backed by facts.

Same goes for Dmitry Medvedev. Following with a snip from the list in Who Rules Russia: known politics, businessmen, journalists, actors of Russia - Stormfront. Being in any way related to Putin, his administration or personal circles, seems to mysteriously correlate with being anything but a White person who isn't an anti-White scum.

Originally Posted by Poison View Post
Table of Contens
(last name first)

Oligarchs / Tycoons

Fridman, Mikhail Maratovich. Jew [...] Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Alfa Group Consortium, which is now one of the Russia's largest privately owned investment groups. In 2011, Forbes assessed his wealth as $15.1 billion, making him the 7th richest man in Russia [...]On excellent terms with Kremlin, member of Putin's Public Chamber; [...]one of the founders of the Russian Jewish Congress[...]large contribution to the work of the European Jewish Fund [...] developing European Jewry and promoting tolerance


Kerimov, Suleyman Abusaidovich. an ethnic Lezgin born in Dagestan - a non-Slavic, traditionally Muslim Caucasus peoples, similar to Chechens [...] a secretive Kremlin-connected Russian tycoon. [...]Kerimov sometimes appears to be an extension of the Kremlin, the bankers say [...] the things [he does] seem to be in tandem with the government,” said Chris Barter, former co-chief executive of Goldman Sachs’ Moscow office [...] Suspiciously (*for a non-Jew) well-connected to the American/global juden-bankster oligopoly circles


Rottenberg, Arkadiy. Jewish billionaire and one of the richest men in Russia, personal friend of Putin, his former judo training partner. The huge capital he earned through personal acquaintance with V. Putin, last years he got practically unrestricted flow of budget money


"State corporation oligarchs"
People entrusted with running huge multi-billion dollar state corporations and monopolies, they are somewhere in between an "oligarch" and administration official, and easily a match in influence to a Minister or Deputy Minister.

Chubais, Anatoly. [...]Jew by mother's side[...] was an influential member of Boris Yeltsin's administration[...] receives awards from Putin and Medvedev, as well as control of multi-billion dollar state corporations - RAO UES and RUSNANO.

Kirienko, Sergey. Jew by father's side. A prominent liberal and supporter of Putin, was Prime Minister in Yeltsin's time. In Putin's Russia he heads Rosatom - a huge state corporation controlling the whole nuclear complex of RF - weaponry, R&D and power utilities - described as "state within a state, a powerful and secretive dominion with an almost limitless access to government funds and no accountability to either the state or the public."

Officials / Kremlin administration under Putin and Medvedev

Dvorkovich, Arkady. (Jew; married to a non-Slav as well – wife is an ethnic Dagestani) […]an economist, was the Assistant to the President (* i.e. Putin) of the Russian Federation since 13 May 2008 til May 2012. In May 21, 2012 he was appointed as Deputy Prime Minister in Dmitry Medvedev's Cabinet

Fradkov, Mikhail Yefimovich. family of Jewish origin on his father's side […] Russian politician and statesman who was the Prime Minister of Russia (* appointed by Putin) from March 2004 to September 2007. Fradkov has been the head of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service since 2007

Kalanda, Vladimir. unknown asian/eurasian origin - obvious in looks, born in neighboring with China region. One of senior Putin's officials: Office of the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Migration Service, Federal Service of the Russian Federation for control of drug trafficking. His wife is the Vice President of Rosneft, Russia's leading extraction and refinement company and largest publicly traded oil company, owned by the Government of Russia.

Kalina, Isaak Josephovich . [..]jew, [...] From 2010 till now - Head of Education Department of Moscow government. [...] In 2009-2012 - Deputy Chairman of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation to counter attempts to falsify history to the detriment of Russia.[...]

Kogan (Cohen), Vladimir. Jewish banker, former co-owner of Industry and Construction Bank of St. Petersburg, a statesman. A close friend of Vladimir Putin from Putin's St. Petersburg days, also known as "Putin's banker". Director of the Department of Construction Ministry of Regional Development in 2008-2011, during the period from July to December 2012 - Deputy Minister of Regional Development - Head of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services.

Lavrov, Sergey Viktorovich. Russian diplomat who has been the Foreign Minister of Russia since 2004. His nomination to the Foreign Minister office was approved by two Russian presidents, in 2008 by Dmitry Medvedev and in 2012 by Vladimir Putin. Lavrov was born in Moscow to an Armenian father from Tbilisi and Russian mother from Georgia. Big anti-White and anti-WN: Is an activist in everything “anti-nazi”, “anti-racist”(= code words for anti-White) - details inside.

Lesin, Mikhail Yuriyevich. Jew. Minister of The press, TV broadcasting and Media under Putin (1999-2004), temporary acting Minister of Culture in 2004, presidential aide and advisor under Putin and Medvedev (2004-2009), Kremlin's "manager of mass media" and "spin doctor". Once described as "the most influential personality of Russian television and radio", his record includes creation of Kremlin-friendly Russia Today (RT), Putin's election campaign propaganda and much more.

Magomedov, Magomedsalam Magomedaliyevich. an ethnic Dargi (non Slavic, Muslim Caucasus ethnicity)[…] was the President of Dagestan [...] appointment by the President of Russia […] Today he was appointed as "Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration"

Nurgaliev, Rashid Gumirovich. tatar. 2000-2002 - deputy chief of FSB (KGB), 2002-2003 - deputy minister of home affairs (police) of Russia, 2003-2012 - minister of home affairs (police) of Russia, 2012-now - deputy chief of security council of Russia. Fighter against nationalism.

Pavlovsky, Gleb Olegovich. [..]political scientist (he describes himself as a "political technologist") of jewish origin [...] adviser to the Presidential Administration of Russia until April, 2011 [...] one of behind the scenes masterminds and image shapers of Putin

Pollyeva, Dzhakhan Redzhepovna. ethnic from turkmenian […] an Aide to the President of Russia

Reiman, Leonid Dododzhonovich. father was a tajik (asian muslim), mother was a German (jew?) [...]former Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Minister of Communications and Information Technologies of the Russian Federation. Leonid Reiman has been numerously rated most influential person in Russian telecom business with personal wealth over $1 bln., according to Finance magazine.

Sechin, Igor. strange looking - mystery meat? [...] Russian official, considered a close ally of Vladimir Putin. Sechin is often described as one of Putin's most conservative counselors and the leader of the Kremlin's Siloviki faction, a statist lobby gathering former security services agents [...] currently is Deputy Prime Minister of Russia in Vladimir Putin's cabinet.

Shoygu, Sergey. mixed Slav with Turkic/Mongoloid [...] perennial minister of RF since Yeltsin's times. [...]Minister of Emergency Situations from 1991 to 2012 […] On November 6, 2012 he was appointed Minister of Defence of Russia.

Sobyanin, Sergey. native Asian, the Mayor of Moscow. [...] was Deputy Prime Minister of Russia and former Head of the Administration of the President of Russia from 2005 to 2010

"Surkov", "Vladislav". (before name change - Aslambek Andarbekovich Dudaev) - half-Chechen, friend of Muslims[...]Vladislav Surkov is widely seen as the main ideologist of the Kremlin [...] contributed greatly to the electoral victory of President Vladimir Putin in 2004 [...] main architect of the current Russian political system

Yusufov, Igor Hanukovich. Jewish businessman and statesman in Putin's Russia: 2001-2004 - Minister of Energy, July 29, 2004 to April 8, 2011 - The Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Energy Cooperation, Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; currently on board of directors of huge state monopoly Gazprom - one of the largest companies in the world.

