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  How a GREEK GOD Became the DEVIL in Christianity - Mythology Explained   @akatsukimercenary All the Pagan gods became demons in Christianity because that's how you subvert and revised the competition which at that point, Christianity was going at war with, with zealous fervor.    …
Published in Religions & Faiths
      14 Different Types of Human Species | Explained  7/12/2017   George Soros & Canada’s Metropolis Project
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  How the Intelligence Community Keeps "Deplorables" Out of Their Ranks (Original Episode aired June 12, 2024 on Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson. All Rights Reserved)The FBI, CIA, DIA etc. has reportedly been "purging" it's ranks of those who they consider conservative, MAGA, and/or potentially anti-Democratic Party.…
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Amish Americans Beat Covid Without Vaccines, Mandates, Or Lockdown The Amish are ahead of the curve when it comes to their approach on how best to deal with covid as they have now reached full herd immunity.     The Amish are a religious and culture community…
Published in Religions & Faiths
The Story of Cholera     HealthImpactNews                  
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Simon Roche of Suidlanders Poisoned "The Suidlanders is a South African organisation that anticipates an eventual collapse of infrastructure, and advocates and plans for evacuation of South Africans from the major cities when the anticipated revolution begins.[1][2] Their leader is Gustav Müller.[2] The ‘’’Suidlanders’’’ is constituted as…
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   Various surveys indicate that a large percentage of the population does not believe the official 9/11 story The Israeli MOSSAD was complicit in the destruction of the towers on 9/11. The false narrative about 19 hapless Muslims with box cutters causing three steel-framed buildings to fall…
Published in Legal & Politics
Parler back online with landing page & message from CEO Zero 2 Wealth Epik publicly reached out to Parler last week when others refused to host them. No surprise there. rick4electric We need CITIZEN COURTS! Corporate Courts must GO!  
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    Why Is It Always JEWISH Groups Trying to SHUT DOWN Free Speech?   tstan8795   You were so close let me finish that thought for you, if you are a third world immigrant or migrant and you think America is racist go back to the…
Operation “Israel Cyber Shield” Exposed: The Attack on Black America   Operation “Israel Cyber Shield” Exposed: The Attack on Black America February 11, 2019 NOI Research Articles, Blacks and Jews, History, Politics, Race Relations Operation “Israel Cyber Shield” The Attack on Black America, Minister Louis Farrakhan, and…
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Jews Claim Newly Discovered Ukrainian Victims Of Soviet Holomodor Were Jews ‘Gassed’ By Nazis July 28, 2020 By CFT Team 12 Comments Share Tweet Pin Share 78 years after they were allegedly ‘gassed’ by the Nazis, the remains of the bodies of 286 Jews, mostly women and…
    Jewish Groups Demand Open Borders- JEWS DO WANT NON JEWS IN ISRAEL The Truth about the SPLC Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda   Jewish Hypocrisy - Flooding Europe with Immigrants Stefan Molyneux asks jew why the hypocrisy on immigration
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Now I'll Show You What I Mean By 'Change' - David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast Keir Starmer is a Globalist. Wormwood1138 The 2024 Marxmerican selection is NO DIFFERENT, the money masters are offering two of their puppets (Trump & O'Biden) for the sheeple to decide between, nothing ever…
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  Shir Hever is Jewish.   Israeli BDS Coordinator Says Boycott of Israel is WORKING (w/ Shir Hever)    Shir Hever, the military embargo coordinator for the Boycott Divest & Sanctions movement, joins Bad Faith to explain how the BDS movement is effectively squeezing the Israeli economy…
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  European White Nationalist need to build National Congress in each country & European World Congress to Unite all organizations & Europeans                                                                Many people do not realize that the most powerful organizations in the world are Jewish. They developed solid community-based structures for their foundations and…
Published in Organizations