Various surveys indicate that a large percentage of the population does not believe the official 9/11 story
The Israeli MOSSAD was complicit in the destruction of the towers on 9/11.
The false narrative about 19 hapless Muslims with box cutters causing three steel-framed buildings to fall on 9/11 is a lie. Steel-framed buildings do not collapse on top of themselves, at near free-fall speeds, and end up as a pulverized dust pile. They obviously were destroyed with explosives. Building 7 was not hit by a plane, yet it was caused to collapse six hours after the planes hit.
The link is to a study that gives many references about people who were involved that are Jewish. They are there because you need to see that the Israeli Mossad (and CIA) was behind the False Flag event.

In Memory of Danny Jowenko 1955-2011 - Controlled Demolition Expert
Who Was Really Behind the 9-11 Attacks?

Updated on September 10, 2019
Various surveys indicate that a large percentage of the population does not believe the official 9/11 story. In fact, the more you examine the official narrative, the more questions and holes you begin to notice.
The journey to the truth about 9/11 can begin with a single question, before finally identifying the real culprits behind the attacks.
Phase 1: Questioning the official narrative. This is when you start to question the official story and start asking questions, such as, Why did World Trade Center building 7, which was never hit by any planes, fall to the ground in a perfectly controlled demolition?

Phase 2: Rejecting the official narrative and looking for answers. Once your curiosity is piqued, you may begin looking for answers. Unfortunately, many of those in the “9/11 truth” movement are steering people down endless rabbit holes that lead nowhere, while ignoring or obscuring the real culprits.
Phase 3: Identifying the true culprits behind 9/11 and the reasons for this “attack”. While phase 3 may be the end of the 9/11 journey, it can also be the beginning as you learn the real truth about other events and topics.
How to think about 9/11
In the video below, you can see Major General Albert Stubblebine, a high-ranking U.S. Army officer, explain how he slowly woke up to the truth about 9/11. Notice how General Stubblebine methodically acknowledges facts and then takes that collective information to form his opinion. This is the best way to think about 9/11 – i.e. going where the facts take you.
It is important to understand that you don’t need to have all the facts in order to reject the official narrative. Don’t get bogged down in minor details; keep the big picture in mind.
In other words, you don’t have to know exactly what happened to understand that the official story of 9/11 is a web of lies. In the grand scheme of things, knowing exactly what transpired is not very important. The key question is understanding who was behind 9/11 and the real reasons why it was carried out.
If you’re still on the fence, wondering if the official story is true, I’d suggest watching these videos:
Now let’s move on to Phase 3 – identifying the true culprits.
Who had the power to pull off 9/11?
Backup of video:
Unfortunately most people in the “9/11 truth” movement remain stuck, rejecting the official narrative, but never identifying the true culprits. Don’t get stuck debating the presence of nano-thermite; instead, focus on the culprits.
Here is Dr. Alan Sabrosky, a professor at the U.S. Army War College, clearly identifying the true culprits behind 9/11:

Israel did 9/11 - Dr. Alan Sabrosky - U.S Army War College
A Jewish U.S. Marine and a former Director at the U.S. Army War College points his finger with certainty at Israeli and American Zionists for planning and executing the 9/11 crimes. Only Israel benefitted. He calls for the culprits to be treated like the traitors they are.
And keep in mind that Alan Sabrosky is jewish, which dismisses anyone who wants to label him as just another antisemite.
9/11 Missing Links
When that video gets pulled, you can find the backup on Bitchute:
Christopher Bollyn discusses 9/11
(on Bitchute)
(on Bitchute)
Why Were Five Israelis Arrested On 9-11 for Celebrating The Attacks?
Recently, more evidence was released implicating the degree to which Israelis were involved in 9/11. Adam Green breaks down these developments in the video below.
Backup of the video:
More ties to Israel and Zionist Jews
Donald Trump has often discussed “dancing Muslims” on 9/11, but that is incorrect. The only people caught dancing on 9/11 were Israelis:
Additional sources
9/11 Cop Breaks Silence (Mossad Ties to 9/11 Attack) PDF by Dave Gahary
The Unz Review: 9/11 Was an Israeli Job (archive)
Wikispooks: 9/11 / Israel Did It (archive)
Israel Did 9/11, Not Muslims (archive)
What Really Happened: 9/11 (archive)
Thousands of Jews were away from the WTC, Pentagon on 9/11 (archive)
Odigo messaging service warning for Jews (archive)
Learn the truth and move on
In the grand scheme of things, 9/11 is just a small piece of the puzzle. Unfortunately, some people get stuck on one topic, whether it’s 9/11 or aspects of World War II.
Instead, it’s wise to share the truth with others and move on to learn about other important topics.
Now that you understand 9/11, keep going further. You are just beginning the journey and there’s a lot more to learn.