The Civic Chamber. [...] a state institution with 126 members created in 2005 in Russia to analyze draft legislation and monitor the activities of the parliament, government and other government bodies of Russia and its Federal Subjects. It has a role similar to an oversight committee and has consultative powers. [...] The creation of the chamber was suggested by Vladimir Putin. Hard to find a White Slav - not Asian, Muslim or Semite – there.

Of the above, some of the most relevant and "must see", to understand who engineered and brokered Putin's ascent to power, who were (and still are) the power base and "grey cardinals" behind the control of media etc:



BREAKING: Putin Defends Free Speech & The First Amendment


I'm having a real problem viewing videos on this site, I am not having a problem viewing videos on other sites, and a few other people have commented they are having the same problem. Half way through the videos I am getting a H.LSj.s.error:network Error- fatal: true - frag Load Error. With a X through the stopped video.

I wonder if it's just viewers north of the border who are only having this problem like myself, or some viewers in the U.S. may be having the same problem..If I watch the videos in the A.M. they're fine. But most of the time, I don't have time to watch the videos in the A.M., and I don't have time to watch the whole show, so I watch the videos in the evening . I'm constantly getting frag errors in the evening. However, I did manage to watch this video in the A.M.and went to watch it in the evening to refresh on what Alex said, and again got the frag load error. So, I will have to go on memory, if it serves me correctly. If anything I remember is wrong, please feel free to correct me. I remember infowars reported that the Kremlin, or Putin announced, can't remember which, that there would be a crackdown on journalists and reporters, or anybody who criticized the government.

Now Putin has defended free speech and the First Amendment. Putin claims that everyone has a right to free political speech. Has he decided to rescind the order that was put out a couple of months ago about anybody criticizing the government?. It sounds like he has. He said everybody should have political free speech even if it means criticizing the government. Yes, once the most freest nation on earth the U.S.'s freedom of speech is being censored. I think President Putin would do well to lead the democratic way and make sure freedom of speech is implemented in his country seeing that Russia was so censored in the past.I think President Putin is trying to set a good example.

There are so many countries who are struggling to maintain their freedom of speech with the Deep State attacking freedom of speech. I think President Putin is setting a great example of support for countries who are struggling against censorship, or trying to not have their freedom of speech suppressed. I hope President Putin will have his words as a reality in his country. If President Putin is going to implement political freedom of speech, why not be totally Democratic and go all the way?

What about religious freedom, and religious freedom of speech.. If my memory serves me correctly, the only religion allowed in Russia is the Russian Orthodox Religion. Mormons, The Baptist Church, Pentecostal Church, Evangelical Church, and Jehovah Witness Congregation are all banned in Russia.

Jehovah's Witness are banned from going door to door to teach the bible, and will be arrested if reported, or caught. President Putin, if you truly want Democracy, and want to have a free country, and I think you do, you need to embrace the whole spectrum of freedom of speech Respectfully








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Mandatory vaccination as a tool for a coup d’état under the guise of coronavirus


Mandatory vacc!nation as a tool for a coup d’état under the guise of Koronavirus

Over the past few days, Russia has suddenly plunged into an entirely new reality. A week ago we lived in a state to which there were a lot of questions, but at the same time the very existence of the state with its authorities, hierarchy, law, etc. recognized by the majority of the country’s population. Today the situation is changing before our eyes. Collective Sobyanin, together with a group of Rospotrebnadzor officials, seized totalitarian power in the country, abolishing the Constitution, laws, the president with his guarantees and promises, legislative power, etc. under the plausible pretext of caring for the health of the population. On Sobyanin, more precisely – on the so-called. The “party of Koronavirus”, which unites the voluntary and involuntary agents of global pharma, operates most of the media, the Internet and almost the entire bureaucratic machine. The federal government does not seem to notice what is happening, the power bloc is also silent, which, by definition, would have to intervene and defend national sovereignty. As a result, society has to react. And sabotaging the anti-constitutional decisions of the impostors is clearly not enough. Meanwhile, the most conscientious citizens from among the activists of large patriotic and parental associations launched an open appeal to Putin and the Security Council demanding to stop the coup d’etat launched under the guise of Koronavirus.






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When the Jews took over Russia with Communism, they killed the entire Gentile ruling and upper classes.

Jews still in control of Russia


JEWS STILL IN CONTROL OF RUSSIA When the Jews took over Russia with Communism, they killed the entire Gentile ruling and upper classes, and replaced them with a Jewish ruling elite which was part of a larger Jewish order.

"Rosenthal also talks about a Jewish invisible government which also controls the USSR, and how the UN is "nothing but a trap door to the Red World's immense concentration camp." He says this invisible power is responsible for the wars and revolutions of the last 200 years.” — Harold Wallace Rosenthal, age 29, personal assistant to New York Senator Jacob Javits 1976 interview with Walter White Jr., editor, Conservative monthly, Western Front.

When the Soviet Jewion fell apart due to the long-term effects of the Second World War and the people openly rebelling in the streets, the Jewish elites in Russia simply put up new window dressing and did a game of musical chairs, in order to stop a full rebellion that would topple them. The new post-Soviet government was just as openly full of Jews as was the former one. It is the same ruling class. This brings us to Vladimir Putin who was a Lieutenant Colonel in the KGB before the fall of the Soviet Union. He was then brought into the New Government. This is revealing the facts on the KGB, like the NKVD and Cheka before it. It is created, staffed, and run by Jews, as it is the important arm of the Jewish ruling classes' control:

According to a report in The Canadian Jewish News of 13 November 1964, the present Soviet boss Leonid Brezhnev is married to a Jewess and his children are brought up as Jews. There are a number of prominent Jews in the Soviet government, including Dimitri Dymshits in charge of industry, Lev Shapiro regional secretary of Birobidjan, and Yuri Andropov in charge of the secret police, the KGB. In fact, every secret police chief in Soviet history has been a Jew, from the first, Uritsky, the murderous Beria... A Jew is also in charge of the Soviet economy – Leonid Kantorovich.

Keep this in mind when you realize that Putin within 16 years, rose to Lieutenant Colonel of the KGB, proceeded to be high-ranking in a Jewish owned and staffed government, and is now the front man for the ruling kosher cabal: Putin admitted to growing up in the same apartment with a bunch of Jews. When speaking before a Jewish audience, Putin revealed that his own father was an "avid Talmudic scholar." “Mr. Putin said he was familiar with both the menorah and the Chanukah holiday, because as a child his family shared their communal apartment with a Jewish family. “

Source: – Jewish News - Chanukah Journal Nov 26, 1999 2 Putin: “I will do everything for the Jews!" Posted October 18, 2012. Putin will save “us” says Jew Kapner! By “us,” he means Jews.

"RUSSIA'S PM TO JEWISH DELEGATION: I WAS FIRST TO RESTORE JEWISH PROPERTY! MOSCOW — In an extraordinary 40 minute meeting with Russian Jewish leaders yesterday (November 25), Russian Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin promised to assist the Jewish community in combating anti-Semitism, building schools and reclaiming former synagogue buildings for Jewish communities."

"Rabbi Berel Lazar, chief Lubavitch emissary to the region, who was recently elected as the head rabbi by delegates to the newly formed Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, accompanied Federation officials Lev Leviev, Michael Gluz and Mark Grubarg to present the prime minister with a silver Menorah. Rabbi Lazar described the Menorah as a symbol of religious freedom. Speaking about the miracle of Chanukah, the rabbi and his colleagues described the resurgence of Jewish life in Russia since the fall of communism as a modern miracle."

Jew-lover Putin admits growing up in the same apartment with a bunch of Jews. While talking to a Jewish audience, Putin reveals that his own father was an avid Talmudic scholar…“Mr. Putin said he was familiar with both the menorah and the Chanukah holiday, because as a child his family shared their communal apartment with a Jewish family.” Putin's father's real name was Epstein, his mother's Shalomova.

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Tamara: "The photo at bottom left shows Opposition to Putin saying Putin is 100% a Jew (his mother is a Jew and his father is a Jew). In Russia, many Jewish people hide their Jewish origin or they do not know or do not want to know. Putin is a person who hides his Jewish origin but uses it in the corruption nets. Historians tried to find his ancestors but failed. Common Russians think that 3 Putin is an ethnic Russian. If they understood that Putin is a Jew, they would not vote for him. The picture bottom right shows Putin's resemblance to a Jew from Tsarist era."

"In Russia, the eternal question is: "Who Lives Well in Russia?" At different times, they were different people, but now everyone knows that life is only good for the super-rich oligarchs, mostly Jews."

Putin pledges to make Russia comfortable for the enemy Jew. Perhaps that will shed light on why he treats nationalists and proud Russian patriots like Jews treat animals.

“Focusing on the Federation, Mr. Putin described its founding as a positive development to bring diverse groups within the Jewish community together to work toward common goals. He expressed his hope that the new Federation would help foster a climate of communal strength that will make Russia a country where Jews will live comfortably."

The following was written by a Christian Russian Nationalist, but it provides a clear understanding of what is really happening in the Jewish owned and controlled current Russia:

"Their goal is to create in place of Russia and Russian civilization a new supranational pseudo-empire within the framework of the New World Order, under the guidance of a Jewish elite."

Russians in Russia: The State within the State April 24, 2012 —

Igor Artemov, Translated by Roman Frolov

No one in the Russian National political movement—or just anyone for whom his Russian identity is not simply a matter of fact but a defining aspect of his life, beliefs, and actions—should harbor any illusions regarding the corrupt, grotesquely hypocritical, bureaucratic and police-state nature of the modern state authority and ideology existing in the Russian Federation. All this is true and doubtlessly affects our lives. And yet the single most important thing to understand is that this system is explicitly and purposefully anti-Russian.

Although we cannot exclude that Putin and his close circle dream about their ‘empire’, there won’t be any place in their ‘empire’ for the Russian spirit and Russian ideology, just as there was no place for Russianness in the late Soviet Union. Remember that the process of destroying the Russian nation and Russian worldview, unprecedented in its scale and consequences, was launched precisely in the Soviet Union and the current authorities of Russian Federation carry on this process more or less consistently. The Russian culture and the Church were being destroyed in the USSR. Internationalism and inter-racial marriages were promoted. The USSR has done everything possible to make 4 people to identify themselves not as Russians, Tartars, or Tuvans but as Soviet people. All the facts show that it is the USSR and not the old Russia that serves as a role model for the current Russian authorities. They are building a postSoviet state and not in any way a Russian national state. I consider this statement essential because of the conclusions and actions that follow from it directly.

If the Russian Federation was just a red-tape bureaucratic or corrupt state, then these defects of the political system could be fought against and to a certain extent eliminated simply by dealing with the mistakes. Yet the problem is that both corruption and despotism in our country are consciously enforced from the very top of state power. Long ago I realized that the situation in our country does not result from the stupidity, greed or incompetence of the ruling circles. Only an idiot would have trouble understanding that it is better for the country to have its own competitive manufacturing instead of exporting raw materials or to have honest officials instead of bribe-takers. The Russian authorities understand this too. And yet they do everything the other way around, strengthening and hardening from above all the vices of the state system. “Why?” you ask me. Well, because they have aims that are very different from those they publicly declare on television and through the mass media.

Their goal is to create in place of Russia and Russian civilization a new supranational pseudo-empire within the framework of the New World Order. Under the guidance of a Jewish elite, the Russian majority will be gradually replaced by Asian migrants. Of course, they cannot acknowledge this openly as it will cause mass protests and they will be quickly swept away. So for the people’s consumption they have an official ideology of building a society of prosperity, social justice and interethnic peace. Yet they cannot hide the truth, especially from those who have access to objective information. As a result, the silence of the ruling circles is bought by enormous material benefits on one hand, and by intimidation on the other. In this light, it is easy to understand the murders of generals Lebed and Rokhlin, ophthalmologist Fyodorov, Governor Evdokimov and many others who had ascended to the political Olympus in Russia but had not become completely loyal to those forces that control and deliberately destroy our country as the heart of Russian civilization. I think that the mysterious death of General Shebarshin, the last chief of the KGB, is in the same line of political murders.

The main supports for the Russian authorities in this enterprise are the security agencies. Their purpose is to suppress any popular protest and discontent by unlawful use of force — simply because it is impossible to do it by lawful methods. It is not a coincidence that today the members of the security agencies and not regular officials or manufacturers who get the most of benefits and opportunities. Not long ago I had a conversation with an old acquaintance of mine who sells real estate on the Black sea coast and in the Caucasus Mineralnye Vody region [translator’s note: popular resorts]. He claimed that 80% 5 of the expensive property [$500,000 and up] in these areas is purchased today not by state officials or businessmen but by highly-placed officials of the Federal Security Service [FSS], Interior Ministry, Public Prosecutor Office, and other similar agencies from various regions of the country [sometimes such purchases are made using front persons]. In this way these ‘people’s servants’ prepare for their retirement. Needless to say, such property acquisitions are far beyond the means of an honest official, even considering their large salaries.

Thus a conspiracy of silence emerges. Every member of this criminal system knows that he can keep his power and unlawfully acquired riches only if he remains silent and does everything his masters order him to do. If he doesn’t, however, and takes the liberty of excessive high-handedness or independency, he will face huge problems.

I would like to describe two examples from my personal experience, which clearly show that highly stationed Russian officials have a perfect understanding of what is going on in our country and of the direction it is leading into. In the beginning of the last decade when I was a Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Vladimir Oblast I had a conversation with one of the representatives of the President in that region. The conversation has stuck in my memory. There was high turnover at this position and I would like to avoid naming this person. The official sympathetically inquired about the Russian national movement and our ideology, and he demonstrated impressive knowledge of Bolshevism, Freemasonry and pretty good personal erudition. He told me that he reads our newspapers [the Internet was not as widespread then as it is now], and that some of his relatives voted for me in the elections to the Russian Parliament. I even felt some sympathy toward him because of his education and culture. In the end he talked about himself. He said that he understands the rightness of our cause albeit there were not only Russians among his ancestors. He told me that in Soviet times he and other members of the Communist Party were shown special movies on the danger of world Zionism and Freemasonry, and he mentioned some facts which I was not aware of. At some point, I even thought that he could provide a tacit support to our cause.

Yet it ended differently. My confidant finished our conversation with a parable. Let’s say, he told me, a gang of robbers attacks a woman and wants to rape her. She has a choice, to resist, get seriously beaten and injured and be raped anyway, or “to relax and try to get some pleasure”…. So this is what is being done with our country. We can’t fight against the whole world. So let’s relax and try to benefit from this situation as much as possible. I remember being quite shocked, both at his level of awareness and his conclusions.

As a second example, in 2003 I was one of the originators of the internal investigation of the Police Department of Vladimir Oblast by a special commission from Moscow. The commission was headed by an elderly Lieutenant-General Golubev, if I remember correctly. He expressed his wish to meet me personally. It was a long conversation. I told him all I knew about 6 incidents of bribery, racketeering etc. He listened carefully and took notes. At the end, we had turned to the Russian question again. Looking away, he asked me: “If things in Russia continue in the future as they are today, for how much longer will the Russian people survive?” I answered that I look forward to positive changes and aspire for the establishment of Russian national rule, but if the regime perseveres, the Russians as a nation will likely hold on for thirty or forty years more, and after that all sorts of irreversible changes are possible. “I also think so” — he replied.

We had parted amiably. A couple of weeks later I received a letter signed by this same General, in which he thanked me for my assistance and informed me that, based on my information, around fifteen police officers were subjected to disciplinary action, but not a single ‘brave’ officer was punished seriously, though they deserved it. The commission had returned to Moscow and things in Vladimir resumed their ‘natural’ course. I guess that our General retired soon after these events.

Make no mistake: both of the high state officials described here represent the best part of the establishment. They at least say that they are not against us. Others, however, are much, much worse: they are stupid, avaricious and cynical. Yet even these two wouldn’t openly side with us. They would stand aside and wait for something. This is why the Russian movement today should avoid internal dissent and squabble between parties. The regime hates us all, no matter who we are — backers of the empire or national democrats or Russian Orthodox nationalists or whoever else — it hates us just because we are Russian, because we don’t hide it and because we fight as best we can for our rights and ideals.

We interfere with their desire to destroy Russia quickly and quietly. It is time now to begin building a “state within a state” in our midst, a society closed to outsiders where we can resolve all internal questions within it. We have no friends among the authorities, but we have many friends and like-minded people among businessmen, scientists and military men, among virtually all strata of Russian society. I will return to this topic in subsequent articles.

Igor Artemov is a well-known Russian Nationalist. His organization, Russian AllNational Union [RONS] was proscribed last year and Artemov himself is on the run, as he is wanted by Federal Security Service for the ‘hate crime’ of writing

______________________________________________________________ Note – the Jews pretend they were victims of the very system they instituted and controlled:

At Putin's side, an army of Jewish billionaires. "We have to keep our Jewishness and be united in the Diaspora," says Russian Jewish Congress VP. "

When the air-conditioning broke down at the reception for the unveiling ceremony of the Red Army monument in Netanya on Monday, it didn’t matter if you were a billionaire, multimillionaire or broke. Everyone suffered the same.

In one corner sat Mikhail Fridman, the seventh-richest man in Russia, whose fortune is estimated at $15 billion by Forbes. He stayed hydrated in the sweltering heat by sipping a glass of water. In another stood Moshe Kantor, the chemicals tycoon who Forbes said was worth $2.3b. He repeatedly removed the beads of sweat from his head with a napkin.

The two men were part of a group of two dozen or so affluent Russian-speaking businessmen who came to the ceremony where President Vladimir Putin was the guest of honor. Some, like Fridman, flew in especially from Russia. Others, like Kantor, drove from nearby Herzliya, where many businessman from the former Soviet Union including Leonid Nevzlin and Gabriel Mirilashvili, to name a few, have made their homes.

For many members of this class of ultra rich Putin’s arrival in the country was an opportunity for them to brush shoulders with one another and to mingle with friends and officials from the motherland. The richest man in the room filled with rich men was probably the media-shy Fridman, who declined to speak to The Jerusalem Post. “I am a private person,” he said, displaying seemingly good English.

Other faces were more familiar to locals. Lev Leviev, the diamonds and real estate mogul who is a bit of anomaly in this world, was on hand. Although born in Uzbekistan, then part of the Soviet Union, he immigrated to Israel as a teenager in the 1970s and made his money in the Jewish state. Only after the markets in the former Soviet Union opened did the Israeli, whose worth was estimated at about $1.7b. earlier this year, invest extensively in natural resources and property in that part of the world.

Not everybody in the room was a billionaire. Some were worth a mere couple of hundred of million dollars Alexander Levin, a Ukrainian businessman who was among those who donated to build the monument, is one of latter.

The real estate developer, who last year set up the World Forum for Russian Jewry, an advocacy group based in New York, explained why he it was an important cause.

“My two grandparents were killed during World War II so it’s very important to us,” he said. “We are paying just a little [in comparison to what they paid].”

How much is a little? Levin said the exact sum “was not important” but that it was “a lot of money.”

Members of United Israel Appeal-Keren Hayesod, which raised the money to build the marble and concrete monument overlooking the azure Mediterranean Sea, were also tight-lipped.

 “We organized a group of 10 to 15 top businessmen who raised the money that helped transform this dream to reality,” said Gadi Dror, the UIA’s director of the eastern region. “We do not go [into the] figures because they [the donors] prefer not to but it is meaningful amount.”

A source later said each businessman had donated at least $100,000. Watching the group of mega-wealthy interact, one cannot help but wonder how so many affluent businessmen in the former Soviet Union are Jewish.

German Zakharyaev, vice president of the Russian Jewish Congress, cited two main reasons for that. First, Jews are few among many.

“We are a minority and as such we have to be strong [if we are] to preserve our customs,” said the businessman who, as a member of the Mountain Jewish community of the eastern Caucuses, is a minority within a minority.

“This is something in our commandments that we have to keep our Jewishness and be united in the Diaspora.” Second, he said, Jewish businessmen are hard workers. “We think a lot and we sleep a little,” he said. The China situation:

Russia, China Hold Large-Scale War Games

October 1 1949, Mao Tse Tsung declared the founding of the People's Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. He was funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to ferment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF. Mao would murder sixty million innocent Chinese people under his rule mainly to destroy traditional Chinese culture. As with Christianity, any practitioners of spiritual systems where outlawed, killed, and thrown into gulags, to die a slow death through slave labor, starvation and torture. The Communistic systems became the new culture of control. With China under their flag, Tibet was next on the list as being the last bastion of spiritual and historical knowledge. All the Jewish systems seek to remove spiritual knowledge from Gentiles and keep it in the hands of the Jewish elite. This is a major part of their indoctrination program. There has been a major Jewish population in China for over a thousand years such as the Jews of Kaifeng. Communism was imported into Manchuria by an Oriental Jew named Abrahams. The powerful Western Jews worked with their Asian counterparts to conqueror the East, just as they did with their Jewish Eastern European brethren.

China has been built up into the biggest global superpower by the Jews and everything has been shipped there. This was identical to what the Jews did with their USSR, turning it into a massive super state of military superpower, to wage conquest upon the rest of the earth, which they did. The only reason they were halted was the second war monkey wrenched their plans globally and led to the stagnation and fall of the USSR. There are reports that the America tactical silos are contracted to Israeli firms for certain electronics' functions. This same 9 situation was a key factor in the London false flag attacks, 911, and Fukushima. They also have their agents all over the Pentagon and other key Western military and government networks. The West is past the demoralization point and has entered into the destabilization phase. The Protest Wall St was organized by Jewish agents of Rothschild to be the start of a Communist movement, which is part of the subversion of decades of indoctrination of students into Communist ideals. At this point, one way or another, they are seeking to take the West down should they start a full out Communist revolution, civil war or open war. One way or another, it seems Red Chinese troops will be on Western Soil "Liberating" us from the Fascist oppressors. This is what the Jews did in the ancient world with the Christian Crusades into Europe and around the world, and later with the Red Army rolling over Europe and the East, enslaving the many for the Jews.

If they wanted to take it to open war, it would be easy to pull the rug out from under NATO in Europe and America, and put the West under the Red banner. This is what America and Western Europe have been prepped for over the decades, and how they planned to take Germany down into Communism during the First war, which they manipulated into existence for the sole purpose of taking all of Europe down into Communism, and they nearly did. It is a repeating set of tactics they are using.

From looking at things, the ME conflict is a smaller warm up to a planned global conflict between China, North Korea and Russia and its allies. The Jews own these countries totally. Russia has just finished a mass joint war games exercise with China on Eastern European soil with thousands of Red Chinese troops. They where training specifically for war against Western forces. This was kept out of the mainstream it seems:

Russia, China Hold Large-Scale War Games




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Stalin's Jews

We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish

Here's a particularly forlorn historical date: Almost 90 years ago, between the 19th and 20th of December 1917, in the midst of the Bolshevik revolution and civil war, Lenin signed a decree calling for the establishment of The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, also known as Cheka.

Within a short period of time, Cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB.

We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags.

Whole population strata were eliminated: Independent farmers, ethnic minorities, members of the bourgeoisie, senior officers, intellectuals, artists, labor movement activists, "opposition members" who were defined completely randomly, and countless members of the Communist party itself.

In his new, highly praised book "The War of the World, "Historian Niall Ferguson writes that no revolution in the history of mankind devoured its children with the same unrestrained appetite as did the Soviet revolution. In his book on the Stalinist purges, Tel Aviv University's Dr. Igal Halfin writes that Stalinist violence was unique in that it was directed internally.

Lenin, Stalin, and their successors could not have carried out their deeds without wide-scale cooperation of disciplined "terror officials," cruel interrogators, snitches, executioners, guards, judges, perverts, and many bleeding hearts who were members of the progressive Western Left and were deceived by the Soviet regime of horror and even provided it with a kosher certificate.

All these things are well-known to some extent or another, even though the former Soviet Union's archives have not yet been fully opened to the public. But who knows about this? Within Russia itself, very few people have been brought to justice for their crimes in the NKVD's and KGB's service. The Russian public discourse today completely ignores the question of "How could it have happened to us?" As opposed to Eastern European nations, the Russians did not settle the score with their Stalinist past.

And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf."

Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his Book "Stalin: Court of the Red Star", Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women.

Stalin's close associates and loyalists included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich. Montefiore characterizes him as the "first Stalinist" and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind aside from the Nazi horrors and Mao's terror in China, did not move Kaganovich.

Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist.

In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges. In a fascinating lecture at a Tel Aviv University convention this week, Dr. Halfin described the waves of soviet terror as a "carnival of mass murder," "fantasy of purges", and "essianism of evil." Turns out that Jews too, when they become captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the greatest known by modern history.

The Jews active in official communist terror apparatuses (In the Soviet Union and abroad) and who at times led them, did not do this, obviously, as Jews, but rather, as Stalinists, communists, and "Soviet people." Therefore, we find it easy to ignore their origin and "play dumb": What do we have to do with them? But let's not forget them. My own view is different. I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things.

Even if we deny it, we cannot escape the Jewishness of "our hangmen," who served the Red Terror with loyalty and dedication from its establishment. After all, others will always remind us of their origin.

פרסום ראשון: 12.21.06, 23:35



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 - Originally written in Russian, it has been translated into German and French by a group of Professors who have offered their translations for free. A full proper English translation hasn't become available until now.

'Two Hundred Years Together' was written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the famous Russian dissident who won a Nobel Prize for Literature ('The Gulag Archipelago'). Consisting of two volumes, the first being concerned with Russian-Jewish history between 1795-1916, and the second; Jews in the Soviet Union, this book exposes the role of the Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and Soviet purges where 60+ Million people died. So, it is clear enough why the Zionists were never going to allow an English translation of Solzhenitsyn's work.

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Alexander Solzhenitsyn: 200 years together - English audiobook (part 1)

Alexander Solzhenitsyn: 200 years together - English audiobook (part 1)

Alexander Solzhenitsyn: 200 years together - English audiobook (part 2)



Medvedev's "maternal grandfather's first name was Veniamin - similar to the Hebrew Binyamin (Benjamin) - while his family name, Shaposhnikov, is sometimes a Jewish name." (Rumors that Putin's successor is Jewish.)

"Medvedev will be wonderful for the Jews," just as Putin was, declared Israeli-Russian businessman Lev Leviev, who heads the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia. (Rumors that Putin's successor is Jewish.)


Who Rules Russia: known politics, businessmen, journalists, actors of Russia

Let's see who rules modern Russia?
In this thread I suggest to post info about the most known politics, businessmen, journalists and actors of Russia. The emphasis should be to the ethnic origin of these people.
Educational thread for English-speaking visitors. Post materials in English (translate using, if no other choice).
Sources are to be supplied for everything
see also, the complementary thread: Putin, United Russia, etc - corrupt, criminal, anti-white regime - Stormfront (if this one is "who they are", that one is more about "what they do").
Also: putinism - Stormfront - Threads Tagged with putinism
Discussion regarding this topic and non-essential info has been moved/split out to a separate thread - Re: Who Rules Russia: known politics, businessmen, journalists, actors of Russia; follow there for seeing and/or contributing to discussion/chatter; any future chit chat here will be moved to that thread anyway, for brevity.
I try to ensure the hyperlinks and images stay working & keep Table of Contens up-to-date. Post in the discussion thread about dead links or any other problems.
-Forum moderator--------Table of Contens
(last name first)Oligarchs / Tycoons
Abramovich, Roman[...]probably one of the most famous "Russian" oligarhes in the world. Jew Roman Abramovich is one of the richest (or probably the richest) thieves and criminals in Russia, close friend of Yeltsin and protector/curator of Putin[...]Duma member [...]
President Vladimir Putin changed the law to abolish elections for regional governors, and on 21 October 2005 Abramovich was reappointed governor for another term." [...]Alekperov, Vagitan oligarch of mixed Azerbaijani (a Turkic Muslim ethnicity) - Slavic ancestry[...] eighth richest person in Russia with a net worth of $13.9B; President, and main stakeholder of the leading Russian oil company LUKOIL.
Aven, PyotrJewish oligarch banker (Alfa Bank, Alfa Group), controls Russia's largest private bank. $5.4B as of 2013. Connected to Putin and key Putin's administration officials since early 1990s
.Deripaska, OlegJew [...] member of the Board of Directors and CEO of United Company RUSAL, the largest aluminium company in the world and a President of Enplus Group[...] Vladimir Putin with Oleg Deripaska, said to be the richest man in Russia and a member of the Kremlin elite. $8.5B as of 2013. A known buddy of Nathaniel Rotschild. Deripaska is often described as "100% Putin loyalist", "Kremlin-friendly", "closely connected to the Kremlin" and even "the oligarch closest to Putin".
Fedun, Leonidancestry unclear (though sometimes believed to be a Jew). Billionaire ($7.1 B), owns one of the most popular football clubs in Russia. Anti-White. Likes Jews, finances campaigns and drives against "xenophobia" and "anti-semitism" in sports (among football fans).
Fridman, Mikhail MaratovichJew [...] Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Alfa Group Consortium, which is now one of the Russia's largest privately owned investment groups. In 2011, Forbes assessed his wealth as $15.1 billion, making him the 7th richest man in Russia [...]On excellent terms with Kremlin, member of Putin's Public Chamber; [...]one of the founders of the Russian Jewish Congress[...]large contribution to the work of the European Jewish Fund [...] developing European Jewry and promoting tolerance
Gutseriev, Mikhail Safarbekovich Ingush (* non-Slav, Muslim Caucasus ethnicity) entrepreneur and businessman. [...]. His family clan is the richest in Russia in 2013 and recent years. […] after successful deals with Putin's clans, all criminal cases were terminated and his family business is booming.
Kantor, Vyacheslav MosheJewish "chemicals tycoon" ($2.4B as of 2013), heads Acron, one of Russia's (and the world's) biggest fertilizer producers. Known as "Putin's ally and associate" with "close links to the Kremlin"; he is the current president of the European Jewish Congress and ex-president of Russian Jewish Congress, recognized as "one of the '50 Most Influential Jews in the World'" and a big time champion of anti-White thought-policing, repression and indoctrination, in Russia and worldwide.
Kerimov, Suleyman Abusaidovichan ethnic Lezgin born in Dagestan - a non-Slavic, traditionally Muslim Caucasus peoples, similar to Chechens [...] a secretive Kremlin-connected Russian tycoon. [...]Kerimov sometimes appears to be an extension of the Kremlin, the bankers say [...] the things [he does] seem to be in tandem with the government,” said Chris Barter, former co-chief executive of Goldman Sachs’ Moscow office [...] Suspiciously (*for a non-Jew) well-connected to the American/global juden-bankster oligopoly circles
Khan, German[...] a leading member of the Russian Jewish Congress [...] an active supporter of Jewish initiatives in Russia and Europe [...] large contribution to the work of the European Jewish Fund [...] aimed at developing European Jewry and promoting tolerance [...] On excellent terms with Kremlin. [...] Net Worth $10.5 B As of March 2013.
Mamut, AlexanderJewish oligarch and mafiozi, he has connections in the top levels of government: First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia in Putin's and Medvedev's cabinets, Igor Shuvalov, is an ex employee of Mamut's and they are strongly connected as associates. "He remains very close to the Kremlin and he is understood to be close to Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin". $2.3 B As of March 2013 (official and publicly known wealth).
Mikhelson, LeonidPart-Jewish although he doesn't publicly admit or identify with it. He controls Novatek - one of the most important natural gas companies in RF. $15.4 B As of March 2013. Deals and partnership with Kremlin-controlled Gazprom is a source of much of his fortune.
Prokhorov, Mikhail Dmitrievitch multibillionaire ($13B as of 2013) of Jewish-Russian-Osetian origin, jew by mother's side [...] politician, and owner of the American basketball team the Brooklyn Nets, and different nickel and gold producing factories in Russia. He is well known for his contempt towards workers and awful working conditions in his factories. On decent terms with Kremlin.
Rottenberg, Arkadiy (and his brother Boris)Jewish billionaire ($3.3B as of 2013, and $1.4B for Boris Rotenberg) and one of the richest men in Russia, personal friend of Putin, his former judo training partner. The huge capital he earned through personal acquaintance with V. Putin, last years he got practically unrestricted flow of budget money.
Shvidler, EugeneAnother Jewish billionaire ($1.3B as of 2013), natural resources tycoon, friend and partner of Abramovich. Together with Abramovich holds stakes in Evraz group - one of the biggest natural resource companies in Russia.
Usmanov, AlisherMuslim Asian (Uzbek) - the richest man of Russia and the United Kingdom. $17.6B as of 2013. [...]For his economic crimes he was even arrest and imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Today he gets awards of Putin [...] has "close links to the Kremlin" [...] married Jewish Irina Viner, a top rhythmic gymnastics coach, in 1992. She is considered to be close to Putin, having introduced him to his current partner, one of her former gymnasts, Alina Kabaeva
Vekselberg, ViktorJew [...] the richest man of Russia 2012. $15.1B As of 2013. This oligarh of mixed Jewish-Ukrainian origin is the owner of numerous oil and metallurgy plants of Russia [...]On good terms with Kremlin [...]
Lesser caliber non-Slavic (Jewish etc) tycoons and Putin's pals benefitting from state contractsZiyad Manasir , Iskander Mahmudo , Muslim Ziyaudin Magomedov, Aras Agalarov, Armenian Vazgen Gevorkyan
"State corporation oligarchs"
People entrusted with running huge multi-billion dollar state corporations and monopolies, they are somewhere in between an "oligarch" and administration official, and easily a match in influence to a Minister or Deputy Minister.
Chubais, Anatoly[...]Jew by mother's side[...] was an influential member of Boris Yeltsin's administration, insider of oligarchic mafia circles of 90s [...] receives awards from Putin and Medvedev, as well as control of multi-billion dollar state corporations - RAO UES and RUSNANO.
Kirienko, SergeyJew by father's side. A prominent liberal and supporter of Putin, was Prime Minister in Yeltsin's time. In Putin's Russia he heads Rosatom - a huge state corporation controlling the whole nuclear complex of RF - weaponry, R&D and power utilities - described as "state within a state, a powerful and secretive dominion with an almost limitless access to government funds and no accountability to either the state or the public.
"Officials / Kremlin administration under Putin and Medvedev
Dvorkovich, ArkadyJew; married to a non-Slav as well – wife is an ethnic Dagestani) […]an economist, was the Assistant to the President (* i.e. Putin) of the Russian Federation since 13 May 2008 til May 2012. In May 21, 2012 he was appointed as Deputy Prime Minister in Dmitry Medvedev's Cabinet
Fradkov, Mikhail Yefimovichfamily of Jewish origin on his father's side […] Russian politician and statesman who was the Prime Minister of Russia (* appointed by Putin) from March 2004 to September 2007. Fradkov has been the head of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service since 2007
Kalanda, Vladimirunknown asian/eurasian origin - obvious in looks, born in neighboring with China region. One of senior Putin's officials: Office of the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Migration Service, Federal Service of the Russian Federation for control of drug trafficking. His wife is the Vice President of Rosneft, Russia's leading extraction and refinement company and largest publicly traded oil company, owned by the Government of Russia.
Kalina, Isaak Josephovich[..]jew, [...] From 2010 till now - Head of Education Department of Moscow government. [...] In 2009-2012 - Deputy Chairman of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation to counter attempts to falsify history to the detriment of Russia.[...]
Kogan (Cohen), VladimirJewish banker, former co-owner of Industry and Construction Bank of St. Petersburg, a statesman. A close friend of Vladimir Putin from Putin's St. Petersburg days, also known as "Putin's banker". Director of the Department of Construction Ministry of Regional Development in 2008-2011, during the period from July to December 2012 - Deputy Minister of Regional Development - Head of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services.
Lavrov, Sergey ViktorovichRussian diplomat who has been the Foreign Minister of Russia since 2004. His nomination to the Foreign Minister office was approved by two Russian presidents, in 2008 by Dmitry Medvedev and in 2012 by Vladimir Putin. Lavrov was born in Moscow to an Armenian father from Tbilisi and Russian mother from Georgia. Big anti-White and anti-WN: Is an activist in everything “anti-nazi”, “anti-racist”(= code words for anti-White) - details inside.
Lesin, Mikhail YuriyevichJew. Minister of The press, TV broadcasting and Media under Putin (1999-2004), temporary acting Minister of Culture in 2004, presidential aide and advisor under Putin and Medvedev (2004-2009), Kremlin's "manager of mass media" and "spin doctor". Once described as "the most influential personality of Russian television and radio", his record includes creation of Kremlin-friendly Russia Today (RT), Putin's election campaign propaganda and much more.
Magomedov, Magomedsalam Magomedaliyevichan ethnic Dargi (non Slavic, Muslim Caucasus ethnicity)[…] was the President of Dagestan [...] appointment by the President of Russia […] Today he was appointed as "Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration"
Nurgaliev, Rashid Gumirovichtatar. 2000-2002 - deputy chief of FSB (KGB), 2002-2003 - deputy minister of home affairs (police) of Russia, 2003-2012 - minister of home affairs (police) of Russia, 2012-now - deputy chief of security council of Russia. Fighter against nationalism.
Pavlovsky, Gleb Olegovich[..]political scientist (he describes himself as a "political technologist") of jewish origin [...] adviser to the Presidential Administration of Russia until April, 2011 [...] one of behind the scenes masterminds and image shapers of Putin
Pollyeva, Dzhakhan Redzhepovnaethnic from turkmenian […] an Aide to the President of Russia
Reiman, Leonid Dododzhonovichfather was a tajik (asian muslim), mother was a German (jew?) [...]former Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Minister of Communications and Information Technologies of the Russian Federation. Leonid Reiman has been numerously rated most influential person in Russian telecom business with personal wealth over $1 bln., according to Finance magazine.
Sechin, Igorstrange looking - mystery meat? [...] Russian official, considered a close ally of Vladimir Putin. Sechin is often described as one of Putin's most conservative counselors and the leader of the Kremlin's Siloviki faction, a statist lobby gathering former security services agents [...] currently is Deputy Prime Minister of Russia in Vladimir Putin's cabinet.
Shoygu, Sergeymixed Slav with Turkic/Mongoloid [...] perennial minister of RF since Yeltsin's times. [...]Minister of Emergency Situations from 1991 to 2012 […] On November 6, 2012 he was appointed Minister of Defence of Russia. Was "at the root of" United Russia (Putin's party) from the beginning, party co-chairman in 2001–2005 and from 2005 and on he is also in the party's main leadership -- its Supreme Council.
Shuvalov, IgorNothing specific about ethnicity or parents; possibly a Slav. One of the most important officials in Putin's and Medvedev's cabinets. Another "oligarchs' man" in RF government, close personal and business connections with many of Russia's biggest oligarchs, including Kerimov, Usmanov and, most of all, the Jewish tycoon Aleksandr Mamut.
Sobyanin, Sergeynative Asian, the Mayor of Moscow. [...] was Deputy Prime Minister of Russia and former Head of the Administration of the President of Russia from 2005 to 2010
"Surkov", "Vladislav"(before name change - Aslambek Andarbekovich Dudaev) - half-Chechen, friend of Muslims[...]Vladislav Surkov is widely seen as the main ideologist of the Kremlin [...] contributed greatly to the electoral victory of President Vladimir Putin in 2004 [...] main architect of the current Russian political system [...] top aide to Vladimir Putin, First Deputy of the Chief of the Russian Presidential Administration from 1999 to 2011, Deputy Prime Minister from December 2011 to 8 May 2013
Yusufov, Igor HanukovichJewish businessman and statesman in Putin's Russia: 2001-2004 - Minister of Energy, July 29, 2004 to April 8, 2011 - The Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Energy Cooperation, Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; currently on board of directors of huge state monopoly Gazprom - one of the largest companies in the world.
Parliament: United Russia party, supporters of Putin, notable M.P.s
Hinstein, AlexanderJewish member of parliament, from the ruling party United Russia (Putin's party); member of the Presidium of United Russia - a handful of members who are the top ruling body of the party. Influential and prolific journalist and writer in Russia, advocate of Putin's government in media.
Sarafaliev, Gadzhimet Kerimovichethnic dagestanian (non-Slavic, Muslim Caucasus ethnicity), State Duma deputy from the Putin's party "United Russia", head of the Committee of Nationalities in parliament […] big supporter of mass-immigration from turkic-asian ex-USSR republics as well as “tolerance” brainwashing for Whites
Vasilyev, Vladimir Abdualievichpolitician of mixed Kazakh(Asian)-Russian origin. Since November 2012 he is the chief of Putin's party "United Russia" in the parliament.
Slutsker, VladimirJewish multi-millionaire and MP in 2002-2010, prominent member of Jewish social and religious organizations in Russia and worldwide. He and his wife (whom he divorced in 2009) are known as supporters of Putin, Medvedev and United Russia. Naturally, he worked to assist the "worker immigrants" who are "humiliated by the extremists". Reportedly a buddy of another Jewish oligarch - Roman Abramovich.
Zhirinovsky (Eidelstein), Vladimirpart Jew. Fake "opposition", in reality controlled by and servile to Kremlin. Fake "nationalist", neo-sovietist, the only kind of "nationalism" not banned in Putin's Russia and allowed non insignificant political representation.
Prominent TV and radio hosts
Shevchenko, Maksim[...]one of the leading journalists and "experts" of Putin's Russia, muslim activist, anti-White and active supporter of Putin.
Solovyov, Vladimir Rudolfovichpure jew [...] member of Russian Jewish Congress. He is the lead in the official debates in the parliamentary and presidential elections. […] In addition he's an active supporter for Putin personally and his party "United Russia", Solovyov is a frequent speaker at their meeting; hugely influential Russia's TV and radio journalist, leading pro-government TV journalist, one of the most prominent and recognizeable Russian Federation mainstream TV hosts/media personas
Lazar, BerelChief Rabbi of Russia, and chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities [...] member of the Public Chamber of Russia [...] Lazar is known for his close ties to Putin's Kremlin. [...] Vladimir Putin signed an edict to honor him with the Order of Friendship. This award is being presented for the contribution made by Rabbi Lazar to developing culture and strengthening friendship between nations within Russia [...] At the sixtieth anniversary commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz at the concentration camp, Putin gave a speech. His speech was followed by Lazar awarding Putin the so-called Salvation medal as a symbol of "the Jewish people's gratitude" to Russia for liberating the camp.
Spiegel, BorisJew; MP (senator), pharmaceuticals tycoon, anti-white activist, lobbyist and originator of multiple anti-white, anti-free speech thought crime legislative projects (signed into law and lauded by Putin); according to Jewish press "an oligarch who is closely tied to the Kremlin" and "firmly in the pro-Putin camp".---The Civic Chamber[...] a state institution with 126 members created in 2005 in Russia to analyze draft legislation and monitor the activities of the parliament, government and other government bodies of Russia and its Federal Subjects. It has a role similar to an oversight committee and has consultative powers. [...] The creation of the chamber was suggested by Vladimir Putin. Hard to find a White Slav - not Asian, Muslim or Semite – there.

Last edited by Poison; 05-04-2013 at 05:44 AM.

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The Rise of Putin and Fall of The Russian-Jewish Oligarchs (1/2)



Japan imported UK's naval technology and methods.

Jews Still in Control of Russia

JEWS STILL IN CONTROL OF RUSSIA When the Jews took over Russia with Communism, they killed the entire Gentile ruling and upper classes, and replaced them with a Jewish ruling elite which was part of a larger Jewish order. "Rosenthal also talks about a Jewish invisible government which also controls

 The Russian Presitent Vladimir Putin.

Vladimir Putin

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 "Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born on 7 October 1952 in Leningrad, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union (now Saint Petersburg),[20][21] the youngest of three children of Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin (1911–1999) and Maria Ivanovna Putina (née Shelomova; 1911–1998). Vladimir Spiridonovich's father was a cook to Vladimir Lenin.[22] Putin's birth was preceded by the deaths of two brothers, Viktor and Albert, born in the mid-1930s. Albert died in infancy and Viktor died of diphtheria during the Siege of Leningrad in World War II.[23] Putin's mother was a factory worker and his father was a conscript in the Soviet Navy, serving in the submarine fleet in the early 1930s. Early in World War II, his father served in the destruction battalion of the NKVD.[24][25][26] Later, he was transferred to the regular army and was severely wounded in 1942.[27] Putin's maternal grandmother was killed by the German occupiers of Tver region in 1941, and his maternal uncles disappeared at the war front.[28]"

Jewish roots of Russian president Vladimir Putin.


Screenshot 1smaller on putin

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Witnesses and cables from the American Embassy about the Jewish role in Bolshevik Revolution



Socialism/Communism was created by Jews.

I think you underestimate that fact that Communism was created by Judaism.

“Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.”
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935

“The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution”
The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250

“Jewry is the mother of Marxism.”
Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936

“Judaism is Marxism, communism”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 64

“The communist soul is the soul of Judaism.”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 143

“We Jews cannot be called upon to denounce Communism.”
The American Hebrew (New York), February 3, 1939, p. 11

“The picture which the Soviet Union presents today is one that should bring rejoicing to world Jewry.”
The Youngstown Jewish Times, Sept. 18, 1936, page 51

“It would be absurd to deny the intensity of the Jewish participation in the Russian revolutionary movement.”
Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York) July-September 1932, p. 106

“That achievement – the Russian-Jewish revolution – destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct.”
The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920

“The Bolshevik Government of Russia is the key-stone of the arch of the proof of the Jewish conspiracy for radicalism and world-domination.”
William Hard, The Great Jewish Conspiracy (New York: American Jewish Book Company, 1920), p. 31

“The Jewish elements provide the driving forces for communism”
Dr. Oscar Levy, in George Pitt-Rivers, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution (Oxford, 1920), p. ix

“The Jews [have been] furnishing for the Bolsheviks the majority of their leaders”
The Jewish World (London), April 16, 1919, p. 11

“Russian Jews have taken a prominent part in the Bolshevist movement”
The American Hebrew (New York), November 18, 1927, p. 20

 Screenshot 1bol ism

Bobby Fischer :

First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism.'
September 1992.

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  Feature History - Russo-Japanese War

 John C

"The Battle of Tsushima... now THERES a tale. With Russia's first Pacific squadron destroyed, they renamed the Baltic fleet the "Second Pacific Squadron" and told them to set sail for the Far East, relieve Port Arthur and destroy the Japanese fleet. And so, the absurd and epic journey of the Second Pacific Squadron began. The journey took months, and was hell. Most of the sailors were untrained peasants shanghaied into the whole thing, and Admiral Zinoviy Rozhestvensky and his second in command Nikolai Nebogatov, the poor guys put in charge, knew full well that they were all being sent to die. And thousands did. The battle wasn't so much as a battle as a massacre. The Russian ships, some modern, but many decrepit and obsolete vessels (referred to by Rozhestvensky as the "sink-by-themselves ships") were sunk one by one. The Russian fleet was crushed, and what remained of it was surrendered to the Japanese by Nebogatov (Rozhestvensky had been badly wounded) who was unwilling to see more of his men die pointless deaths. And of course, when he and Rozhestvensky returned to Russia, they were blamed for absolutely everything. The Tsar nearly executed them, but instead they were imprisoned, their naval careers ended and their names were forever tarnished." John C

Screenshot 1russian sost" data-mce-href="v"> How did Russia Lose the Russo-Japanese War? | Animated History

Rnl Valen

Japan imported UK's naval technology and methods.

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Rick Sanchez explains why Russian Nuclear Bombers are in Venezuela

 Americans need to know the history of broken US promises that led to Russia’s encirclement. During the re-unification of Germany in 1990, the US offered an “iron-clad guarantee” that NATO would expand “not one inch” toward Russia. When Soviet Premier Gorbachev agreed. Rick Sanchez explains how NATO’s subsequent history gives Russia a right feel threatened. Then, former US diplomat Jim Jatras joins to share his insights and expertise.

Norbert Rosendahl

The story even goes further .... Despite all these broken promises, in 2008 Putin was giving a speech in front of the German Bundestag, offering a global cooperation. Germany could be the moderator between Russia and the USA. The goal was international global agreements as win/win for everybody and a peaceful world. Wonderful plans ... the west ignored this offer and went back to cold war. In my opinion this was the BIGGEST, BIGGEST mistake, the US (and the rest of the west world) ever made. It missed a historical opportunity.

Rocky B

The USA and Israel have broken all the treaties and United Nations Resolutions. Just Israel has broken the UN Security Council Resolutions 338 times since 1968 concerning Palestine. Look it up

 Question MK-Question

They don't want Russia joining NATO because without phantom enemies, they will have zero excuse why they're ripping us off...
100s of bases surrounding Russia vs. 2 bombers. America is run by morons. Mike should replace Russia with America in that bs statement.
Abdiel Jimenez
No trust in American mainstream media.
I suspect the anti-Russia hysteria is being promoted by the US/EU/China-dominated NWO globalists who recognize that Russia is a capable, economically-nationalistic, highly independent nation and will never submit to a single global order. So, in the NWO/globalists mind, Russia must be made to submit in order for their plan to proceed. The NWO/Globalists have already taken over the EU and the US Deep State. Trump was an unexpected roadblock to them, but the Globalists remain undaunted in their pursuit of global domination. This is why the Globalists are dead set against any kind of cooperation between US economic nationalist Trump and Russia. The Globalists are in great fear of the spreading rise of economic nationalism. China is probably happy for the US and Russia to become mired in another Cold War as it takes our eyes off of what they're doing in Asia and elsewhere.
Damian Luch
the US opposes Russia because they thwarted Israel's expansion into Syria

Screenshot 1nato 1990

 Zoltan Kovats


Screenshot 1nato 2009

 Norbert Rosendahl

The story even goes further .... Despite all these broken promises, in 2008 Putin was giving a speech in front of the German Bundestag, offering a global cooperation. Germany could be the moderator between Russia and the USA. The goal was international global agreements as win/win for everybody and a peaceful world. Wonderful plans ... the west ignored this offer and went back to cold war. In my opinion this was the BIGGEST, BIGGEST mistake, the US (and the rest of the west world) ever made. It missed a historical opportunity.
michael johnson
Ironically the US government that keeps provoking Russia also wants to disarm its own people as well.
JEWS STILL IN CONTROL OF RUSSIA When the Jews took over Russia with Communism, they killed the entire Gentile ruling and upper classes, and replaced them with a Jewish ruling elite which was part of a larger Jewish order. "Rosenthal also talks about a Jewish invisible government which also controls


More Results

 The Russian Presitent Vladimir Putin.

Vladimir Putin

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 "Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born on 7 October 1952 in Leningrad, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union (now Saint Petersburg),[20][21] the youngest of three children of Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin (1911–1999) and Maria Ivanovna Putina (née Shelomova; 1911–1998). Vladimir Spiridonovich's father was a cook to Vladimir Lenin.[22] Putin's birth was preceded by the deaths of two brothers, Viktor and Albert, born in the mid-1930s. Albert died in infancy and Viktor died of diphtheria during the Siege of Leningrad in World War II.[23] Putin's mother was a factory worker and his father was a conscript in the Soviet Navy, serving in the submarine fleet in the early 1930s. Early in World War II, his father served in the destruction battalion of the NKVD.[24][25][26] Later, he was transferred to the regular army and was severely wounded in 1942.[27] Putin's maternal grandmother was killed by the German occupiers of Tver region in 1941, and his maternal uncles disappeared at the war front.[28]"

Jewish roots of Russian president Vladimir Putin.


 Screenshot 1bol ism

Screenshot 3b ccc

Kaitlin Bennett lists the ten best reasons not to vote for Bernie Sanders.

Top 10 Reasons NOT to Vote for Bernie Sanders

Bobby Fischer :

First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism.'
September 1992.


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Read 23806 times Last modified on Sunday, 13 October 2024 07:09